
更新时间:2024-03-19 11:10:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




1. Say something about the duties of the waiter / waitress 说一下餐厅服务员的工作职责是什么. 2. What’s your daily job? 你的日常工作是什么?

3. Do you think a cordial smile is important when you are serving the guests? Why?


4. How big is your restaurant? How many dining-seats? 你们的餐厅有多大?有多少张桌子?

5. Do you know how to set up table? 知道怎样摆台吗? 6. What’s your shift? 你都有什么班次?

7. How do you make sure you can make guests happy in the restaurant with F & B service?


8. If the guest gets angry about the dish, what should you do? 如果顾客对菜品不满意你该怎么办? 9. Why do you apply for waiter /waitress? 你为什么申请服务员这个职位?

10. How do you take order? 怎样进行点单? 11. What is good service? / What’s the teamwork?

什么是优质的服务? 什么是团队精神? 12. How can you provide unique service? 怎样做到独一无二的服务? 13. Do you know what customer service is? 你知道什么是客户服务吗?

14. What will you do when you finish the job? 工作之余做些什么?

15. What do you like in your job? And what you don’t like? 在你的工作中你喜欢做什么?不喜欢什么? 16. What is your character? 你的个性怎样?

17. Do you know Chinese cuisine? 你知道中国的菜系吗? 18. Can you name some dishes? / soups? / salads / main dish? 能说出一些菜的名字吗?汤的名字?色拉?主菜? 19. What is your special dish today? 今天的特色菜是什么? 20. What kind of boss do you expect? What do you think of your boss?


21. How many floors in your hotel? Which floor is your restaurant in? 你们的酒店有几层楼?餐厅在几楼?

22. What’s the name of your supervisor? 你们的主管叫什么名字?

23. How many restaurants are there in your hotel?酒店里有多少餐


24. What is the name of your restaurant ?餐厅的名字? 25. Can you describe your hotel ? 能描述一下你们的酒店吗 26. What is your weakness during work? 你在工作中的缺点是什么 27. What are some foods that you know are healthy for your health? 你知道什么食物对身体有益吗?

28. How to handle mistakes in the work, give example. 工作中出现错误怎样处理,举例说明 29. How many staff working in your restaurant? 餐厅有多少员工?

30. If you and your roommates have conflicts, will that affect your work?

如果你与你的室友发生矛盾会影响工作吗 31. How do you handle complaints from the guests? 怎样处理客人的投诉 (Listen-apologize-settle-thanks)


1. Do you know any knowledge about wine? 你懂酒吗? 2. Can you name some cocktails? 你可以说出一些鸡尾酒的名字吗? 3. Do you know how to make cocktail? 知道怎样调制鸡尾酒吗?


1. Why do you apply for room attendant? 你为什么申请做客房服务员?

2. What’s your main duty? 主要的工作职责? 3. What do you think of your responsibility for this job? 您认为您的岗位职责有哪些?

4. How do you make rooms? 你怎样打扫房间? 5. How many rooms are there in your hotel? 酒店有多少间房间?

6. How many deluxe rooms?Executive rooms / suites? 有多少豪华间?行政间和套间?

7. What is the room rate today for single room? 今天的房价是多少?

8. How long do you need to make up a room? 打扫一间房间需要多长时间?

9. How many rooms can you clean/make every day?


10. How long can you make a bed ? 铺一张床需要多长时间? 11. How to make the bed? 怎样铺床?

12. How many pillows you put on the bed? 床上有几个枕头?

13. Whom can you ask for help when you meet problems you can’t solve? 遇到解决不了的问题向谁求助?

14. What should you prepare for cleaning a bath room?


15. How to clean the bath room? 怎样打扫卫生间? 16. What kind of detergent do you usually use? 通常用什么清洁剂?

17. How to make turn-down service? 怎样做夜床? 18. How many rooms do you do turn-down service everyday? 19. Do you know how many things on the pushcart? 客房打扫房间的时候推的手推车上都放有那些东西? 20. How many tools will you take with you?



