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Units 7—8


( ) 1.—______bread is there on the table? —I can see________. A.How many; five B.How much; fifth C.How many; five slices D.How much; five slices

( ) 2.We don’t have enough ______.Let’t go and buy some carrots and cabbages. A.vegetables B.fruit C.meat D.eggs ( ) 3.—Do you like lettuce in your hamburgers? —No,_________.

A.They are in the restaurant B.It makes them delicious C.I like lettuce very much D.I don’t like lettuce at all ( ) 4.—What ___did you buy your best friend for his birthday? —A book. He likes reading. A.souvenir B.gift C.prize D.food

( ) 5.Bob studied for his English test until 12:00 last night, so he_____ this morning.

A.forgot the exam B.read English C.slept late D.went to school ( ) 6.—What did you do last Sunday? —__________. A.I went there by bus. B.I went to buy a DVD. C.I’m writing a letter D.I was at my friends home ( )7.—Did you______ when you saw Jay Chou? —No,I didn’t. But I got his photo. A.see his movie B.took photos C.get his autograph D.got a present 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.We need three__________(watermelon) for the party. 2.What would you like_________(drink),tea or coffee? 3.Here______(be) some milk and eggs. 4.My mother doesn’t let me _______(drink) too much milk. 5.Before making the fruit salad, we need________(buy)some fruit. 6.Do you like lettuce in _________(sandwich)? 7.We have fun_______(play) basketball after class. 8.My uncle ____(put) some old things out and had a yard sale. 三.句型转换,每空一词。 1.We like the supper chicken sandwich.(改为一般疑问句) _____________________________________. 2.I need two apples when I make fruit salad.(对划线部分提问)

___ ___apples do you need when you make fruit salad? 3. He knows a little about Chinese. (对划线部分提问) ___ ___ does he know about Chinese? 4. We had a great time at the park.(改为同义句) We ___ _____ at the park. 5. We did some reading last night.(改为否定句) We _____ ____ ____ reading last night. 四.完形填空。

Mr. Stevens worked in Seattle, but then he changed his job. He and his wife moved to 1 town. They didn’t have many 2 there at first, 3 they soon made many new friends. 4 a few weeks they often went to dinner or to 5 at his friends’ homes.

One day Mr. And Mrs. Stevens had a party at home. They 6 their friends to come. They and their friends all had a good time. They sang and danced so 7 that they didn’t 8 it was very late. At 9 a policeman came and asked them to 10 their party because their neighbours complained (投诉) that they made too much noise. ( ) 1. A. other B. the other C. another D. others ( ) 2. A. friends B. children C. job D. money ( ) 3. A. and B. but C. so D. or ( ) 4. A. After B. Before C. About D. When ( ) 5. A. meetings B. picnics C. parties D. classes ( ) 6. A. shouted B. asked C. sent D. moved ( ) 7. A. quickly B. happily C. badly D. slowly ( ) 8. A. know B. forget C. decide D. catch ( ) 9. A. midnight B. once C. breakfast D. morning ( ) 10.A. begin B. stop C. go on with D. have 五.阅读理解。 The Chinese New Year is called the Spring Festival which is the biggest festival in China. It usually comes in January or February. Where there are Chinese, there is the Spring Festival. Each Chinese year has a name. We may call it the year tiger, the year of pig or the year of snake. And the year of 2003 is called the year of sheep. The year after it is the monkey year. People always spend a month before the festival in preparing (准备)for it. People are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On the Eve(除夕夜) there is a big family dinner. All the family stay up late to welcome the New Year, watching the CCTV programs or playing majiang. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their relatives(亲戚) and friends, saying “Happy New Year”, “Good luck” and some other greetings to each other. It often lasts to the Lantern Festival, which is also an important Chinese festival and people usually have sweet dumplings (yuanxiao). People always have a very good time, especially children. Children can usually get some money for the new year from their parents and the elder relatives.

