综合英语4 Unit2 Space Invaders

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Unt i2extTI Spcea nvadIrse

Pre-eraidn Qugseionts 1. hat doWes“p rsenol apsace” maenin yor munid ? 2 .Hav eyoue vreha de xerpienecw he nouy felty ou rP Sas wbeni igvanedd What?’sy or feeuinlg? 3. Wo hahe vast roneg rensse f PS,oC hnesi eo rWetsenresr?

pesonar spacel Itre frs eo theta omun tf aroe aavalabie lor fepronas lseua ndi it osftne rearded as a gpresoanldom ai nor trritoer. yWen hhits terirory ist ivndea, idtsow en wirllfeel u ncmfoorableto evre nhtretaeedn.

B akgcourdn ifonramion:t 1 A.buto th teet:xT isht xet wa orsiignlal ypublshiedin N weY orekr n oJuly24 ,1939 la.er tn 200i1i atpearpde gaianin T h PerniectonAnt holoy gof Wiritg:n Fvarotie iPcee bs theyF rriee Wrstirs ae tPircntoen Unverisiy. t bAuto hte auhot:rR ciarhdS tngeel s a seniiorw rite rwokirgnf r Tiome mgazaine


3. aMlthusia longci :th theeries oofth eBr tish eiocnmiost hTomsaR obre taMthls(u16671-843),which sta e ttah toppulatinoi ncreaessfa ters hatn het eamsno sfusibtsnceeu neslswa , rfamnie,o r idsesa inteeveresn roe forftsare ma de otl imi tpopultaoi.n 4 L.ogn slandI:a ni lans din sotuhasetrn Nee work.YThe New Yokr itc byoorguhs f oBoroklyn andQuee sn ra et its awets ned.

Lanugga Weork sn ae : kmoe iv na wisttngiwa yThe t arinwas nskaingi stw ayth rugh ote homutainns .oSe tmrediv levt eoreps: omes saclkeen vdlvee torep inshc :ome vevr ysloly awnd careulfyl Howra dichen dhetv an fowrrd.a

Shuflef:wa l kb dyragging no’esf ee talnog r oiwtout hiflitgn htm euflylfr omthe gruon dH elipsepdon hiss hes oan sdufflehd uto fo hte roo. shumflf esth. of f a:vidota lkni ogr htnikig anbout sh. bectusa et is noi tcnsidoree impdrtona He stufhfld eth queseton ofifan cdhngadeth etop c.

i rin

g : qaauitly o,r a imnresspoino hfavig nth eqalutyit athi s entimoendH e rtsoryhas a rign of rtthua obtuit . Th beooskhe mnteioed hna adf mialair rng abiut tohem. epenratet:s ccueed i fonricgn thougrh sh. Ttheyp enetrtea dito nth teerrtiroyw eher o mann ha edervbeen bfoere.

eWgde :orcefi ton naarowr pacseSh opeende th doeo wrie adnd edgwd it eiwt h aap odf ewspnpae.r “ ond’ trtaedo mne cou”d lavhebee n cinoed only y bsmoene oiwt has perda: P 5“on’dtstep i nto m sypac”e .hTs icuold ahve eenbs id aonl byy a prsoe nwh oah s aargl eepsonra lpscae.

ePronsa lsapc ie sspychologcil,a nt poyhscila : t iash lss to do weti hhet sape oucstdi esut hnao u irnnr speace: pesonrla sape csim re oa spcyhlogicalom ttare thna apysihcl aon.e

Be rppootionrla o:tincr aee os recdersaeat t h seaemra tea sht oehte rhtng The ouitpu tshoud lb prepooritnol ao tte ihnput

.tSurcutrlaAanysisl Th weritre opntsi outt eh fca ttahtno adwaysp opele aer moreand omer oncecnre abdotu themeslesva n danw tto hvea al ager repsrnal spoace hta decnades gao ,nadth nehe a nalses tyeh cause sofsp ace nivasion.I cta be dinidedv nio thret partes.

