
更新时间:2024-04-03 21:35:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1. TV, if properly used, can stimulate a child’s imagination.

2. The original building was erected in 1710 but this structure has been largely transformed and extended.

3. Accuracy is fundamental to the programming of computers.(elemental基本的,主要的;elementary基本的,初级的)

4. Those battered old trousers of his are a standing joke to all his friends.

5. He tries to liven up his lessons by telling an interesting anecdote about the president. 6. What you said was true, yet it was an unkind remark.

7. There has been an appreciable(相当可观的) change in the country of late.(appreciative感激的,赏识的;appreciated欣赏,感激)

8. Most of the students were no longer listening to her boring lecture.

9. Tourists are less aware of the equally rewarding historical interest and friendly individuality of the ancient capital—the city of Winchester.

10. He made some preliminary(初步的,开始的,预备的) sketches which would serve as guides when he painted the actual portrait.

1. You cannot plead(辩护) ignorance as your excuse; You should have known what was happening all along.

2. As the medicine took effect, the nervous patient became quieter.

3. So long as we have Jim, a man with exceptional ability in management, things will be working well even if we come up against (碰到,遭遇)unexpected difficulties. 4. Has changed her mind again? I wish she’d at least be consistent(始终如一的).

5. His exceptional ability in administration and his self-confidence(自信) make him an excellent leader.(self-respect自重,自尊;self-centredness自我中心的,自私自利的;self-regard自爱)

6. The students in the Advanced Teachers’ Training Class are asked to visit the nearby middle schools for the observation of lessons.

7. As population growth sends the numbers of inhabitants rocketing(猛涨的居民), the city shows every sign of overcrowdedness.

8. Bad office planning will frustrate both the employer and the employee and affect the performance of their duties.

9. Educators agree that sport provides an outlet for an adolescent’s feelings of aggression or frustration.

10. Under these circumstances it might be best to group those gifted athletes in our university.

11. Despite all my efforts, I am unable to make those slow students do the same amount of work that most of the other students do.

12. She obviously had no intention of discouraging the individual growth and self-respect of the students.

13. These athletes threw petrol on to the bonfire and the sudden flare(闪光,耀斑) lit up the whole garden.

14. A teacher preparing for his lessons should always bear in mind the students’ creativity, latent interest and talent.

15. It is not difficult to understand your reaction to grouping these gifted students according to their interest and ability.

16. Do you think that these “quiz kids” really appreciate your special instruction.

17. Grouping those pupils who have real trouble mastering academic subject matter will not do them any harm.

18. A joke or two always liven up a lecture, I think.

19. It was felt that these intellectual snobs(知识势利者) lacked the commitment to pursue a difficult task to the end.

20. It should be noted that(值得注意的是) as individuals gifted students are endowed with certain attributes which represent their potential success in life.

1. The artifacts displayed in the museum will fire the imagination of succeeding generations of artists.

2. The doorway of the Eskimo igloo was so low that we had to bend down(蹲下,弯腰) to enter.

3. From the forest a winding(弯曲的,蜿蜒的) path meandered(蜿蜒) down to the village. 4. Although many people have doubts about new technology, in the long run it will benefit mankind.

5. The lure of something for nothing (不劳而获的诱惑)as an ideal in gambling has evoked criticism from the upright, honest people of the society.

6. Newly woven Indian baskets often give off(发出) a strange smell. (give away放弃,泄漏;give over停止,移交;)

7. The newly-appointed manager is currently (最近,现在,普遍地)evaluating the quality of the instruments.

8. That young man’s first commercial venture was selling handmade kits (手工工具)for model airplanes.

9. Production of the new handbags has been stepped up to meet the increasing demand. 10. The unfortunate fire was caused by faulty(有缺点的) electrical wiring. (withered凋谢的;)

11. The tap is dripping because it needs a new washer. (dribbling滴下,垂涎;ripping非常,绝妙地)

12. At the memorial service(追悼会), our director paid tribute to(称赞,歌颂) the professor’s outstanding contribution to the educational cause.

