8A Unit7 Seasons教案(全)

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8A Unit7 Seasons教案

年级 课题 课型 授课教师 授课时间 英语 Welcome to the unit 8Aunit7 新授课 任教班级 年 月 日 第 周 星期 主备教师教学设计 二次备课 初二 学科 主备人 教材 1. Lead to the topic about seasons. 教学目2. To know some expressions about different weather. 标 3. Learn to talk about students’ favourite seasons. 重点难Learn to talk about students’ favourite seasons. 点 化解重1 使用直观教具,创设情境呈现 难点的2 联系实际,激发学生的兴趣 方法与手段 Step 1. Presentation 1. Show some pictures to learn some words . 2. Then read aloud the new words. foggy, rainy, snowy Step 2.Do some exercises. 1. Do Part A on page 81. 2. Check the answers. Step 3. Listen and answer 教学流程设计 1. Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions. 1) What does Eddie ask hobo to do? 2) Is it cold today? 3) Does hobo think Eddie look cool? 2. Read the dialogue after the recorder. 3. Read the dialogue in pairs. 4. Act it out. Step 4. Listening. 1. Listen to part B and answer the following question. 1) Which season does Simon like best? 1

2) What’s the weather like in Autumn? 3) What can Amy do in summer? 2. Read after the recorder. 3. Pratice in pairs. 4. Act it out. Step 5. Explanation 1. Bring me my clothes, Hobo. bring 带来 take 带走 e.g. Please bring me my coat. Take your book home after school 2. You’ll look cool and feel cool with nothing on! look cool 看起来酷 3. Which season do you like best, Simon? Which is your favourite season? like … best / favourite 最喜欢…… e.g. I like spring best My favourite season is spring. 课后作1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson. 业 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.. 教后记


年级 课题 课型 授课教师 授课时间 英语 reading 8Aunit7 阅读课 任教班级 年 月 日 第 周 星期 主备教师教学设计 1 .To know changes of the seasons. 二次备课 初二 学科 主备人 教材 教学目标 2.To grasp the words, phrases of the four seasons. 3.To enjoy the beauty of the poem. 重点难点 1 .To know changes of the seasons. 2.The rhythm and personification of the poem. 化解重难1 Multi-Media. 点的方法与手段 1. Warming-up: 1.T: Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you. S: Nice to see you. T: You can call me Miss Ji, OK? S: Ok T: I’m happy to be your teacher this class, I hope you can have a good time. I hear you love English very much, I prepare an English cartoon for you. Let’s enjoy. (观看有关季节的视频) (铃声之后) 教学流程2. Presentation: T: Class begins, good morning boys and girls, sit down, please 设计 T: You’ve enjoyed the cartoon, do you like it? Is it funny? What’s it about? S: It’s about seasons. T: How many seasons? S: Four T: What are they? S: They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. T: Which is the first season of the year? S: Spring.


T: I like spring best and I think it’s the most beautiful season. Do you think so? S: Yes. 春天 (根据图片) T: What can you often do in spring? S: We can fly kites. T: Yes, spring is the perfect time to fly kites. Perfect (very good) T: What’s the weather like in spring? S: It’s sunny. T: Yes, it’s so bright. In what weather can children fly kites? Can they fly a kite on a rainy day? S: No T: They fly kites on a windy day. (呈现windy and bright) T: What can you see among the flowers? (灯在花丛中绕一下), (如果答不上来) Are these bees? Are these butterflies? (领读, 开火车) Bees and butterflies play among flowers. They are beautiful, but can we see them all the time? S: No. T: Bees and butterflies hide from April showers. (领读,解释It’s a short period of rain, usually comes suddenly) Spring is really a beautiful season, so many people like spring. 夏天 T: What about summer? Do you like summer? Who likes summer put up your hands. Oh, many of you like summer. Look, The sun shines brightly in summer, how do you feel? S: Hot. T: Yes, the temperature is very high. (先分音节, 再连起来读) How to make you feel cool? S: (根据图片) go swimming, eat ice cream T: Yes, you can also sit under the tree and enjoy the shade. Or you can go walking by quiet streams. (领读,开火车) There are many sweet memories of summer days.( 边说边把灯绕一下) 秋天 T: it’s hot in summer, is it hot now? S: No. T: We feel cool in autumn. Because the temperature drops, Are the 4 leaves still green? S: No. T: What colour are they? S: They are yellow and red T: Yes, the leaves turn red, yellow, golden and brown in autumn, and they fall into piles upon the ground. This is a pile of leaves.What do farmers do? Do they harvest crops? Farmers harvest crops in Autumn. 冬天 T: It’s colder and colder, and the days are becoming shorter and shorter. Which season is coming? S: Winter. T: Do you like winter? Why? S: We can go skating. We can go skiing. We can make a snowman… T: Yes, winter days are full of snow. It’s beautiful, but can we see trees and flowers everywhere? S: No. Because it’s so cold, they stop growing, they forget to grow. T: Can you see the birds, where are they? Many birds fly far away to find a warm and sunny place. 2. Read the new word twice 3. 总结I think all the seasons are beautiful. Four seasons make a year. Different people like different seasons. But I think each season has its own beauty. Step two: listening and reading 1. (听一遍完成练习B2) T: Now, let’s enjoy a beautiful poem about seasons. (观看视频) T: You’ve enjoyed the video, now, please tell me which season does this picture show? This one? Next? The last one? T: Now, let’s match. Group One, read description A together, which season? …… 2. (快速找读,完成练习B3) T: This time, please read the passage quickly and silently, and then find out six mistakes in Shirley and Amy’s conversation. Please read. 两分钟之后 Now, you can discuss in groups, try to find out the mistakes and correct them. 5