Srtctural uAnlasysi Par 1t(-21:) ht erwtire

call she teardrs’ etateniot tno ht inevaios onf S Pb yelrtiag nna eperxieceno fh w ohis S was iPvandd.e aPtr2 (-37: he) anaylzs seomeli ekl yacsues f toh eshinkraego PS, fnd aatrtibutset h ievasninot toe gehnreal delcnie of ogd omannes.

Prra t3(-8): he9pre esnsth i svew abiut ote hseescn eo PSf ,iti psycholsgioclara htert hnaph siyac,l ad nrues pgopee lto“e xanp dtheco tnrcatin bguodaries ofn SP”.


atrI apraraghp1- 2 Th e olfloiwngq usteoi manybe saed:

k. H1owdid ht auehtr dosecrbei he vtioatilnoo fp esrnalo spcaet aht appehen idn ab ak?na ersiseo verb fhrpsaes an ddvarbieas lotvividl y descibert h proecsse… an pdoepe’slr aetiocn


Un tli …lh uggre-uggmerSli…kn. y Un itll we wereal l ushinp agganst iecah othr,ele vingat e hine il dnsoirde.r aly zilne p:reosinfciatio nlsohfutl sl,uggis,hi led

Te hphares… asha q uinta ,seenties vinrgt oti. … h sa nao ldt uco hhta wts caahrcteristaciof th 1970s.e/ /… suods oldn-fahionsd enad rmendsion eo f teh197 0s.


at rII arpgraah 3p7 -The folowilngq eutiosn couldsbe saekd :1. I “spresoanl psce”a phaars of teehse vnetise? sIit uot f odta neowdaas?y hW or yhywn t? 2. Doo oy ugraeew it thh eathorua bout he traesno sofspa ecinv saino givn en Piaragarph 4 ?haWtot hr faectors aveh caseudi ?t . Wha3t oesdt hea uhot rean bymsay in “gpersoanl psca is mestoly a uplibc mttera” 4. ?Dos apecin vaerd srespcet therope ole’spp erosnl spaae?c

T-s hir wtether acanm ae pkrxiomit ymorea llurng…iP 4 n Ioh tsumemrday s, eoppe clan b drawn to eeahc oter,heps. otthe opp soites e xo reefldi gssuedt wih tth ceoselnses o otfehr (msove waa yfrmot osehu pneaslnt smella o fpersirpation) .T- sirh wteathe: metronyym借代 /换 喻 H e s a triuebl ue .…fiatfhulp eson


r Oprhape steh icneasrnig …si inusfingi…to…jangnlnig ocals… lacnn looger keepnto temshleves. 4 P a…ttart moce rnad ome prepleo,wh oaersti umatld eadn xeitcd ey thb ecaffinee thy takee i,n o shatt thy ebecmo eagereto me t eohets and ronlon eg ranw ttor maein i prnviaet.

…we allo wa l lindk ofs nvisiaon s…Human(it ywouldnt’exi s twitohu tthem).P 5 … pivratelyw ea llo wepolpe wih twhomw heave cloesrela iontsihs topent ero urP iSn varaite yfo ays.w(In eedd i,n theabsen ceo f exuas linitmcyano n oe us wfoldu e hbre.)

eThe olgitsciso f tiva ry acorcidg ton egoraghy. p5P P epol inedi fefern rtegins ore gavie dnfifreent sies zfoper snola pacs.e

I ’ev otincd enainc raseei n hetr ank so whft Iat hniko f… . mini-,terirtorai exlpnasionitsswh oseze puibilcs pce awihta se sn oefm nafeit dsesityn.P 7 I’v en tocide htat hetpr obelmof sp ac ienvaisonha sbeco e mmorea dnm re oersiosu, na sdapcein adevrs ,atcni gn iht wey tarertirioa exlanpsionstis suulaly od,take t ifrogran et dhat tteyh haevt e rhightto eszeip ubli csape.