13. We know that degree of affluence(富裕程度) relates to the expected standard of living(预期的生活水平)。

14. We wondered how the information was leaked to the press before it was officially announced.

15. They moored(停泊) the Eskimo skin boat by the bank.

16. The second batch (批)of quality-control instruments turned out much better than what we had expected.

17. If anyone can unravel (解开,解决,弄清楚)the clue to this puzzle, he can win a prize. (unbind解开,解放;untangle清理,整顿;unwind松开) 18. The new TV station is worried about dwindling(减少,变小) revenue from advertisers. 19. Before the conference begins, let’s take an overview (综述,概观)of the present situation.

20. Shoddy goods at the exhibition will be sold at a reduced rate on a cash basis.

1. One of the problems our government has to deal with is the disposal (处理,清理)of the

growing number of plastic containers.

2. On national Day we will march(游行) in procession(队伍,行列) through the People’s Square.

3. Students can’t be absent from school without the teacher’s permission.

4. He was driving the car at such a tremendous speed that I could not even say hello to him. 5. Hangzhou, a city of around 4 million people, welcomed a succession (连续)of visitors this year. (continuation继续,续集;continuity连续性)

6. The boxer stammered (踉跄)and almost fell when his opponent hit him hard. (shatter粉碎,打碎;stagger蹒跚,犹豫;scramble攀登,爬行)

7. I’m afraid that cloth with a loose texture(质地) will not wash well.

8. The early chill of approaching winter mingles with the lingering (六连不去的)warmth of summer so that on dry days the air becomes alive.

9. One way of cutting down further waste is to recycle such things as glass and paper. 10. This text examines how Americans’ attachment to object is increasing temporary(暂时的,临时的).

1. The car model has become obsolete(outmoded老式的)

2. Current(contemporary现在的,最近的)demographic trends(人口统计学趋势), such as the fall in the birth rate, should favorably accelerate economic growth in the long run. 、 3. The film “On Golden Pond” portrays to a certain extent the mentality (attitude of mind心态)of the old people.

4. Beautiful as it is, synthetic silk(合成丝) will not supplant(replace) cotton apparel(棉服装).

5. Every machine consumes(uses up消耗) more energy than it creates.

6. Vice-President Lyndon Johnson became President of the United States following the death of John F. Kennedy and was subsequently(later随后) elected to a full term in 1964. 7. Some nutritionists are now recommending (suggest we consume more protein) high protein diets.

8. Jane was humiliated (shamed and disgraced) by her father’s remarks.

9. Many geologists and anthropologists possess a wealth of evidence (data) to indicate that human beings rose from lower forms of life over a long period of time.

1. Catherine was greatly taken aback (使吃惊)by Joan’s caprice.(take aside把..叫到一旁;take about领..游览;take apart拆开)

2. There is no evidence that any member of the Ministry of Education is involved in the affair. (aggravate加重,使恶化;insinuate暗示,讽刺)

3. We could have provided that manual laborer with almost any object of his desire upon his retirement, but he specially asked for an oil painting by Winston Churchill. 4. I assume that you won’t be inviting that frantic (狂乱的,疯狂的)and grudging man to the party. (entrust委托)

5. There was frantic applause at the end of the performance.(ferocious残忍的,惊人的;fervent强烈的;fanatic狂热的)

6. He is never free on Saturday evenings as he has a long-standing (维持,存在已久的)arrangement to go to the concert with his friend as a change of atmosphere. (long-lived长寿的,长久的;long-range远程的,长期的;ever-lasting无穷尽的) 7. To some people, the working hours are never long enough. Take Peter for example,

having made his latest film earlier this month, he is currently (目前)starring in a Broadway musical.(lately近来,不久前;factually真实地,确实地)

8. I’d rather you didn’t cultivate any hobbies until you really feel the need to do so. 9. Her reward bore no relation to the dedication she displayed.

