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1.Who gave u your name?

It is my grandpa who gave me my name coz he was the oldest person in my family,so all the family members should respect his opinion. Beside,my mother told me that my grandpa had already decided the name to me before I was born.

2.Does your name have any particular meaning?

Yes,you know,my name is ZYR. In Chinese meaning,“yong” means forever and perpetual, while ?Rui?means clever and smart..so I guess my grandpa hoped that I could be an intelligent person throughout my life.

3.Do u like u name? Actually ,I pretty like it.It conveyed the love from my grandpa and it always reminds me of my grandpa.

4.In your country,do people feel that their name is very important?

It depends,some folks think that their names play a crucial role in their lives and careers.a particular name can bring luckiness to them.While other people regard name just as a simple symbol,it does not matter what it is.

5.Would u like to change your name?

It is unnecessary for me to change my name,you know ,My name represents the love from my grandpa,so obviously, I would not change it.

6.Is it easy to change your name in your country?

I guess it is a bit difficult to do it. Actually ,It is complex Coz you need to get a couple of official recognitions,and exchange your ID card and so many other things.Most importantly, it is time-consuming coz you are required to wait several weeks between every steps.

7.Wo usually names babies in your country?

It is common for babies? parents to give their names in china. I guess.almost all parents are eager to name their babies,as it can show their love and expectations to their babies.

8.Do u have any special traditional about naming children?

I do not have ,but many folks do coz they regard it as a meaningful way to show their respect to their ancestors. So this folks would obey the discipline which was made by their ancestors to name their babies.

9.What names are most common in your country?

I guess the names called ?long or hui? are the most common names in my hometown coz all of this stand for gorgeous and brilliant future. And they consider that if you own the name like this you are more possible to have a promising future.


1 & 2.Do u like live in a house or a flat/Please describe it a little

I live in a flat. My flat locates in the heart of my hometown so the transport facilities there are really convenient. Besides it is surrounded by two parks ,so it is really comfortable for us to live there.More specifically ,my flat are made up of 4 bed rooms and a bid living room.

3.What?s your favourite room in your home?

My favorite room is the big living room,of course. Because i can invite my best friends to there and sit on the comfortable sofa to watch a couple of movies .Sometimes,we also can hole a big party there,it is a nice way for us to kid back and relax. so I really like the living room.

4.What have u done to your room to make it look nice?

I have bought tons of cute stuff to decorate my bed room such as some fashion toys and mini robot.Besides,I also have bought a couple of plants and put them in the living room,which makes the room looks dynamic and graceful.

5.Which room dose your family spend most of time in?

I guess it is the living room coz nearly every night ,we always take some snakes while watching some TV programs.Besides we like to have a chat with each other in the living room.

6.What do u usually do in your house/flat/room?

I usually browse the Internet ,coz I can not only get tons of news from it but I can communicate with my friends through the internet as well.More importantly,browsing the internet can definitely expand my outlook and let off my steam.

7.Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Yes,coz my flat lies in the heart of my hometown so the transport system is quit convenient. And there are several types of public transport for us to choose such as subway and bus. But ,in the rush hour,it will also suffer from traffic jam .

8.Do u plan to move/are u prepare to move?

I do not intend to move to another place.you know,it is really comfortable to live there,the transport there,the entertaining life style there and the rent there all are satisfactory. So I don?t want to change my flat.


1.What?s your hometown?

My hometown locates in the south of Guangdong province. It is a seaside city and there are a couple of tourist attractions in my hometown with over ten thousand people visiting there each year.

2.Do u like your hometown?

Yep,I pretty like my hometown coz the environment there is beautiful and clean.you can hardly see any rubbish in the street.And the weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live.moreover,the local residents are friendly and approachable.

3.Would u say it?s an interesting place?

Of course i would,coz it is a seaside city so it is convenient for us to get to the beach.and in the beach,we could do tons of stimulating leisure activities such as strolling around the beach,drawing picture on the sand or playing beach volleyball.So the life in my hometown is really interesting.

4.What would u say are the good and bad points of your hometown?

The good points of my hometown,in my mind,are that the environment there is clean and beautiful and the local residents there are friendly and approachable they always wear a friendly smile.While,in terms of the bad point,I would like to say that it is a crowd place.when it was the ruch hour,the traffic there are severely congested and in summer,sometimes,the temperature would be high.

5.What?s your favourite part of your hometown?

I guess it is the beach nearby my hometown.Coz in the summer holiday,my friends and i will get together to take a couple of interesting activities there to kid back and relax.we will always have a ball.So,the beach does bring me tons of memories.

6.Are there any tourist attractions in your hometown?

Yes,there are a theme park and a brilliant and clean beach in my hometown ,which appeals over ten thousand people visiting there each year.Actually, all the visitors pretty adore the beautiful beach.

7.Did you friends also grow up in the same place as u?

Some of them grow up with me in the same place.you know,when it comes to the summer holiday,we will get together to have a fun in the beach.

8.Would u like to live there in the future?

To be honest with you,I pretty like to live there in the future,because the environment is really attractive.More importantly,that place brings me tons of memories which is the most treasure thing in my life.So living there can make me feel happiness.

Work or study

1.Do u work or are u a student?

I am a junior student studying in South China University of Technology. My major is mathematics.

2.Why did u choose to study that?

Coz leaning mathematics can stimulate my creativity,expand my thought and mold my character. I mean working out mathematical problems requires tons of patient.Most importantly,i will feel a strong sense of achievement when i tackle a difficult problem.I guess that is exactly why I chose this subject.

3.Do u like studying at that university?

Actually i really adore to study in my university coz our campus is large and beautiful.More importantly, the teachers there are so nice and professional that we can learn tons of knowledge from them.

4.What?s the most important thing in your study life?

It is friendship I guess.without friendship,my study life would lack of colour and suffer from a series of problems. It is my friends who always encourage me and cheer me up when I feel frustrated.So friendship is the most important thing in my study life.

5.What do u plan to do after u have finished your study?

I will travel to Lijiang with my best friends,you know,Lijiang is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in China. We all desire to visit there to celebrate our graduations.I believe we will have a ball.


1.Are there many ads in your country?

Yep,advertisements in my county are prevalent.Specifically,When you watch TV,browse the internet or listen to the radio programs you can always contact advertisements.

2.Why do u think there are so many ads now?

