
更新时间:2024-02-17 04:23:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载










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第二部分: 案例分析






































Case 1

Case description:

Although IKEA has recently initiated an American style performance review procedure, which requires documenting employees’ individual performance strengths and weaknesses, Swedish managers feel uncomfortable with the formality of the system and the need to provide negative feedback. Since they hold the more senior positions, their ambivalence has resulted in little real discrimination in pay increases which are directly linked to the reviews. Although turnover at IKEA is lower than the industry average, and coworkers generally appreciate IKEA’s caring environment, there is some latent discontent with the way pay increases are distributed, even among long-term employees who feel that their individual achievements are not always rewarded.

In the opinion of one American manager, “A lot of people have left IKEA because they can’t move up fast enough here. Some left the store to go to the Service Centre(IKEA’s national headquarters) then left because it was too hard for them to adjust, there was no clear frame of reference in terms of policies and procedures. We have lost some key American managers because they didn’t have a clear idea of their role or future in the organization.” Case 2

Case description

Mr Arthur Aroney, General Manager of Burns Philip and Co. Ltd., and Australian company believes hat businesses should engage in international marketing by investing in target markets. The foreign government offers investment incentives which will encourage the industry “leader” to enter the country and invest. The risks can be high but, if successful, so are the rewards.

Burns Philip’s first venture into China, after learning some very hard lessons, was so successful that after three years, it invested more money and doubled the size of a fermentation plant. Burns Philip’s plants are located in Guangdong, Shanghai, Harbin, and in the west. “This gives us coverage in the areas where you find opportunities, particularly a developing middle class with disposable incomes,” says Mr Aroney. In each of its joint ventures burns Philip has encountered different conditions, due to differences in language and culture. The percentage of equity that Burns Philip holds in joint ventures varied according to :

1. the requirement of the Chinese government at the time when the joint venture was


2. the expected life of the joint venture that is sought to be established;

3. the capability of the joint venture partner to contribute resources.

Mr Aroney says,“All the above can be subject to lengthy negotiations prior to any

agreement being reached. The meetings can last for 12 hours at a time, and continue for several days. And each time you go back to the table, the goals seem to have been shifted. It is only with perseverance and a sincere desire to form a joint venture that you achieve your goal.” He adds, “There is the necessary Chinese delegation to Australia with factory visits to examine the technology hat will be used in China, so that a feasibility study can be prepared. Unfortunately, the people that form the delegation are not seen again when negotiations are resumed in China.”

Mr Aroney has some concerns about intermediaries in China. He says, “In a country as large as China, the greatest problem facing a manufacturer is not “can you make the product?” but rather “Can you get your product distributed to the marketplace?” The giving of service to customers is practically unknown in China. If you sell through an agent, the agent will wait for a customer to come in and buy; do not expect your agent to go out to sell more of the product since the agent receives the same monthly salary whether the product is sold or not.”

According to Mr Arthur Aroney, Burns Philip’s success in China has also been due to the careful selection of work under difficult conditions, surrounded by people who do not speak their language, and with a culture which requires understanding. “People must also understand that they are guests in the country. Once they have signed a joint venture agreement, that agreement is best placed in a drawer and, hopefully, will never see the light of day. If you have to continually refer to your agreement, you do not have a successful operation,” says Mr Aroney.


1. power distance

For the Swedish mangers, they hold the more senior position, hey

have the right for decision-making in the workplace, and they have the

power to make the final decision.

2. Individualism

Individualism in western culture makes career choices on the basis of

personal needs and goals. In the United States, individualism is valued.

In this case, the IKEA initiated an American style performance review

procedure, which required documenting employees’ individual

performance strengths and weaknesses. However, the IKEA didn’t do reward the employees’ individual performance, therefore, the employees felt that their individual achievements were not always rewarded. At last, they left IKEA.

2. Achieved status vs. Ascribed status

Achieved status refers to gaining status or rewards through performance. Ascribed status is about gaining status through other means, such as seniority. Facing with the American style performance review, the Swedish managers felt uncomfortable with the review, but they provided negative feedback. The reason why they did so is because they held the more senior position and higher status in the company, thus their decisions were accepted by employees.


1. Doing and Achieving

Doing is important. According to Mr. Arthur, General Manager of

Burns Philip, he observed the correlation between cultures and tried

his best to understand other cultures. When he first ventured into

China, he learned some very hard lessons and invested in the market.

2. Thinking and knowing

Knowing comes from experience. Burns Philip believed that

business should engage in international marketing by investing in

target markets. The foreign government offers investment incentives

which will encourage the industry “leader” to entry the country and

invest, through these activities, they get first hand experience.

3. Long-term and short-term orientation

Long-term orientation looks into the future. Short-term orientation stresses past and present. There were difficulties when they found the joint venture, but Burns Philip negotiated with the Chinese government, in order to make the agreement be reached. Why he did so? This is because he and his company wanted to get the rewards from Chinese market.

4. Uncertainty avoidance

Different cultures will differ from each other in the avoidance of uncertain situation. United States accept uncertainty. In these cultures, people are relatively comfortable with ambiguity. In this case, Burns Philip and his company knew that the risks could be high, but in order to be successful and get the rewards, they encourage the industry “leader” to enter the country and invest.

