Unit7 说课稿

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Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

英本7班 胡健 120402210

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. Today I am going to talk about Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?

Part One: Teaching principles

The first point is learning by doing aims to help students achieve knowledge actively and creatively. My teaching is based on Task-–based language teaching which is a very good method of teaching English. And my teaching is in keep with the standard of new curriculum Part two: Analysis of Teaching Material

My lesson is taken from Section A, Unit7, Grade 9 ,Ss’ Book 1.

The main topic of this unit is ―Talk about places you would like to visit‖. Focus on the target language ―Where would you like to visit?—I’d like (love) to visit Florida. And it’s the difficult and key point. During the teaching, I’ll pay

attention to the emotional education of the students, to make students love the nature and love the life.

This is the first lesson of this unit, if the students learn it well, it will help the students to learn the rest of this unit. Part Three: Analysis of the students

Teenagers like to show themselves, especially the familiar topic. So I’ll design all kinds of tasks to build up their learning interest and self-confidence. Of course, it’s also helpful to improve their spoken English.

Students have learned to talk about willing using ―would like to ‖, so they can learn this lesson well.

Part Four: Teaching aims. In this part, I divide it into 4 small parts: Part1 Ability aims:

Training students to talk about places they would like to visit with the target language. Training students to describe vacations with different adjectives. and training students’ listening skills.

Target Language aims:

Help students to understand and learn to use sentence: Where would you like to go on vacation? I’d like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations

Key Vocabulary aims:

To help students understand and learn to use these adjectives :tiring, educational, fascinating, thrilling,peaceful, trek, jungle, take it easy.

Moral aims:

let students more interesting to go on vacating somewhere instead of staying at home and love English and learn it in passion Part Five: Teaching key and difficult points

(In this part, I think)How to talk about the places where they would like to go by using the adjectives.(is a little difficult) Part Six: Teaching aids and Teaching methods

I will use radio, PPT and blackboard in my class to make it more cololrful. Now we know what to teach, next let’s see how to teach it. My teaching idea is Task-based methods. Time is limited

OK, next, the most important part is coming. That is

Part Seven: Teaching procedures (In this part, it has 5 steps) Step 1 Warming-up

1. Greeting(At first,I will greet to the students ,cheering them up is necessary.) 2. Then, let students enjoy and describe some beautiful pictures at home and aboard. It’s ready for using target language in this lesson. In this part, I will lead them to the new lesson. (5 minutes)

Step 2 Presentation (Of course, this step is very important)

I’ll show them the picture in 1a.Let the students pay attention to the two vacations. Vacation1 and Vacation2 compare them and collect different adjectives to describe the two vacations. Then show them lots of adjectives and teach some of them: relaxing, peaceful, boring, exciting,tiring,educational and so on. At the same time,show them the target language :Where would

you like to visit? I’d like to go to America. I’d love to visit the White House. and so on.

This step can help students understand the new language goals better. Learn it well, it’s ready for the next step. Step 3 Listening

First read the instructions. Then play the tape recorder. Make the students listen and complete the activity. After listening, make students repeat after the tape and read the listening material. Help them understand the target language well.

Purpose: To improve Ss’ ability of listening

Step 4 Pair work (This step can make the class grasp the target language better)

Make conversations in pairs. Let some pairs act out their conversations in class.

(Show them flashes like this)

For example, A: Where would you like to visit /go on vacation? B: I’d like/love to visit Shanghai. A: Why?

B: Because I like exciting vacations. Purpose:

practice oral English and learn how to use those sentences. Step 5 Homework