As advertising is a good way to introduce products of manufacturers and attract consumers to buy these products.By that I mean advertisements can guarantee a satisfactory sale .So it is common to see many advertisements surrounding us.

3.What are the various places where we see ads?

I guess tons of advertisements are displayed in the crowded place such as the bus and the business streets ,which can ensure more people to see it. Displayed in this place, the advertisements can be well rewarded.

4.How do u feel about ads?

I would say I enjoy some of them coz they are creative and stimulating.But it?s true that When we watch TV, most of them always disturb the fun of enjoying the programs. Besides the information they bring us always are misleading.

5.What kinds of ads do u like the most?

Actually I like the advertisements which pass correct information to us and show their products in a creative way.This ads were not copied the same thing over and over again.on the other hand it could leave us a deep impression.

6.Do ads influence your choice about what to buy?

Some of them would,when the products they introduce are really attractive and I do need this goods. In other world ,if there are several ads showing the same thing I will choose the better performance one.

7.Do u prefer ads on TV or those in magazine?

I would say I prefer to ads on TV rather than those in magazine coz ads shown on TV are more vivid and dynamic than those in magazine,which seems more attractive and clear.

2.Do u think emails are useful?

Yes ,It is really convenient to use.Especially,when u need to write a long content to specify some things.Besides,Unlike letters,it can be sent and received quickly.More importantly,you will bot be charge for that.

3.What kinds of emails do u send and receive?

Well ,most of it are business emails coz as i said ,i am a monitor ,my job ask me to send and receive business emails frequently.But sometimes,i would also send some personal emails to my friends.Besides,I will receive some ads which really disturbs me.

4.Do u think it is a good thing that some companies send out letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising?

In terms of manufacturers,it is reasonable for them to take this action coz they can advertise their products at the lowest possible cost.However,as a consumer,I do not really like this,it does disturb me and i practically do not scan this emails.


1.How often do u write letters?

Actually ,it is uncommon for me to write letters.But i would also write some postcards to my friends when I travel to some tourist attractions.

2,What do u write about?

I usually write some blessings to my friends or some feeling I felt at the moment.By that I mean I will tell him or her i am happy ,sad or excited.

3,On what occasions do u write letters?

When I travel to some tourist attractions I will write some postcards to my friends and my family.Besides,in some important festival like the Spring Festival I will also write some blessings to my friends but it is uncommon.

4.Do u and your friends keep in touch by letter.

Exactly,I would say no coz we often use phone messages or phone calls to make a communication.If we do want to write something we would prefer to write by emails which are much more convenient than letters,

5.How do u keep in touch with your friends and relatives?(同4) Gift

1.Do u often give gifts to people?

I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine's day and Christmas Day.

2.What the last gift u received?

Well,the last gift I received was a watch given by my girlfriend.She told me that it took she several hours to choose in the internet.I really adore this gift it is pretty gorgeous.

3.Have u friends ever given you gift?

Yep ,almost on my birthday, they would present me a couple of gifts which are really exquisite.

4.What was the last gift u gave someone.

Well,I gave a CD of jay who is one the most famous ginger in China to my friend.It is a special CD coz there is a jay?s signature on it which really drives my friend crazy.I mean she was pretty adore it.

5.Do u like giving presents to other people?

Yes exactly,because giving gifts to people could not only make them happy but i would get a strong sense of achievement.you know,Making other people pleasant is an exciting thing i am really into in.

6,Do u and your friends of family members give each other gift.

I would say it common for us to present gifts to each other especially on someone?s birthday.For instance,on my father?s last birthday my mother gave him a beautiful cloth while I gave him a gorgeous pen.

7.What sorts of gifts do u give to someone,how do u select this gift?

Well,it depends.i will choose different types of gifts to different people.It all depends on their characters and personalities.For example,I would select sport goods to those who like sport.

8.Do u think it?s easy to choose what to give other people?

Well,I don?t think so.I always spent a lot of time selecting gifts coz i am really afraid that the gifts I selected my friends do not like it.So as for me,it is hard to choose presents to others.

9.When considering a present to give to someone,how do you select this gift?(同7)

10.Do u think it is important to give expensive gifts?

Of course no.The value of gifts are no depended on the price it is depended on your heart.I really agree that a gift made by yourself is overwhelmingly more important than a expensive gift bought directly in the shops.

11.Have u ever given someone a gift you made yourself?

Yes ,I have.I often present gifts made by myself to others,coz I think it can make the gift more meaningful and special.Last time I had made a toy car by some woods to my friend and he love it so much.

12.Do u think gift-giving is very important?

Well,actually I do think it is important .I just regard it as a way to show your love and blessing to others.I mean you can do many thing instead of giving gifts to represent your emotion.So the important thing is your heart and your love to others.

13.Do people in China like to give gifts?

I would say yes.you know,it is really common for chinese to present gifts on some important festivals such as the spring festival.Chines regard it as a decent way to show respect and love to others.


1.Have u ever learned to draw?(do u like drawing?why/why not)

Well ,when I was a child,my folks sent me to a art lesson to learn draw coz I really like drawing at the time and my folks wanted me to develop this interest.I consider that drawing can stimulate one?s creativity and imagination and it also can bring u a strong sense of achievement when u draw well.So,i am really into it.

2.Do u draw now?

Well,it is less time left for me to draw now.Because there are tons of homeworks and job I need to deal with everyday.I mean I am alway busy with my study and jobs.

3.How often do u draw something?

In the past,i always drew(dru:)once a week mainly on weekends coz after working hard during the whole week,drawing could really help me kid back and relax.

4.What kind of pictures do u like to draw.

Well,I like to draw some some cartoon figures coz it is more easy and interesting to draw.But sometimes I will draw real cars as well coz it looks really cool.

5.Do u think drawing is difficult?

It depends,It is obviously difficult if want to draw something complicated and delicate while it will be easy to draw some simple cartoon characters ,which is still interesting.

6,Do u think it?s important for child to learn to draw?

I would say yes.It it common that many shools now have set a painting class,in some way,it illustrates that learning drawing is significant for children.I guess it is because drawing can materialise children?s thinking which is beneficial to stimulate their creativities and imaginations.

7.What do u think are some of the benefits for children from drawing?(同6)

8.Do adults draw very often.

It depends.People who are majoring in painting or design would draw often,as this is their jobs.While I guess other people would not draw often coz the pace of life today is so accelerating that adults are often busy with their works or study.so it is less time left by them to draw.

