综合教程6 Unit2 A Class Act

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Unit 2

A Class Act

Learning Objectives Type of writing Structure of the Text

The theme of the Text Grammar and Vocabulary Writing techniques (narrative techniques) —how to create a vivid picture of one’semotions

Type of writing

Narrative/narration Structure Analysis: Go through the text and figure out the structure

The organization of a narrative Beginning (introduction) Setting, character The middle of the story (the development of the story) – plot (conflict, climax)

The ending (resolution)

The hard conditions Q: What does she mean by ―yet I could nothave asked for more enterprising and optimistic parents‖? A: She thinks that her parents were the best parents in the world, because they did their best to support the family, to bring joy to the family and keep their children well-fed and spotlessly-attired.

Intensive Study(Para.1-3)

times were tough, money was short , anxiety was rife and the pawnshop was a familiar destination for many families, including mine. Life was hard. Everyone was short of

money. They were caught up in endless worries. Many families often went to the pawnshop to pawn the things they had for a little money, and the family was no exception.

1. Blitz [blits] vt.: the Blitz to attack a place with bombs dropped from aircraft 1. Manchester [mæ nt ist ] :曼彻斯特(英格 兰西北部城市) 2. Pawnshop [ p :n p]:当铺 3. Rife [raif] : very common or frequent

rife Adj. —If sth unpleasant or bad is rife in a place, it is very common there egs. Disease is rife in the area. 这个地区疾病盛行。 Tran: 这是一个腐败成风的国家。 It is a country where corruption is rife. be rife with sth The thesis is rife with errors. Los Angles is rife with gossip about the star‘s private life.

Enterprising ['ent .praizi ] :adj.—having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things 有事业心的、有进取心的,有创业精神的

egs. an enterprising person N. ①–事业心,进取心 a man of enterprise ②a company /business 公司,企业,事业单位 国有企业 state-owned enterprise 中小型企业 small and medium-sized enterprise

―bucket loads of cheer‖ (Para. 2) --lots of joy ingenious: someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas ―… could turn his hand to almost anything (Para.2) --- was capable of doing almost anything‖

meticulous adj.meticulous in sth—paying careful attention to every detail极仔细的; 一 丝不苟的 a meticulous plan 周密的计划 meticulous records 详细的记录 meticulously clean 一尘不染

attire (fml) N. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion formal attire 礼服 splendid attire 盛装;华丽的服饰 V. To dress or clothe, especially in fine or elaborate garments.

Para 3

how to understand?my clothes were ironed to a knifee

dge, and shoes polished to a gleam rhetorically, to a knife-edge, and to a gleam are hyperboles (exaggeration) meaning my clothes were ironed to a degree that it looks like a knifeedge and my shoes were polished until they gleamed

paraphraseWhile Mom had scrimped and saved to obtain most of the gear, but I still don‘t have the prescribed blue blazer and hat band. Although Mom had tried to spend as little money as possible in order to buy most of the clothes required by the school, she still could not afford the blue blazer and hat band.

British School uniform

hat band

scrimp vv —to spend very little money on the things U need to live, esp so that U can spend on sth else 省吃俭用、节衣缩食 egs. scrimp one‘s household We have to scrimp and save to pay the bill. When they were first married, they had to scrimp on food and clothes. Trans: 为了让孩子接受良好的教育,他们省吃俭用。 They scrimped and saved to give the children a good education.

prescribe to order a medicine or other treatment prescribe sb sth for sth The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt. to establish rules, laws, or directions规定, 指定 The law prescribes how to punish this crime. The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied. Prescription for The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. a prescription for happiness 秘诀

scribe—scription—scriptive describe:v.描述,描写 prescribe:v.开药方 subscribe:提交,订阅 ascribe:归因于 circumscribe:v.限制 Conscribe: 征兵


gear [ɡi ]N. the equipment /clothing needed for a particular activity wear the latest gear check in the dictionary for other meanings

Para.1-3 These three paragraphs give a brief description of the hard conditions in WWII, and how the author‘s parents managed to support the family and what they did for their children. The last sentence of the 3rd paragraph paves the way for the whole story.

