配套K122019版高考英语一轮基础习选题 Unit 1 Festivals a

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Unit 1 Festivals around the world



I'm sometimes told,“You have to make your own luck.If you don't try something,how can you succeed?”This is very true for competitions.

There are people who regularly take part in all sorts of competitions with great enthusiasm.These people are nicknamed compers.The motivation for being a comper is obvious:it's about being a winner and being rewarded with a prize.These prizes can be small or large:from a box of chocolates to a new car,a trip of a lifetime around the world,or even a new house.Isn't that worth competing for?

Of course competitions that offer money prizes attract entry from millions of people,making the odds of winning very unlikely.But one man who has been lucky is a retired lecturer from the UK called Martin Dove.He is a serial comper and has managed to bag prizes such as a yacht and a racehorse.

Martin says:“I've been a comper for 40 years.It's like admitting some addiction,isn't it?”He gets respect from other compers and also admits,“Some people have called me the Master of Comping,the King of Comping,the Guru of Comping.But it's just a word,just a phrase.It's just because I frequently appeared in the media.”

For many,winning remains a dream,but they continue to try their luck as there's always a small chance that they might succeed.But what if you do win? Then you have to ask:how am I going to spend all that money? Some people say that “money can't buy you happiness”.What do you think?

1.What does the author mean by“This is very true for competitions”? A.Competitions bring people luck. B.One must be in a competition to win it. C.Trying gets people to succeed.

D.People naturally compete with each other. 2.Who are compers?

A.Those always standing out in competitions. B.Those addicted to entering competitions. C.Those often entering competitions for prizes. D.Those competing for others' recognition.

3.What does the underlined word“odds”probably mean? A.Possibility. B.Investment. 精品K12教育教学资料


C.Importance. D.Advantage. 4.What do Martin's words suggest? A.Any job can offer opportunities. B.He has attracted considerable attention. C.Persistence is the key to his success. D.He has set a good example to others.


【难句分析】Of course competitions that offer money prizes attract entry from millions of people,making the odds of winning very unlikely.

分析:本句是一个复合句。that offer money prizes是定语从句,修饰先行词

competitions。 making the odds of winning very unlikely是现在分词短语作结果状语。


1.B 考查推理判断。This指的应是前面的“If you don't try something,how can you succeed?”,再结合第二段提到的人们参加比赛赢奖可知,此处指的是对于比赛来说,一个人必须先参与进去然后才有可能赢得比赛,故选B。

2.C 考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“There are people who regularly take part in all sorts of competitions...it’s about being a winner and being rewarded with a prize”可知,compers指的是那些频繁地参加比赛以获取奖品的人。故选C。

3.A 考查词义猜测。根据画线词所在句“Of course competitions that offer money prizes attract entry from millions of people,making the odds of winning very unlikely”并结合常识可知,比赛的奖金是有限的,而参赛的人越多,获奖的概率就越小。由此可知,odds的意思是“概率,可能性”。故选A。

4.B 考查推理判断。根据第三段的最后两句及第四段的内容尤其是“gets respect from other compers”“Some people have called me the Master of Comping,the King of Comping,the Guru of Comping.But it's just a word,just a phrase.It's just because I frequently appeared in the media”可知,Martin经常参加比赛,而且得到了一些大奖并赢得了其他参赛者的尊重,甚至一些人称其为“参赛大师”、“参赛之王”、“参赛专家”。由此可知,Martin得到了广泛的关注。故选B。


1.(2017·北京高考)Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, ________ easily reach the books on the top shelf.



答案:can 此处表示能力,要用can。

2.I think you should apologize to your brother ________your rudeness. 答案:for apologize to sb. for sth. “因为某事向某人道歉”。

3.It is surprising that there are still many people in the world ________(starve) to death each year.

答案:starving starve to death “饿死”,people和starve在逻辑上存在主谓关系,故要用starve的现在分词形式,作后置定语。

4.No official ________(permit) has been given for the event to take place. 答案:permission official permission “官方许可”,在句中是名词短语作主语。 5.Forgive others, and you ________(forgive).

答案:will be forgiven 本句是“祈使句,and sb. will do ...”句式,本句中forgive和you存在逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态。

6.The story reminds me ________an unforgettable experience I once had. 答案:of remind sb. of sth. “使某人想到某事”。

7.Contrary to the popular belief ________classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.