9.What are the benefits of drawing for adults?

I guess the best beneficial it brings us is that drawing can help individuals to relax themselves and mould their characters as well.By that I mean,drawing could clam person down and make them more patient.

10.What?s the difference between an adult and a child learning to draw?

A child learning to draw can mainly stimulate their creativities and imaginations while as to adult, learning to draw mainly influences their temper,I mean drawing can make adult clam down and relax.

11.Do u think a person can teach him or herself how to draw?

I would say yes.I guess every person can learn drawing by watch some educational videos and books all by themselves.Or they can attempt to simulate some pictures to learn drawing.

12.To draw well,what factors do u think are important?

I guess it is patience as well as calm temper which are the most two important factors to draw well.I mean it is hard for anxious people to draw a nice picture.


1.Is it important to be patient ?Why?

I would say yes coz a patient person is more likely to own a ability to achieve his goal today.Besides,patience can also make people more approachable which is important in communication.

2.Is it easy to be patient?why?

Well,it seems that it is increasingly hard to be patient due to the society today.you know, fast pace of life intend to make people more inpatient than before.Busy works and heavy stress all of them may people loose patience.

3.How can people be patient?

Well,I guess the main reason to make people inpatient is that they living under the weather.So learning to let off steam properly would be a good way to let people be patient.

4.When do people need to be patient?

I can?t find a situation for people to be inpatient .you know,like working,studying,co-operating or waiting for people all of them are required people to be patient.

5.What do u do when wanting for the bus or something else?

Usually,I would play my phone and listen to music to relax myself.Sometimes ,I would talk to other people,which can make me feel the time is passing fast.


1.Do u like watching TV?

Yes,,I do like watching some fashion and stimulating TV programs or comedy like Happy family and Feichengwurao when I were at home,which really cheers me up and help me to kid back and relax.

2.What type of TV programs do u like to watch?(同1)

3.What programs do u watch?(同1)

4.What?s your favorite TV program?

I guess My favourite TV program is the Fanny Moment.It is like that people send some funny video recorded by their own cameras to the program.Then the host will give his comment about it,which always cheers me up.

5.Do u prefer to watch TV or listen to the radio?

I prefer to watch TV rather than listen to the radio for two main reasons.Firstly,the program shown by TV is more vivid.Besides,the TV program are much more interesting and various than those of radios.

6.Do u think watching TV is an important part of people?s lives?

Yes,I think coz it is common for chinese to watch news shown by TV while having dinner.Besides,many people like to watch TV in the evening as a way to relax themselves.

7.Do u prefer reading a newspaper,or watching TV.

I prefer to watch TV coz I can also watch the news which are reported by the newspaper on TV.But I can?t read the program shown TV on newspaper.By that I mean TV is more informative than newspaper.

8.What type of TV program do u watch when u want to relax?(同1)


1.Do u like to go to the forest?Why?

I really like to go to the forest coz the air there are pretty fresh and I can see various kinds of animals in the forest.When I feel tired I can just stare at the sky and feel protected by the nature which make me comfortable.

2.Do people need to protect the trees?Why?

Yes we do need to do it coz trees is an indispensable part of nature.And trees have an important impact on our climate and cities.They can make cities more shady ,humid and cooler.

3.Is it comfortable/nice to live in a place with lots of trees?

Yes ,coz trees can bring fresh air to us and they can also make surrounds more shady humid and cooler which is suitable for people to live.Besides,trees can reduce the noise in some way.

4.Have u ever planted a tree?Do we need to plant trees?

I had planted a tree when i was 17 i guess,it is an meaningful activity organized by my school.Today,the numbers of trees are increasingly declining mainly due to human activities and trees play a crucial role in keeping ecosystem balance,so we need to plant trees.

5.What are the effects of trees/forest?(基本同2)

Forest has an important impact on global climate coz they can humid the air and forest can also help to relieve the issue of global warming.Besides,forest can transform carbon dioxide to oxygen. Boat

1.Do u like boating/Why do u like it/What have u ever done by boat.

I would say yes.Last summer holiday,I went boating in a park of my hometown with my friend.It was definitely a brilliant experience.you know,when you on the boat you can hear the birds singing,enjoy the sunshine and breath the fresh air.Everything is good and it can really help u let off steam.

2.Do Chinese people usually travel by boat?

Well,It depends,people living near the sea would like to travel by boat while people living in the inland would have less chance to travel by boat.But generally speaking,I guess most Chinese people would like to travel by boat. Building

1.What kinds of building are popular in China now?

Well,I guess is time-honored buildings like Summer Palace which is a famous tourist attraction with over one million people visiting there each year.

2.Compare old buildings and modern buildings,which do people prefer to live in? I guess it is modern buildings coz it is really self-contained which can bring substantial convenience for people to live in.I mean living in the modern buildings are more comfortable so people would prefer to live in that.

3.How do people in China about old buildings?

Well,in our mind,most of the old buildings represent our traditional culture and our ancestors?s intelligence and it is hard for them to survive.So we really cherish them and have been taking some immediate measures to preserve them.

4,Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old buildings?

Maybe a bit different.Old people may have a more strong feeling with the old buildings coz the old buildings would remind them of their past time.While most of the young people are educated to protect this kinds of buildings.

5.Is it important to preserve old buildings?(同3)

6.What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?

I think the old buildings reflect the style of traditional architecture as well as the local custom .

7.How have buildings changed in the past few years ?

Well,the exterior of the modern buildings become increasingly exquisite,now most of them are warped by a bunch of glass wall.And materials they used tend to be more environmental as well.


1.Are u very interested in fashion and clothes?

I don?t think i am crazy about fashion and clothes.Actually,I would prefer to choose the clothes which are comfortable to wear rather than the fashionable ones.

2.Do u have a lot of nice clothes?

I would say no,coz i am always busy with my study and works.So I don?t have much time to select and buy nice clothes.

3.What kinds of clothes do u usually wear?

I like to wear T-shirts and jeans coz they are really loose-fitting.Ah,I like Tang suit as well,you know,Tang suit looks special and represents the traditional Chinese clothing. 4.Would u say clothes are expensive in your country?

Well,most of them are reasonable price coz there are tons of clothing manufacturers in China,and if the price of their productions are expensive they may lose many consumers.

5.Do u like to wear fashionable clothes?

Well,Though wearing fashionable clothes can make me look hot,most of them are not loose-fitting,so I don?t really adore fashionable clothes.