3. (分小节读课文,完成B4) T: Please read the first paragraph by yourselves, and then fill in the blanks. (一分钟之后) Do you have a good memory, I’d like to check. (核对第一小节答案) T: Girls, please read the second the paragraph. (之后核对第二小节答案) T: Now, boys, it’s your turn. Read the third paragraph. (之后核对第三小节答案) T: Now, let’s read the last paragraph all together. (之后核对第四小节答案) Step three: Enjoy the beauty of the poem. T: This is the passage of the seasons, which do you like better, the passage or the poem? S: The poem. T: Yes, I think the poem is more beautiful. Why is the poem so beautiful? Let’s enjoy the beauty of the poem. 1. The beauty of the rhythm T: Winter days are full of snow, when trees and flowers forget to grow. And the birds fly far away, to find a warm and sunny day. What can you find between the two words? Snow, grow, they rhyme with each other. Can you find more like this? 完成B1 2. The beauty of the language T: Besides rhyme, what other beauty can you find? Do you find the language beautiful? That’s because the writer uses some beautiful words, phrases and sentences to make the poem beautiful. Now, let’s find the beautiful words, phrases and sentences. (2分钟之后) Did you find any beautiful words? Any phrases and sentences? The words, phrases and sentences you have found are really beautiful. But different people have different ideas, I think these sentences are beautiful, let’s read and try to find the beauty. (屏幕呈现4个句子, 读完之后动词变色) How do you feel the words? Are they like a person’s action? Here the writer use the personification to make the poem more beautiful. Step Four: Read the poem full of feelings 1T: We’ve just enjoy the beauty of the poem, it’s time to express the poem with your own feelings in groups. Please read the poem 6 correctly, clearly, vividly and emotionally. And you should also pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, sentence groups and sentence stress. 2 T: Which group wants to have a try? (注意评价) 3. T: Now, it’s time for all of you to show. Let’s read the poem to the beautiful music. 读后评价 Wonderful. The poem is beautiful, you read wonderfully and the seasons are really interesting. Now, let’s chant the seasons. Spring, spring, green spring. Spring, spring, warm spring. Summer, summer, bright summer. Summer, summer, hot summer. Autumn, autumn, golden autumn. Autumn, autumn, cool autumn. Winter, winter, white winter Winter, winter, cold winter. 教师先示范。 T: It sounds interesting, do you think so? Boys and girls, let’s stand up, raise your hands, and chant the seasons just like me. Are you ready? Let’s go! 4. So boys and girls, let’s enjoy beautiful seasons and value interesting life. Step Five: Homework 1 After class, you can read the poem more, the more you read, the better you’ll like it. 2 If you can, try to create some more poems and e-mail me. Here is my e-mail address. So much for this class, class is over, goodbye. 1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson. 课后作业 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.. 教后记


