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篇一:关于旅游China Daily上的英文报道

关于旅游China Daily上的英文报道 An icy blast

Updated: 2013-01-18 16:14

( China Daily)

While birds fly south for the winter, people in China head north to see one of the country's most spectacular sights - the ice sculptures of Harbin

For a genuine taste of winter, combined with some of China's most amazing, if

temporary, sights, the place to head for is Harbin in Heilongjiang province. With a latitude as high as 46, similar to Vancouver, Harbin's winter lasts for about four months a year with temperatures falling to as low as - 40 C, which provides the city with an abundance of natural ice and snow.

Along with Japan's Sapporo Snow Festival, Canada's Quebec City Winter Carnival, and Norway's Ski Festival, Harbin Festival, which began in 1985, is one of the world's four largest ice and snow events.

It starts on Jan 5 and lasts for a month, during which time it overlaps with some of China's most important traditional festivals, including Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival. 1. Sun Island Park

Sun Island Park is said to be where Chinese ice sculpture originated. An exhibition of sculptures here runs for 60 to 70 days thanks to the city's weather. With the varied styles and enormous size of its ice sculptures, the Sun Island Festival is also known as the world's largest ice and snow carnival.

The sculptures are inspired by various cultures including those of Japan and Russia, which borders Heilongjiang province.

Besides the ice sculptures the park is packed with other entertainment, including an ice slide, snow puddle jumper, snow motorcycles and a snow maze.

The national snow sculpture competition also takes place in Sun Island Park, showcasing China's most amazing ice and snow creations.

Visiting the park in the day and at night offers different perspectives on the sculptures, with the artificial lighting of the evening giving them a very different look.

Prior to 1949 Sun Island Park was an expat resort and it retains a lot of the foreign architecture. This helps to make it an interesting and fun place to visit in both the winter and summer.

2. Zhaolin Park Located in the center of the city, alongside Songhua River, Zhaolin Park is a paradise for children. An entertainment park designed by Disney, it has ice sculptures of some of the world's most recognizable cartoon characters.

Some 1,500 ice sculptures are displayed across the park's 6.5 hectares and as much as 2,000 cubic meters of ice are used each year creating them. The ice comes from the nearby Songhua River.

The ice lantern is said to have been invented by local fishermen and farmers who had to work outdoors. In the old days, people would pour water into a bucket, let it freeze into the shape of a lampshade and put in a candle so that the fire wouldn't be blown out by the wind. It soon became popular among people who couldn't afford a lantern during the Lantern Festival and gained the nickname "Pauper Light".

Zhaolin Park contains one of the largest outdoor ice lantern exhibitions. It is listed by the National Tourism Administration as one of the 35 most amazing scenic spots in China. 3. Ice and Snow World

Ice and Snow World is perhaps the most magnificent of the three ice sculpture parks. It holds a Guinness world record as the largest ice sculpture park in the world. Every year, the park takes on a new theme.

Walking, or taking a carriage through the park if trudging through the snow becomes too much, you'll see sculptures reflecting elements of both Chinese and overseas cultures. The sights are a combination of ice lanterns and ice sculptures inspired by traditional Chinese fairytales and world-famous architecture.

In previous years, sculptures have included St. Petersburg Cathedral and the Paris Opera House, but as the ice comes and goes each year, there is a fresh and exciting new set of work.

The world of ice doesn't stop at sculptures. There are also ice bars, ice hotels, snow climbing, snow golf and snow football.

Thundering waters

Updated: 2013-03-14 09:46

By Erik Nilsson ( China Daily)

The Grand and the Thundering falls are two of the most breathtaking rapids in China. Even ancient explorer Xu Xiake, imperial China's Indiana Jones, was captivated, Erik Nilsson reports.

As a country laced with rivers and with a topography crumpled into mountains by three tectonic plates collisions, China is awash with waterfalls.

That said, Huangguoshu (Yellow Fruit Tree) National Waterfall Park outside Guizhou's provincial capital Guiyang attracts the greatest deluge of travelers, as perhaps the largest chain of cascades in the country and on the continent.

And while Huangguoshu's 18 cataracts stand out in China, two rise above the rest - the Grand and the Thundering falls.

Rocks at the top of the Grand Waterfall's crest slice the river into a 101-meter-wide span of water ribbons that flutter 78 meters into the Rhinoceros Pond.

