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论文题目:四种药用植物的化学成分和生物活性研究 作者简介::肖伟烈,男, 1976年12月出生,于2002年9月师从中国科学院昆明植物研究所孙汉董院士攻读植物化学博士学位,并于2005年7月获博士学位。

中 文 摘 要



对分离得到的部分化合物进行了抗HIV活性和抗血小板聚集活性筛选的研究发现,部分化合物具有抗HIV活性,5个化合物的抗HIV选择指数(SI)大于43。 这为治疗艾滋病药物的研究拓宽了思路,对于进一步进行结构修饰与改造、半合成或全合成,开发成具有自主知识产权的创新新药具有重要意义。新奇结构的发现,不仅丰富了天然产物化学的内容,且为进一步合理开发利用云南的传统药用植物资源提供了新的化学物质基础和科学依据。










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图-1 结构新奇的化合物

第一章 狭叶五味子的化学成分和生物活性研究

狭叶五味子(Schisandra lancifolia (Rehd. et Wils.) A. C. Smith)。全株药用,味微苦、涩、性温,有止血接骨、去淤消肿之功效,用于跌打损伤、骨折、外伤出血等症。我们从狭叶五味子茎叶70%丙酮提取物中,分离得到了38个化合物,新化合物11个,其中lancifodilactones F 和 G 为两个结构新奇的降三萜化合物; lancifodilactones H-N和 lancifoic acid A为8个新三萜化合物;lancifotherin A (11)为一个新木脂素类化合物。对部分化合物进行了抗HIV活性研究,其中6个化合物的具有较好的抗HIV活性选择指数(SI)大于10。

第二章 红花五味子的化学成分和生物活性研究

红花五味子(Schisandra rubriflora (Franch.) Rehd.et Wils.)分布较广,在云南、甘肃、湖北、四川、西藏有分布。果实入药,有收敛滋补、生津、止泻等功能;藤茎有活血祛风、除湿功能,可治疗风湿性关节炎,其藤茎也供药用,称“血藤”或“五香血藤”,用于治疗胃痛和关节炎等症。我们从采自云南大村荞山的红花


五味子根茎的 70%丙酮提取物中分离鉴定了29个化合物,包括10个新的三萜化合物rubriflolactones A。对部分化合物进行了抗HIV活性研究,其中2个化合物的具有较好的抗HIV活性选择指数(SI)大于10。


红花五味子(Schisandra rubriflora (Franch.) Rehd.et Wils.)果实可入药,有收敛滋补、生津、止泻等功能。我们从云南大村荞山采集的红花五味子果实的70%丙酮水提取液中,分离得到了10个木脂素类型的化合物。其中化合物1为一个新的木脂素,化合物2为一个首次从天然产物中分离得到的木脂素。对部分化合物进行了抗HIV活性研究,其中2个化合物的具有明显的抗HIV活性选择指数(SI)大于34。

第三章 法落海根的化学成分和生物活性研究

法落海(Angelica apaensis Shan et Yuan)系伞形科(Umbelliferae)当归属植物,多年生草本,药用其根,民间广泛用于治疗肠胃气痛、腹胀、外感咳喘,其化学成分主要以线性呋喃香豆素类化合物为主。从其70%丙酮提取物中分离鉴定了37个化合物,包括31个香豆素类化合物,其中化合物1和2为两个新的香豆素苷。并对分离得到的31个化合物进行了抗血小板聚集生物活性的研究,所测样品均没有表现出显著的活性。

第四章 白云花根的化学成分及生物活性研究

白云花(Heracleum rapula Franch.)为伞形科(Umbelliferae)独活属植物,属多年生草本,在云南省的大部分地区均有分布,其中尤以中部至东北部为多。其根性温、味辛、微辣苦,具有镇咳平喘、祛风除湿、温经通络、镇痛、解痉、健胃等功能。我们从购自昆明市菊花村药材市场的白云花根的70%丙酮提取物中分离鉴定了13个化合物,其中4个新香豆素苷,2个为两个新的二聚环烯醚萜苷。并对分离得到的8个化合物进行了抗血小板聚集生物活性的研究,所测样品均没有表现出显著的活性。


第五章 综述



(正文:宋体 小四,约三千字)


Study on the Chemical Constituents and Bioactivity of Four Medicinal Plants Xiao Weilie



This dissertation consists of five chapters. Reported in chapter 1 were the studies of chemical constituents from Schisandra lancifolia and the evaluation of anti-HIV activities. In second chapter, we described the isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Schisandra rubriflora and the screening results of anti-HIV activities. The third and the fourth chapters introduced the chemical constituents from Angelica apaensis and Heracleum rapula respectively, and their inhibitory effects on rabbit platelet aggregation induced by PAF, AA and APD were also reported. The last chapter, we summarized new naturally occurring cycloartane-type triterpenoids (1999-2004).