( )1. We call the Chinese New Year . A. the biggest festival B. the Lantern Festival C. the Spring Festival D. the year of snake ( )2. The year of 2004 is the year of . A. tiger C. pig C. sheep D. Monkey

( )3. “All the family stay up late to welcome the New Year.” Here “stay up”means . A. to go to sleep B. not to go to bed C. to stand up D. to have a good rest ( )4. The sentence “Where there are Chinese, there is the Spring Festival”means that . A. the Spring Festival is celebrated only by Chinese people in China B. the Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival, even when they are in foreign countries. C. people celebrate the Spring Festival all over the world D. people who can speak Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival in the world ( )5. What do people say when they meet on the Chinese New Year’s Day? A. They say “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year”. B. They say “Good luck” and Good night” to each other. C. They say “Happy New Year” and “Good luck” only to their friends and relatives. D. They say many greetings, such as “Good luck” to each other. 六.书面表达。 请记叙一个美好的周末。你是怎样度过的?去哪里了?和谁一起去的?做了些什?天气怎么样?(80—100词) _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Units 9—10


( )1.—Are you going to your uncle’s home this weekend? —______. Maybe I am practicing basketball. A.Of course B.I’m not sure C.You’re right D.I hope not ( )2.Parents sometimes find it difficult to ________ their teenage children. A.communicate with B.begin with C.take a photo D.go to work

( )3.—Cindy,what are you going to do next term? —__________. A.Sounds good B.He wants to get a lot of exercise C.Because it is exciting D.I am going to improve my Chinese

( )4.—Where are you going to work in the future? —_______________.

A.I am going to take acting lessons. B.I am going to be a teacher.

C.I am going to do what I want to do. D.Maybe Qingdao or Dalian.

( )5.If you are going to be a computer programmer, you have to__________ now. A.take drawing lessons B.study computer science C.study chemistry hard D.practice basketball ( )6.He is always friendly to others. He is a ______ man. A.talented B. creative C. kind D. unusual ( )7.—Dad, it’s such a long way from our home to the park. —You mean it’s______ to take a taxi. A.popular B.necessary C.possible D.important

( )8.—I think you will be a famous singer in the future. —________. A.I hope so B.That’s right C.I don’t think so D.Me,too ( )9.—How are you going to be an artist? —I am going to _________ this year. A.get good grades B. keep fit C.study computer science D.take art lessons 二.翻译句子,每空一词。


Tom ____ ____ ____ time ______ the piano. 2.去年我参加了学校足球队。

I _______the schoo_____ _____ last year. 3.他四岁的时候就开始写音乐了。

He ____ ____ ____music ____ ____ ____ _____ four. 4.你永远不会因为太小而不能开始做事情。 You are ____ ____ young ____ ____ ____ things. 5.他的巨大成就使他成为一个名人。

His great _______ made him _____ a _____ ______.


interest , artist, rich, pilot, student, save, poor, engineer, show, teacher, dream, picture Bob is a clever boy and he is also a hard working student. He has many interests. He wants to be a(n) 1 Then he can build bridges for people. He also wants to be a(n) 2 He thinks it will be very 3 to fly in the sky. Sometimes he 4 of being an actor. He wants to act in a movie. But he wants to be a(n) 5 best of all. And he is 6 money now. He is going to learn to draw 7 when he has enough money. He is going to 8 his pictures in London, Paris and New York, and then he will become famous and 9 .He can

build a school and be a(n) 10 there. He will teach many people to draw pictures.

1.________ 2._________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5._________ 6.________ 7._________ 8.___________ 9.__________ 10.________ 四.阅读理解。 Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal(偷) the bell on his neighbour’s door, he walked up to the door, took hold of(抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home. Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, I’ll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won’t be able to hear the noise.” The next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbour came running out. “Steal my bell? I’ll teach you a lesson(教训),” the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose. The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered(感到疑惑). ( )1. The thief was trying to get . A. his neighbour B. his neighbour’s doorbell C. some cotton D. a door with a bell on it

( )2. The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would be for him to steal the doorbell. A. safe B. difficult C.dangerous D. easy ( )3. The neighbour ran out probably(很可能) because . A.he knew his doorbell was being stolen B.he thought someone was eager(渴望的)to visit him C.he realized(意识到)something strange happened D.Both B and C

( )4. The neighbour hit the thief to . A. give him lessons B. punish (惩罚) him for stealing C. help him with the bell D. be his teacher ( )5. Which of the following is TRUE? A.The thief understood why he was hit on the nose. B.The thief knew why the neighbour came out. C.The thief thought the neighbour could not hear the bell. D.The thief didn’t want to know why the neighbour ran out just at the time he stole the

doorbell. 五.书面表达。

根据汉语提示及要求,以My Dream Job 为题写一篇作文。 提示:1.想成为一名记者 2.打算给报纸,杂志写文章 3.高中毕业后想去北京上大学

