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分词是TOEEL必考内容,在历届试题中均占相当大的比例。分词的命题形式非常广泛。平均分布在written Expressions 和structure两部分。有时,即使分词不是题目焦点,但对分词的正确分析则可以帮助考生选择正确的答案。分词的命题要点集中在(1)分词的形容词特性、(2)分词短语作后置定语、(3) 现在分词和过去分词的主动与被动含义。 分词常考题型及解题要点:

1. 分词具有形容词特征,可单独作定语或表语。


(1) The highly respect zoologist Ernest Just Joined the ruling board of the Marine Biological Laboratory in the 1930*s (93.1)

B 动词respect用来修饰后面的名词zoologist,故应改用分词respected形式,其作用相当于形容词作定语。

(2) A patent gives inventors exclusive rights to their inventions for a fix period of time. (90.1)

C 修饰保词period应用动词的分词形式,即fixed.

(3) Characteristics of Op Art are the carefully arrange hues and geometric patterns that create optical illusions. (88.5)

A 修饰名词hues,应用分词形式arranged.

(4) The question of the origin of the Moon is interest not only in itself but also as a part of the larger genesis of the earth and the solar system . (88.5)

B interest应用其分词interesting形式作表语,作用相当于一个形空词。

2. 分词短语作定语,放置于中心名词后面

解题要点 分词短语作后置定语在TOEEL考题中出现频率非常高。因而,考生务必熟记这一结构和用法。实际上,分词短语作后置定语。皆是定语从句的省略形式。


(1) The leaves and stems of the aifaifa plant are the only parts of the plant ——

(A) the uses for livestock feed

(B) for using livestock feed

(C) used for livestock feed

(D) they are used for livestock feed (93.1)

C过去分词used 介语短语组成的分词短语修饰前面的名词成分the only parts of the plant,作后置定语。此结构亦扩展为定语从句(that are ) used for livestock feed

(2) The slide rule used sliding scales with marks —— numbers and their logarithms.

(A) representing

(B) represented

(C) are represented

(D) they are representing (92.10)

A 分词短语作名词marks的后置定语,作用相当于一个定语从句:which represent numbers and their logarithms.

(3) Earlg philosophers believe that the mind was divided into three faculties —— s feeling ,intellect and will

(A) to know

(B) known

(C) knowing

(D) knew them (94.1)

B分词短语known as 说明前面的名词three faculties.此结构可改写成定语从句。Which are known as

(4) The bison know for the hump over its shoulders is usually called a buffalo in North America. (91.1)

A 此句主语是The bison ,谓语是系词is ,划线A部分应当为分词短语,修饰名词The bison .A应改为known for.

(5) Louisa May Alcott is chiefly remembered for Little Women. One of the most popular girls books ever wrote (88.5)

D 修饰名词books应用分词生语ever written.

3. 分词短语作状语

解题要点 在句了意义非常清楚明确时,状语从句通常可以简略为分词短语,但有一个先决条件。此分词短语的逻辑主语应与句子的主语为同一人或物,此类分词短语通常置于句首。


(1) —— as“the census taker of the sky”Annie Jump Cannon contributed considerably to the field of astronomy.

(A) Known

(B) Knowing

(C) To known

(D) Knowledge (92.5)

A 分词短语置于句首作表示身份的状语。它的逻辑主语即是句子的主语Annie Jump Cannon.

(2) —— in 1635, the Boston Latin School is the oldest public school in the United States .

(A) Founded

(B) Founding

(C) To found

(D) Having founded (92.1)

A 分词短语表示时间,其逻辑主语即是句子主语The Boston Latin School.

(3) —— the constitution of the Cherokee Nation provided for a chief executive, a senate, and a house of representatives.

(A) In 1827 they drafted

(B) The draft in 1827

(C) In 1872 was drafted

(D) Drafted in 1827 (90.5)

D分词短语作状语,表示时间。此结构可扩展为一状语从句;where the constitution of the Cherokee Nation was drafted in 1827 it provided for a chief executive a senate, and a house of representatives.

4. 现在分词表达主动的概念;过去分词表达被动的概念


(1) Tudging to be the best boxer of his time, sugar Ray Robinson lost only 3 out of 137 fights (94.1)

A 此分词短语与其逻辑上的主语sugar Ray Robinson 是被动的关系(Sugar was judged to be ) 故应用过去词Tudped to be.

