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漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

第一部分 字母

Aa [ei] [ei]


/e/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形扁平,为中长形,牙床上下可容纳一个食指。 /i/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。 嘴形向两旁伸开,成扁平形,比/e/要窄。

cake 蛋糕

birthday cake 生日蛋糕 face 脸

wash my face 洗脸 make 制作

make a birthday cake 制作生日蛋糕

Bb [bi:] [bi:]


/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,尽量向后开咧,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长。 Bed 床

go to bed 上床睡觉 bike 自行车

go by bike 骑自行车去 buy 买

buy a cake 买一个蛋糕

Cc [si:] [si:]


/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,尽量向后开咧,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长。 cat 猫

a black cat 一只黑猫 car 小汽车

I have a red car. 我有一辆红色小汽车。 close 关

close the door 关门


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

come 来

Dd [di:] [di:]


/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,尽量向后开咧,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长。 door 门

open/close the door 开/关门 dog 狗

a little dog 一只小狗

Ee [i:]

/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,尽量向后开咧,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长。 Teeth 牙齿

brush my/your teeth 刷牙 bee 蜜蜂

as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,极其忙碌 teach 教

teach English 教英语

Ff [ef] [ef]

/e/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形扁平,为中长形,牙床上下可容纳一个食指。 /f/下唇轻触上齿,气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过,引起摩擦。friend 朋友 my good friend 我的好朋友

Friday 星期五

on Friday 在星期五 face脸


/i:/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,尽量向后开咧,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长。 orange 橘子

drink orange juice 喝橘汁 get up 起床 get on 上车 get off 下车 go 去


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

go to school 去上学 go to work 去上班


舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。声带不震动。 home 家

go home 回家 hat 帽子

I have a red hat. 我有一顶红色的帽子。 hot dog 热狗

Ii [ai] [ai]

开始部分/a/和汉语普通话“a”音相仿,但舌位更靠前,发音是舌尖必须抵住下齿。 读音是从/a/的部位向/i/滑动。 I 我 ice 冰

ice cream 冰淇淋

chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰淇淋 bike 自行车 like 喜欢

I like ice cream. 我喜欢冰淇淋。

舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。声带震动。 /ei/的读音和字母A读音一样。 job 工作 jam 果酱 jeep 吉普车

Kk [kei] [kei]

/k/舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔,声带不振动 /ei/的读音和字母A读音一样。 king 国王

the king lion 狮子王 key 钥匙

two keys 两把钥匙


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

keep 保持

Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪!

Ll [el]

/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形不要扁平,是中长形,牙床上下可容纳一个食指。 /l/ 舌端紧抵上齿龈,气流从舌的一侧或两侧泄出。/l/有两种发音,即所谓清晰/l/和含糊/l/。


发含糊/l/时,舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹槽,含糊/l/发音响亮,可以和元音一样延长,它出现在辅音前面和词的末尾。 lunch 午餐

eat / have lunch 吃午饭 like 喜欢

I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。 football 足球

play football 踢足球

Mm [em] [em]

/e/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形扁平,为中长形,牙床上下可容纳一个食指。 /m/ 双唇闭拢,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。m在词末时发音需略为延长,以防止吞音。

milk 牛奶

a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 movie 电影

go to a movie 去看电影 make 制作

make a kite 制作一个风筝 make a cake 制作一个蛋糕 mum 妈妈

Nn [en] [en]

/e/舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形扁平,为中长形,牙床上下可容纳一个食指。 /n/ 舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔泄出。在词末时须略为延长,以防止吞音。 nose 鼻子

a big nose 一个大鼻子 name 名字

What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字? sun 太阳 Aa [ei]


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

cake 蛋糕

birthday cake 生日蛋糕 face 脸

wash your face 洗脸 make 制作

make a birthday cake 制作生日蛋糕 Bb [bi:] Bed 床

go to bed 上床睡觉 bike 自行车

go by bike 骑自行车去 buy 买

buy a cake 买一个蛋糕

Cc [si:] cat 猫

a black cat 一只黑猫 car 小汽车

I have a red car. 我有一辆红色小汽车。 close 关

close the door 关门 come 来

Dd [di:] door 门

open/close the door 开/关门 dog 狗

a little dog 一只小狗

Ee [i:] Teeth 牙齿

brush my/your teeth 刷牙 bee 蜜蜂

as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌,极其忙碌 teach 教

teach English 教英语 Ff [ef]

Friday 星期五

on Friday 在星期五 face脸


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

orange 橘子

drink orange juice 喝橘汁 get up 起床 get on 上车 get off 下车 go 去

go to school 去上学

home 家

go home 回家 hat 帽子

I have a red hat. 我有一顶红色的帽子。 hot dog 热狗 Ii [ai] I 我 ice 冰

ice cream 冰淇淋

chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰淇淋 bike 自行车 kite 风筝

fly kite 放风筝 like 喜欢

I like ice cream. 我喜欢冰淇淋

job 工作 jam 果酱 jeep 吉普车

Kk [kei] king 国王

the king lion 狮子王 key 钥匙

two keys 两把钥匙 keep 保持

Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪! Ll /el/

lunch 午餐

eat / have lunch 吃午饭 like 喜欢

I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。

football 足球


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

play football 踢足球

Mm [em] milk 牛奶

a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 movie 电影

go to a movie 去看电影 make 制作

make a kite 制作一个风筝 make a cake 制作一个蛋糕 mum 妈妈

Nn [en] nose 鼻子

a big nose 一个大鼻子 name 名字

What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字? sun 太阳

从向/u/滑动,滑动时要把双唇收得更圆更小。 open 打开

open your eyes 睁开你的眼睛 go 去

go to school 去上学 nose 鼻子

OK 可以,好的 close 关 home 家 dog 狗

job 工作 orange 橘子

Pp [pi:]

/p/ 双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,气流冲出口腔,发音时声带不振动。

[i:] 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。嘴形向两旁伸开,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长 picture 照片

take a picture 照相 pass 传递

pass me a book 请递给我一本书 shop 商店

go shopping 去购物


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

plate 盘子 paper 纸

Qq [kju:]

/k/ 舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔,声带不振动。 /ju:/

question 问题

I have a question. 我有一个问题。 queen 女王 王后

Rr [a:]

[a:] 口张大,舌身平放后缩,舌后部抬起,舌尖离开下齿。注意长度,不要太短。 red 红色的

a red apple 一个红色的苹果 read 读

read a book 读书 room 房间 radio 收音机 rain 雨 下雨

Ss [es]

/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形不要扁平,是中长形,上下齿间可容纳一个食指。

/s/ 舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由舌端齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。 sister 姐妹

I have a little sister. 我有一个小妹妹。 swim 游泳

go swimming 去游泳 school 学校

get to school 到达学校 bus 公共汽车

bus stop 公共汽车站

Tt [ti:]

/t/ 舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后突然下降,气流冲出口腔,声带不要振动。 [i:] 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。 嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长 teacher 教师

an English teacher 一名英语老师 T-shirt T 恤衫

a blue T-shirt 一件蓝色T恤衫 teeth 牙齿

brush my teeth 刷牙


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

tea 茶 茶叶 green tea 绿茶 eat 吃

eat lunch 吃午饭

Uu [ju:]

/j/ 向/u:/滑动 you 你

You have a blue T-shirt. 你有一件蓝色T恤衫。 UFO 飞碟 use 使用 cup 茶杯

a cup of tea 一杯茶 bus 公共汽车

Vv [vi:]

/v/ 下唇轻触上齿, 气流由唇齿间的缝隙中通过,引起摩擦。声带要振动

[i:] 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,没有摩擦。 嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,读音比/i/ 要长

very 很 非常 very good 非常好

Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 have 有

you have a TV. 你有一台电视机。 love 爱 喜爱

I love my job. 我喜爱我的工作。 live 居住

I live in Beijing. 我住在北京。

we 我们

we go to school. 我们去上学。 warm 暖和的

a warm day 暖和的一天 white 白色

a white T-shirt 一件白色的T恤衫 wash 洗

wash my face 洗脸 wash clothes 洗衣服

Xx [eks]

/e/ 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,唇形不要扁平,是中长形,上下齿间可容纳一个食指。

/k/ 舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔,声带不振动。 /s/ 舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由舌端齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

box 盒子 箱子 fox 狐狸

a clever fox 一只聪明的狐狸 taxi 出租车 Hi, taxi

Yy [wai]