年级 课题 课型 授课教师 授课时间 英语 Grammar 8Aunit7 新授课 任教班级 年 月 日 第 周 星期 主备教师教学设计 1. To recognize verbs and sentence structures. 初二 学科 主备人 教材 二次备课 教学目标 2. To become familiar with the verbs and sentence structure. 1. To recognize verbs and sentence structures. 重点难点 2. To become familiar with the verbs and sentence structure. 化解重难 点的方法分组讨论,合作学习 与手段 Step 1. Presentation Enjoy the picture and present the new words. Step 2. Explanation 句子结构 1.Subject (S) + verb (V) 主语 动词 The temperature drops. The birds are flying. 2.Subject + linking verb + Predicative 教学流程 S + V + P 主语 系动词 表语 设计 3.Subject + verb + Direct Object (sth.) S + V + DO 主语 动词 直接宾语(物) 4.Subject + verb +Indirect Object +Direct Object S + V + IO + DO 主语 +动词 +间接宾语(人) + 直接宾语(物) 5.Subject + verb +Direct Object +Object complement S + V + DO + OC 主语 +动词 +直接宾语(物) +宾语补足语 8 Step 3. Exercises 1. Do part A on page85. 2. Check the answers. Step 4.Do more exercises 写出下列句子的句子结构 1. She laughed. 2. He bought a T-shirt. 3. Jay named his dog Bobby. 4. She looks lovely. 5. He gave Mary a present. 6. The teacher is marking the tests. 7. They thought John the best actor. 8. I find the article interesting. 课后训练 1. Remember the new words in this lesson. 2. Finish the part B on page 86. 教后记


英语 Integrated skills 8Aunit7 新授课 授课教师 任教班级 授课时间 年 月 日 第 周 星期 二次主备教师教学设计 备课 教学1. Learn some new words. 目标 2. Practise listening skills by listening to a text. 重点难点 化解重难点的方法与手段 Step 1. Revision Rearrange the words to form complete sentences. 1. teenagers, have, an, many, unhealthy, diet. 2. makes, weak, your, body, unhealthy, diet, an. 3. unhappy, they, are. 4. find, difficult, homework, they, their. 5. tired, they, are 6. cry, some, them, of 7. hobbies, teenagers, many, have 8. write, letters, many, me, teenagers 教学流程设计 Step 2. Presentation Present the new words. snowstorm n.暴风雪 wind n. 风 around adv.大约 sunshine n. 阳光 rest n. 其余的部分(人) degree n. 度数 2. Read aloud these new words: 3. Do part A1 on page 87. 4. Check the answers. Step 3 Listening 1. Listen to the recorder and complete A2 on page 87.. 2. Check the answers.


年级 课题 课型 初二 学科 主备人 教材 Talk about different weather. 1. 将听的过程进行分解,明确每个阶段的任务。 2. 复习引出新的问题,激发学生兴趣,并让学生带着问题听对话材料

3. Listen to the recorder and complete A3 on page 88. 4. Check the answers. Step 4. Explanation 1.strong wind 大风 e.g. The wind will be stronger. 风将会更大。 2. drop below zero 降到零度以下 drop to -10℃ 降到零下10摄氏度 e.g. The temperature will drop below zero, to -10℃ . 温度将会降到零度以下,降到零下10摄氏度。 3. around 9℃ 大约9摄氏度 e.g. The temperature will be around 9℃ during the day . 温度在白天将会是大约9摄氏度。 4. the rest of … 其余的… e.g. Sunshine will stay with us for the rest of the week . 阳光将在这个星期的其余时间和我们呆在一起。 那栋大楼着火了。 Step5 Pair work Discuss with your partner and get as much information as you can about weather in different seasons and places. Then, report it to the class. Step 6. Exercises 翻译句子: 1. 温度将会降到10摄氏度。 2. 今天主要是干燥晴朗的天气。 3. 晚上天气将会变成多云。 5.温度在白天将会是大约9摄氏度左右。 6. 阳光和蓝天在这个星期的其余时间将会陪伴我们。 7. 今天将会有一些阵雨。 1. Remember the new words and the language points in this lesson. 课后作业 教后记


