
更新时间:2023-09-14 09:50:01 阅读量: 初中教育 文档下载



Practice 1 提示词为动词 (考察谓语动词)

总结归纳 (1): 若句中没有谓语,或虽有谓语,但有并列连词或从句引导词时,所填的词应为 __________。_______ 和 _______ 要瞻前顾后,还要注意保持 _______ 一致。 1. I ___________(learn) much from Miss Li in the past few days.

2. If everyone buys just one postcard at Christmas, a lot of trees ___________(save). 3. Nowadays, English learning ____________ (become) more and more important. 4. Here ___ (be) some advice for graduates. 5. Since then, she _________(be) busy every day.

6. More than 220 people ________ (kill) in the fire happening last year. 7. Along with the letters there are answers _____ (write) by people Practice 2 提示词为动词 (考察非谓语动词)

总结归纳 (2): 若句中已有谓语动词,且没有出现并列句或从句,所填的词应为 ___________。其形式的确定主要考虑它与其逻辑主语之间的 _____________。

1. __________ (solve) students' problems, we will hold a lecture _________ (deliver) by a psychologist. 2. Johnny came in, _________ (smile).

3. ___________ (fail) twice, they decided to give up.

4. With his homework _________ (finish), he went out to play.

5. He devoted himself to ____________ (explore) the secrets of the universe. 6. He got to the station, only ___________ (find) that the train had left. 7. Please remember _______ (post) the letter. Practice 3 词类转换

总结归纳(3): 熟记各种词性的转化。提示词为形容词或副词时,还要注意原型、比较级和最高级。 提示词为名词时,要注意名词的单复数形式。 1. Their ____________(dictionary) look new.

2. The students immediately became __________ (silence) when the teacher came in.

3. When we are wondering what to do, the manager came in. She was ___________ (surprise) helpful. 4. He comes _______ (early) than others every day. 5. This method seems much______ (easy) than that. 6. A bird flew away so ______(quick). 7. Your can sit on the ________ (two) floor .

Practice 4 无提示词: 总结归纳(4): 无提示时,可以考虑介词,冠词,代词,并列连词,从句引导词。 1. He is an ordinary teacher, ________he is loved by all the students in the school. 2. __________ he is very old, he is quite strong. 3. _______ in this way can you learn English well.

4. You have no idea how she finished the relay race, _______ her foot wounded so much.

5. Taobao is Asia's largest retail (零售) network platform, _________ people can buy and sell many things. 6. I saw _____ elderly couple come in. 7. _______ he said surprised all of us.

8. I selected a set of textbooks among a variety of similar _______.

注意:除了以上总结的规律和技巧,一些词只有通过上下文语境或固定搭配来确定。 课堂检测:

Lin Feng is going to graduate from school,__1___ (excite) and a little bit sad. Before leaving school, he will take some pictures in memory __2____ his school and give gifts to his teachers who have been devoted to __3_____ (teach) him. In the past three years, he ____4_______ (learn) much from the teachers. After __5______ (graduate), he will also keep in touch with his classmates __6___have helped him ___7________ sending e-mails, because _8__ is the most convenient and cheapest way to chat with each other. As to his dream, he'd like to become __9____ astronaut. If one day his dream comes true, he could fly into space to make a contribution to __10______ (explore) the secrets of the universe.