/w/ 舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收得很圆很小,并向前突出,声带振动。一经发出,立刻先向后面的元音滑动。

/ai/ 开始部分/a/何汉语普通话“a”音相仿, 但舌位更靠前,发音时舌尖必须抵住下齿。 读音是从/a/的部位向/i/滑动。 yellow 黄色的

a yellow bag 一个黄色的书包 young 年轻的

a young girl 年轻的姑娘 yes 是 you 你

Zz [zi:]/ [zed]

/z/ 舌端靠近齿龈(不要贴住),气流由舌端齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音。声带振动。 其他音同上 zoo 动物园

go to the zoo 去动物园

现在总结一下26个字母有共同音的字母 共同有/i:/ 音的字母 例如

Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 共同有/e/音的字母 例如

Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz 共同有/ei/音的字母 例如 Aa Hh Jj Kk 共同有/ju:/音的字母 例如 Qq Uu Ww 共同有/ai/音的字母 例如 Ii Yy

Oo Rr


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

第三部分 基本语法

一、be动词(am, is, are)一般时的人称变化形式

be 动词,也称为系动词,包括am, is, are,他们的意思都是:\是\。也可以说这三个动词形式的原形是动词 be,因此一般称它们为be 动词。be 动词用的很多,后面可以跟各式各样的表语。

1.be 动词的肯定式 例如:

I am a teacher. 我是一位老师。 (be动词后面加名词) I am a worker. 我是一位工人。 (名词)

I am busy. 我很忙。 (be动词后面加形容词) He is a student. 他是一位学生。(名词)

She is a clever girl. 她是一位聪明的女孩儿。(名词) It is a black cat. 它是一只黑猫。(名词) Mary is my sister. 玛丽是我姐姐。 (名词) The bag is red. 书包是红色的。 (形容词) We are happy. 我们很快乐。 (形容词) They are doctors. 他们是医生。 (名词)

You are a good student. 你是一位好学生/ 你是好学生。 (名词) You are good students. 你们是好学生。(加名词)

The boys are in the park now. 这些男孩正在公园里。 (介词词组) These flowers are beautiful 这些花非常漂亮。(形容词)

从以上例子可以得出,be动词应该随着主语人称的变化而变化: I → am

he/ she /it /名词的单数形式 → is

we/ you(你、你们)/ they(他们)/ 名词的复数形式 → are

注意,be 动词(系动词)前面的为主语,后面的是表语,所以叫做主-系-表结构。 如:

I am a teacher. I 是主语, am 是系动词,a teacher 是表语。所以这个句子为主系表结构。因为它是肯定说明某一事实情况,也为肯定句。

2.be 动词的否定式


I am not a teacher. 我不是一位老师。 I am not a worker. 我不是一位工人。 I am not busy. 我不忙。

(注意缩写形式:I am =I'm [aim], I am not =I'm not) I'm not busy. 我不忙。


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

He is not a student. 他不是一位学生。

She is not a clever girl. 她不是一位聪明的女孩儿。 It is not a black cat. 它不是一只黑猫。 Mary is not my sister. 玛丽不是我姐姐。 The bag is not red. 书包不是红色的。 注意缩写形式:is not =isn't ['iznt] He isn't a student. Mary isn't my sister.

We are not happy. 我们不快乐。

They are not doctors. 他们不是医生。

You are not a good student. 你不是一位好学生/ 你不是好学生。 You are not good students. 你们不是好学生。

The boys are not in the park now. 这些男孩不在公园里。 These flowers are not beautiful. 这些花不漂亮。 are not = aren't [a:nt] We aren't happy. They aren't doctors.

The boys aren't in the park now.


I am your sister.(肯定句)→ I am not your sister.(否定句)

I'm a driver.→ I'm not a driver. (我是一名司机 → 我不是一名司机)

3.be 动词的一般疑问式 咱们再看下面的句子:

He is a student. → Is he a student? 他是一位学生吗?

She is a clever girl. →Is she a clever girl? 她是一位聪明的女孩儿吗? The bag is red. → Is the bag red? 书包是红色的吗?


Is he a student? 他是一位学生吗?

Yes, he is. 是的,他是。 或者:No, he isn't. 不,他不是。 Is she a clever girl? 她是一位聪明的女孩儿吗?

Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 或者:No, she isn't. 不,她不是。 Is the bag red? 书包是红色的吗?

Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 或者:No, it isn't. 不,它不是。

Are they doctors? 他们是医生吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。或者:No, they aren't. 不,他们不是。

Are you good students? 你们是好学生吗?

Yes, we are. 是的,我们是。 或者:No, we aren't. 不,我们不是。 Are these flowers beautiful? 这些花漂亮吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,它们漂亮。或者:No, they aren't. 不,它们不漂亮。 I am a teacher. → Are you a teacher? 你是一位老师吗?

Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。(am not一般不能缩写) I am a worker. → Are you a worker? 你是一位工人吗?


漳州师范学院疯狂英语联盟 从零开始学英语

Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。 I am busy. → Are you busy? 你很忙吗?

Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。

4.Be动词 + 主语 + ?? 例句:

Is he a student? 他是一位学生吗?

Yes, he is. 是的,他是。这是肯定回答,Yes,+主语+be动词

No, he isn't. 不,他不是。这是否定回答,No, +主语+be动词+not Are they doctors? 他们是医生吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。肯定回答,Yes,+主语+be动词

No, they aren't. 不,他们不是。否定回答,No, +主语+be动词+not Are you a worker? 你是一位工人吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 No, I am not. 不,我不是。 注意:


Are you a worker? 你是一位工人吗?一般不说成\我是一位工人吗\ 问句中的you 回答时应该为I(I 在句中永远大写) 问句中还要注意这样的例子:

Is Alice a teacher? Alice 是一位老师吗? 回答:

Yes , she is. 是的,她是。/ No, she isn't. 不,她不是。

注意:回答时要把主语的人名换成代词,女士用she,男士用he。如果是女孩们the girls,就用they(他们)。男孩们the boys 也用they(他们)。也就是说,只要是名词复数就用 they(他们)代替。


I am a doctor. → Are you a doctor? 肯定回答: Yes, I am. I am busy. → Are you busy? 否定回答: No, I am not. They are blue bags. → Are they blue bags ? 肯定:Yes, they are.

These flowers are beautiful. → Are these flowers beautiful? 肯定: Yes, they are.

The doctors are kind. → Are the doctors kind?

否定:No, they aren't. It is a black cat. → Is it a black cat? 否定:No, it isn't.

Sally is a clever girl. → Is Sally a clever girl? 肯定: Yes, she is.

复习: 肯定句中,我们须注意的是 be 动词随主语的变化而变化,也就是说 am, is ,are 用在哪些词的后面是一定的。

I → am


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We/you (你、你们)/they(他们)/名词的复数形式→are I am a teacher. 我是一位老师。

I am a worker. 我是一位工人。 I am busy. 我很忙。

否定句中,我们须注意的是要把not 放在be 动词am, is, are 的后面,它们的缩写形式是 I'm not, isn't aren't。

I am your sister. → I am not your sister. I'm a driver. → I'm not a driver.

She is a clever girl. → She isn't a clever girl. The bag is red. → The bag isn't red.

Your pen is on the desk. → Your pen isn't on the desk. You are a worker. → You aren't a worker.

These flowers are beautiful. → These flowers aren't beautiful.


1.把be 动词 am, is,are 放在句子的最前面,第一个字母大写。


3.问句中是\你\时,回答用\(我)\;问句中是\你们\时,回答用\(我们)\。 Is she a clever girl? 她是一位聪明的女孩儿吗?

Yes, she is. 是的,她是。 或者:No, she isn't. 不,她不是。 Are they doctors? 他们是医生吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。或者:No, they aren't. 不,他们不是。 Are you good students? 你们是好学生吗?