This torrent discharges an aerosol that beads up on visitors, even on the river's other side, and often creates a rainbow or two, especially from 9 to 11 am. You'll leave wet. About 700 cubic meters of water whoosh over the precipice per second.

Ancient explorer Xu Xiake - imperial China's Indiana Jones - compared the cataract's dynamics to "smoke flying in a marvelous way" in 1638.

Visitors can hike behind the cascade through the 134-meter Water Curtain Cave.

The tunnel's walls are pocked with six "windows" through which the gushing water can be seen behind a frame of ferns and vines.

Visitors leave the Grand Waterfall via the Grand Escalator, which pulls them up the mountainside to the Miniscape Garden.

The garden's hundreds of bonsais, rock formations and pools create an idyllic quaintness that contrasts with the ferocity of the Grand Waterfall's deluge

May all your springs be white

Updated: 2013-03-11 15:23

By Wu Ni ( China Daily)

A sea of perfumed narcissus is coming into full bloom in the Shanghai Binjiang Forest Park.

With their jade-white petals, golden yellow center, fresh green leaves and

gracefully upright stalks, narcissus grown in Chongming Island feature naturally grown bulbs, little branching and enduring fragrance.

The flower is often cultivated to bloom indoors around the Lunar New Year so that they can decorate the household during festival - people believe it will bring wealth and fortune to the family. And now it is time to enjoy narcissus outdoors.

The park introduced 20,000 bulbs of Chongming narcissus and planted them in the ground, instead of the traditional pots. It is the first time that the famed flowers have blossomed on such a large scale in a park.

In an artistic planting scheme, narcissuses are planted to form various shapes, like squares or ribbons against the tall green arbors and beside brooks.

Some 10,000 Songjiang silverbud willows were introduced to be neighbors of the narcissus, adding another flavor of spring to the scene.

Chongming narcissus, silverbud willows originally grown in Songjiang district, and wintersweet flowers in Jiading district are known as the "three treasure plants of Shanghai".

Shi Kesong, whose family has been growing narcissus on the island for more than 100 years, says that the fragrance of Chongming narcissus is light at the first phase of its bloom. "But when about 90 percent of the large scale of

narcissuses come to blossom, the dense perfume can be detected when you are more than 10 meters away," Shi says.

As the temperature rises, the flowers are expected to be in full blossom around mid-March and continue their show until early April.

Chongming Island, together with Zhangzhou in Fujian province and Putuo in Zhejiang province, are the three top growing areas for Chinese narcissus. Narcissus was grown around 500 years ago on the island. Legend has it that long ago a boat from Zhangzhou, fully loaded with narcissus bulbs, sank at the mouth of the Yangtze River near the Chongming Island.

A few years later, white and yellow flowers blossomed along the shore. Local people dug them up and transplanted them to their home gardens. The flower eventually became the well-known Chongming narcissus.

Resting place of tranquility

Updated: 2013-03-04 09:21

By Hilton Yip ( China Daily)

Luoyang served as the capital of 13 Chinese dynasties and kingdoms. Hilton Yip lists some of the attractions of the ancient city.

When you ask an expatriate to name the four ancient great capitals of China, most will list them in this order: Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and lastly, Luoyang in Henan province. Luoyang may lack the modernization and fame of the other capitals, but it boasts several famous sights, including Longmen Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It also has an impressive museum, housed in a

new building, and the first Buddhist temple in China, the approximately 1,950-year-old White Horse Temple.

With a history dating back to the 12th century BC, Luoyang served as the capital of 13 dynasties and kingdoms, including the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220) and the Kingdom of Wei, during the famed Three Kingdoms (AD 220-280) period. During the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), it was the Eastern Capital, second only to the imperial capital Xi'an.

The first place to grasp Luoyang's 3,000 years plus heritage is at Luoyang Museum.

Housed in a massive reddish-brown building perched grandly atop a gray foundation overlooking a park, the museum dominates its landscape.

This is a new building, which the Luoyang Museum moved into in 2011, having been operating since 1958 at previous locations. In fact, it is so new that

websites and even some Luoyang locals, whom I spoke to on a bus, still think the museum is at its previous location.