6.Is there anything that you used to wear in the past that u don?t wear now?

Yes ,I guess many folk?s tastes would change several times so do I.So there are plenty of clothes that I don?t wear coz I feel they are childish now.

7.How often do u go shopping for clothes?

Well,I go shopping for clothes properly once a monthly,mainly at weekends.And my girlfriend like to accompany with me to choose clothes.

8.Do u like shopping for clothes?

I would say not so much coz it is time-consuming and I always feel tired after walking around the shopping street several hours.So sometimes,i will buy clothes on the internet.

9.How often do u buy clothes online?

I guess I bu clothes online properly once a monthly.coz buying clothes online is less time-consuming and less expensive .So sometimes I prefer to buy clothes on the internet rather than go shopping for clothes.

10.Do u plan to buy any designer clothes?

Yes,I have bought a T-shirt of LP Zone which is one of the renowned clothing brand in China.It is really loose-fitting and looked hot,I pretty adore it.

11.Do u think people pay too much attention to fashion?

Well,It depends.Youngsters would be more likely to focus on fashion coz that can make them special and hot.While,in terms of middle-aged they may pay less attention to fashion.


1.Is it import to focus on one thing u should deal with?

Yes,I think it is import coz focusing on it can allow to to accomplish it effectively and efficiently which can save tons of time for us.

2,When do people need to focus on something?

When they deal with some import thing like driving ,they are well-advised to focus on it.Otherwise,they may result in adverse consequences.

3.When do people become the most focused?

4.Is it easy to be with concentration?

As a student,I would say it is not easy coz there are tons of temptations nowadays,especially the computer games,which are distracting lots of students attention when they study.

5.Can people deal with two different things at the same time?

I think sometimes they can,for example,folks can select clothes online while making a phone call to others.But it is not well-advised for people to do this.

Friends and Family

1.Do u have any close friends/what qualities make them good friends.

Yes I do.Most of them are my senior middle school?s classmates.We fight for the same university at the time and always play basketball together.Most importantly,They would always accompany with me and encourage me when I feel frustrated.

2.Do u live with your family?

Actually ,I live with my classmates in the school dorm.When i go home on holidays,I live with my family.

3.Do your family and friends still live in your hometown?

Yes,It is uncommon for us to move to other places and it is comfortable for my family and friends to live in our hometown.

4.Do u think family members should live together?why/why not

I would say yes,coz family members is our best supports and living together can enable us to take care of each other.Most importantly,we will feel warm and protected in this environment.

5.When do u spend time with your family/What do u do together?

On some important festival such as the Spring Festival,our family will get together to have a big dinner to celebrate this moment.Besides,on the summer and winter vacation,I will also live with my family.At the time ,we may travel to others places for rest.

6.Do u often go out with your friends?

Yes,we often mainly go out at weekends to do various kinds of activities such as going shopping ,going to KTV or having a meal together.We would have a ball every time.

7.Is your family very important to u?

Absolutely yes.They not only offer the financial support to me to receive educations but also teach me what is important in my life and how to be a good member in society.Most importantly,they would not leave me alone.

8.Do u prefer to spend time with your family or your friends.

Well,I would feel stimulating and fun when spend time with my friends coz we can make jokes each other while spending time with my family,I would feel protected and warm .This two feelings are really different.So it is hard to say.

9.What do u do in your free time with your friends?(同6)

10.Are there any times when u prefer to be alone.

Yes,When I feel frustrated or I need to make some important decisions I would prefer to be alone at the first time.Coz it can make me have a clear perspective to what should I do later.


1.Do people do a lot of housework in your country?

Well ,general speaking,it is common that lots of housework are done by Chinese women coz men would spend most of time working outside to support their family and children need to go to shool.

2.Do Chinese people like spending time doing housework?

Well,I think nearly no one likes spending time doing housework.Folks do housework because they are required I mean they have to do this job.

3.Did u do a lot of housework u were a child?

I would say sometimes but no so much.Coz I needed to go to school on weekdays but at weekends I would help my mother to wash the dishes and take out the rubbish ,which could relieve my mother?s burden of housework.

4.It is important for child to do housework?

Yes,during this child can learn a bunch of basic life skills,which could make them more independent.Besides,it also can let children to know the sense of helping others.So we should encourage children to do housework.

5.What kind of housework do u have to do in China?

Taking out the rubbish I think.I have to do it both in my home and in my dorm.Coz we will generate rubbish everyday and there is not facility can replace us to do it.In addition,it is a simple job,so my mother always ask me to help her do this housework.

6.What different kinds of housework do man and women do?

Well,Man would focus on the housework which require strong physical power and engineering knowledge such as repairing some electric equipments.While women tend to delicate and easy housework like doing the laundry or changing bed linen.

Healthy Lifestyle

1.What do u do to keep healthy/How do people maintain good health?

I have a regular schedule of rest.I mean I sleep on time everyday.Meanwhile,I would run around my campus in the evening at least four times a week.Well,in terms of diet,I like eating vegetable and fruit coz they are full of vitamin C which is pretty good for our health.

2,What would u say is a “lifestyle”.(同1)

3.Is there an sport that u would like to try in the future?

Yes,it is tennis .Today,tennis is becoming increasingly popular in China .and it seems really fun.More importantly,there are several tennis courts in my school,so It is convenient for me to have a try in the future.

Leisure Time/Relaxing

1.What do u do in your spare time?

It depends,during the weekdays I would browse the internet ,paly basketball with my friends or read a bunch of magazines.While at weekends,I would like go to the cafe to kick back and relax.

2.How do u usually spend your evening?

Well,in evening,I spend most of time studying.When I finish my homework,I will watch some videos or browse the internet.

3.Do u prefer to stay at home in the evenings or do u prefer to go out?

During weekday evenings, I like to stay at home,coz after working hard in daytime ,I would be too tired to go out .More importantly,I need to go to the classroom in the next morning.At weekends,I would like to go out with my friends.

Mobile phones

1.Do u have a mobile phone?

Yes,my mobile phone is i-phone four s.I have to say it is really ??

2.When did u first have a mobile phone?

I guess,When I was a senior high school student,I father bought a mobile phone for me.As I lived in the school?s dorms and it is convenient for my family to contact with me with this cell phone.

3.Is your cell phone important for u in your daily life.