Yes, we are. 是的,我们是。 或者:No, we aren't. 不,我们不是。 Are these flowers beautiful? 这些花漂亮吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,它们是。或者:No, they aren't. 不,它们不是。

每句话第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,Yes 和 No 后面是逗号,后面的主语不用大写;I永远大写。

复习: I → am

he / she /it /名词的单数形式 → is

we / you (你、你们) / they (他们) / 名词的复数形式 → are 我们各举一个例子:

I am a manager. 我是经理。

She is a shy girl. 她是一个害羞的女孩。 They are red flowers. 它们是红色的花。


I am not a driver. 我不是司机。

Tom isn't in the classroom. Tom不在教室。 They aren't my teachers. 他们不是我的老师。


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Are you happy? 你快乐吗? Yes, I am. 是的,我快乐。 Is she your mother? 她是你的妈妈吗? No, she isn't. Are these red roses beautiful? 这些红色玫瑰花漂亮吗? Yes, they are. 要注意的是:

1.be 动词随主语的变化而变化。

2.否定句中,要把not 放在be 动词am, is, are的后面 3.一般疑问句中,须注意的是:

a.把be 动词 am, is,are 放在句子的最前面,第一个字母大写。



时 态:



一般出现下面这样的词就用这个时态,就是说一般现在时常与下列词语连用:always (总是), often(经常), usually(通常), every day/week/month/year/night(每天/每周/每月/每年/每天晚上), sometimes(有时)等等。

I often read English in the morning. 我经常早上读英语。 You watch TV every night. 你每天晚上看电视。 这是经常反复做的动作,所以用一般现在时。


注意:句子中表示动作的词read和watch就是谓语动词,我们看下面的句子: 1.They always play football on Sunday.他们总是星期日踢足球。 2.We go to the zoo every summer holiday.我们每年暑假去动物园。

3.The students usually clean the classrooms after school.学生们通常在放学后打扫教室。

4.He runs on the playground every morning.他每天早晨在操场上跑步。 5.My mother plants flowers every spring.我妈妈每年春天种花。 6.She gets up at 6:00 in the morning.她早上六点钟起床。


★ 英语中的谓语动词发生的时间是通过动词的不同形式来表现的。在一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时,谓语需加-s,如:

She studies English in Yuying School.她在育英学校学习英语。 They sweep the floor every morning.他们每天早上拖地板。 1.第三人称单数中,-s词尾的加法 a.一般在动词后面加s。


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clean → cleans work → works ask → asks tell → tells b, 以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词,需加-es;记住go+es;do+es。

pass → passes mix → mixes watch → watches teach → teaches wash → washes

c.以辅音+y结尾的动词,先将y变i,在加–e。 carry → carries study → studies try → tries 以元音字母+y结尾的动词直接加-s。 play → plays stay → stays 再看看以上几个例子:

1.They always play football on Sunday.他们总是星期日踢足球。 2.We go to the zoo every summer holiday.我们每年暑假去动物园。

3.The students usually clean the classrooms after school.学生们通常在放学后打扫教室。

4.He runs on the playground every morning.他每天早晨在操场上跑步。 5.My mother plants flowers every spring.我妈妈每年春天种花。 6.She gets up at 6: 00 in the morning.她早上六点钟起床。

可以看出,这些句子都肯定地说明了事情,为一般现在时的肯定句。 那否定句该怎样表达了?请看下面例子(be动词的否定形式): I am not a driver.我不是司机。

Tom isn't in the classroom.Tom不在教室。 They aren't my teachers.他们不是我的老师。

但当句子中不含 be 动词时,我们还可以借助助动词 do 和 does 来完成。 do not=don't does not = doesn't 例如:

1.They always play football on Sunday.他们总是星期日踢足球。 → They don't play football on Sunday.他们星期日不踢足球。 2.We go to the zoo every summer holiday.我们每年暑假去动物园。 → We don't go to the zoo every summer holiday. 我们每年暑假不去动物园。

3.The students usually clean the classrooms after school.学生们通常在放学后打扫教室。

→ The students don't usually clean the classrooms after school. 学生们通常在放学后不打扫教室。

4.He runs on the playground every morning.他每天早晨在操场跑步。 → He doesn't run on the playground every morning. 他每天早晨不在操场跑步。

5.My mother plants flowers every spring 我妈妈每年春天种花。 → My mother doesn't plant flowers every spring 我妈妈每年春天不种花。

6.She gets up at 6: 00 in the morning.她早上六点钟起床。

→ She doesn't get up at 6: 00 in the morning.她早上六点钟不起床。




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1.We like our school.我们喜欢我们的学校。

→ We don't like our school.我们不喜欢我们的学校。

2.The students read English in the morning.学生们在早上读英语。

→ The students don't read English in the morning.学生们在早上不读英语。 3.She watches TV every night.她每天晚上看电视。

→ She doesn't watch TV every night.她每天晚上不看电视。 4.Tom likes English songs.Tom 喜欢英语歌曲。

→ Tom doesn't like English songs.Tom 不喜欢英语歌曲。 ★ 一般现在时的一般疑问句是怎样构成呢? 先看例子:

1.They live in Beijing.他们住在北京。

→ Do they live in Beijing?他们住在北京吗 ? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.

2.You watch football matches every Sunday.你每周日看足球比赛。 → Do you watch football matches every Sunday? Yes, I do./ No, I don't.

3.He often goes to the Summer Palace.他经常去颐和园。

→ Does he often go to the Summer Palace?他经常去颐和园吗? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.

4.Alice washes her clothes every day.Alice 每天洗她的衣服

→ Does Alice wash her clothes every day? Alice 每天洗她的衣服吗? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.

从以上例子可以看出:一般疑问句中,助动词(do, does)置于句首,句末改成问号。谓语动词是行为动词时,须在句首加上助动词do, does(三单),加上这些助动词后,句子中谓语动词用原形。

注意:1.变人称:Do you ?? Yes, I do/No, I don't. 2.助动词does放句首时,谓语动词要用原形。 3.Do问do来答,does问does来答。 下面我们练习几个句子:

1.Zhoutao speaks English very well.周涛说英语非常好。 → Does Zhoutao speak English very well? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.

2.My mother sweeps the floor in the morning.我妈妈在早上拖地。 → Does your mother sweep the floor in the morning? Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.

3.They eat lunch in school every Tuesday.他们每周二在学校吃午饭。 → Do they eat lunch in school every Tuesday? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.

4.The doctors go to work every day 医生们每天都去上班。 → Do the doctors go to work every day ? Yes, they do./ No, they don't.


1.When do they watch football matches?他们什么时候看足球比赛? → They watch football matches every Sunday.


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What do they do every Sunday?

→ They watch football matches every Sunday. 2.When does your mother sweep the floor? → She sweeps the floor in the morning.

What does your mother do in the morning? → She sweeps the floor in the morning. 3.When do they eat lunch in school?

→ They eat lunch in school every Tuesday.他们每周二在学校吃午饭 Where do they eat lunch every Tuesday? → They eat lunch in school every Tuesday. ★what(什么),when(什么时候),where(哪里)是特殊疑问词,它们引导的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成 再看例子:

1.They live in Beijing.(where) → Where do they live?

2.Alice washes her clothes every day.(what) → What does Alice do every day?

3.They eat lunch in school every Tuesday.( when) → When do they eat lunch in school?


1.一般现在时:经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态。 2.肯定句:

1)I often read English in the morning.我经常早上读英语。 2)You watch TV every night.你每天晚上看电视。

3)He runs on the playground every morning.他每天早晨在操场跑步。 4)She gets up at 6: 00 in the morning.她早上六点钟起床。


3.第三人称单数中,-s词尾的加法 a.一般在动词后面加s。

clean → cleans work → works ask → asks tell → tells b, 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词,需加-es;记住go+es;do+es。

pass → passes mix → mixes watch → watches teach → teaches wash → washes

c.以辅音+y结尾的动词,先将y变i,在加–es。 carry → carries study → studies try → tries 以元音字母+y结尾的动词直接加-s。 play → plays stay → stays 4.否定句:

1. We like our school.我们喜欢我们的学校。

→ We don't like our school.我们不喜欢我们的学校。

2. The students read English in the morning.学生们在早上读英语。


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→ The students don't read English in the morning. 3.She watches TV every night.她每天晚上看电视。

→ She doesn't watch TV every night.她每天晚上不看电视。 4.Tom likes English songs.Tom喜欢英语歌曲。

→ Tom doesn't like English songs.Tom不喜欢英语歌曲。



1.Do they live in Beijing?他们住在北京吗 ? Yes, they do. / No, they don't.

2.Do you watch football matches every Sunday?你每周日看足球比赛吗? Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

3.Does he often go to the Summer Palace?他经常去颐和园吗? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

4.Does Alice wash her clothes every day?Alice每天洗她的衣服吗? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't.