10. Because of her poor constitution, it took her a long time to throw off (摆脱,抛弃)her bad cold and begin the process of recuperation.(throw away扔掉,丢弃;throw down推翻;throw over放弃,拒绝)

11. I had no time to cultivate a hobby or new forms of interest; I am up to my ears in work. (be up to one’s ears忙得不可开交;be up to one’s ears in work团团转) 12. As you can see, this is a highly sophisticated computer system.

13. We supported our argument with a great many convincing figures and facts. (sustain维持,支撑)

14. Should you find yourself in a condition of being troubled or worried about some trifles, please cultivate a hobby.

15. People who are bored to death have a tendency to shun company. (be bored to death无聊死了;shun避免)

16. She destroyed the only witness’s credibility by insinuating(暗示) that he had ulterior motives. (allude顺便提到)

17. Always use a suntan cream to protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun’s rays when you have the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Sunday afternoons in summer.

18. I felt I would never get over(克服,恢复) the shock of his being worked to death. (get through通过,到达;get off动身,免于受罚;get by通过,过得去)

19. It is claimed that any constructive interest can lend fascination to a dreary existence. 20. These unfortunate people cannot ignore the situation forever, one day they will have to face up to the consequences of their caprice and satiation. (stand up to经得起,抵抗;wake up to认识到,意识到)

1. Nobody in our group holds out much hope of making people regard custom as a subject of any great importance. (hold out主张,坚持;put out熄灭,出版)

2. When they heard how well the new corporation was doing in the computer business, they took a calculated risk and invested most of their capital in it.

3. The weather forecast for today predicted variable (多变的)weather with sunshine, rain, snow and wind and that is just what Londoners have had. (various各种各样的,多方面的;variant不同的,变异的;varied多变的,各种各样的)

4. The newcomer would be more popular in the office if he didn’t try so hard to ingratiate (使迎合) himself with the boss.

5. The painter made a rule of making some preliminary sketches which could serve as guides when he painted portraits of people. (elemental自然力的,元素的;elementary基本的;primary最初的,原始的)

6. The immense growth of the city is not just manifested in sophisticated housing (精致的住房) but in other developments as well.

7. Though she has read a great deal, she seldom thinks very deeply, so her learning is really quite superficial (表面的,肤浅的). (superfluous多余的,不必要的)

8. Though marriage, coupled with the open-fire, is an out-moded institution (惯例), many

people in the West still take marriage seriously. (out-moded=out of fashion过时的,不流行的)

9. To the superstitious, a mirror has evil powers, punishing anyone who should break it on his birthday with lifelong ill luck. (supereminent卓越的)

10. All the anthropologists will assemble in the conference room today to discuss the predominant role customs play in shaping society and the behavior of the individual. 11. In an argument if your major premise (前提) is not accurate, you will not be able to draw a sound conclusion.

12. The famous anthropologist was too busy to give his paper more careful attention. As a result, he made some mistakes in his philosophical probing.

13. We have found that some scientific studies are often inadequate.

14. Now old-fashioned pedicabs have given way to modern means of transport-cars. (pave the way for为..做好准备)

15. Finally we were asked to cast our votes for or against the proposition. (cast our votes for 投票;bid for Olympic Games 申办奥运会)

16. All the information about the laws of astronomy and the habits of the social insects was filed alphabetically in the cabinets in his office. (keep on file 归档)

17. This term I elected the anthropology course because it requires no previous knowledge of the subject.

18. His preferential weighting in the study of sociology remained a standing joke among his colleagues for years after his death.

19. She is determined to explain the proper method to study custom however difficult it is. 20. Your attitude towards scientific study will impose a great strain on our cooperation. (impose a heave strain on 带来巨大的压力)

1. Commercial banks make most of their earnings from interest-earning loans and investments in stocks and bonds.

2. Many abandoned portions of the Erie Canal, covered by vines and brush, are still easily traceable.

3. At last we found the tramps lying there sick and exhausted.

4. There was a nobility about this simple-minded person which was most engaging. 5. His father paid him allowance while he was at university.

6. The children from the ballet school performed a graceful (优美的) dance.

7. The writer was not used to speaking in public, but when the opportunity presented itself, he rose to the occasion (rise to the occasion 应付自如).

