Unit 2 The Olympic Games

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Unit 2 The Olympic Games

Ⅰ 词语辨析: 1. make sure/be sure/for sure 【解释】 make sure 意为―确保‖―弄清楚‖,后接介词短语或从句。 be sure 后接不定式时,意为―一定‖―必定‖―准会‖;若跟of、about短语或从句时,作―肯定‖―有把握‖解释; to be sure 作插入语时,意为―的确‖―诚然‖。 for sure 意为―肯定的‖―毫无问题地‖。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 1). Have you ________ of the time of the train? 2). _________ to write and tell me all the news. 3). She is not pretty, _______, but she is very clever. 4). She won’t lend me any money,and that’s _______. 2. in charge of/in the charge of 【解释】 in charge of 表示―主管‖,―看管‖,―负责‖。 in the charge of 表示―在……掌管之下;由……掌管‖ 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 1). He is _______ the school. 2). The school is _______ him 3. compete / contest 【解释】 compete 表示―为了争得名次、奖金,合同等‖,并不含有将对手征服的意思。 contest 所表示的竞赛可以是友谊赛,也可以是有敌意的竞赛,旨在比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等,此外还可以表示赢得选举。 【练习】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空 1). The children _________ against each other t reach the other end of the pool. 2). The soldiers ________ every inch of ground. Ⅱ 词性变化 1. advertise vt. 做广告; advertisement n. 广告 登广告 2. replace v. 代替, 取代 3. interview v. n. 面试,面谈; 采访 replacement n. 代替, 取代 interviewee (面试中)受审核者; 被接见者; 被采访者 replaceable adj. 可代替的; interviewer主持面试者; 接见者; 采访者 【练习】用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 1) Cigarette ________ should be banned. (advertise) 2) They ________ their services on TV. (advertise) 3) If you want to sell your old sofa, why not put an _________ in the local paper? (advertise) 4) They will find a ________ for Suewhile she is ill (replace) 5) Can anything _________ a mother's love? (replace) 6) Can you find a _________ book? (replace) 7) We __________ 20 people for the job. (interview) Ⅲ language points:

1. admit vt. & vi. 许可某人/物进入;接纳,接受某人(入学等);承认,招认 [典例] 1). The school ( ) sixty new boys and girls every year.

2). He was( ) to hospital with minor burns. 3). I admit (that) you have a point.

4). George would never( )to being wrong. [重点用法] admit (doing)sth.承认某事/做了某事

admit that + 从句 承认…… free of charge 免费

2. charge n. 费用;v. 指控;收费

[典例] 1). All goods are delivered ( ). 一切物品免费送货。

2). He was ( ) with murder. 他被控犯谋杀罪。 [重点用法] in/under the charge of 在某人照看(掌管)下

in charge of处于控制或支配(某人[某事物])的地位:

[练习] 中译英1).这儿谁负责? ____________________ ? 3. promise v. & n. 允诺;答应

[典例] [重点用法] promise to do sth.答应做某事

promise sb. sth.答应某人某事 promise +that 从句 答应…… make a promise许下诺言 keep a promise遵守诺言 carry out a promise履行诺言 break a promise违背诺言


我不能保证做到, 但我一定尽力而为。 I can’t ________, but I’ll __________. 4. deserve vt. & vi. 应得; 值得

[典例] 1). The article ( )careful study. 这篇文章值得仔细研究。

2). They ( ) to be sent to prison. 他们应该入狱。

[重点用法] deserve doing = deserve to be done值得做 [练习]

1)..如果你做错事就应受到惩罚。If you do wrong, you ________________________ 5. take part in 参与;参加

[典例]1). How many countries ( ) the last Olympic Games?

2). Are you going to ( ) the first experiment

[短语归纳] take one's part(在辩论中)支持某人;站在某……边

have a part to play能帮助;能在……中发挥作用 have/play a part(in sth)参与某事


1). 他母亲总是护着他。 His mother always ______________.

2). 她积极参与地方政治活动。She _________________in the local politics. 6. stand for 代表;象征;表示

[典例] 1). The sign X ( ) an unknown number.

2). My mother ( ) the kind treatment of all children.