注意:1.变人称:Do you ?? Yes, I do/No, I don't. 2.助动词does放句首时,谓语动词要用原形。 3.Do问do来答,does问does来答。 6.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 1.When do they watch football matches?

→ They watch football matches every Sunday. 2.Where do they eat lunch every Tuesday? → They eat lunch in school every Tuesday. 3.What does your mother do in the morning? → She sweeps the floor in the morning.


一、把下面的句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,然后作出肯定回答或否定回答: 1.They go to the zoo every summer holiday.他们每年暑假去动物园。 → →

2.You watch football matches every Sunday.你每周日看足球比赛。 → →

3.Tom plays computer games every night.Tom每天晚上打电脑游戏。 → →

4.She washes her clothes on Sunday.她在周日洗她的衣服。 → →



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一般现在时:经常发生的动作或经常存在的状态。一般与下列词语连用:always(总是), often(经常), usually(通常), every day/week/month/year/night(每天/每周/每月/每年/每天晚上), sometimes (有时)等等。


1.I often read English in the morning 我经常早上英语 2.You watch TV every night. 你每天晚上看电视

3.He runs on the playground every morning. 他每天早晨在操场跑步。 4.She gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 她早上六点钟起床。

注意:主语是he, she, it 第三人称单数时谓语动词一般加s,其他人称谓语动词不变。

★ 动词第三人称单数的变化规则:

动词原形变第三人称单数的规则同名词单数变复数大致相同,请认真观察。 1)一般在动词后面加s。

clean → cleans work → works ask → asks tell →tells 2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加es。

pass → passes mix → mixes watch → watches teach → teaches wash → washes

3)以“o”结尾的动词,加“es”,记住go+es;do+es。 4)以辅音字母加“y”结尾的动词,要先将“y”变为“i”,然后再加es。以元音字母+y 结尾的动词加s。如:

carry → carries study → studies try → tries play → plays stay → stays


1.We like our school. 我们喜欢我们的学校。

→ We don’t like our school. 我们不喜欢我们的学校。

2.The students read English in the morning. 学生们在早上读英语。

→ The students don’t read English in the morning. 学生们在早上不读英语。 3.She watches TV every night. 她每天晚上看电视。

→ She doesn’t watch TV every night. 她每天晚上不看电视。 4.Tom likes English songs.→ Tom doesn’t like English songs. Tom不喜欢英语歌曲。Tom喜欢英语歌曲。

注意:一般现在时变否定句时借助助动词 don’t或doesn’t。他们放在主语的后面,主语是第三人称单数就用 doesn’t,并且去掉谓语动词后面的s。其他人称则用don’t,谓语动词不变。


1.Do they live in Beijing? 他们住在北京吗? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

2.Do you watch football matches every Sunday? 你每周日看足球比赛吗? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

3.Does he often go to the Summer Palace? 他经常去颐和园吗?


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Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

4.Does Alice wash her clothes every day? Alice每天洗她的衣服吗? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

注意:1. 注意变换人称:Do you?? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2.第三人称单数作主语,does放句首时,谓语动词要去掉s。 3.Do问do来答;Does问does来答。


1.When do they watch football matches?

→ They watch football matches every Sunday. 2.Where do they eat lunch every Tuesday? → They eat lunch in school every Tuesday. 3.What does your mother do in the morning? →She sweeps the floor in the morning.


现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事情。 常和下列词语连用:look(看),listen(听),now(现在),at present(目前) 等等。 现在进行时的构成:

1.I am speaking English now. 我正在说英语。

2.Look, they are making a birthday cake. 看,他们正在做一个生日蛋糕。 3.The workers are building a bridge. 工人们正在建一座桥。

4.Listen,the girl is singing a song next room. 听,那个女孩儿正在隔壁房间里唱歌。

5.She is buying a hat. 她正在买一顶帽子。

6.Oh,someone is knocking at the door. 噢,有人在敲门。 从以上句子可以看出,现在进行时的构成为: 主语 + be(am, is, are)+动词的-ing形式。


★ 在现在进行时中,动词的-ing形式也可以称为现在分词。

(动词的-ing 形式,除了作现在分词外,还可以作动名词,动名词将会在以后的课程中提及。)

动词的-ing 形式的构成规则: 1.一般在动词后面直接加ing。

go → going study → studying ask → asking watch → watching 2.以不发音的-e结尾的动词,要去掉e,再加ing。

come → coming make → making write → writing become → becoming take → taking dance → dancing


swim → swimming run → running begin → beginning sit → sitting stop → stopping forget → forgetting


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4.特殊变化:以ie结尾的单音节的动词,要把ie变成y,再加ing。 die → dying lie → lying tie → tying 肯定句:

I am watching football matches. 我正在看足球比赛。 He is playing computer games. 他正在玩电脑游戏。

Liming is running on the playground. 李明正在操场上跑步。 They are dancing in the park. 他们正在公园里跳舞。

We are studying English on computer. 我们正在电脑上学习英语。 否定句:

I am not watching football matches. 我现在没在看足球比赛。 He is not playing computer games. 他没在玩电脑游戏。

Liming isn’t running on the playground. 李明没在操场上跑步。

We aren’t studying English on computer. 我们现在没在电脑上学习英语。 注意:1.否定词not放在be动词后。

2.注意缩写形式:is not → isn’t;are not → aren’t。 一般疑问句及其肯定回答和否定回答:

1.Are you reading English now? 你现在读英语吗? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

2.Are they making a birthday cake? 他们正在做一个生日蛋糕吗? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

3.Are the workers building a bridge? 工人们正在建一座桥吗? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

5.Is the girl singing a song next room? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

6.Is she buying a hat? 她正在买一顶帽子吗? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

7.Is someone knocking at the door? 有人在敲门吗? Yes. / No.

注意:1.回答变人称;2.答语要把问句里的名词改成代词 特殊疑问句:

1.Where is the girl singing a song?

→ The girl is singing a song next room. 2.What is she buying? → She is buying a hat. 3.What are they doing?

→ They are making a birthday cake.


前面我们学过基数词(one, two, three?),那么要表达“第一,第二?”呢?我们要用序数词表示。

基数词: 序数词 one 一 first 第一 two 二 second 第二


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three 三 third 第三 four 四 fourth 第四 five 五 fifth 第五 six 六 sixth 第六 seven 七 seventh 第七 eight 八 eighth 第八 nine 九 ninth 第九 ten 十 tenth 第十

eleven 十一 eleventh 第十一 twelve 十二 twelfth 第十二 thirteen 十三 thirteenth 第十三 fourteen 十四 fourteenth 第十四 fifteen 十五 fifteenth 第十五 nineteen 十九 nineteenth 第十九 twenty 二十 twentieth 第二十 thirty 三十 thirtieth 第三十 forty 四十 fortieth 第四十 fifty-one 五十一 fifty-first 第五十一

ninety-four 九十四 ninety-fourth 第九十四 one hundred and one 一百零一 one hundred and first 第一百零一 大家看出规律了吗?

基数词变序数词时,一般在基数词后加th。特殊变化有如下几种: (1)one → first, two → second, three → third (2)five和twelve变序数词时将ve变成f+th。 (3)eight只加h;nine去掉e加th。

(4)表示“几十”的基数词变序数词时,将y变i+eth,如twentieth. (5)表示“几十几”的基数词变序数词时,只变个位。

Ⅳ. Exercises


work → visit → clean → sweep→ dance → live → love → take → run → swim → get → begin →

2.把下面的句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,并写出肯定与否定回答: 1)They are playing basketball on the playground. → →

2)These girls are singing English songs now. → →

3)The boy is playing computer games at home. →


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4)I am washing my clothes now. → →



1) 现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作和发生的事情。常与look, listen, now, at present等词连用。

2)构成:主语+be动词(am, is,are)+ V-ing


1)I am speaking English now. 我正在说英语。

2)Look, they are making a birthday cake. 看,他们正在做一个生日蛋糕。 3)The workers are building a bridge. 工人们正在建一座桥。

4)Listen, the girl is singing a song next room. 听,那个女孩儿正在隔壁房间里唱歌。

5)She is buying a hat. 她正在买一顶帽子。

6)Oh, someone is knocking the door. 噢,有人在敲门。 注意:

1)be动词(am, is, are) 随着主语的人称进行变化。 I → am

He / she /it /名词的单数形式 → is

We / you (你、你们) / they (他们) / 名词的复数形式 → are 2)动词+ -ing 的构成:


go → going study → studying ask → asking watch → watching

b.以不发音的-e 结尾的动词,要去掉e 再加-ing。

come → coming make → making write → writing become → becoming take → taking dance → dancing


swim → swimming run → running begin → beginning sit → sitting stop → stopping forget → forgetting d.特殊的:以ie结尾的单音节的动词,要把ie 变成y,再加-ing。 die → dying lie → lying tie → tying


现在进行时的否定句,一般在am, is, are后面加上not就可以了。 I am not watching football matches. 我现在没在看足球比赛。 Liming isn't running on the playground. 李明没在操场上跑步。

We aren't studying English on computer. 我们现在没在电脑上学习英语。 注意:


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1.在am is are 后面加 not 2.注意缩写形式


1) Are you reading English now? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.

