Unit7 the monster

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基础英语 Unit7 the monster


基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Paragrah4 It never occurred to him that he and his doing were not of the most intense and fascinating interest to anyone with whom he came in contact.

他从未想过,与他有过交往的人对他本人和 他的所作所为根本就不感兴趣。 He never thought others were not interested in him and what he did at all.

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Intense Intense is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree. 剧烈的; 极度的 If you describe an activity as intense, you mean that it is very serious and concentrated, and often involves doing a lot in a short time. 集中的; 紧张的

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

词根:intense adj. intensive 加强的;集中的;透彻的; 加强语气的 intensional 内涵的;紧张的 adv. intensely 强烈地;紧张地;热情地 n. intensity 强度;强烈;[电子] 亮度;紧 张 intensive 加强器 intension 强度,烈度;加强,加剧;紧张 vi (vt). intensify 增强,强化;变激烈

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

It occurs to sb…that 某人想到了… 固定结构 be+of+adj+n=be+adv+adj Eg.be of (great)importance=be (very) important

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

vegetarianism(line 3) If someone practices vegetarianism, they never eat meat or fish. 素食主义 n. vegetarian 素食者

pamphlets (line 4) synonym: booklet tract n. pamphleteer 小册子作者 at sb’s expense(line 6) 1)由某人付费 2)捉弄某人

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Paragraph 5unhappy When he felt out of sorts, he would rave roar and stamp, or sink into suicidal wanted to suicide gloom said darkly of going Buddhist himself and talk he wanted to be ato the East to East to days the Buddhist monk. monk in theend his spend as arest of his life. out of sorts:身体不适,心情不佳 =get up on the wrong side of the bed

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

rave If someone raves, they talk in an excited and uncontrolled way. 狂乱地说 If you rave about something, you speak or write about it with great enthusiasm. 热烈谈论 ; (写作 )热情地描写 enthusiastic or extravagant praise 盛赞; 热情 的赞扬 Synonym: roar 咆哮 riddlemeree 胡言乱语

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

stamp (n)邮票;图章; (v)跺脚;盖章; stamp down 踩扁stamp on (upon)踩在…上 把…打在 印在 …上 拒绝…

stamp out 扑灭,毁掉 stamp with 在…上贴邮票

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

sink into Phrase sink into oblivion 淹没无闻(被忘掉)... sink into the mind of someone 使某人铭记在 心,深深... go sink into a decline开始衰落 sink one's teeth into专注于,认真处理; ... sink into the memory of someone使某人铭记 在心,深深... sink into the grave死

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

suicidal (adj) People who are suicidal want to kill themselves.自杀的,自杀性的;自我毁灭的 ;自取灭亡的 suicide(vt) 自杀 suicider(n)自杀者 suicidally(adv)自杀性地,毁灭性地 suicidology(n) ( 研究自杀及如何防止自杀 等的)

自杀学 suicidogenic(adj)与自杀有关的;产生自杀 念头的

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Buddhist(adj) 佛教的 Buddhism(n) 佛教 Buddhist nun 尼姑

Buddhist monk 和尚,比丘

Buddhist temple 佛教寺庙

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

关于宗教的英语 Christianity 基督宗教 Catholicism 天主教 Protestantism 新教,耶稣教 Buddhism 佛教 Daoism 道教 Judaism 犹太教 Islamism Islam 伊斯兰教 Brahmanism, Brahminism 婆罗门教

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Page 121 II 5.If you borrow beyond your capacity to repay, you might sink into a debt trap. 如果你所借的钱超出了你所偿还的能力的 话,你可能就会陷入债务陷阱。 7.“My lads,”said he, “we’ve had a hot day and are all tired and out of sorts . ” 他说:”我的小伙子们, 因为今天天气很 热,所以我们都很累和心情不好。“

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Page 121 III 5.All the electric lamps in the huge gloomy church were extinguished. (gloom) 词根:gloom adj. gloomy 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的 adv. gloomily 沮丧地;黑暗地;阴沈地 n. gloominess 黑暗;沮丧 glooming 怒容;皱眉

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

He could be grief-stricken over the death of a pet dog, and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder .Local residents were all shocked by the callousness demonstrated by the police in the way they handled the case.(callous) 麻木不仁(n)

callously(adv) 冷酷无情地

callus(v) 变硬;结痂;生老茧callosity(n) 无情;老茧皮;硬结

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

发抖,战栗 Page 121 IV 3 内乱,国内战争 and bloodshed made the Civil strife people of that country shudder. A. shovel 铲 B. shrug 耸肩 C. shiver 由于寒冷、恐惧等原因所致的快速而


D. shock震惊,震动Shake 表示因外力或内心情绪 波动而“摇动,发抖,动摇”

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

He could be very upset because of the death pet dog, and sometimes he could be as cool as a marble to make a Roman emperor shiver.

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

He wrote begging letters by the score, sometimes groveling without shame, at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support, and being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor.

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

grovel If you say that someone grovels, you think they are behaving too respectfully towards another person, for example because they are frightened or because they want something. 卑躬屈膝 groveler(n) 卑躬屈节的人 phrase grovel before 匍匐在 grovel adulate 程度最深 grovel in 沉缅

基础英语 Unit7 the monster

Page 121 IV 1 “I’m writing a novel,” the youth declared loftily. A. nobly B. self-importantly C. ironically D. noticeably