8. The salary is $10000 a year, with annual increments (增量) of $500 for ten years. (bonus 红利;dividend 股息)

9. He hasn’t received the latest issue of National Insurance because he forgot to pay the subscription (订阅) for it in time.

10. Although he hadn’t got any academic qualifications, he had a lot of practical knowledge of navigation at his fingertips (精通). (under his belt 已经有了)

11. The clean-minded class-conscious workingmen have a bitter grudge against the unscrupulous capitalists.

12. Production has been delayed because of a shortage of raw materials. 13. Unfortunately, I’m rather prone to forgetfulness at my age.

14. The dispute between the unions and management will have to be settled by arbitration (公断,仲裁)

15. Most of the author’s earlier works were published under a pseudonym(笔名).

16. The civil War which began in 1861 cut the United States into two nations- a southern Confederacy and a northern Union. (severed)

17. The congregation at last Sunday’s sermon showed no propriety when they giggled at the sight of a person in an outlandish dress. (decency 适当,得体)

18. Venders must have a license in Shanghai. (everyone engaged in selling)

19. I detest those who like to poke into other people’s private affairs. (pry; poke into 探听,干涉)

20. Biologists have ascertained that specialized cells convert chemical energy into mechanical energy. (verify 核实,查证)

21. Subterranean streams have cut through limestone to form miles of passages and caves, such as Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave. (underground; subterranean streams 地下河)

22. In the United States low-income families with children can get up to $400 in tax rebates. (refunds折扣,退款)

23. Our manager paced up and down the room, fulminating against John for his breach of duty. (curse; pace up and down=pace to and fro 来回走动; fulminate against 愤怒反对)

24. The pagoda built in the Tang Dynasty suggests that the beauty created by man, though not imperishable, may survive wars and revolutions. (everlasting 不朽的)

25. Wedding receptions nowadays are a strange mixture of formality, pomp and a lack of natural warmth. (ostentation 虚有其表)

1. The black boys and girls need not have felt self-conscious (不自在的,害羞的) for their dark skin in the summer camp. (self-affacing 避免抛头露面的;self-evident 不言而喻的)

2. There were so many people jostling (推挤) him in the crowd that he could not hold the camera steady while trying to take a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr, the foremost leader of the civil rights movement.

3. After his famous speech against racial discrimination and segregation, he was prosecuted for reckless (鲁莽的) driving.

4. The daffodils which challenged so proudly the boisterous March winds were soon withered and defeated, wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.

5. The case of the brutal killing of the black people was dismissed (驳回,不予受理) by the judge for lack of evidence.

6. After the black girl had shed a few tears, she resigned herself to the reality- it seemed she could only languish in the corners of American society. (shed tears 流泪)

7. The smoke billowing (翻腾) from the burning tyres could be for miles in the ghetto after the black riot.

8. Several of the advertising hoardings had been defaced (损坏) by anti-racist slogans. 9. Tourists were advised to steer (驾驶) clear of the slums and ghettos in New York.

10. The black people craved (渴望) happiness, freedom, affection and security of justice, which, however, had been denied to them.

11. Many blacks still find themselves exiles in their own land and the houses they live in are

infested with mice and cockroaches. (be infested with 大批出没,侵扰)

12. I utterly refute (驳斥) your argument. In my opinion, you have deliberately distorted the facts- the black people were often judged by the color of their skin, not by the quality of their character.

13. The young man told the court that it was his desperate poverty and the unspeakable horror of police brutality that had driven him to crime.

14. The highest peak of the mountain can rarely be seen from below as it is usually hidden in clouds.

15. The legendary island of Atlantis was supposed to be engulfed (吞没) by the sea and then it disappeared without a trace.

16. The fabric is likely to shrink (收缩) if washed with normal detergents. 17. The court nullified (使..无效) the agreement after months of debate. 18. If you keep on working too hard, your health will deteriorate (恶化).

19. A row of swallows perched (栖息) upon the fence, ready to take off at the slightest sound.

20. Some wild animals languish slowly in the zoo because they cannot bear captivity (囚禁).