2) Are the workers building a bridge? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.

3) Is the girl singing a song next room? Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.


1)Where is the girl singing a song? → The girl is singing a song next room. 2)What is she buying? → She is buying a hat. 3)What are they doing?

→ They are making a birthday cake.


一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或状态。常和tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year/week/month, in two weeks, some day等等。

构成:主语 + will (shall) + 动词原形 (do) (do 来表示动词原形)


1.I will come next week. 我下周来。

2.We will go to the Great wall next Sunday. 下周日我们将要去长城。

3.They will help me study English tomorrow. 他们明天将要帮助我学英语。

4.He will visit his grandmother in a week. 一周后他将要拜访(探望)他的奶奶。 5.Susan will buy a new bike. Susan将要买一辆新自行车。 注意:

将来时中,shall 只用于第一人称,即I shall, we shall。 I shall come next week. 我下周来。

We shall go to the Great wall next Sunday.下周日我们将要去长城。

注意: 在当代英语里,不管什么人称,都可用 will,而shall用于第一人称中。 主语 + will 的常用缩写形式: I will = I'll [ail] 我将要 We will = We'll [wi:l] You will = You'll [ju:l] They will = They'll He will = He'll She will = She'll


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It will = It'll 看下面的句子:

1.I'll come next week.

2.We'll go to the Great wall next Sunday. 3.They'll help me study English tomorrow. 4.He'll visit his grandmother in a week.



1.We will not have lessons tomorrow. 明天我们没有课。 2.These birds will not fly to the south in winter. 冬天这些鸟将不会飞到南方去。

3.They students will not play football next Sunday. 学生们下周日不踢足球。

4.My father will not go to work the day after tomorrow. 我爸爸后天不上班。

很明显,上述句子为一般将来时的否定句。注意缩写形式:will not = won't. 1.We won't have lessons tomorrow.

2.These birds won't fly to the south in winter. 3.The students won't play football next Sunday.

4.My father won't go to work the day after tomorrow.

这就是一般将来时的否定句,只需在will 后加not,或写成缩写形式won't。 ⅲ.一般将来时态的一般疑问式:

1.Will you finish this work tomorrow? 明天你能完成这项工作吗? 2.Will they have lessons next week? 下周他们有课吗?

3.Will she come to my birthday party tomorrow? 她明天会来我的生日宴会吗? 4.Will Mr. Wang teach us English next year? 王老师明年会教我们英语吗? 一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答:

1.Will you finish this work tomorrow? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

2.Will they have lessons next week? Yes, they will. / No, they won't.

3.Will she come to my birthday party tomorrow? Yes, she will. / No, she won't.

4.Will Mr. Wang teach us English next year? Yes, he will. / No, he won't.


where 在哪里,when 什么时候,what 什么, how many 多少,why 为什么 注意,how many 后跟可数名词的复数形式。 特殊疑问句:(where, when, what, how many, why) 1.How many eggs will you cook? 你要煮几个鸡蛋? I will cook seven eggs. 我会煮七个鸡蛋。

2.When will she buy a new car? 她什么时候买新车?


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She will buy a new car next year.他明年买新车。 3.Why will you go to Qingdao? 你为什么去青岛了? Because it's cool and interesting. 因为那里凉爽且有趣。

4.Where will your parents go next winter? 明年冬天你父母会去哪里? They will go to Hainan. 他们会去海南。


问where 回答用地点,问 when回答用时间;问how many回答用数字;问why回答用 because +句子。


主语+ be(am, is, are)going to + 动词原形,表示打算干某事或即将要发生某事,例如:

1.I am going to go to a movie next Sunday. (=I am going to see a movie next Sunday.) 下周日我打算去看电影。

2.My brother is going to travel in Australia. 我弟弟将要去澳大利亚旅游。

3.The students are going to play football tomorrow. 明天学生们要去踢足球。

4.They are going to meet in the park. 他们决定在公园碰面。

如果要将以上句子变否定句,只需在am, is, are后面加上not即可。 1.The students aren't going to play football tomorrow. 2.I am not going to go to a movie next Sunday.

3.Mr. Wang isn't going to teach us English next term. 下学期王老师不教我们英语了。

如果要将以上句子变一般疑问句也只需把 am, is, are放在句子最前面,注意人称的变换。

1.Are you going to see him next week? 下周你会去看他吗? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

2.Is he going to go to a movie with us tomorrow? 明天他会和我们一起去看电影吗?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

3.Are they going to climb the hill? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. be going to的特殊疑问式:

1.Where are you going to plant trees next year? 明年你打算在哪儿种树?

2.When is he going to buy a new car? 他准备什么时候买辆新汽车? He is going to buy a new next week.




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ⅰ.主语 + will (shall) + 动词原形 (do) 1.I will come next week. 我下周来。 I'll come next week.

2.We'll go to the Great Wall next Sunday. 下周日我们去长城。

3.They'll help me study English tomorrow. 他们明天要帮助我学英语。

4.He'll visit his grandmother in a week. 一周后他将要拜访(探望)他的奶奶。


1.We won't have lessons tomorrow. 明天我们没课。 2.These birds won't fly to the south in winter. 这些鸟冬天不会飞到南方去。

3.The students won't play football next Sunday. 学生们下周日不踢足球。

4.My father won't go to work the day after tomorrow. 我爸爸后天不上班。


1.Will you finish this work tomorrow? 明天你能完成这项工作吗? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

2.Will they have lessons next week? 下周他们将有课吗? Yes , they will / No, they won't

3.Will she come to my birthday party tomorrow? 她明天会来我的生日宴会吗? Yes, she will. / No, she won't

4.Will Mr. Wang teach us English next year? 王老师明年会教我们英语吗? Yes , he will / No, he won't


1.How many eggs will you cook? 你要煮多少鸡蛋? I will cook seven eggs. 我要煮七个鸡蛋。

2.When will she buy a new car? 她什么时候买新车? She will buy a new car next year. 明年她将买新车。 3.Why will you go to Qingdao? 你为什么去青岛?

Because it's cool and interesting. 因为那里凉爽且有趣。

4.Where will your parents go next winter? 你父母明年将要去哪里? They will go to Hainan. 他们将去海南。

ⅴ.其他表示未来情况的方法:be going to

主语 + be(am, is, are)going to + 动词原形,表示打算干某事或即将要发生某事。be 动词随主语人称的变化而变化。


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1.A: - Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助。 B:- You are welcome.不用谢。 2.A: - Thank you.

B:- It's my pleasure. /That's all right./Not at all. 不用谢。(十分高兴为你效劳/不用谢/没关系) 3.A: - Excuse me. May I ask (you) a question? 打扰了,我可以问(您)一个问题吗? B: - Yes./OK./Of course. What is it? 可以,是什么问题?

4.A: - May I leave now?/Can I leave now? 我可以离开吗? B: - Yes, of course./OK./Sure./Certainly. 可以,当然了。

- I am afraid you can't./ You'd better not.(否定回答) 恐怕你不能离开。/你最好别离开。


1.一般将来时:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或状态(打算、计划要做的事)。 常用的将来时间状语:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year /week/month/,in two weeks,, some day 等.


主语 + will (shall) + 动词原形 (do) (do 来表示动词原形) 肯定句:

(1)We will go to the Great Wall next Sunday. 下周日我们将要去长城。 (2)They will help me study English tomorrow. 他们明天将要帮助我学英语。

(3)He will visit his grandmother in a week. 一周后他将要拜访(探望)他的奶奶。

(4)Susan will buy a new bike. Susan将要买一辆新自行车。 will 可用于各种人称。

主语+will的常用缩写形式: I will = I'll 我将要

We will = We'll 我们将要 You will = You'll 你将要 They will = They'll It will = It'll 例句:

(1)I will come next week. 我下周来。 I'll come next week.