1. What's your name? May I know your full name? May i know you first / family / name or surname? 你的姓名,你的全名,你姓什么?

2. Tell me your birthday, What's your date of birth? When were u born? 告诉我你的生日,你的出生日期是什么? 你什么时候出生的? 3. Where are you from? Where is your native place, Where is your


你是哪儿人,哪是你的祖籍,你的家乡是哪里? 4. How tall are you? How much is your weight? 你有多高,多重?

5. Say something about your family. What does your father do? How many people are there in your family? Are you married? Are you single?

说说你的家庭情况,你父亲是做什么的?你家有几口人? 你结婚了吗?你是单身吗?

6.Where did you graduate from? When did you graduated from your school? What was your major?

你从那个学校毕业的? 你什么时候毕业的,你的专业是什么? 7. What's your job? do you have a job now? Where do you work? 你做什么工作,你有工作吗? 你在哪儿工作?

8. What time do you go to work? What is your duty shift? How many hours do you work?


9. How do you find the job? Do you like it? Why?

你对工作的看法是什么样的,你喜欢这份工作吗,为什么? 10. Why do you want to work abroad? / Why do you want to come to Dubai?

你为什么想到国外工作? / 为什么要来迪拜?

11. How much do you know about UAE? 你对阿联酋的了解有多少? 12. What kind of job are you doing? What’s your duty/responsibility? 你目前做什么工作, 每天都干些什么?

13. Have you met any problem or difficulties with your work? 在工作中遇到过什么困难吗?

14. What is your personality? 你是什么样的性格? 15. What do you think of the service job? 你对于服务性行业的看法是什么? 16. What is the most important in service line? 你认为从事服务业最重要做到什么?

17. Do you know about your salary and treatment if you join us/if you come here?

你知道如果你到我们公司来工作,是什么样的薪水和待遇吗? 18. What's your hobby? 你的爱好是什么? 19. Do you like team work? 你喜欢和大家一起工作吗? 20. Can you get on well with other nationalities? 你能不能与其他国籍的员工友好相处? 21. Why do you want to leave /quit your present job 你为什么要辞去现在的工作?

22. Do you think you are suitable for work in the service industry?


23. Why should we hire you? 公司为什么要雇佣你? 24. Do you have any religion? 你有宗教信仰吗?

25. If there are several things happening the same time, how can you solve it? 如果几件事情同时发生,你应怎样处理? 26. Can you quickly suit the new environment? 你能很快地适应新环境吗?

27. When your personal affairs affect your work, how can your resolve it? 当你个人的事情影响到了工作你应该怎么办? 28. Why did you choose to attend your college / major? 你为什么要选择你的学院或专业? 29. How would you receive a difficult customer? 你怎样对待一个不易相处的客人? 30. What did your parents want you to become? 你的父母希望你以后怎样?

31. If you are interviewer, what kind of candidates do you like? 如果你是考官喜欢什么样的人员?

32. What do you expect to be doing five years from now? 你希望在未来五年做些什么? 33. What were your favorite classes? Why? 你最喜欢的课程是什么?为什么?

34. Do you come to a decision quickly? Give an example 你能很快地做出决定吗? 举例说明

35. How would you communicate with a person who may not like you? 你怎样和一个不喜欢你的人进行沟通? 36. Can you sell yourself in two minutes? 自我介绍 37. Which part of your face is most attractive? 你脸上的什么部位最吸引人? 38. Do you get angry easily? 你易怒吗? 39. Where is your favorite place of traveling? 你最喜欢旅游的地方是哪里?

40. What do you often do at the weekends? 周末你通常做什么 41. If you are employed by our hotel, how long is your notice period from your current job?


42.How do you comprehend the “service consciousness” of service trade您如何理解服务行业的“服务意识”?

43. How do you like your senior leader who led you directly before? 您对您以前的直属领导有何看法?