答案:that 句中belief为一抽象名词,其后接由that连接的同位语从句进一步解释说明belief。

8.I'd like to express my ________(admire) for the courage and uncomplaining spirit of the firefighters.

答案:admiration 由空前的人称代词my可知,此处应用名词admiration “敬佩”。 9.________was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. 答案:It It is obvious that ... “很明显……”。 10.The judge ________(award) him $1,000 in damages. 答案:awarded award在句中是谓语动词,意为“裁定;判给”。


Before he sailed round the world single-handed, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to 1 round the world but failed. That was in 1931.

The years passed. He 2 flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo 3 race across the Atlantic. His 4 dream of going round the world came back, but this time he would



sail. His friends and doctors thought it was a(n) 5 attempt, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to 6 his plan. In August, 1966, at the age of nearly 65, an age at which many men 7 , he began his greatest 8 of his life.

Chichester covered 14, 100 miles 9 stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more than twice the distance anyone had previously sailed 10 . On shore, he could not walk 11 help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done 12 ; he must not go any further. 13 he did not listen.

After 14 in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in spite of lots of 15 . The second half of his voyage was by far the more 16 part, during which he sailed round the risky Cape Horn. After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London, “I feel as if I had woken up from a nightmare. Even a wild horse could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that Ocean 17 . ”

Just before 9 o’clock on Sunday evening May 28, 1967, he arrived 18 in England, where tens of thousands of people were waiting to welcome him. Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ honored him with a very valuable sword. The whole voyage from 19 and back had covered 28, 500 miles. It had taken him nine 20 , of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.

【文章大意】 本文是一篇故事性记叙文。主要讲述Francis Chichester喜欢环游世界。他曾试图环球飞行, 但失败了; 58岁时他赢得了个人帆船横渡大西洋比赛第一名; 在将近65岁时他开始了一生中最了不起的航程, 独自一人航海到好望角, 最终伊丽莎白女王二世授予他一把非常珍贵的剑。 1. A. run

B. travel

C. fly

D. ride

【解析】选C。单枪匹马驾船环游世界之前, Francis Chichester已经好几次让他的朋友们感到吃惊。他曾试图环球飞行(fly), 但失败了。第二段第二句中有提示。 2. A. picked up C. lifted up

B. gave up

D. made up

【解析】选B。 从上下文语境可知他环球飞行失败后开始航海了。即放弃(give up)了飞行。 3. A. sailing C. horsing

B. flying D. running



【解析】选A。从上文可知他开始航海了, 而且后面有the Atlantic大西洋。sailing航行。 4. A. new C. ambitious

B. horrible D. old

【解析】选D。从句意可知他赢得横穿大西洋比赛后, 他以前的(old)周游世界的梦想又回来了。old旧的, 老的, 以前的。old符合题意。 5. A. crazy

B. reasonable D. hopeless

C. acceptable

【解析】选A。 因为他患了肺癌, 所以他的医生和朋友都认为他(环球航行) 疯了(crazy)。 6. A. find out C. carry out

B. put forward D. bring out

【解析】选C。但Chichester决意实施自己的计划。根据句意可知他要实施(carry out)自己的计划。

7. A. settle down C. go sightseeing

B. retire D. entertain

【解析】选B。根据常识可知, 多数人在65岁时已经退休(retire)了。 8. A. work

B. flight

C. task

D. voyage

【解析】选D。句意: 他开始了他一生中最伟大的旅程。从上文可知他要航海(voyage)。 9. A. after

B. before

C. until

D. since

【解析】选B。Chichester航行了14 100英里才在澳大利亚的悉尼停下来。before在……之前, 比……早些, 多久才……。根据句意, B符合题意。 10. A. together C. alone