(2)We will go to the Great Wall next Sunday. 下周日我们将要去长城。 We'll go to the Great Wall next Sunday. (3)They will help me study English tomorrow. 他们明天将要帮助我学英语。


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They'll help me study English tomorrow. (4)He will visit his grandmother in a week. 一周后他将要拜访(探望)他的奶奶。 He'll visit his grandmother in a week. 否定句:will not = won't

(1)We won't have lessons tomorrow. 明天我们将没有课。 (2)These birds won't fly to the South in winter. 冬天这些鸟将不会飞到南方去。

(3)The students won't play football next Sunday. 学生们下周日不踢足球。

(4)My father won't go to work the day after tomorrow. 我爸爸后天将不上班。 一般疑问句:把will 放在句首

(1)Will you finish this work tomorrow? 明天你能完成这项工作吗? Yes, I will. / No, I won't.

(2)Will they have lessons next week? 下周他们将有课吗? Yes, they will. / No, they won't.

(3)Will she come to my birthday party tomorrow? 她明天将来我的生日宴会吗? Yes, she will. / No, she won't.

(4)Will Mr. Wang teach us English next year? 王老师明年将教我们英语吗? Yes, he will. / No, he won't. 特殊疑问句:(where, when, what, how many, why) (1)How many eggs will you cook? I will cook seven eggs.

(2)When will she buy a new car? I will buy a new car next year.

(3)Why will you go to Qingdao? Because it's cool and interesting.

(4)Where will your parents go next winter? They will go to Hainan.

构成:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 where--地点 when--时间

how many--数字 why--because +句子 另外一种表示方法:

主语+be( am/is/are )going to + 动词原形,例如:

(1)I am going to go to a movie next Sunday. 下周日我打算去看电影。 (2)My brother is going to travel in Australia. 我弟弟将要去澳大利亚旅游。

(3)They are going to meet in the park.他们决定在公园碰面。

变否定句只需在 am/is/are 后面加上not


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(1)The students aren't going to play football tomorrow. 明天学生们不会去踢足球。

(2)I am not going to go to a movie next Sunday. 下周日我不打算去看电影。

(3)Mr. Wang isn't going to teach us English next term. 下学期王老师不教我们英语了。

变一般疑问句只需把 am/is/are 放在句子最前面,注意变换他们的人称。 (1)Are you going to see him next week? Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

(2)Is he going to go to a movie with us tomorrow? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.

(3)Are they going to climb the hill? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 特殊疑问句:

(1)Where are you going to plant trees next year? 明年你打算在哪儿种树?

I am going to plant trees on a hill.

(2)When is he going to buy a new car? 他准备什么时候买辆新汽车?

He is going to buy a new car next year.


一般过去时就是过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,它一般和表示过去的状语连用,如: yesterday (昨天) last week/ month /year/night / term/(上周、上个月、去年、昨天晚上、上学期) ago(以前) in 1996(在1996年) a moment ago(刚才) just now (刚才)


I was busy yesterday. 我昨天很忙。

She was happy last night. 她昨天晚上很高兴。

The boys were in the park just now. 这些男孩儿刚才在公园里。 上面的am → was is → was are → were 这就是be 动词的一般过去时。 在一般过去时里: I → was

he/she /it /名词的单数形式 → was

we/you (你、你们) /they(他们)/名词的复数形式 → were 例句:

(1)I was late for school yesterday. 昨天我上学迟到了。 (2)She was happy last night. 她昨天晚上很高兴。

(3)The boys were in the park just now. 这些男孩儿刚才在公园里。 否定句:

(1)I was not late for school yesterday. 昨天我上学没迟到。 (2)He was not at home last night. 他昨晚上不在家。

(3)They were not in America last summer. 去年夏天他们不在美国。


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ed bought

stop → stopped drop → dropped fit → fitted (5)不规则动词

go → went see → saw make → made buy → have → had do → did get → got build → built ⅰ.一般过去时的肯定式:


缩写形式: was not = wasn't were not = weren't 一般疑问句:

(1)Was it snowing yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午下雪了吗? No, it wasn't. Yes, it was.

(2)Were the children happy at the party last night? 昨天晚上孩子们在宴会上快乐吗? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

(3)Were you late for work this morning? 今天早上你上班迟到了吗? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't. 特殊疑问句:

特殊疑问词+一般疑问句 例句:

(1)Where were you yesterday morning? 昨天上午你在哪里? I was in the library. 我在图书馆。

(2)Why was Mary late for meeting yesterday? 为什么昨天玛丽开会迟到了? Because she was ill.


(1)We watched TV for two hours last night. 昨天晚上我们看了两个小时的电视。

(2)He cleaned the classroom after school yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午放学他打扫了教室。

(3)John studied Chinese in Yuying Middle School in 1999. John 1999年在育英中学学中文。

(4)My parents went to the Forbidden City last Sunday. 上周日我父母去了紫禁城。 动词过去式的构成规则: (1)一般在动词词尾加ed

work → worked help → helped watch → watched (2)以e 结尾的动词后加d

live → lived like → liked decide → decided hope→ hoped (3)以辅音字母+ y结尾的动词将 y变i再加ed

study → studied carry → carried try → tried cry → cried 以元音字母加y结尾的动词加ed play → played


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He cleaned the classroom after school yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午放学后他打扫了教室。

John studied Chinese in Yuying Middle School in 1999. John 1999年在育英中学学中文。

My parents went to the Forbidden City last Sunday. 上周日我父母去了紫禁城。


句中无be动词时,怎样变成否定句呢?我们借助 did(就是do的过去式)后加上not 就可以了,也可以直接写成它的缩写形式didn't。例如:

1.My parents didn't go to the Forbidden City last Sunday. 上周日我父母没有去紫禁城。

2.They didn't carry two boxes to the factory yesterday. 昨天他们没有把两只箱子搬运到工厂。

3.We didn't watch TV last night. 昨天晚上我们没有看电视。 4.He didn't eat lunch at home yesterday.昨天他没在家吃午饭。

这就是一般过去时的否定句,在主语后加上didn't 变成否定句后,他们的谓语动词要还原成动词原形;didn't 可用在任何人称的后面,不随主语变化而变化。


变成一般疑问句时,也需要借助did,即将did提前,谓语动词用原形。例如: 1.She watched TV for two hours last night. →Did she watch TV for two hours last night? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.

2.He ate lunch at home yesterday.

→Did he eat lunch at home yesterday? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.

3.My mother cooked noodles last Sunday. →Did your mother cook noodles last Sunday? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't. 4.They lived in Beijing in 1996. →Did they live in Beijing in 1996? Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.


1.Where did you go yesterday? 昨天你去哪儿了? I went to Summer Palace.我去颐和园。

2.How many subjects did they study last term? 上学期他们学习了几门课? They studied seven subjects. 他们学习了七门课。

3.Where did John study Chinese in 1999? John 1999年在哪儿学中文的?

He studied Chinese in Yuying Middle School in 1999.


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4.What did you do last night? 昨天晚上你们干什么呢?

We listened to English songs last night. 我们昨晚听了英语歌曲。 日常用语:

1.- Would you mind opening the window? 您介意打开窗户吗? - Not at all! 没关系!

- Of course not! 当然不介意!