It is really important.First of all,it is a crucial tool of communication for people nowadays and I need it to contact with other folks.Besides,I like playing games ,listening to music and sending messages by it in my leisure time.

4.What do u use it for?(同3)

5.Do u prefer text or talking on the phone?

It depends,sometimes I would like to talking on the phone when the talking content is not emergency.Otherwise,I would like to talk face-to-face coz it is more clear and direct.

6.Do people in your country like using mobile phone?

I would say yes,coz nearly all adults have a mobile phone.They like using it to browse the internet ,make a call and text messages.It has became a indispensable tool in our lives.

7.Do u think people should turn off their phones in public places?

I think it is unnecessary coz people can just set the phone to vibrate or mute status instead of turning off it,which can avoid that people may miss the important messages at the first time.

8.Is there anything u dislike about using cell phone?

Well,the power of cell phone is not enduring.It would decrease rapidly so I need to charge it twice a day which is inconvenient.

9.Have u ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveling?

Yes,but uncommon.sometimes it may turn off suddenly,but when i turn on it again.It would operate efficiently as there is nothing going wrong.

10.Do u think u will be using your mobile phone more often in the future?

I would say yes.Now i am a student,I mainly spend most of my time focusing on my study.When I work in the future,I may receive tons of phone calling from my employer, my consumers or my co-workers.

11.How do u think mobile phones will develop in the future?

I think the system of it would run more rapidly and the function of it would be more flexible and convenient.


1.Do u often listen to music?

Yes,I often listen to music in my leisure time in order to kick back and relax.Besides I think listen to music it is effective way to calm folks down.

2.When do u listen to music?(同1)

3.How much time do u spend listening to music every day?

It depends,sometimes it would be half hour ,sometimes it would be 15 minutes.But general speaking it would not exceed an hour.

4.What kinds of music do u like to listen to?

It is pop music I think.you know,it really suit to youngsters.I think pop music reflect general young people?s psychological and style.I guess that?s exactly why most youngsters like to listen to pop music.

5.When did you start listening to this type of music?

Well,I guess when I was a middle school student I began to listen to this music coz at the time ,MP3 ,it is a mini music player,became increasingly popular in my school and I touched pop music mainly at that time.

6.Where do u listen to it?

I mainly listen to pop music at classroom when i accomplished the homework I would like to listen to it to relax myself.And sometimes,I would enjoy it on my way to my dorm while riding my bike.

7.How do u feel when u listen to this music?

Well,it depends,some would make me exciting when the tone of music is passionate.While I would feel calm or peaceful when the tone of the music is soft .

8.Have u ever been to a musical performance?

Yes,i have.I can paly guitars well,so my classmates and friends would invite me to show this skill in their parties.

9.Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

Yes,I have,when i was a senior high school student,I attended a guitar lesson to learn some basic knowledge of guitar.And now,I get the hang of it and can play it well.

10.Is music an important subject at school in china?

I think yes.Every primary school open a musical course to teach children music.I think learning music is a decent way as an entertainment for children.

11.Did u often listen to music when u were child.

Yes i did.When i was a primary school student,musical course was definitely my favourite course.I really liked to listen to music at that time.And now I like it as well.

12.What kinds of music are popular in China?

I guess is pop music.Coz youngsters are the major groups who often listen to music,and pop music is their favourite music.

Parks&Pubic Gardens

1.Are there many parks or pubic gardens where u live?

Well,There is a public garden near my flat.My mother likes to go to there have dance with her friends after dinner.Besides,the air there is really fresh and tons of children and old people like to stroll around the park in the evening.

2.Do u often go to a park or a garden?

I would say yes,I usually stroll around the public garden near my flat after dinner coz it is really a good way to keep our body healthy.And the air there is pretty fresh.I like this feeling.

3.How often do u go there?( 同2)

4.What do u do when u go to the park or public garden?(同2)

5.What do other people do in these place?

Well,there are various kinds of activities people done there.Some women would go dance there and children would ride their toy bicycle around the public garden.But,I guess most people like to stroll around there.

6.When do often people go there?

I think folks go there mainly in the summer evening.Coz it would neither be hot and cold which is really suitable to go there to have a fun.

7.Do u think parks and public gardens are important to a city?

Yes,I think,it not only can decorate the city,I mean it can make the city more dynamic,but also it can be a place for people to take leisure activities.

Public Transport

1.What form of transport do u usually use?

I think it is subway,I properly use it 4 times mainly at weekends.Coz it is more faster and comfortable than buses meanwhile it is much cheaper to use than taxis which can largely relieve my financial burden.

2.How often do u use public transportation?(同1)

3.what form of public transport do u prefer to use?(同1)

4.What do u like to do while u are traveling?

Well,I like to take photos when i am traveling coz it can record the gorgeous scenery I am enjoying and the happy moment I am feeling.Several years later,when i look these photos again i would properly feel warm while recalling these experience.

5.What do u usually take with u when u are traveling?

I think daily necessities ,a cell phone and money are necessary meanwhile I would take a camera.I like ...同4.

6.Is the transportation very crowded in your city?

It depends.In the rush hour,most of them are really crowded you can hardly breathe.While others time,It would be better and sometimes there would be some seats for u to take.

7.Do u ever have problems with noise when u are traveling?

Yes I have.When i receive a phone call ,while traveling,I can hardly hear what the others have said.By that I mean,the noise there is really terrible and you can?t hear others thing except the noise made by others passengers and the transportation.

5.Are u ever disturbed by the noise from other passengers?(同7)

6.Do u think government could do anything to improve the pubic transport system in your city?

Yes,I think.I think governments are well-advised to invest the tax revenue in improving the Available public transport choice for travelers and maintain this system effectively ,which can markedly facilitate our citizens.


1.What was the first school u attended/Where was it/Was it far from your home/How do u go to school

Well,the first school I attended is a nursery school locating in the heart of my hometown.I usually went to school by walk ,which mainly took me 10mintues to get there by way.

2.Did u like it?

Yes,i really liked it coz I could see many friends there and the school is pretty beautiful .More importantly,there is a mini pleasure ground there .Every time after school we would have a ball there.

3.What were the good thing about that school/Would u say it was a good school?

Well,in terms of diet,I would say the food there were really various and delicious,we all liked to have lunch there.Besides,the teachers there were extremely warm-heart and patient,they took well care of us.Lastly,the basic equipment there were self-contained.So it was definitely a good school.