The museum's spacious interior features an extensive collection of artifacts that date from the Xia Dynasty (c.21st century-16th century BC) to the Tang Dynasty. The famous Tangsancai, tri-colored glazed ceramic horses and camels of the Tang Dynasty are of course, on display prominently.

For those who want to see truly ancient artifacts, there is a fully upright skeleton of an Asian mammoth (Palaeoloxodon naumanni), fossils from the Paleolithic age, prehistoric artifacts from 5,000 years ago, as well as ding (cauldrons) from the Xia Dynasty.

The main reason to visit Luoyang is Longmen Grottoes, one of the four most famous Buddhist grottoes in China.

Here, past emperors ordered tens of thousands (no exaggeration) of Buddhist statues carved into caves in the cliffs along both sides of the Yihe River.

The most impressive are the nine giant Buddhas that stand several stories high, with the highest at 17 meters, flanked by heavenly kings, temple guards and other divine figures.

In contrast, some tiny Buddha carvings were smaller than the palm of my hand while others were human-sized. The fine craftsmanship and the massive

numbers of carvings alongside the cliff walls made me think of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.



初三英语学科 2015.1


Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力


Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音、词汇和语法)

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)

26. Which of the following word matches the sound /st?:ri/?

A) store B) story C) study D) slowly

27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?

A) Tom refused to go shopping with his mum..

B) A good detective never jumps to a conclusion.

C) Excuse me, can you tell me where the hospital is?

D) We had a good time in that amusement park. 28. All the visitors are asked to to line up quietly and go into the exhibition hall one at ____ time.

A) the B) / C) a D) an

29. You can always see people exercise in that park, even _____ cold winter mornings.

A) onB) in C) at D) from

30. Quite a few people like to take photos of _____ and share them through WeChat.

A) theyB) theirs C) themselves D) them

31. After the earthquake, some decided to leave and _____ chose to stay to rebuild their hometown.

A) otherB) the otherC) othersD) the others

32. Malala Yousafzai, a seventeen-year-old teenager, is _____ Nobel Prize winner in history.

A) young B) youngerC) youngestD) the youngest

33. A: _____ does this pair of new Nike shoes belong to?

B: It must be Jeff’s. It’s his birthday present from his dad.

A) WhatB) Who C) Which D) Whose

34. After the accident, the careless driver has to pay﹩9500 _____ the damage of the car. A) on B) to C) for D) with

35. The famous writer promised that she _____ all the money for her new book to charity.

A) gaveB) would giveC) has given D) is giving

36. It’s proved that we _____ improve our memory by using various memorizing methods.

A) canB) must C) shouldD) need

37. Hello Kitty _____ popular around the world since it was created in 1974 by a Japanese


A) is B) was C) will be D) has been

38. _____ helpless the poor little girl is after she lost both her parents in the car accident!

A) HowB) What C) What aD) What an

39. Every year the artist ______ two months living in the mountain and painting.

A) has spentB) will spendC) spendsD) spent

40. The organizer decided to cancel the concert _____ the tickets didn’t sell very well.

A) if B) until C) although D) because

41. The young had better _____ to be responsible for their own decisions.

A) to learnB) learning C) learnD) learnt

42. The two girls seem to become _____ to each other than before after the competition.

A) closeB) closerC) closestD) the closest

43. If you travel around the world, you will be surprised at ________.

A) how different the foreign customs are

B) how the foreign customs are different

C) how different are the foreign customs

D) how are the foreign customs different

44. A: Sorry I’m late, but the bus broke down.

B: _______

A) Don’t say that.

B) Of course.

C) That’s all right

D) Congratulations.

45. A: Would you like to join us in the picnic?

B: _______

A) Not at all.

B) I don’t think so.

C) I’d like to, but I can’t.

D) It’s very kind of you.

III.complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used


Dogs are not the only animals that can be trained to help people. Helping Hands, an oraganization in the USA, trains capuchin monkeys to be helpers for people in wheelchairs who cannot move their arms or legs. More than 20 years ago, Dr.M.J Willard thought that a monkey might be able to people, they are also wonderful partners.

Capuchin monkeys are found in the wild in South Central America. They are about the

Everyday tasks, like turning on a light, putting something in the fridge, or pressing “play”on a CD player, can be difficult for someone who can not use his orher arms and legs. Capuchin .Helping hands matches people with disabilities to monkeys who can help them. But the close between the monkeys and their owners happen all on their own. The monkeys and their owners become friends and learn to depend on each other. Some owners say the monkeys are almost like children to them. The monkeys can be naughty(调皮的) and sometimes like to play tricks on their owners. This is especially ture of young monkeys.Mostly, they like to their owners. They like the sweets they recieve when they do a good job, and they like to be praised.