- I am afraid it's cold now. 我担心会冷吧。

2. Would you like to go swimming with us? 你愿意和我们一起去游泳吗?

肯定:Yes, of course / I’d like to / I’d love to. 当然愿意。

否定:Yes, of course / I’d like to/I’d love to. But I am sorry, I am busy. 是的,我非常想去,但是很遗憾,我太忙了。


动词原形 动词过去式

am, is was 是 are were 是

become became 成为、变得 begin began 开始 bring brought 带来 buy bought 买 build built 建造 can could 能够 come came 来 do, does did

draw drew[dru:] 绘画 drink drank 喝 eat ate[et] 吃

feed fed 喂(养) feel felt 感觉

fight fought 打架、打仗 find found 发现、找到 forget forgot 忘记

get got 得到、变得 give gave 给 go went 去

grow grew 长大、成长 have/has had 有 hear heard 听见

hold held 握住、拿住 keep kept 保持、保存


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know knew 知道 leave left 离开

let let 让、允许 lose [lu:z] lost 丢失

make made 制作

meet met 遇见、碰面 pay paid 付款 put put 放置 read read 读 ride rode 骑、乘 run ran 跑 say said 说 see saw 看见 sell sold 卖

send sent 发送、寄 shall should 将要 sing sang 唱 sit sat 坐

sleep slept 睡、睡觉 sweep swept 打扫 swim swam 游泳 take took 取、拿走 teach taught 教 tell told 告诉

think thought 想、认为、思考 wear wore 穿 will would 将要

win won 赢、获胜 write wrote 写 练习:

1. 写出下列动词的过去式:

ask → finish → cook → like → study → carry → hurry → try → stop → shop → fit → come → see → swim → run → teach → begin → leave → read →

II.把下列句子变成否定句和一般疑问句,并做出肯定回答或否定回答: 1. He bought a new car yesterday. → →

2. They listened to the English tape last night. → →

3. My brother played basketball just now.


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long → longer fast → faster warm →warmer 2.以—e结尾的词只加—r

large → larger brave → braver fine→ finer

3.以重读闭音节结尾的词,词尾是一个辅音字母,双写辅音字母再加—er hot → hotter big → bigger wet → wetter thin →thinner fat → fatter red → redder

4.以辅音字母+ y 结尾的词,变y 为i , 再加—er

easy → easier happy → happier busy → busier early→earlier 5.不规则

good / well → better bad / ill → worse

(注:为了更好的叙述及记忆,这里所讲的单音节词中包括少数几个双音节词。) many / much → more little → less far → farther 例句(二):

1.Tom is more outgoing than Jim. Tom比Jim外向。

2.The ice cream is more delicious than the hamburger.冰淇淋比汉堡包更美味。 3.She is more popular than you. 她比你更受欢迎。 4.These stories are more interesting than those stories. 这些故事比那些故事更有趣。





一种是:主语+be动词+形容词/副词er形式+than+人或物 这里的形容词/副词是单音节,在它们之后加er。

另一种:主语+be动词+more+形容词/副词+than+人或物 这里的形容词/副词是多音节,在单词之前加more。 3.She is more friendly than you.他比你有好。

Ⅱ. 最高级:


我们首先看单音节词(及少数双音节词)的最高级表示方法,例如: 1.Shanghai is the largest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 2.The Great Wall is the longest in the world.世界上长城是最长的。 3.Tom is the shortest in our class. Tom是我们班个子最矮的。 4.This is the best of all. 这是所有当中最好的。

5.Mary is the tallest of the three girls. 在这三个女孩当中Mary 是最高的。 6.Who is the oldest, Mary, Sally or Rose?谁是最大的,Mary, Sally 还是 Rose? 最高级后面一般跟表示比较的范围的修饰语,如:

in China, in the world, in our class, of all, of the three girls.



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单音节形容词或副词后面加词尾-est的方式构成最高级,构成方式如下: 1.一般情况下,形容词或副词后面直接加-est;

tall → tallest short → shortest hard → hardest long → longest fast → fastest warm →warmest 2.以e结尾的词加-st;

large → largest brave → bravest fine→ finest


hot → hottest big → biggest wet → wettest thin →thinnest fat → fattest red → reddest big → biggest 4.以“辅音+ y”结尾的词,先变y为i,在加-est;

easy → easiest happy → happiest busy → busiest early→earliest 5.不规则

good / well → better → best bad / ill → worse → worst many / much → more → most little → less → least

far → farther → farthest


ⅲ.多音节词(和其他双音节)最高级的句式及构成: 1.The park is the most beautiful in our town. 在我们城镇这个公园是最漂亮的。

2.Mr.Wang is the most popular in our class 在我们班王老师是最受欢迎的。

3. He is the most outgoing of the three boys. 在这三个男孩当中他是最外向的。 4.Lesson 8 is the most important of all. 第八课是所有当中最重要的一课。

句式:主语+be动词+the+most+形容词或副词+范围 构成形式:多音节词之前加the most。

Ⅲ.同级比较:as?as和not so(as)?as结构 句式:


否定句用:not so(as)+原级+as(和??不一样) 肯定式:

1.Tom is as tall as Jim. Tom和Jim一样高。

2.Math is as difficult as physics. 数学和物理一样难。 3.He is as busy as before. 他和以前一样忙。

4.Today is as hot as yesterday. 今天和昨天一样热。 否定式:

1.Mary is not as smart as Tina. Mary和Tina不一样聪明。


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2.This dictionary is not as thick as that one. 这本字典和那本字典不一样厚。

3.He is not so strong as his brother. 他不和他弟弟一样强壮。

4.The tiger is not so heavy as the elephant. 老虎和大象不一样重。


1.— Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Peace Hotel? 打扰了,您能告诉我怎样到达“和平旅店”吗?

— Sure. Go down this street and you can see the crossing, and then turn left(right), you will find it on your right. You can’t miss it.


— Thank you very much. 多谢!

— You are welcome. 不客气/不用谢。

2.— How do you like the pizza? 您感觉这比萨怎样? — I think it’s delicious. 它很美味。

— Would you like some more? 您还要一些吗?

— Yes, please, but just a little. Thank you. 好的,但是要一点, 谢谢

— OK, Here you are. It’s my pleasure. 好吧,给您,这是我的荣幸(不客气)。


写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式: 单音节和部分双音节词:

tall → short → great → hard → long → fast → warm → quiet → smart → large → brave → fine→ hot → big → wet → thin → fat → big → easy → happy → funny → busy → early → good → bad → many / much → 多音节:

interesting → outgoing → difficult → important → athletic(体格健壮的) → beautiful →




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1.Jack said, “I usually do my homework after school.”(直接引语) 杰克说,“我通常放学后做作业。”

→ Jack said (that) he usually did his homework after school.(间接引语) 杰克说他通常放学后做作业。

2.They said, “We are cleaning classroom.” 他们说,“我们正在打扫教室。”

→ They said (that) they were cleaning the classroom. 他们说他们正在打扫教室。

3.Tom said, “I will go to the park tomorrow.” 汤姆说,“我明天将去公园。”

→Tom said (that) he would go to the park the next day. 汤姆说他将在第二天去公园。

4.Jack said to me, “We will paint our classroom.” 杰克对我说,“我们将要粉刷我们的教室。”

→Jack told me (that) they would paint their classroom. 杰克告诉我他们将要粉刷他们的教室。

5.Peter said, “I can answer this question.” 皮特说,“我能回答这个问题。”

→Peter said (that) he could answer that question. 皮特说他能回答那个问题。

这是直接引语改为间接引语的肯定句。 直接引语的一般疑问句:

直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,要用关联词if或whether (是否)引导。从句用陈述语序(也就是肯定句形式)。

1.She said to Tom, “Can you skate?” 她对汤姆说,“你会滑冰吗?” →She asked Tom if (whether) he could skate. 她问汤姆是否会滑冰。

2.He said, “Do you like the film, Mary?” 他说,“Mary,你喜欢这个电影吗? →He asked her if she liked the film. 他问Mary 是否喜欢这部电影。

3.Mary said, “Are you an engineer?” Mary说,“你是工程师吗?”

→Mary asked if (whether) I was an engineer. Mary 问我是不是工程师。

4.The girl said to me, “Do you often help your mother with the housework?” 这个女孩对我说,“你经常帮助你妈妈做家务活吗?”

→The girl asked me if I often helped my mother with the housework. 这个女孩问我是否经常帮助我妈妈干家务事。

从例子中我们可以看出,直接引语的一般疑问句改为间接引语时,间接引语除了用 if 或whether引导外,从句用陈述语序。




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1.The teacher asked, “Where is the post office?” 老师问,“邮局在哪里?”

→The teacher asked where the post office was. 老师问邮局在哪里。 2.She asked, “when will he come?” 她问,“他什么时候来?”

→She asked when he would come. 她问他什么时候来。 3.The girl asked, “what are they doing?” 女孩问,“他们正在干什么?”

