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I.Vocabulary and Structure:

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

Example: The old couple at last in finding a flat to rent. A.managed B.did C.finished D.succeeded

The sentence should read, \

Therefore, you should choose D.

1.The box was so heavy that it was difficult for the old lady to it. A.rise B.lift C.touch D.reach

2.The knife you are cutting the bread with is stainless steel. A.made by B.made from C.made of D.made in 3.He presented her a bunch of flower. A.to B.by C.at D.with

4.Edison the electric light lamp.

A.invented B.founded C.discovered D.found 5. a tiger is really a big cat.

A.As to B.According to C.As for D.According for 6.Let's hurry. Mary is likely for us.

A.to be waiting B.waits C.to wait D.waiting

7. She asked the pupils still, but they kept about. A.to sit, to move B.to sit, moving C.sit, move D.sitting, moving 8. – Hello. What happened? Didn't you catch your train? – If I it I here, should I?

A.had caught, shouldn't have been B.had caught, shouldn't be C.caught, shouldn't be D.catch, am not

9.Consumers should do than simply complain about the poor quality of goods. A.much less B.some more C.far more D.far less

10.He works too hard. That is is wrong with him. A.that, which B.that what C.the thing what D.what

II.Situational Dialogues:

Directions: Choose A, B or C to complete each conversation, using the sentences below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example:

- Oh, look. Joni Mitchell is in town. - .

- What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world! Who's that? I've never heard of her.


2. Sure, I'm in town.

3. Yes, I'm glad she's coming.

Answer A is correct because the conversation should read, \ - Who's that? I've never heard of her.

- What? She's one of the greatest folk singers in the world!\

11. – I really appreciate your coming with me. Sure, I always have so much trouble picking out gifts.

– . A. I want to get her something that she'll like. B. Do you know if she is coming to the party tonight?

C. Well, take your time. Look around and maybe you'll get inspired. 12. – Last night I was awakened by a loud crash in the kitchen. – .

A. That's exactly what it was. B. You must have been scared to death. C. My sister showed up for a surprise visit.

13. – I wonder why Jack is so late. Do you think he might have gotten lost? – . A. He may have understood the directions.

B. He may not have understood the directions. C. I'll go to visit him now. 14. – What's the matter, Lee? You look kind of depressed. – . A. Well, it might rain tomorrow.

B. Oh, I always feel a little down during the holidays. C. Did you go to see the doctor, then?

15. –I've been trying to call you since Sunday night, but there was no answer. — .

A. My phone was out of order. I didn't realize it until this morning. B. Did anybody come to visit you over the summer?

C. Where have you been working since you quit your job at the bank? 16.– How was the surprise birthday party for Joe? – .

A. Not much of anything, to tell you the truth.

B. Come on. Do you think this kind of story really surprise me? C. It was fun, but he didn't look surprised at all.

17. – You know, I really don't feel like going to Chuck's party tomorrow night.

– .

A. All I want to do is stay home and sleep. B. Really? I thought you'd be excited about it.

C. She won't be able to go unless she can find a baby-sitter. 18. – What if something's happened to her.

– . A. I wouldn't worry. She's probably OK.

B. Is there anything I can do to give you a hand?

C. Don't worry. He's always on my side.

19. – I'm trying to buy a gift for a friend, but I'm not sure what to get her. – .

A. Well, these sweaters are lovely and they are real value for the money. B. You'd better not count on me for the party. C. This is beautiful. It is 100 percent wool.

20. – Do you know if there is a vending machine in this building? — .

A. Oh, there are a lot of washing machines in this department store B. It is such a beautiful equipment, and I've never used it. C. Let me see. There should be one on the second floor.

III.Close Test:

Directions: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

Miss Ebert kept the little bakery on the corner. Two or three times a week, she had a customer in 21 ishe began to take an interest. He was a middle-aged man 22 pectacles and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and wrinkled, but he looked neat and 23 very good manners. He always bought two loaves of stale bread. He never asked for anything 24 stale bread; it cost a lot less than fresh bread.

Once Miss Ebert 25 a red and brown stain on his finger. She was sure that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in an attic, where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things 26 eat in the bakery.

Often when Miss Ebert sat down to her evening meal, she would sigh and wish the artist might share her food 27 of eating his dry bread. One day the customer came in 28 ausual and asked for his stale bread. As the sudden noise of the fire engine made him hurry to the door, Miss Ebert 29 . the opportunity. She cut each of the loaves with a knife, inserted some butter and, when the customer 30 ,she was putting them into a paper bad.

21. A.who B.what C.whom D.that 22. A.in B.with C.of D.for 23. A.been B.was C.seemed D.had 24. A.but B.while C.else D.from 25. A.notified B.noted C.noticed D.knew 26. A.and B.to C.for D.off 27. A.enough B.instead C.in spite D.lack 28. A.as B.at C.such D.by

29. A.saved B.borrowed C.seized D.planned

30. A.ran away B.stood up C.jumped up D.turned round

IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there

are four answers marked A, B, C and D. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Questions 31~35 are based on the Passage 1.