2. Preview Speak up and Study skills. 年级 课题 课型 授课教师 授课时间 初二 Speak up &Study skills 新授课 学科 主备人 教材 任教班级 英语 8Aunit7 年 月 日 第 周 星期 主备教师教学设计 二次备课 教学目标 重点难点 化解重难点的方法与手段 1. Learn how to talk about weather. 2. Learn the suffix -y. 1. Learn how to talk about weather. 2. Learn the suffix -y. 1 使用直观教具,创设情境呈现 2 联系实际,激发学生的兴趣 教学流程设计 Step 1. Presentation 1. Present some new words with pictures and then read them aloud Step 2. Speak up 1. Listen and answer: 1). What was the weather like in Beijing yesterday? There was a strong snowstorm in Beijing yesterday. 2). How’s the weather in Nanjing? It’s a bit cold and dry. 2. Read aloud the conversation then work in pairs. Use the conversation as a model 3. Make their own dialogue. Step 3. Presentation Show some pictures and present the suffix –y. Step 4. Study skills 1. Explain the suffix -y: 2. Complete the exercises on page89. 3. Check the answers. Step 5 Explanation 1. This is … speaking. 我是… 这是打电话时的专业用语。 2. How is the weather? =What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样? e.g. How is the weather in Beijing ? 12

北京的天气怎么样? 3. blow hard 吹得厉害 e.g. The wind is blowing hard . 这风吹得很厉害。 4. speak loud 讲的大声 e.g. Can you speak louder ? 你能讲的大声点吗? 5. heavy rain 大雨 6. ring / call / phone sb. 给某人打电话 e.g. I will ring you this afternoon. Step 6 Exercises 一、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词。 1. The _______ 突然的) heavy rain causes a lot of problems . 2.In winter, they are happy on _______ (下雪的) days . 3. They like snowball f_______. 4. He feels s______ in the afternoon. 5. The wind is b_______ hard. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空 1. It will be _______ (cloud) here and _______ (rain) in South China. 2. It will be ______ (wind) in Sanya tomorrow. 3. What a ______ (snow) day! The ground is covered with snow everywhere. 4. It was _________ (fog) this morning, there was much ______ (fog) on the window. 5.On a _______(frost) morning, the boy died in his mother’s arms . 1. Remember the new words and the language points in this lesson. 2. Recite the conversation in speak-up. 课后训练 教后记


年级 课题 课型 授课教师 授课时间 初二 task 新授课 学科 主备人 教材 任教班级 英语 8Aunit7 年 月 日 第 周 星期 主备教师教学设计 二次备课 教学目标 To learn to organize ideas for writing an article for the school newsletter and to write an article about your favourite season. To learn to organize ideas for writing an article for the school 重点难点 newsletter and to write an article about your favourite season. 化解重难点的方法与手段 Step 1. Presentation 1.Present some new words with pictures and them read them aloud deep adj. 深的 frozen adj. 结冰的 land n. 陆地 exciting adj. 激动人心的 throw vt. 扔,投,掷 snowman n. 雪人 scream vi. & vt. 尖叫,惊呼 ice n. 冰 everywhere adv. 到处 Step 2. Listening 1. Listen to the recorder and answer the following question . 1. What is the writer’s favourite season? Winter. 2. What is the weather like? It’s very cold. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. 3. What does Harbin look like? Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. 4. Why does the writer like this season? Because the writer loves playing outside. 5. What activities do people enjoy doing in this season? They have big snowball fights. They throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing. They also make snowmen and use 14

通过大量的练习来巩固本单元所学知识。 剩余时间可讲练习。 教学流程设计

carrots for their noses. 2. Read after the tape . Step 3. Explanation 1. Everything is covered in deep white snow. be covered in … 用……覆盖 e.g. The road is covered in pure write snow. 2. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. have snowball fights 打雪仗 e.g. If it snows, we like making snowmen and have snowball fights. 3. We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing. 1) throw snowball 扔雪球 e.g. We like throwing snowballs in winter. 2) 句中的screaming and laughing是现在分词短语,在句中作伴随状语。 Step 4. Translate the following phrases. 1.我最喜欢的季节 2.零度以下 3.用厚厚的白雪覆盖 4.看见了美丽的花 5.在外面玩 6.打雪仗 7.扔雪球 8.堆雪人 9.冰节 Step 5. Answer the questions below about your favourite season. 1.What is your favourite season? 2. What is the weather like then? 3. What does your city look like? 4. Why do you like this season? 5. What activities do people enjoy doing in this season? .Step 6.Useful expressions 1. … is my favourite season. 2. I like spring/summer/autumn/winter because … 3. The temperature is usually … 4. It is often sunny/windy/rainy … 5. During this season, you can/cannot … 6. My friend and I often … 7. I always enjoy … 课后训练 教后记


Write an article about your favourite season. Use the article on page 90 as a model.