IV.Comeplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)

54. 55. Emily left her parents and came to teach in China in her late 56. The school is planning to some parents to share their success stories with the students.(invitation)

57. It’s)

58. Some runners quit(退出)the marathon because they thought it was run in the haze.(harm)

59. Dan’s neighbor is from and the family has 3 lovely children.(German)

60. It is no old child that much. He can’t understand at all.(useful)

61. , some comic strips appear in different frame sizes.(various)

V. Complete the following sentences as required.

62. There are many unusual inventions on show in that exhibition.(改为反意疑问句) There are many unusual inventions on show in that exhibition,________ _________?

63. A Dutch artist Florentijin Hofman designed the famous big yellow rubber duck.(改为被动语态)

The famous big yellow rubber duck_________ __________ by a Dutch artist Florentijin Hofman.

64. ken said to them, “You should ask the teacher for help.(合并两句为简单句)

Ken advised them __________ __________ the teacher for help.

65. used to be Tom’s favorite.(对划线部分提问)

_________ restaurant ________ Tom’s favorite?

66. I won’t start the car unless you put on your seat belt.(保持句意基本不变)

I won’t start the car________ you__________ put on your seat belt.

67. Jeff took the vase out of the safe very carefully in order not to break it.(保持句意基本不变) Jeff took the vase out of the safe with _______ __________ in order not to break it.

68. left, the lights, he, in a hurry,and, the office, turned off(连词成句)


Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)

VI Reading comprehension

A .Choose the best answer

The popular Disneyland has some deep, dark, and sometimes amusing secrets that you probably don't know. Read on to learn them.

the popular Disneyland has some deep,dark,and sometimes amusing

General Main Street

By using a special method of construction(建筑), Disneyland created an effect that you don't notice until your tired family leaves the park. The next time you enter Disneyland, make note of the distance that it appears you have to travel to get to the “Partners” statue. Then look at the exit of the park from the statue. That's correct. The distance appears to be shorter entering the park than going out. The purpose was to keep guests from wanting to take the long walk out. Birthday fun

If you visit Disneyland on your birthday, be sure to tell the person at the gate that it's your big day. You'll be sent to City Hall where you'll be presented with a special sticker by cast members, letting everyone know it's your birthday. You may also be able to score special items from other cast members throughout the park, so it's certainly worth a try!

The music never stops.

visitors like the music and sounds in the park.Did you know the music never stops at the park? Even when the park was closed,the music and sounds are kept on going.Some believe it cost too much for Disney to keep turning off the music and then restarting it each day.But the truth is that it helps some workers clean up after 2 a.m!

Club 33

“Club 33” is the only place in Disneyland that provides guests with alcoholic beverages(酒精饮料). Club 33 members and their guests get free entrance to Disneyland so long as they have a meal at Club 33 on the day of their visit.

69. There are ________amusing secrets about Disneyland mentioned in this passage.

A.twoB. three C.four D.five

70.________makes the distance going out of the park seem to be longer.

A.The “partner’’ statueB.The gate of the park

C. The construction along the street D.the music in the park

71.If you tell the staff it’s your birthday,you will___________.

A.get free entrance to Disneyland given a special gift at the City Hall taken to Club 33 and have a meal

D.let everyone in the park know your name

72.The music never stops at the park because __________.

A.visitors like the music and the sounds very much’s difficult to shut off the music and the sounds

C.Disneyland has to pay a lot to restart the music every day may keep some late night workers awake and full of energy.

73.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true? won’t have fun on your birthday unless you tell the person at the gate.

B. Club 33 members may go into the park for free the same day they have a meal there.



Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (10 points)

《英语》(中山大学出版社),第二册,第70-72页,Listening Tasks, Task 1&2.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET

1. They held a grand party to _______ the huge success of their research.

A. great B. celebrate C. congratulateD. appreciate

2. He took a look at my new watch and said it was a good________.

A. condition B. priceC. quality D. bargain

3. I am confident of my ability to _______ the teaching job you may give me in this university.

A. insist B. endure C. handle D. suit

4. “A good man has been taken from us,” she said, struggling to _______ tears.