Passage 1

Different countries and different races have different manners. Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes. In European countries even though shoes sometimes become very muddy, this is not done. A guest in a Chinese house sometimes does not finish a drink. He leaves a little, to show that he has had enough. In a Malay house, too, a guest always leaves a little food. In England, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he enjoys it.

We should like to find the customs of other races, so that they will not think us ill-mannered. But people all over the world agree that being well-mannered really means being kind and helping others, especially those older or weaker than ourselves. If you remember this, you will not go very far wrong.

Here are some examples of the things that a well-mannered person does or does not do.

He never laughs at people when they are in trouble. He is always kind either to people or animals. When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office he lines up to wait for his turn. In the bus, he gives his seat to an older person or a lady who is standing. It he accidentally bumps into someone, or get in their way, he says, ―Excuse me‖ or ―I'm sorry‖. He says ―Please‖ when making a request, and ―Thank you‖ when he receives something. He stands up when speaking to a lady or an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person is seated. He does not talk too much about himself. When eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food.

31. According to the passage, a knowledge of the customs of other races . A.is very useful B.is unnecessary C.is unimportant D.does not mean much 32. A person with good manners think of . A.others before himself B.himself before others C.no one but himself D.others as well as himself

33. Which of the following is NOT true? A well-mannered person usually . A.says ―Please‖ when making a request

B.makes an apology for bumping into someone accidentally

C.sits where he is when speaking to a lady D.make clear the importance of the law 34. If you want to be well-mannered, . A.you laugh at people when they are in trouble

B.it's all right to speak with your mouth full of food C.you should stop someone when he is talking

D.you can only speak after someone else has finished talking

35.As different countries have different manners . A.it's good to learn to be well-mannered

B.we should try to find out the differences in the customs

C.it should not be wrong to go out of one's way to do anything D.learning a little second language would be helpful

Questions 36~40 are based on the Passage 2.

Passage 2

Some people think that they have an answer to the troubles of automobile crowding and dirty air in large cities. Their answer is bicycle, or ―bike‖.

In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work everyday. In New York City, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown section of the city and therefore less dirty air from car engines.

For several years this group has been trying to get the city government to help bicycles riders. For example, they want the city to draw special lanes – for bicycles only – on some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the same lanes as cars, there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feel that if there are special lanes, more people would use bikes.

But no bicycle lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks they are a good idea. Taxi drivers don't like the idea - they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business. And more people live too far from downtown to travel by bike.

The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. On weekends, Central Park – the largest piece of open ground in New York – is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bicycles only. But Bike for Better City says that this is not enough and keeps fighting to get bicycle lanes downtown.

36. The people in the group of Bike for a Better City . A.want to get the government's support B.ask all the people to try bikes C.have the answer to the troubles of car crowding and dirty air in large cities

D.Both A and C

37. The idea to have some special lanes for bikes is not a good one for people who .

A.live far away from city B.drive taxi cars C.own store along streets D.All of the above. 38. Which of the following is TRUE? A.The city government wants to please everyone.

B.The city government just sits on that idea.

C.Bike riders have their own lanes at last. D.More and more people want to buy bikes. 39. Implied but not stated: . A.Many large cities really face the serious problems of noise pollution and air pollution B.Bikes are getting popular in some cities

C.New York City is so crowded and the traffic is slowed down

D.The government is carrying out a plan to make the city less dirty and noisy

40. The title for this passage is .

A.―Bikes Make Fewer Make Accidents‖ B.―Bikes for a Better City‖ C.―Bikes Are Better Than Cars‖ D.―Pollution in Big City‖

V. Translation

Directions: Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word(s) given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

41. I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand.

42. Although he knew it was impossible to be objective, Mr. Heinlein's purpose in writing this novel was to examine every major belief of Western culture.

43. There are many ways to achieve this without buying expensive equipment or joining a health club.

44.一些人宁愿静静地坐在家里的电视机前,观看态度亲切的主持人一边描述物品,模特一边展示这些物品。 (describe)

45. 他们中的大多数声称遭遇过长着大脑袋小身子眼睛象条缝的外星人向他们走过来的情景。(claim)

40. The title for this passage is .

A.―Bikes Make Fewer Make Accidents‖ B.―Bikes for a Better City‖ C.―Bikes Are Better Than Cars‖ D.―Pollution in Big City‖

V. Translation

Directions: Put each of the following sentences into English or Chinese, using the word(s) given in the bracket if any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

41. I could get by in everyday situations, but anything technical was difficult for me to understand.

42. Although he knew it was impossible to be objective, Mr. Heinlein's purpose in writing this novel was to examine every major belief of Western culture.

43. There are many ways to achieve this without buying expensive equipment or joining a health club.

44.一些人宁愿静静地坐在家里的电视机前,观看态度亲切的主持人一边描述物品,模特一边展示这些物品。 (describe)

45. 他们中的大多数声称遭遇过长着大脑袋小身子眼睛象条缝的外星人向他们走过来的情景。(claim)