→The girl asked what they were doing. 女孩问他们正在干什么。

4.The driver asked, “where does Ann work?” 那个司机问,“Ann 在哪里工作?” →The driver asked where Ann worked. 那个司机问Ann在哪里工作。





1.He said (that) he usually did his homework after school.(由that引导的宾语从句)


2.Mary asked if (whether) I was an engineer.(由连接词if或whether引导的宾语从句)

Mary 问我是否是个工程师。

3.She asked when he would come.(由连接词when引导的宾语从句) 她问他什么时候来。 再如:

1.We know (that) he is a good student. 我们知道他是个好学生。 2.They believe (that) they will win the match. 他们相信他们一定会胜这场比赛。

3.I know that he is doing his homework now. 我知道他正在做功课。 学习宾语从句要注意掌握主句与从句时态的相应变化。




1.I know that he will be back in a day. 我知道他一天后回来。

2.We all know he has arrived in Beijing.


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我们都知道他已经到达了北京。 3.I wonder whether he studies hard. 我想知道他学习是否努力。

4.Do you know where Jim is? 你知道吉姆在哪里吗? 5.Can you tell me when the party will begin? 你能告诉我宴会什么时候开始吗?

6.She said that they began to learn English in 1998. 她说他们在1998年开始学英语的

7.John said that he was watching TV at that time。 John 说他那时正在看电视。

8.She asked me if he was my brother. 她问我他是不是我的弟弟。

9.The woman asked if you could tell her the way to the zoo. 那个妇女问你是否能告诉她去动物园的路。

10. He told us why he was late. 他告诉我们他迟到的原因。 11.I didn’t know when he would come to my hometown. 我不知道他将什么时候来我的家乡。

注意:1—5 题:主句是一般时,从句用的是一般时的某种时态。 6—11题:主句是过去时,从句用的是过去时的某种时态。



1.What day is it today? 今天星期几? It’s Monday.今天星期一。

2.What’s the date today? 今天几号? It’s August 10th. 今天8月10号。 3.What time is it now? 几点了? It’s five thirty. 五点半了。 一周七天:

Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday; Friday; Saturday; Sunday. 一年十二个月:

January; February; March; April; May; June; July; August; September; October; November; December.


时间状语从句的引导词一般有 when (当??的时候), while (当??的时候), since (自从), after (在??之后), before (在??之前), as soon as(一??就??)等


1.I will write to you at once as soon as he gets here. 他一到这里我就立刻写信给你们。

2.My mother was cooking when I came in.


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当我进来时,我妈妈正在做饭。 例句(二):

1.While I was watching TV, my brother was repairing his bike. 当我看电视的时候,我的弟弟在修理他的自行车。 2. After he had finished his work, he went home. 他做完工作之后,就回家了。

3. We will put everything in order before we leave the lab. 在离开实验室之前,我们会把一切整理好的。 4. Pilots had left before we got there. 我们到那里之前,飞行员都已经走了。

5. The boy was standing in front of the restaurant when the UFO landed. 当UFO着陆时那个男孩正站在饭店的前面。 6. When he entered our house, we were eating. 当他进来时,我们正在吃饭。

7. As soon as I went in, Kate cried out with pleasure. 我一走进去,凯特就高兴地叫起来。

8. I'll tell him the good news as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就告诉他这个好消息。

9. I have been collecting these coins since I was ten years old. 我从十岁开始搜集这些硬币。

10. They have studied in the same class since they entered the school. 自从进入这所学校,他们就一直在同一班学习。



1.She has taught us since I came to this school. 自从我来到这所学校,她一直教我们。

2.I have lived in Beijing since 1993。 自从1993年我就住在北京。 3.They have already studied English for seven years. 他们已经学英语七年了。

4.Charlie has already visited China for three days. 查理已经访问中国三天了。

现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,但与现在情况有联系,即用一个发生在过去的动作来说明现在的情况。现在完成时还强调动作的延续性,常和since 或for 引导的词语连用。

句中常和already(已经,常用于肯定句),ever(曾经) yet (还、仍然)(常用于否定句和疑问句)等词连用。


主语 + have / has (第三人称单数) + 动词过去分词 (done) 动词过去分词的构成: 1. 一般在动词词尾 + ed

finish→ finished help → helped enter → entered 2. 以e 结尾的动词后+ d


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stop → stopped drop → dropped shop → shopped 5. 不规则动词

go → went → gone see → saw → seen

make → made → made buy → bought → bought have → had → had do → did → done 例子:

1.The two leaders have already met for two hours. 这两位领导人已经会晤了两个小时了。

2.The young man has already become a famous singer. 这位年轻人已成为一位著名的歌唱家了。

3.The scientists have gone to New York for six months. 科学家们已经去纽约六个月了。

4.Nina has bought a new car. 妮娜已经买新车了。

5.Lana has already read many Chinese stories since she came to Beijing. 自从Lana 来到北京,她已经读了许多中文故事了。

6.He has sat under the tall tree since two o'clock. 自两点钟起他一直坐在那棵大树下。

以上是现在完成时的肯定句。它的否定形式是: 主语+ haven't ( hasn't) + 动词过去分词 例如:

1. I haven't visited my parents for three months. 我已有3个月没探望我的父母了。

2. He hasn't touched beer for a whole week. 他已有整整一个星期没沾啤酒了。

3. We haven't seen each other for a long time. 我们已经好多年没有见面了。

4. The boy hasn't got his book yet. 这个男孩还没有拿到他的书。 5. I haven't cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 我还没有把冰箱打扫干净。

现在完成时的一般疑问句形式:Have/ Has +主语+动词过去分词 例如:

1. Have they studied in the same class since they entered the school? 自从进入这所学校,他们就一直在同一班学习吗? Yes, they have./ No, they haven't.

2. Have you ever been to the Summer Palace? 你们曾经去过颐和园吗?

Yes, we have. / No, we haven't.

3. Has he sat under the tall tree since two o'clock?


live → lived like → liked decide → decided hope→ hoped 3. 以辅音字母+ y结尾的动词将 y变i再加ed

study → studied carry → carried try → tried cry → cried 以元音字母加y结尾的动词+ed play → played stayed

4. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,要双写最后一个辅音字母 +

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从两点钟起他一直坐在那棵大树下吗? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.

4. Has the professor taught them for three years? 这个教授已经教他们三年了吗? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't.

5.Have you packed the beach towels yet? 你已经把在海滨所用的毛巾打包了吗? Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

have gone to 与have been to的区别:

1. have gone to 表示已经去某地了,强调主语已经离开,也可能在去某地的路上,或者已经到了某地,但还没有回来。例如:

---Where are your parents? 你父母在哪儿? --- They have gone to the market. 他们去市场了。

2. have been to 表示曾经去过某地,强调主语的经历,现在已经不在那儿, 已回来了。例如:

--- I haven't seen you for months! Where have you been? 我好几个月没见你了,你去哪儿了?

--- Oh, I have been to France. 噢,我去法国了。


动词原形 动词过去式 动词过去分词

am, is was been 是 are were been 是

become became become 成为、变得 begin began begun 开始 bring brought brought 带来 buy bought bought 买 build built built 建造 come came come 来 do, does did done 做 draw drew[dru:] drawn 绘画 drink drank drunk 喝 eat ate[et] eaten 吃

feed fed fed 喂(养) feel felt felt 感觉

fight fought fought 打架、打仗 find found found 发现、找到 forget forgot forgotten/forgot 忘记

freeze froze frozen 冰冻、冻结 get got gotten/got 得到、变得 give gave given 给 go went gone 去

grow grew[gru:] grown 长大、成长 hang hung hung 悬挂、吊着


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have/has had had 有 hear heard heard 听见

hold held held 握住、拿住 keep kept kept 保持、保存 know knew known 知道 lay[lei] laid [leid] laid 放置,搁 leave left left 离开

let let let 让、允许 lose [lu:z] lost lost 丢失 lie [lai] lay [lein] lain 躺下

learn learned/learnt learned/learnt 学习、学会 make made made 制作

meet met met 遇见、碰面 pay paid paid 付款 put put put 放置 read read read 读 ride rode ridden 骑、乘 run ran run 跑 say said said 说 see saw seen 看见 sell sold sold 卖

send sent sent 发送、寄 sing sang sung 唱 sit sat sat 坐

sleep slept slept 睡、睡觉 speak spoke spoken 说 spend spent spent 花费 sweep swept swept 打扫 swim swam swum 游泳 stand stood stood 站立

take took taken 取、拿走 teach taught taught 教 tell told told 告诉

think thought thought 想、认为、思考

win won won 赢、获胜 write wrote written[ritn] 写