A. dry out B. pull out C. look forD. keep back

5. The new reports have completely_______ the public on both the progress of the investigation and the cause of the accident.

A. misunderstood B. misled C. mistreatedD. mistaken

6. We would like to ______ you that we have not had a reply yet from you to our question.

A. remind B. remember C. recall D. repeat

7. ________ he said these words, everyone looked up at him as if they had never seen him before.

A. The timeB. The moment C. The occasionD. The present

8. It is hard for us ______ nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers(先驱者).

A. realizes B. realizing C. realized D. to realize

9. We could do nothing but _______ the order.

A. obeyB. obeying C. to obey D. obeyed

10. He ________ live in the country than in the city.

A. would B. likes to C. would rather D. had better

11. _________ the examination, we felt very nervous and could fall asleep.

A. In case of B. On the eve of C. In addition toD. In the event of

12. If you put your mind _______, you’ll succeed in the future.

A. to learn English B. to learning EnglishC. learning English D. learning English

13. The door is to be used only in _____.

A. an emergency B. lovelinessC. ironingD. pleasure

14. Please wait for me at the gate. I’ll ___ there.

A. bring back you B. go you round C. make you driveD. pick you up

15. He’d ____ live in the country than in the city.

A. better B. rather C. likesD. best

16. Although Chinese is his mother _____, he doesn’t understand what is said.

A. language B. saying C. tongue D. speaking

17. It is a bad habit to smoke ________.

A. on public B. for public C. in publicD. at public

18. The twins are so much ___ that people find it difficult to tell the one from the other.

A. alikeB. likely C. like D. liking

19. When I saw her facial ________, I knew she was angry.

A. appearance B. expressionC. looking D. feeling

20. The country has experienced ____ changes since the economic reform.

A. littleB. directlyC. instantlyD. significant

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A , B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANWSER SHEET

Passage One

Walt Disney has taken over my daughter’s brain. She’s not even two years old, but she likes stories of Snow White, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. All the stories have the same plot: The girls in the stories are all beautiful, but sad. Or in a coma(昏迷). But wait! Here comes a handsome prince! He kisses her! She’s happy! Everybody’s happy! Even the plants are dancing happily.

I have a big problem with this. I don’t want my daughter growing up believing that handsome prince means lifetime happiness. But it seems to be a different message in The Beauty and the Beast: the beautiful girl loves an ugly beast. The message of this story is: Appearance doesn’t matter! Inner beauty is important! But this message becomes nothing at the end when the spell on the beast is finally broken and he becomes a handsome young man. My daughter takes in the Disney stories the way a man drinks beer. So I try to lead her away from these romantic girlish dreams and ask her to take part in realistic activities.

Sometimes she does spend a few minutes watching football with me. She clearly understands the game. But after only a few minutes, she gets bored with football and wants to go back to playing Snow White. handsome prince and all the other characters are played by her toys. Over and over, in her little hands, these toys became alive: Snow White is put to sleep by the big apple; she is awakened by the handsome prince; everybody dances around happily.

But I am not happy. I am eager for her to grow up so that I can explain to her that men, especially handsome men, are not all nice. I will tell her that she will not be allowed to date until she is at least 46 years old.

I’m just kidding, of course. I may be a protective dad, but I’m also a realistic and reasonable person. She can date when she is old enough to know about life.








1. In Para. 2, the sentence “ This is the basic Disney message.” means that __________.

A. this is what the Disney stories tell B. this is the message from Disneyland

C. this is basic message felt by my daughter

D. this message is mainly told by Walt Disney himself.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. I don’t agree with the basic Disney message..

B. My daughter can understand football matches.

C. My daughter prefers playing Snow White to watching football matches

D. The story of The Beauty and the Beast tells us a completely different message from other

Disney stories.

3. Which word is NOT appropriate for describing the father?

A. Realistic. B. Protective. C. Reasonable D. Irresponsible

4. In Para. 4, the sentence “This is a game she plays 814,000 times every day.” Means that _______.

A. She plays this game 814,000 times every day exactly

B. She plays this game so many times a day and she is very tired

C. She likes this game so much that she plays it many times a day

D. She plays this game so many times a day that I can’t remember the exact number.

5. Which word best describes the tone(语气) of the author?

A. Indifferent(冷淡的) B. Humorous(幽默的) C. Pessimistic(悲观的) D. Optimistic(乐观的)

Passage Two

Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They will choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is very real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie and for two hours they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic and beautiful than in real life. The biggest “dream factories” are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios(制作室)make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world.