(2) During the Colonial days, the Iroquois had an agricultural economy basing mainly on corn with supplementary crops of pumpkins ,beans, and tobacco. (92.1)

B通常我们说to be based on ,这个短语表示被动概念(基于,以 为基础),所以应改用过去分词based.

(3) Per capita income is a nation*s entire income dividing by the number of people in the nation. (90.10)

B根据句意及分词dividing后面的介词by,可以推断这个分词短语表达的是被动的概念,因此,应用过去分词divided by.

(4) Clementine Hunter*s primitive paintings have been exhibited at various galleries. Included one at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. D.C. (93.1)

D 分词in cluded与其逻辑的主语paintings并无被动的关系,不应用过去分词,应改为惯用现在分词短语in cluding 名词宾语的结构 并列连词及真题要点解析

有关并列连词的命题在TOEEL考试中占有极重要的地位。并列连接词不仅自身是命题的焦点,它还涉及到一些其它的题型,如平行结构,词类、及一致等TOEEL考试要点。一般说来,有关并列连词的题目并不深涩,因为连接词无论在语意上还是结构功能上都并非孤立使用。而且,细察并列连词的题目,还可寻见其中的命题规律并列连词常考题型及解题要点 1. 并列连词 and but or混淆

解题要点 这类题型主要分面布在written Expression (16-40题中) 当A、B、C、D四项选择中出现单独的and或but 或or 时,它通常就是此题的焦点,应根据句意判断此连词是否用错。


(1) Harvesting of grains is affected by annual changes in temperature or in the amount of moisture, but both. (90.1)

D 根据句意,这里并无转折关系。因此but 应改为or.

(2) Porcelain is not a single clay, and a compound of kaolin. Ball clay, feldspar. And silica. (91.1)

C 此句表达的是一个取舍关系,and应改为but. “not but”是表达转折,到舍含义的固定并列连词搭配。

3. The structure or behavior of many protozoans are amazingly comples for single-celled artimals.

A 根据句中复数谓语动词are 来判断,连词or是错误,它表述的概含是两项之一,应用单数第三人称动词。固而or应改为and.

(4) Cayenne popper comes from the seedpot of the pepper plant which is dried or then ground.

D 根据提示词then,我们可以判断dried 和ground (grind 的过去分词,碾碎)是顺序先后的两个动作,并非取舍选择关系。固此or应改为and.

2. 并列连接词词组

both and as as

not only but also not so as

either or the same as

neither nor 比较级(more-re) than

so that to to常与so that

whether or 混淆搭配




(1) In meteorology. Either formation of clouds and the oreciporddidon of dew rain and snow are known as condensation (93.1)

A either改为both,组成both and词组

(2) The survival of a forest depends not only on amount of annual rainfall it receives. And also on the seasonal distribution of the rain.

C and改为but,组成not only but also 词组

(3) Lucretia Mott*s influence was too significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United State. (91.1)

A too改为so,组成so that结构。

(4) The gorilla, not as curious than the chimpanzee, shows more persistence and memory retention in solving a problem. (90.5)

B than改为as, 组成not as as 结构。

(5) Some linguious believe that the earliest languages were no less complex as modern languages (94.5)

D as 改为than,组成“比较级 than”的句型。

(6) Whether as statesman, scientist, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin was destined to gain lasting honor throughout much of the world. (92.5)

A and改为or,组成whether or的结构。

(7) Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longer bills. (89.5)

B than改为as,组成the same as的结构。

(8) Nature not only gave the Middle Atlantic fine harbors, however endowed it with a first-class system of inland waterways. (91.1)

C however 改为but also,组成not only but also结构。 从属连词及真题要点解析

复合句是TOEEL考题的基本句子结构,因而连接主句和从句的连接词就成为重要的命题焦点。TOEEL常考的从属连词分三类:(1)关系代词( that, which ,what who. Whose) (2) 关系副词(where when why how) (3) 状语从句连接词 (where, when, if, though, because ) 有关从属连词的试题大部分集中在Structure (1-15题中) 掌握命题规律,这类题目并不复杂。从属连词常考题型及解题要点 1. 主句与从句之间必须有从属连词


(1)The spiral threads of a spider*s web have a sticky substance on them —— insects.

(A) traps

(B) trap its

(C) which traps

(D) which it traps (92.1)

C 定语从句关系代词which引导从句,且在从句中作主语。

(2)Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may be found —— higher plants can survive.