B. happily D. successfully

【解析】选C。句意: 这是以前独自(alone)航行的距离的两倍多。从后面的文章可知是他一人航行的。 11. A. without C. with

B. for D. beyond

【解析】选A。句意: 他上了岸后, 如果没(without)别人帮助他连路都不能走。 12. A. little C. much

B. all

D. enough



【解析】选D。分析句意可知, 每个人都说他已经做得非常好, 足够了。 enough充分, 足够。

13. A. Even though C. But

B. Otherwise

D. So that

【解析】选C。根据语境可知别人认为他做得足够了但他却不听, 前后意思相反, 故用表示转折关系的“但是”。 14. A. planning C. resting

B. working

D. sailing

【解析】选C。从上文可知他是停在悉尼, 在那儿休息(rest)了几周。 15. A. help

B. preparations D. objections

C. discussion

【解析】选D。从句意可知, Chichester再一次出发, 不顾许多的反对(objection)。 16. A. rainy

B. dangerous D. comfortable

C. interesting

【解析】选B。从下文的内容“I feel as if I had woken up from a nightmare”可知是更危险的(dangerous)。 17. A. again C. finally

B. then D. quickly

【解析】选A。根据句意可知是说即使是一匹野马再也不能把我拖到好望角和那片海洋上。again表示“再一次”。故选A。 18. A. forward C. shortly

B. back D. opposite

【解析】选B。从下文的“Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ honored him”可知他返回了英国。故back符合题意, 故选B。 19. A. England C. France

B. America

D. Australia

【解析】选A。从上文可知, 他是从英国出发的, 故选 A。 20. A. seasons C. years

B. weeks D. months



【解析】选D。句意: 全程他花了9个月的时间, 其中航行的时间是226天, 通过分析可知226天是9 个月中的大部分时间。因此按月计算。故选months。


1.The festival of Halloween had its origin as an event in the memory of the dead.

________________________________________________________ 答案:去掉memory前的the in memory of “为了纪念……”。

2.Don't worry. I'm sure your missing glasses will turn out sooner or later. ________________________________________________________

答案:out→up turn up “出现;露面”。turn out “证明是;结果是”。 3.It's possible to hold your breathe for two minutes in practice. ________________________________________________________

答案:breathe→breath breathe是动词,意为“呼吸”,breath是名词,hold one's breath意为“屏住呼吸”。

4.The Internet gives people the chance to have the information they look forward to delivering to them quickly and cheaply.


答案:delivering→delivered 句中“they look forward to”是定语从句,先行词是information。have the information delivered “传递/发送信息”。

5.Word came the president would be shown around our school. ________________________________________________________

答案:came后加that Word came that ... “消息传来说……”。that引导的是同位语从句,虽无意义但是不能省略。


Ways to Stop Doubting Yourself

What if I don’t pass this test? Are my friends just hanging out with me because they feel bad for me? 1.___________ Stop! The self-doubt stops right here. Here are some ways to beat negative self-talk and start believing in yourself.

·Be Aware.

The first step towards overcoming anything is to become aware of it. By becoming aware that we are doubting ourselves, we can sooner confirm it and put a stop to it. As we realize our self-doubt, we will get quicker at confirming and stopping


精品K12教育教学资料 it. See? 2.___________

·Take a Break.

Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break. 3.___________ Ask yourself what made you get into this goal. It will get you to realize why you started it in the first place.


Too often we determine how we feel about ourselves according to what other people feel about us. Our self-worth is just dependent upon what we think of ourselves. So we must break free of the chains that tell us our self-worth is recognized by other people.

·Find Support.

5.___________ Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites. Sometimes we all need to hear something that will get us moving again. We just need to reach out to others who understand us. A.Take It Slow. B.Free Yourself.

C.Give yourself time to think.

D.It’s not always easy doing things alone. E.This is already a step in the right direction. F.What if I never figure out my life’s purpose? G.Because once you give up, no one can help you.

【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了停止怀疑自己的几种方法。

1.F 解析:空前面是两个问句,后面是“Stop!”,所以本空也需要填一个问句,故选F项。

2.E 解析:由空前的“当我们意识到自我怀疑时,我们可以及时确认并且及时制止。”可知,此处表示这已经是朝着正确方向前进的一步了,所以选E项。

3.C 解析:根据前一句“Whenever you find yourself having doubts,take a break.”即“无论你什么时候发现自己有疑问,休息一下”,可知空处应是“给自己思考的时间”,故选C项。

4.B 解析:本段的最后一句说明应该“解脱自己”,所以选B项。

5.D 解析:根据“Find support through friends and read other inspirational websites.”可知,空处应是“独自做一些事情是不容易的”,所以选D项。