American movies are popular because they tell interesting stories and they are well made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can’t. People have to cope with many problems and frustrations in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the good guys” win in the movies.




6. What’s the main reason for the Americans to go to the movies?

A. To enjoy a good story B. To see the actors and actresses

C. To experience an exciting life D. To escape their everyday life

7. How do people usually respond when they are watching movies?

A. They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them.

B. They are touched by the life stories of the actors and actresses.

C. They try to turn their dreams into reality.

D. They become so involve that they forget their won problems.

8. A typical American movie is about _______hour(s) in length.

A. one B. twoC. two and half D. three

9. Which of the following is NOT true about the dream world created in movies?

A. It’s beautifulB. It’s like real lifeC. It’s romantic D. It’s ueal

10. Why are American movies so popular?

A. Because they are well made and the stories are interesting.

B. Because the heroes have to cope with many problems and frustrations.

C. Because the characters in the movies are free to do whatever they like

D. Because good guys in the movies always win in the end.

Passage Three

Not everybody reads the daily newspaper. People who do not read newspapers are sometimes referred to as noeaders. Early research has shown that noeaders are generally low in education, low in income, either very young or very old. In addition, noeaders are more likely to live in rural areas and have less contact with neighbors and friends. Other studies showed that noeaders tend to isolate themselves from the community, are less likely to own a home and seldom belong to local voluntary organizations. Why don’t these people read daily paper? They say they don’t have the time, they prefer radio or TV, they have no interest in reading at all and besides they think newspapers are too expensive.

Recent surveys, however, have indicated that the portrait of the noeaders is more complicated than first thought. There appears to be a group of noeaders that does not fit the type mention above. They are high in income and fall into the age group of twenty-six to sixty-five. They are far more likely to report that they don’t have the time to read the papers and they have no interesting the content. Editors and publishers are attempting to win them back. First they are adding news briefs and comprehensive indexes(索引). This will help overcome the time problem. And they are also giving variety to newspaper contents to help build the readers’ interest.



11. What is typical of noeaders according to the earlier research?

A. They live in isolated areas.

B. They are active in voluntary (志愿的) services.

C. They are interested in other kinds of reading.

D. They tend to be low in education and income.

12. These people don’t read daily paper because ______

A. they are more interested in radio or TV

B. they can’t read because they didn’t have much education

C. they don’t believe what is reported in newspapers

D. they prefer getting news from neighbors and friends.

13. What are the findings of recent surveys?

A. The number of newspaper readers is steadily increasing.

B. There are more noeaders among young people nowadays.

C. There are more uneducated people among the wealthy than originally expected.

D. The reasons why people don’t read newspapers are more complicated than thought.

14. According to the recent research, most noeaders are ________in age.

A. younger than 26 B. younger than 26 or older than 65

C. older than 65D. older than 26 and younger than 65

15. What are editors and publishers doing to attract the noeaders?

A. Shortening their news stories.

B. Lowering the prices of their newspaper content.

C. Adding variety to their newspaper content

D. Including more advertisements in their newspapers

Passage Four

There is a definite possibility that the climate of the world may be changing. Some scientists imagine that this could even mean the beginning of another ice age. The effects of such a change in climate on the human population of the world would be astonishing.

Recent research suggests that the general warming trend of the past hundred years or so may be coming to an end. During the past ten years, meteorologists tell us the average temperature of the earth has dropped about one degree Fahrenheit. This does not seem like much, but it could have effects on wind and rain patterns which influence the overall weather picture. If these patterns change a lot, it could mean that certain regions of the world may continue to have long droughts while others will possibly suffer from widespread flooding.

What regulates (调节) the climate is not exactly known. Scientists believe that clouds may be an important factor in regulating the amount of solar (太阳的 ) heat held by the earth, which in turn determines the temperature of the planet. Another possibility is that man’s industrial and agricultural methods may be affecting the natural weather patterns. However, the weather is not understood well enough for scientists to say for certain what is happening to the climate and what side effects this