[短语归纳] stand by袖手旁观;无动于衷

stand by sb支持;帮助;忠于 stand out(from/as)显眼;突出 stand up站起;站立;起立

[练习] 1). 无论如何,我都支持你。I’ll ____________whatever happens. 7.used to 过去常做某事

[典例] used to, would这两个词语都可以表示过去常做某事,有时可以换用。

但used to do强调过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。因此,这个短语的内涵是今昔对比。

1). There( ) only low and dirty houses in our village. [短语归纳] be used to do sth.被用于做……

get/be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于某物/做某事,该词组有各种时态 [练习]

1). Jack is used to ___________ to school, but today he came by bus. A. walk

B. walking

C. walks

D. walked

D. used to making

2). Wood _______________ paper and other things. A. is used to make

B. is used to making C. used to make

8. one after another/the other 一个接一个地 [典例] 1). Please line up ( ). 请按顺序排队。

2). We achieved ( ) victory ( ). 我们取得了一个又一个的胜利。 [短语归纳] one by one逐个地;逐一地

one another/each other相互

[练习] 1). 他把所有书并列摆放起来。1). He put a11 the books beside ( )

2). 账单纷至沓来。 2). The bills kept coming in ( ). 三. 课文要点

1课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等) 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:

This passage is 1 (concern) with the modern and ancient Olympic Games. The ancient Olympic Games were held 2 four years in 3 (希腊). There are certain 4 (相同点) between the ancient and modern Olympic Games. For example, they both encourage 5 (friend) and cooperation. 6 there are also many significant differences between them. For example, nowadays, women can 7 in the games and there are more 8 in the modern Olympic. 9 these differences, it is important to remember the 10 (change) – swifter, higher and stronger.

3. 课文佳句背诵与仿写(旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)

1【课文原句】I lived in what you call ―Ancient Greece‖ and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 我生活在你们所说的―古希腊‖,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。:

[模仿要点] 句子结构:介词 + what宾语从句 + and / but + … + used to… 【模仿1】我对你今天所做的很满意但我过去认为你是一个懒惰的孩子。 I am satisfied with ____________________but I used to think that _____________.

【模仿2】我对发生在那里的事情感到非常遗憾,我过去常常认为那是不可能发生的。 I feel sorry for __________________ and I _____________it impossible.

2【课文原句】Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.只有达到他们各自项目标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。 [模仿要点] 句子结构:定语从句 + 被动语态


Only those who ___________________in all subjects will be admitted by_________.

3.【课文原句】 It’s in the summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports.跑步,游泳,划船和一些团体项目是在夏季运动会上举行。

[模仿要点] 句子结构:强调句 + together with


It is by practicing more that you can improve your listening ability, together with ____________________________.

四. 单元重点短语:(英汉互译) 1 take part in/join in ( ) 2 the spirit of ( ) 3 ( ) 过去常常 4 ( ) 查明,找出 5 every four years ( ) 6. two sets of ( ) 11 ( ) 一套;一组 12)( )… 在某方面竞争 13 compete for… ( ) 14 compete with/against ( ) 15 be admitted( ) 获准做某事 16 be admitted ( ) 作为…被接受 7 allow sb. in(out) ( ); 8 allow sb. to do sth. ( ) (不能说allow to do) 9 allow doing sth. ( ) 10 be/get married(强调状态)+ to(不能用with) sb 和……结婚 21 come from the same root( ) 23 go with ( ) 25 relate ( ) 和……有关 27 ( ) 听说 29 take turns ( ) 五. 小试牛刀:


17 ( ) 达到……水平、标准 18 ( ) 在…方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用) 19 as well as ( ) 20( ) 感谢您(能抽空……) 22 have (no) chance of doing sth.( ) 24 relate…( )…把…与关联起来 26 run against… ( ) 28 ( ) 确定 30 ( ) 一个接一个 1. He has ________ me to buy me a car. 他已经答应给我买辆汽车。 2.w.Nothing can _________ a mother’s love. 没有什么东西能取代母爱的。 3. Our English teacher is friendly ____ _______ _____ kind to us.


