Lesson Plan for Unit 10(上)

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Lesson Plan for Unit 10: The Bermuda Triangle Section One (The first two periods)

I. Teaching objectives Students will be able to:

1. Review the words in Section B,Unit9 through the exercises on P267.

2. Learn the standard pronunciation and the appropriate usage of the new words in this unit.

3. Develop the students' ability of listening and speaking 4. Learn to use some of the new words in this unit. II. Time allotment

1st period: duty report, check on the rest of the exercises in Section B,Unit9, quiz on unit9, read the new words.

2nd period: detailed presentation of all the new words. III. Procedures 1. Duty report

The students on duty will come up for their duty report, and the teacher will make some comment on it.

2. Check on the rest of the exercises in Section B,Unit9.

Ss take turns to give the answers to the exercises, T points out the focal points. (1) Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

burden, vary, adequate, optional, casual, dissolve, maintain, urgent, undergo, contribute, invisible, overtake

1. In certain cases its cells _____ changes, which in time can lead to cancer.

2. The marriage was _____ in 1985, and in 1986 Mr. Heddle married his second wife, Janet.

3. Important competitions require proper preparation and _____ rest the night before. 4. In the last two decades world production of electricity has roughly doubled, with

the developing nations pulling towards _____ the developed.

5. There was also an environmental objective — to _____ a proper balance between human needs and the natural environment.

6. Some teachers were aware that they could now _____ to decision-making but still saw the head deciding all the issues.

7. The importance of these considerations again will _____ from person to person, and one society to another.

8. The _____ inevitably fell mainly on the mothers and it seemed that their loneliness could at least be lessened if they had a regular opportunity to share their experiences. (2) Fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1. Throughout the trial, the prisoner insisted ___ his being innocent

2. She brought _______ a major change in the way her company designed its products.

3. The doctor told me that I would have to go on ___ a strict diet. 4. These beliefs can in fact contribute ___ the motivation of their struggle. 5. The criteria used vary considerably ________ countries, as may be expected. 6. They were painted over, but someone had scraped _________ a small area of paint, exposing the clear glass.

7. The salesclerk asked if I was looking for anything ___ particular.

8. Most of basketball players are very tall, but he’s an exception ___ the rule; he’s short.

3. Quiz on Unit9. (1) Dictation on Words:

1) enforce 2)candidate 3)clause 4) circumstance 5)justification 6) dispute 7)signature 8)maintain 9)undergo 10)dissolve (2) Translation of phrases

1) 即将获得 2)揭示 3)使看得更清楚 4)毫无疑问 5)得到更多 6)写出,制定

(3)Translation of sentences

S1: 他在支票上伪造他哥哥的签名,这件事成了头条新闻。 S2:玛丽不原意向新来的老师吐露心声,只是朝他尴尬地笑了笑。 4. Detailed presentation of all the new words. *trace: (1)n. 痕迹,踪迹

The exploration team disappeared without (a ) trace in the jungle. 探险队在丛林中消失得无影无踪. trace(2)v. 找出,查出;追究,追溯,探索 The book traces the history of modern art. 这本书讲述了现代艺术的历史.

Horseracing can be traced to the Olympic Games of about 600 B.C. 赛马可以追溯到公元前600年的奥运会。

*stain: (1)n. 污点,污迹 (2)v. 玷污,染污 Example:

His name was stained with acts of dishonesty. 他的不诚实行为玷污了他的名声. Stainless:无污点的,纯洁的 Stainless steel: 不锈钢

*streak: n. (1) 条纹,条痕 (2)个性,特征 经典例句

(1)The carpet was smeared with white streaks of paint. 地毯被一道道白漆印弄脏了.

(2)My father has a stubborn streak. 我父亲生性固执.

*visible: adj. 看得见的,可见的 The stars are visible to naked eyes.

裸眼就能看到这些星星. invisible:看不见

常用词组: be invisible to


(1)n.与周围不同的斑片;补丁,补片 (2)v. 补,修补 经典例句

She was patching a shirt. 她在补一件衬衫. *outer:1)距离中心较远的,2)外部的,外边的 outer space 外太空 outer region 边远地区

hunt: (1)v. 寻找,搜寻;打猎,狩猎 (2)n. 捕猎,追捕;搜寻,寻找


(1)He is hunting a job. 他在找工作.

(2)The police are busy hunting up new evidence. 警方在忙于寻找新的证据.

*vanish: v. (1) 突然不见,消失 (2)不复存在,绝迹 经典例句

The smile vanished from her face. 她脸上的笑容消失了. Many types of insects have now vanished from the earth. 许多种昆虫已经在地球上绝迹了。

aboard: (1)adv. 在(船,飞机,公共汽车或火车)上 (2)prep. 在(船,飞机,公共汽车或火车)上 经典例句

It is time to go aboard. 上船(或飞机,火车,汽车)的时候到了.

install: v. (1) 任命,使就职 (2)安装 经典例句

(1)The new judge was installed. 新法官得到任命.

He decided to install another new computer for his sister. (2)install an air-conditioner 安装空调 I installed myself in front of the fire. 我在炉火前就坐。

submerge: v. (使)浸没,(使)淹没 经典例句

He submerged his hands in warm water. 他把手浸在温水中.

Johnstown is completely submerged and the loss of life cannot be estimated. 约翰斯敦完全被水淹没,死亡人数多得无法计算.

The factory is submerged with orders. 工厂接到大量的订单,应接不暇。 v. 前缀 sub- 表示 “下,副”

subway 地铁 subeditor 助理编辑

subcommittee 小组委员会,附属委员会 subconscious 下意识的,潜意识的 submarine 海面以下的 subagent 副代理人

magnetic: adj. (1)有磁性的,磁的 (2)有魅力的,吸引人的 经典例句

(1)magnetic field 磁场 / magnetic compass 磁罗盘

(2)To be a successful statesman, you have to be enthusiastic and magnetic. 要做一名成功的政治家,你必须有热情和吸引力.

* mechanical: adj. (1)与机械有关的,机械的 (2)机械的,呆板的,习惯性的 say sth. in a mechanical voice 用呆板的嗓音说

mechanical device/engineering 机械设备/机械工程师 mechanical acting 机械的表演 mechanic n. 机械师


教育局 educational bureau 公安局 public security bureau

suck: v. (1)吞没,拉进 (2)吸,吮,啜 经典例句

The small boat was sucked into the whirlpool. 小船被旋涡吞没了. The little girl is sucking milk through a straw. 那个小女孩在用吸管喝牛奶。

cruise n. 航行 v.旅游航行


He and his wife were planning to cruise around the world.

V. Ss make some sentences with the words such as “vanish, trace, cruise “, etc.

VI. Focal point and difficult point (1) Important words such as \ streak, visible, cruise, install, magnetic \

(2) Students’ ability to make their own sentences with the new words.

V. Homework assignment:

1. Learn the new words by heart with the help of the examples.

2. Search some information about The Bermuda Triangle and the wonders on the earth. 3. Preview Text A, dividing the text, summarizing the main idea for each part.