4.Would u send your child to that school today?

Yes,I would,coz I have received a well education there,and I hope my child could also get benefits from it.

5.What different types of schools have u been to?

I think,So far,I have attended 3 types of schools they are primary schools,high schools and universities.Coz their teaching styles and purposes are a bit different,so I divide them into 3 types.

6.Which school did u like the most?

Well,I think I like universities most coz it is free there ,by that I mean no more teachers will restrict and monitor u.When u finish your homework u call do the thing your like.But it is also accompanied drawbacks.I mean some students may go astray easily due to lacking of monitoring.

7.Did your parents choose your secondary school for u?

I would say no.They just gave me some advices and I drew on their advices to make the final decision.I mean they always respect my choices.


1.How many hours are u asleep for every day?

I think it is mainly 8 hours,7hours at nigh and 1hous in the afternoon.Besides,at weekends ,I would sleep for proper 9 hours a day,coz there is no lesson at weekend,as a result I would weak up a bit late.

2.Is it necessary to take a nap every day?

Yes,I think people are well-advised to take a nap coz it can make people more dynamic during the following time.

3.Do old people sleep a lot?Why?

Well,in my impression,they don?t sleep a lot.My grandpa weak up really early in the morning.But I don?t exactly know why maybe their phycological quality are not suit to sleep a lot. Toys

1.What toys did u like to paly with when u were a child?

I think I liked my toy tricycle most,coz I often rode it to the children garden with my playmates,and we often had a cycling competition there,which was really fun.

2.Do u think u learned anything from playing with toys?

Yes,I remember when i was 17,I learned to ride a real bike,I found I could learn well just in one day.I guess it must be own be that toy tricycle.

3.Did u play with those toys alone or with other children?

I preferred to play with other children coz it not only could strengthen our relationship but also could make the feeling of play toys more stimulating.

4.If u had children,what toys would u give them?

Well,I would also give them a toy tricycle coz they could learn some basic skill from it.Then,I would consider to give them chess games which could largely stimulate their thoughts and creativities.


1.Do u often write things?

Yes,I have tons of homeworks needed to write on papers.Besides,I usually write some memorable experience and important events in my special notebook.So i write often.

2.Do u write everyday?

Actually I don?t write everyday.When i am on holidays ,such as summer vocation,there is not any more homework I need to accomplish and I would like to stay at home.So it is uncommon for me to write on holidays.

3.What do u usually write? (同1)

4.Do u like writing to people?

Actually I don?t like writing to people coz it is inconvenient and inefficient.I prefer to send emails or messages to others.But,I admit that writing letters to people is definitely a meaningful thing.

5.How often do u send e-mails?(在Email中有同样的问题)

6.What are your main reasons for using email?(在Email中有同样的问题)

7.Do u like to send email?

Well,compared with writing,I like to send email coz it less time-consuming and u can retype and reedit the messages many times,which makes sending email really convenient.

8.Do u usually write by hand or write using a computer?

Well,it is hard to say.Coz lots of my homework are required to write on papers.And i often send emails to my classmates to convey official messages as i am a monitor.and I also write messages by my cell phone to my friends.So it is hard to depend.

9.Nowadays,how do most people write things?

Well,I guess most people write things by computers and mobile phones.Coz it is the most efficient way to write things.Besides,most people have mobile phone now,so it is convenient for them to write things by phones.

10.Do u think computers might one day replace handwriting?

I don?t think so.I admit that it is extremely common for people to writing things nowadays.But,handwriting has its own special meaning which is not belonged to computers.Handwriting maybe can be regarded as a kind of culture I think.

11.When do children begin to write in your country?

Well,it depends.I guess when children are able to use a pen correctly,their parents will teach them to write before attending school.

12.How did u learn to write?

Well,it is hard for me to memorize .I guess it was my mother who teach me to write.Maybe she would catch my hand to write a word step by step.Then after tons of practice ,I could write by myself finally.

13.Do u think handwriting is very important?

Yes,nowadays,there are still tons of things required handwriting such as filling various kinds of forms,sign one?s name and so forth.So handwriting still plays a crucial role in our lives.

14.What impression does a person?s handwriting have on other people?

Well,Individual has a good handwriting can pass a decent and literary impression to other people.Otherwise,if your handwriting is terrible,others may think you are a playful and slovenly person.


1.Have u ever lived in countryside for a long time?

Yes I have.Well,My grandpa?s home locates in the countryside of my hometown .When i was a child,I lived in there for several months.I have to say the scenery there is really gorgeous.

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?

Well,on one hand,the rate of live in the countryside is slower and more comfortable compared with those of urban.Besides,the air in the countryside is more refresh ,which is good for our health.But,on the other hand,it?s less convenient to live in the countryside.For example,there are less supermarkets in the countryside, as a result ,people may have to go far away to buy goods.

3.Compare the availability of services such as education,health services and transportation in cities and the countryside.

Well,it is obvious that quality of education,health services and transportation are less good than cities.Coz most good hospitals and schools locate in cities.But,

nowadays,these availability of services in the countryside are developing rapidly.

4.What are some of the differences between city people and countryside people?

Well,I think countryside people seem more happiness and relax due while city people may more likely to suffer from heavy academic ,professional or live burdens coz due to the stiff competition in city.

5.Which place is more beautiful,a city or the countryside?

Well,it is hard to say.I think both of them are beautiful.you know,The beauty of countryside represents the natural scenery while those of city represents the spectacular buildings and gorgeous effect of neon lights.

6.Do u think a city could ever be more beautiful than the countryside?

Yes,the nigh scenery in cities is really fascinating due to the gorgeous neon lights.At the time I think cities are more beautiful than countrysides.

7.Which do u think is the more relaxing place to live.the city or the countryside?

Well,It depends.When I retire in the future I think living in the countryside will be more relax .But now,living in the countryside would be boring for me.So,I think live in the city is more relaxing for me now.Coz I can go to KTV or shopping to relax myself.


1.Do u think the rule is important?Why?

Yes,it contributes to create a better environment which is beneficial for students to focus on their study.More precisely,it avoid student to compare with peers?clothes which may distract their attention out of study.

2.Is the rule suitable for all students?

Well,I don?t think so.It is not suitable to university student.Coz university students are more independent and self-discipline and they tend to be adults so there is unnecessary to force them to wear school uniform.

3.What rules are there in your school?