(A) there

(B) wherever

(C) somewhere

(D) then (92.5)

B 空格前后为两个完整的句子,这里应填入连接词联系主从两句。四个选择只有wherever是连词,引导地点状语从句。

(3)Duke Wellington was a composer. Conductor, and pianist —— ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.

(A) him

(B) although

(C) or

(D) who (92.10)

D 关系代词who引导定语从句,并作从句的主语。

(4)——。 Some of the Earth*s interior heat escapes to the surface.

(A) A volcano erupts

(B) A volcano whether erupts

(C) A volcano erupts it

(D) If a volcano erupts (93.5)

D 从属连词引导条件状语从句。

2. 关系代词 who与which混淆错用

解题要点:在written Expression (16-40题)中的四个选择答案中出现who 或者which,应确认它所指代的是人还是物。


(1)Fossil remains indicate that squidlike creatures called belemnites swam in the sea who covered the North American continent 70 million years ago. (94.5)

C 关系代词who指代的是sea,因此应用指物的which或that.

(2)Vaccines for some rare diseases are given only to persons which risk exposure to the disease. (93.1)

B 关系代词which指代前面的persons,应改为人称关系代词who.

(3)Anne Elizabeth McDowell is best remembered for a weekly journal, the Woman*s Advocate, who she launched in January 1855. (91.8)

D 关系代词who指代杂志the woman*s Advocate,故应改为which.

(4) The attorney general of the United States advises the President on any questions of law who may arise in the conduct of administrative affairs. (90.10)

B 关系代词who指代前文的questions of law,故应改为which或that.

3. 介词+关系代词which结构

解题要点 介词+which作用相当于一个关系副词,在从句作状语。可表示时间(=when) ,地点(= where) ,原因(=why)等等。


(1) In reorganizing the curriculum of Mt. Holyoke College in the late 1800*s Elizabeth Mead laid the foundation —— the modern college rests.

(A) is which

(B) on which

(C) which is on

(D) on it (91.1)

B on which 指代on the foundation ,作用相当于一个表示地点的关系副词。

(2) A circuit may be defined as a closed path —— electricity can How.

(A) through it

(B) through which

(C) that is through

(D) there goes through (93.3)

B through which 指代through the circuit, 作用相当于一个关系副词,而介词through才能准确地表达句子的含义。

(3) The extent of the harmful effect of locoweeds on animals depends on the soil —— the plants grow.

(A) which

(B) which in

(C) in which

(D) in (90.5)

C in which = where

(4) Adhesives, such as glue, tape and gum, vary with the purpose —— intended.

(A) they were for

(B) for they were

(C) which were they

(D) for which they were (93.10)

D for which指代for the purpose.

4. What 引导的名词性从句 解题要点:what兼先行词和关系代词双重身份,即what = the thing (things) that 。因此考生应特别注意,what既已包含先行词在内,它的前面就不应该再出现先行中心名词。What 与that 的区分是TOEEL常考题目


(1) During the eighteenth century, Little Turtle was chief of the Miami tribe whose territory became —— is now Indiana and Ohio.

(A) there

(B) where

(C) that

(D) what (93.5)

D what = the area that.What所指代的是地点、位置。然而,此句却不可选择(B)where.因为关系副词where不能作从句的主语。只有what即是先行词又是关系代词。

(2) The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on —— best in its climate and soil.

(A) it grows

(B) what grows

(C) does it grow

(D) what does grow (90.1)

B what grows = the thing that grows 另请注意:介词后面通常不能接that引导的从句,


(3) A hinge joint is —— permits the forward and backward movement of a door.

(A) the

(B) what

(C) those

(D) whose (88.10)

B what = the thing that

(4) Essentially, a theory is an abstract. Symbolic representation of —— reality.

(A) what it is conceived

(B) that is conceived

(C) what is conceived to be

(D) that is being conceived of (89.5)

C what = the thing that (is conceived to be ) .答案(A)中的代词it是多余的,因为what本身即已包含了先行词(the thing ) 和关系代词(that) .答案(B)中的关系代词that引导的从句不可以置于介词的后面。

(5) Most of the food what elephants eat is brought to their mouths by their trunks. (93.10

B what应改为that.此句已含有先行词food,不能再用关系代词what.

5. 主句和从句

解题要点 主语从句是TOEEL常考而中国考生又较陌生英文文法结构。有关主语从句的命题几乎全部集中在structure (1-15题)中。主语从句的特点是读起来有种头重脚轻的感觉,而且有两个谓语动词。连词That 引导的主语从句应特别留意。因为That 在句中没有任何意义,它只具有引导出主语从句的功能,因而很容易被忽略。


(1) —— xenon could not from chemical compounds was once believed by scientists.