As a result, 129 compounds were isolated from these plants, and their structures were established on the basis of spectral methods and X-ray crystallographic analysis, which concerned triterpenoids, flavanones, coumarins, iridoids, steroids, lignans and aromatic compounds. Among them, 32 compounds were proved to be news ones.

The bioactivities of compounds isolated from the above mentioned plants have been tested, including anti-HIV-1, cytotoxities against C8166 and MT-4 cells and anti-platelet aggregation activity. Five compounds showed obvious anti-HIV-1 activities with SI values more than 43. The obvious anti-HIV-1 activities make them as promising lead compounds or assistant drug for the preparation of anti-HIV drugs. Further anti-HIV evaluation is in progress to better define the anti-HIV potencies of them. Such a study would provide valuable information on the therapeutic development of new generation for anti-HIV drug.


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Figure 1. Novel compounds

Chapter 1. Investigation on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivivities of

Schisandra lancifolia Schisandra lancifolia (Rehd. et Wils.) A. C. Smith, a member of Schisandraceae family, was used in Chinese traditional medicine to staunch, to treat fractures and eliminating stasis to reduce swelling. In our present study, 38 compounds were isolated and identified including 11 new compounds. Among them, compound 1 was a novel triterpene derivative featured an unprecedented rearranged pentanortriterpenoid backbone derived from cycloartane and compound 2, possessed a highly oxidized norcycloartane skeleton and characterized with an enol-form structure part and a spirocyclic moiety in its structure. Some compounds were tested for their anti-HIV-1 activity and six of them show anti-HIV-1 activity with SI values more than 10.

Chapter 2. Studies on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities

from Schisandra rubriflora

Schisandra rubriflora (Franch.) Rehd.et Wils was widely distributed in Yunnan, Gansu, Hubei, Sichuan, and Tibet provinces or regions, growing in forests of valleys and on the slopes at altitudes 1200-3200 m; Fruits used medicinally for nutrition, relieving diarrhoea and so on; stem used for reducing rheumatism, activating blood


circulation and the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The investigation of the roots and stems of Schisandra rubriflora led to the isolation of 29 compounds, including 10 novel nortriterpenoids, rubriflorlactones A–J (1–10). Some compounds were tested for their anti-HIV-1 activity and two of them show anti-HIV-1 activity with SI values more than 10.

Phytochemical Study on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities

from the fruits of Schisandra rubriflora

Phytochemical study on the fruits of Schisandra rubriflora(Franch.) Rehd.et Wils resulted in the isolation of 10 compounds. Among them, compound 1 was elucidated to be a new lignan and compound 2 was isolated firstly as a natural product. All structures were determined on the spectral evidences. Some compounds were tested for their anti-HIV-1 activity and two of them show obvious anti-HIV-1 activity with SI values more than 34.

Chapter 3. Study on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities

of Angelica apaensis

Angelica apaensis, belonging to the family Umbelliferae, is a kind of perennial herb widely distributed in the northeast of Yunnan, China. The roots of this plant have been extensively used as folk medicines for the treatment of tympanites, cough, asthma, wind colic and flatulency. We have investigated the roots of Angelica apaensis and herein report the isolation of 37 compounds, including 2 new coumarin glucosides. All compounds were tested for their anti-platelet aggregation activity and none of them have obvious activity.

Chapter 4. Study on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities

of Heracleum rapula

Heracleum rapula Fr. (Umbelliferae), widely distributed in Yunnan province of China, has been used in Chinese traditional folk medicine for rheumatic disease, lumbago, gastralgia, and injuries from falls, contusions and strains. It can also used for


dispelling wind, removing dampness, expelling cold and relieving pain. Our investigation led to the isolation of 13 compounds from the roots of Heracleum rapula. Among them, compounds 1-4 were identified as new coumarin glycosides and compounds 5-6 were elucidated to be two novel intermolecular rearranged biiridoid glucoside. Eight compounds were tested for their anti-platelet aggregation activity and none of them have obvious activity.

Chapter 5. Review

This review covers 71 literatures published or abstracted between 1999 and 2004. 171 naturally occurring cycloartane-type triterpenoids were presented.

Key Word: Schisandra species, Angelica apaensis, Heraleum rapula, chemical constituents, anti-HIV activity, anti-platelet aggregation activity.