Well,students are forbidden to smoke in our school.I think this rule is really

demanded.Firstly smoking would damage our bodies especially our lungs.Besides, students smoking will obviously have a bad impact on surrounding People. Lastly,smoking may results in fire disaster easily especially in our dorm.

4.How do people obey rules?

Well,Firstly,they mainly know what rules are implemented by their school.Then,they will avoid to violate them.Besides,their teachers and classmates would remind them,they were violating the regulations.Lastly,schools will take actions to raise students? awareness to comply with the rules.

5.Should pupils be involved in making rules?

Well,it depends,in terms of schools whose students are mainly under 18.I guess,it is unnecessary to involved students in making rules coz these students still loose the entire ability to distinguish right and wrong.Well,as to others,schools would be well-advised to collect students? opinions while making rules,which is beneficial to make the rules more suitable and reasonable.

6.What rules are there people should obey in the society?

Well,there tons of rules people should comply with in the society.First of all,they should obey the constitution made by their country and the law made by their city and their companies.Additionally,there are numerous moral rules they should obey.Like don?t speak loudly in the public places and don?t play your cell phone when you are joining a meeting and so forth.

7.Are rules different between in primary school and secondary school?

I guess it is a bit more different coz they may focus on different purposes.In my opinion,I think primary school may take more attention to build up students? basic skills such as arranging them to clean the campus or saying hello when meet teachers and so on.While,in terms of secondary school,they may focus on avoiding students to go astray.So they would forbid students to smoke and others things about it.


1.Whether parents play an important role in your role?

Yes,they really do.They are certainly the first people who teach me to distinguish right and wrong,tell me how to be a good member of my word and help me to have a clear perspective in my life.When i feel frustrated and disappointed they would not leave me alone,they would accompany with me and motivate me to keep moving.

2.Friends or parents,who will affect u more?

I think it is my parents.Coz they have accompanied with me and instilled me high moral values since I was born.As a result ,they have an significant impact on my personality and character .In terms of my friends,we study together, play together and fight for our future together.So,they all influence me a lot.But less than my parents.

3.Wether technology will make individuals more selfish?

Well,it depends.Maybe some folks would be more selfish due to technology,coz they make be affected by misleading information on the Internet.But,on the other hand,students now are receiving better education because of technology.And there are lots of public service ads in our society which mainly teach people how to be a good member. So I guess.individuals would not be more selfish.

4.What is the most important things while making friends?

Um.. Honesty and sincerity ,I think,both are the basic requirements in making friends. As a friend,others would absolutely trust u,and share their secrets and experience with u.Then,when u find that your friends always lie with u even betray u.I am sure everyone would be extremely hurt.So I think honesty and sincerity are the most important things while making friends.

5.Is it important to make friends?

Yes ,friends are really important for us.Friends would share fun with u,assist u when u need help and accompany with u when u feel lonely.So in a word,is it important to make friends coz friends can make your life more brilliant and happiness.


1.How do people in China welcome visitors to their homes?

Well,Chinese people would wear approachable smiles to welcome visitors and offer various kinds of snakes,fruits and drinks to show their enthusiasm to visitors.When it is time for dinner or lunch,they would invite visitors to have dinner or lunch at home or at a restaurant.

2.In China when someone is a guest in another person?s house,in what ways should he or she express their respect to the host?

Well,most people will bring some gifts to the host such as a fruit basket and a box of milk.At the same time they would also say somethings to express their blessing to the host.

3.Should the guest offer help to the host?

I think it?s reasonable for guest to offer help to the host.But in most cases,the host will refuse their help because of manners.Sometimes,when the host really need help,they would also accept the guest?s help.

4.In China,when u have visitors,do u usually eat at home or outside the home?

It depends,if the numbers of visitors is no large,maybe under 4 people,We will invite them to eat at home.Well,if visitors are more than 4 people,we will invite them to eat at a restaurant coz it is not convenient to make such a big male at home.

5.How do people entertain guests at home?

In most case,the host would offer many snakes and drinks to guests and have a chat with them.They talk many things,such as the business,the family affairs,the change of financial market and so on.Sometimes they would share some interesting videos with guests.

6.In China,what do people generally do when they visit each other?(同5)

7.What do they talk about?(同5)

8.Do people in China treat different kinds of visitors in different ways?

Yes , I think so.For instance,people who visit the host?home for sell products or do a research,the host will not welcome them with a couple of snakes and drinks.And in terms of neighbor who frequently visit each home ,the host also treat them differently compared with the uncommon visitors.

9.Is there much difference between having relatives visit and having friends visit? Well,I would say there is not much difference.I think the most different thing is the content of their communication.In terms of the way to treat,both of them are similar.It is like to offer numerous snakes and drinks,sometimes,the host may take them outside to have a fun and invite them to eat finally.

10.In your country,when people visit others,do they usually bring anything to give to their host?

Well,it depends,if the visitors visit the host?s home frequently,they will not bring any gifts excepting in some important festivals.Well,in terms of the rare visitors,most of them will bring somethings to the host to show their manners.

11.How would u welcome a foreigner who was visiting your home?

Well,I think my mother would make some typical Chinese snakes and male for the foreign friend.Then,we would share the cultures and histories of each countries.

12.And what do u think a foreigner guest needs to pay attention to when visiting someone?s home in your country?

Well ,first and formost,I think foreigner guests would be well-advised to know some basic Chinese custom.By that I mean they should know the Chinese people like and dislike.For instance,they should what the communication contents are popular in china and what kinds of gifts they should not bring.I think these are the most important things they should pay attention to.


1.What do u think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling on the ocean? I think the mainly advantage of traveling on the ocean is that u can do various kinds of leisure activities on the ocean,like surfing ,swimming,strolling along the beach , having a barbecue and you name it.While the most disadvantage thing i guess is that,ocean is filled with uncertainties which means that people many get hurt when they paly on the ocean.

2.Do u think traveling by ship is as important today as it used to be in the past?

Well,I think it does not,coz in the past,if people want to pass though the ocean,they have to do it by ship.But now,they can do by planes ,which is more comfortable and fast.So,it may let ship seam less important than before.However,ship still paly a significant role in transporting goods.

3.Why do some people like to go on ocean cruises?

I think,mainly because they like the beauty of ocean and during ocean cruises,they can enjoy the sunshine, scenery and fresh sea breeze. I guess that?s exactly why people like this activity.

4.What do u think are the advantages and disadvantages of shipping goods across the ocean?