(A) For

(B) It was

(C) That

(D) While (91.1)

C That引导的主语从句。其中第一个谓语动词could from 是从句的谓语,第二个系动was是主句的谓语。

(2) —— to space travelers is high acceleration of deceleration forces.

(A) Danger can be

(B) They can be dangerous

(C) What can be dangerous

(D) While danger (93.1)

C what引导的主语从句。What既是从句的连词,又是从句的主语。

(3) —— has been a topic of continual geological research.

(A) Did the continents originate

(B) How did the continents originate

(C) Have the continents originated

(D) How the continents originated (91.1)

D How 引导的主语从句。

(4) —— progress helps to relieve scarcities is a fact accepted by economists.

(A) Technological

(B) That technological

(C)Although technological

(D)There is technological

B. That 引导的主语从句,当连续读到两个谓语动词(e.g. Helps is),而空格在句首,应首先考虑主语从句。这是主语从句典型的句子结构。 动词不定式及动名词要点解析

动词不定式和动名词在TOEEL测试中不算活跃的考题,但出题频率比较稳定,即不频繁,亦无间断。命题焦占主要集中在动词不定式和动名词的基本功能及正确形式,即(1)不定式to后面接原形动词,(2)动名词具有动词和名词两重功能,介词后面的动词必须以动名词形式出现。不定式和动名词常考题型 1. 不定型工to后面接原形动词


(1) Astronauts circling the Earth may get to seen sixteen sunrises and sixteen sunsets every day. (93.8)

C 动词不定型式的标志to后面应接动词原形see.

(2) Using their bills as needles, tailorbirds sew large leaves together with plant fiber to forming their nests. (90.10)

D to forming应改为to form正确的不定式形式。

(3) The poetry of e.e cummings illustrates the way in which some poets bend graminastical rules as they strive to expression their insights. (91.10)


(4) The dromedary camel is raised especially to racing. (91.1)


2. 动词不定式作目的状语

解题要点 不定式结构在句中可以作多种成分,目的状语则是TOEEL常考到的形式。动词不定型式作目的状语的命题主要分布在structure (1-15题)中。


(1) A fuel is a substance used —— light, heat .or energy .

(A) generating

(B) generates

(C) to generate

(D) it is generating

C 根据句意及结构,此句固选择动词不定式作目的状语。

(2) —— stereophonic phonograph records, two recordings are made of the same musical performance.

(A) Creates

(B) Created

(C) The creating of

(D) To create (92.10)

D 这是典型的不定式作目的状语的句子。目的状语放在句首是表示强调。

(3) —— time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only three fingers and a thumb.

(A) Saved

(B) Saves

(C) To save

(D) The saving (91.5)

C 此句与上面例题结构相同。不定式作目的状语,且放在句首表示强调。

3. 动名词的正确用法

解题要点 有关名词的考题并不很多,但有一个常出现的题型;介词后面的动词一定要用动名词形式,作介词的宾语。


(1) Microwave cooking can be accureately described as the first absolutely new method of prepare food since the discovery of fire (94.1)

C 介词of后面应接动名词形式,即of preparing.

(2) Most crickets have two pairs of fally developed wings, and mascular hind legs for iump. (94.1)

D 动名原形jamp位于介词for后面,故应改为动句词jamping.

(3) Because it is a healthful way to exercise derobic dancing is considered an excellent method for release tension. (93.1)

D 动名词原形release位于介词for后面,故应改为动名词releasing.

(4) The Cubist movement in art was reaction against traditional methods of portray reality. (90.5)

C 动词原形portray应改为动名词portraying即作前面介词of的宾语,自身又带宾语reality.


1. 含并列连词and but or的平行结构

解题要点 当上述并列连词连接两项或多项对等成分时,这些成分必须同词性、同形式。特别注意出现三项以上(含三项)的并列成分,多是考试焦点。 全真例题分析

(1) Quartz may be transparency, translucent, or opaque, and it may be colorless or colored (91.5)

A 并列连词or连接三项,其中两项为形容词translucent与opaque,故(A)应用形容词transparent与之并列。

(2) At the age of 94. Composer, conductor. Arranger. And acting Eva Jessye led her choral group in the first production of the opera porgy and Bess, written in 1935. (92.1)

A 并列连词and连接四项表示身份职业的名词,故(A)动名词应改为actress.