4. He _________ ____ the game yesterday. 昨天他参加比赛了。 3. It would be __________ for us to quarrel. 我们吵架是很愚蠢的。 6. — —— ————,you didn’t do your best. 老实说,你并没有尽力。 7. He_______ having done wrong. 他承认做错了事。 8. He ______ ______ ____ the strike.他参加了罢工。

9. He _ __ _ his parent was going out for a holiday. 他和他的父母将要去度假。 10. The students went out of the classroom __ ___ __.学生一个接着一个走出教室。 六. 被动语态基本用法:


构成 be+过去分词


被动语态常由助动词be加及物动词的过去分词构成。已学常用的时态有: 1)一般现在时被动语态:

We are given a lot of homework to do every day. I am asked to clean my room once a week. S.(主语)+am/is /are +过去分词

e.g. They make shoes in that factory ——》Shoes are made (by them) in that factory. 2)一般过去时被动语态:

The thief was taken to the police station. The bridges were built 150 years ago. S.+ was/were +过去分词

e.g. They bought ten computers last term.

——》Ten computers were bought (by them) last term. 3)一般将来时被动语态:

A new building will be built here soon. This matter shall be looked into in the future. A stadium is going to be destroyed next week. S+ will/shall+be+过去分词

S+am / is / are +going to+ be+ 过去分词 e.g. They will finish the work in ten days.

——》The work will be finished (by them) in ten days.

4)现在完成时被动语态:All the tickets have been sold out.

The party has been planned since the new year.

S+ have/has + been+过去分词 e.g. We have made twenty more keys.

——》Twenty more keys have been made by us. 5)现在进行时被动语态:The road is being built now.

The children are being taken care of by their aunt.

S+ am/is/are + being +过去分词 e.g. Some workers are painting the rooms now.

——》The rooms are being painted by some workers 七. 被动语态专项练习

( )1._____ a new library _____ in our school last year?

A. Is; built B. Was; built C. Does; build D. Did ; build ( )2. An accident ____ on this road last week.

A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened ( )3.Cotton(棉花) ____ in the southeast of China.

A. is grown B. are grown C. grows D. grow ( ) 4. So far, the moon ____ by man already.

A. is visited B. will be visited C. has been visited D. was visited ( ) 5.A talk on Chinese history _____ in the school hall next week. A. is given B. has been given C. will be given D. gives ( ) 6.How many trees ____ this year?

A. are planted B. will plant C. have been planted D. planted

( )7.A lot of things ____ by people to save the little girl now.

A. are doing B. are being done C. has been done D. will be done ( )8.--When ___ this kind of computers______? --Last year.

A. did; use B. was; used C. is; used D. are; used ( ) 9.The Great Wall ____ all over the world.

A. knows B. knew C. is known D. was known ( ) 10.Who _____ this book _____?

A. did; written B. was; written by C. did; written D. was; written ( )11.A story _____ by Granny yesterday.

A. was told us B. was told to us C. is told us D. told us ( )12.The monkey was seen _____ off the tree.

A. jump B. jumps C. jumped D. to jump ( )13.The school bag ___ behind the chair.

A. puts B. can be put C. can be putted D. can put ( )14.Older people ____ well.

A. looks after B. must be looked after C. must look after D. looked after ( )15.Our teacher ______ carefully.

A. should be listened to B. should be listen C. be listened D. is listened 八. 用括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。(请注意时态和语态两个方面噢) .............1.It's said(据说) that the long bridge______________(build)in two months. 2.Where to have the meeting ______________ (discuss)now.

3.Which language _______the most widely_______(speak)in the world? 4.The lost boy_____________(not find)so far.

5.Last year a large number of trees______________(cut)down.

6. The students _____ often _____(tell) to take care of their desks and chairs. 7. The old man is ill. He ______ (must send) to the hospital. 8. Vegetables, eggs and fruits_________ (sell) in this shop. 9. What _______ knives ______ (make) of ?

10. Can the magazine ___took_____ (take) out of the library? 11. The room _____________ (clean) by me every day. 12. The stars can’t _____________ (see) in the daytime. 13. Some flowers _______________ (water) by Li Ming already. 14. This kind of shoes __________ (sell) well.

改错 2: I visited my aunt in the countryside near the city last week. I was surprising to see that great changes had been taken place in the countryside. Take my aunt’s family for example. We

supply precious trees and flowers to the stores in the city and have ten workers working for themselves. Their family’s income reached as much 100 000 yuan last year. Not only did they have a house, a car and computers, they can also afford a trip abroad every year. When asking what else they needed most, they said that they wanted to learn a few English so that they could do business with foreigners directly. To their delighted, my cousin can use that he has learned from university to help them with overseas trade.

