Mianyang City the Red Cross blood bank blood donation blood scrapped cause analysis-毕业论文翻译

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Mianyang City the Red Cross blood bank blood donation blood scrapped cause analysis

Abstract: Objective: To summarize the analysis of my blood in recent years, end-of-life reasons, to improve blood utilization. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 2008 - 2011, I got a blood test factors scrapped, unchecked factors scrapped. Results: laboratory tests scrap rate significant retirement rate is higher than that of non-laboratory tests, and the former scrap rate increased year by year, the latter scrap rate year after year little change in laboratory tests for ALT, HBsAg unqualified scrap dominant factors, and the two projects scrapped The rate has increased year by year. conclusion: we should strengthen the voluntary blood donation, the propaganda of healthy donors, strengthen blood donation before the beginning of the seizure process management, pay attention to the details of the blood component preparation to improve blood utilization efficiency.

Keywords: blood scrapped blood donation rational use of blood


Clinical often difficulties with blood, the blood is more rational and effective use of station, I retrospective analysis in recent years, I got blood from collection to check, the storage process end-of-life reasons, has been to improve the efficiency of blood for blood collection.

1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information retrospective analysis I stand 2008 -2011 by using blood 200ml / bag / person. 1.

2 Methods donors required to provide medical examination or medical report, early check blood Qualified after blood donation. Recheck laboratory tests including ALT, HIV, HBsAg, syphilis. Statistical non-laboratory tests, including expired, hemolysis, lipemia broken bags and other reasons.

1.3 Statistical Methods SPSS1

2.0 software for statistical analysis of count data chi-square test, measurement data t-test, P <0.05 as statistically significant difference.

2 Results 2.1 end-of-life statistics laboratory inspection items ALT, HBsAg laboratory project 2

scrapped the main factor was the increasing trend year by year, the annual increase in a statistically significant difference (P <0.05), followed by HIV, syphilis, each year a little change, no statistically significant increase.

Check Table 1. Laboratory the project scrapped situation (bags,%

2.2 Non-laboratory tests end-of-life statistics Total scrap rate increased year by year, in 2011 the total scrap rate was significantly higher than in 2008, in 2009 (P <0.05) each project scrapped annual increase no statistically significant difference.

Table 2. Scrapped the case of non-laboratory tests (bags,%)

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3. Discussion With the wide publicity of blood donation, I stand in recent years the volume of blood increases every year to laboratory testing project scrapped factors also increased year by year, but can be clearly observed and the the laboratory tests scrapped factors significantly higher than the non-laboratory tests scrapped factors may cause. arbitrary unpaid donors, with 3

the blood donation increase in the number of laboratory testing projects increase in end-of-life factors affect the ALT major non-pathological factors unpaid blood donors, blood donors, poor sleep, drinking, taking drugs, etc. factors often cause ALT high. examining physicians should pay attention to inquiries and visual examination of the blood donors, strengthen blood donation precautions publicity, try to do ALT rapid screening before blood collection. determination of HBsAg, HIV, syphilis are pathological factors, including HBsAg caused scrap rate has increased year by year, while the remaining two factors yearly little change. donate blood before the examination procedures for determining the level of the root causes of the unpaid blood scrapped rate. maximize the use of test strips rapid screening, such as of HBsAg gold standard test strip sieve check unpaid blood donors, in order to reduce the impact of conventional infective factors on the quality of blood. should I stand blood collection staff practices, improve blood sampling quality assurance detection time.

I stand in recent years, non-laboratory tests 4

obsolescence rate year by year little changed, we should be more details of the deal work to enhance the efficiency of blood. Laboratory examination project scrapped factors include expired, hemolysis, fat, blood, broken bags and other factors. greasy food or hyperlipidemia lead the lipemia generation, other patients with hyperlipidemia donate blood before eating light food, fat or cause blood scrapped after blood donation when blood bags placed in the blood component preparation put position is inappropriate, improper centrifugal speed, likely to cause broken bags, blood bags during storage due to the long-term frozen also cause broken bags. clinical blood storage point may be due to improper storage, improper management may also cause blood scrapped.

In order to reduce the scrap rate of the blood, we recommend that the to strengthen a reasonable healthy donors publicity to strengthen the understanding of the unpaid donors on what is a qualified blood. Patience to do street donors interpretation, in the fight for their cooperation while specification HBsAg screening operation. especially A LT screening program of male 5

blood donors to strengthen the the clinical blood storage point responsibility for obsolescence blood, strengthen blood swap between the city reservoir between the spots of blood and blood banks with neighboring cities. lancing former should carefully check the integrity of the blood bags placed blood bags, blood component preparation process operating procedures to reduce the breakage rate.

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