(3) Atrophy is a decrease in size of a cell, organ, tissues, or other part of the body such as (91.10)

C 并列连词or连接四项名词结构,其中cell 和organ皆为单数形式,故(C)亦应改为单数tissue.

(4) Direct mail advertising serves to acquaint customers with Products, alert them to new opportunities, and paving the way for other sales activities (93.1)

C 并列连词and连接三项动宾结构,前两项均为动词原形,故(C)动名词亦应改为原形动词pave.

(5) A majority of the reports received from people claiming to have seen the lengendaiy Loch Ness monster have proven to be mistakes, misconceptions, or they were being tricked. (93.10)

D 并列连词or连接三项成分。前两项均为名词,故(D)不应出现句子结构,而应改为名词tricks与前面的mistakes和misconceptions平行。

(6) The tongue is capable of many motions and configurations and plays vital rode in chewing, swallowed and speaking.

D 并列连词and连接三个单词。其中两项均为动名词,故(D)亦应改为动名词swallowing.

2. 比较级句型要求对比双方结构对等,比较范围相当。


(1) Probably no man had more effcet on the daily lives of most people in the United States —— Henry Ford. A pioneer in automobile production.

(A) as was

(B) than was

(C) than did

(D) as did (92.8)

C 比较句型 more than 要求比较的双方结构相等。前项是实义动词的过去时形式had,故选(C)than did与之平行。

(2) The state of Maine generally has cooler temperatures than ——

(A) there are most other states

(B) most other states which have

(C) most other states have

(D) having most other states (93.10)

C 这是标准的more than比较句型。只有(C)的句子结构与相对比的前一项完全一致。

(3) The annual worth of Utah*s manufacturing is greater than——

(A) that of its mining and farming combined

(B) mining and farming combination

(C) that mining and farming combined

(D) of its combination mining and farming (91.8)

A 此句比较的是utah的年产值(the annual worth) (A)中that即代替了the annual worth,故前后比较的范围,内容一致。

(4) The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than——

(A) the domestic marketer has

(B) the domestic marketer does

(C) those of the domestic marketer

(D) that which has the domestic marketer (91.5)

C 此句比较的是国际市场研究者与国内市场研究者的活动(the activities) 为避免同词重复,用(C)those来代替前面的名词the activities ,因而对比双方比较的范围是平行相等的。

(5) Fructose is a monosaccharide sugar that is much sweeter ——

(A) than cane sugar does

(B) does cane sugar

(C) cane sugar

(D) than cane sugar (90.5)

D 此比较句型前半部分主系表结构,后半部不可出现助动词does(答案A及B),但可省略系词,如(D)。

3. 比较句型 the 比较级 the+比较级要求前后结构相等。 全真例题分析

(1) The flatter a hair appears under a microscope —— wavier it is.

(A) although

(B) which

(C) and

(D) the (92.1)

D The flatter a hair appears 与(D)the wavier it is 是完全对等的结构。

比较级 主语 谓语动词 比较级 主语 系动词

(2) The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, —— to the body.

(A) the stress it is greater

(B) greater is the stress

(C) greater stress is

(D) the greater the stress (90.1)

D The less the surface 与答案(D) the greater the stress 是完全对等的结构。

4. 语意上的平行结构

解题要点 有一些词和短语表达比较的概念,尽管不是比较级句型,但同样要求前后对比双方同形式,同性质。


(1) Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather of the deaf —— of the telephone.

(A) than inventing

(B) than as the inventor

(C) the invention

(D) as the inventor (90.8)

B 表示比较概念的短语would rather than应使用平行结构。

(2) Thomas Jefferson*s achievements as an architect rival his contributions —— a politician.

(A) such

(B) more

(C) as

(D) than (90.1)

C 动词rival (比得上)要求比较二项结构相等。

(3) California*s agricultural supremacy dates from 1947. When its farm output first —— any other state.

(A) that exceeded

(B) exceeded that

(C) exceeded that of

(D) that exceeded of (92.10)

C 动词exceeded (超过)要求比较的内容相当。(C)代词that用以指代比较的内容“farm output”

(4) It is common lcnowledge that a flash of lightning is seen before a clap of thunder heard . (93.5)

D 连词 be fore用以引出先后发生的两个动作。从句意上看。这两个动作是对比关系,故应用平行结构。(D)改为a clap of thunder is heard ,与a flash of lightning is seen 相平衡。