I think shipping goods is the most economical and effective way to transport goods across the ocean.And ship is large capacity which means it can carry tons of goods one time.So shipping goods is effective.While,on the other hand,I think the main disadvantages of shipping goods is that it is really time-consuming,

5.In the future,do u think the oceans will be used more for transportation than they are now ,or used less?

Well I think it will,you know , ship is really suitable to transport large product and also because of the accelerating development of Economic Globalization,it will be increasingly common for manufacturers to transport goods across ocean.

6.Why do people like places with a lot of water?

I think it mainly because it would be more humid and cooler ,which means it is a nice place for people to have a ball in summer.Besides,swimming is a popular sport for many folks nowadays ,So I guess that is exactly why people like this place.

7.Do u think people get mostly emotional benefits from living near water or physical benefits?

Well,it depends,in terms of city dwellers,I think they get more physical benefits,coz most of them would like to go to swimming pool to swim which can build up their bodies largely.While as to people who grow up near a sea or river,I think they get more emotional benefits coz water may bring tons of memory to them.

8.What are some differences between swimming in a swimming pool and swimming in the sea?

Well,I think swimming in a swimming pool is more safe but more crowed coz the capacity of a swimming pool is really limited and it would welcome tons of people to there which makes it crowed.While swimming in the sea is more comfortable and free,coz the people are not as much as those of a swimming pool.But it is more dangerous than a swimming pool. 科学课程

1.What do u think is the greatest scientific discovery of the 21st century?

Well,honestly,I have not idea,but i think maybe the discovery of a couple of new planets would be one of the most greatest scientific discovery which means that the pace of exploiting the universe is accelerating.

2.What effects does rapid technological change have on people in society?

Well,it makes people?s lives more convenient and efficient.Such as the invention of planes and computer ,both of them largely boost human rance?s efficiency.But,on the other hand,people?s bodies are becoming worse than before due to the automatic facilities,which makes people exercise less.

3.Can u think of any examples of technology that are not good for society?

Yes,such as the organic food,it is still uncertain that whether it will have a detrimental impact on people?s bodies,but some manufacturers may excessively use this

technology,coz it can boot the productivity dramatically,which is not good for society.

4.Do u think it?s good for schools to have science classes?

Yes,of course,it can largely cultivate students? interest in science ,which is beneficial for the development of science in the future.Besides,learning science can stimulate students? creativities and imaginations.Lastly,during science classes ,students can acquire some basic scientific knowledges ,which will be required in their careers .

5.Do u think it?s suitable to start teaching science to very young children?

Well,I don?t think so coz understanding science knowledges required some basic knowledge.By that I mean it would be too hard for children to comprehend science knowledges in a early age.

6.Can u think of examples of children learning about science outside of the classroom?

Yes, in daily life children may do various kinds of things which is related to science. For example when children light a paper in the air,and then they use a cup to cover the lighting paper.They would observed that the fire disappears.From this they may learn that combustion need oxygen,which is a basic science knowledge.

7.Can u think of any ways,aside from school that children learn about science? (同6)

8.On average,in the whole world,more males than females study science in high schools and at universities,Why do u think that?

Well,i think it is related to personality.you know,In terms of personality,males and females are quit different,for example,males show more interest in devising little inventions when they was a child.And most of them are related to science.I mean males are more interesting in science.

9.In your opinion,what is the most important area of scientific research?

I think it is something about new energy.you know,most of our power source are decreasing dramatically such as petrol and coal,which really requires us to find new environmentally-friendly and renewable energy to replace them.Otherwise,our society would be detrimentally impacted .

10.Who do u think should finance scientific research,government or private companies?

Well,I think both of them would be well-advised to invest in scientific research.But their purpose are a bit different.As to government,they mainly finance the research which is beneficial to the society ,environment and country.While,in terms of private companies,they may focus on pursing the maximum profit for the companies.

11.Do u think new scientific knowledge should be freely share or are there situations when it is suitable to not share new scientific knowledge?

Well,it depends,for the sake of national benefit or personal benefit,some new scientific knowledge would not be shared.While,in other cases,most of the new scientific knowledge would be share freely. 电子设备

1.Do u think science and technology have affected modern society very much?

Sure,nowadays,science and technology both of them have a deep influence on people ?s way to co-operate,to work and to live.By that I mean,they bring large convenience to our society and make our lives more efficient and effective.

2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of this situation?

Well,it makes people?s lives more convenient and efficient.Such as the invention of rice cooker and computer ,both of them largely boost human rance?s efficiency.But,on the other hand,people?s bodies are becoming worse than before due to the automatic facilities,which makes people exercise less.

3.Can u think of any examples of modern machines or high-tech equipment that people have in their home today?

Yes,for example,now it is increasingly common for family to have a projector,which means that the fantastic effect of watching movies is not restricted in the cinema,but people can experience it at home.

4.What do u think are the advantages and any disadvantages that result from using these modern devices?

Well,the main advantages are that it can dramatically boost people?s efficient , facilitate people?s lives and enrich people?s entertainments.While,on the other hand,it would make people overly depend on this devices.As a result,people may become more and more lazy and may let them ignore some basic live skills such as cooking.

5.How have the changes in communication technology changed society?

Well,on one hand,it make people communicate with each other more frequently coz it is easy for people to contact with each other,they can use cell phone to make a call or send messages.While,on the other hand,it reduce the opportunity for people to communicate face-to-face.As a result,people may become not good at face-to-face talking.

6.What do u suggest a person,for example,an old person,do if he or she cannot understand how to use modern equipment?

Well,in this situation, other family members would be well-advised to make a show to teach old people how to use the modern equipment.Besides,you know, most modern equipments are user-friendly,which means that it would not be hard for old people to get the hang of them.And,they could also read the instruction by themselves to learn how to use the modern equipment.

7.What do u think will be the future development of electronic devises?

Well,I think it will be increasingly comprehensive and user-friendly.And in terms of materials,they will be more environmentally friendly,which is a significant factor to preserve our environment.Moreover,their will be more energy saving.

8.What electrical appliances are generally used in home in China?

Well,I think nearly every family would have a Television ,a water heater and a rice cooker coz they are not expensive and pretty useful .I think they are the most frequently used equipments in family.So they are generally owned by most family in China.

9.Of the home electrical appliances,which do u think is the most frequently used?(同8)

10.Do u think there are any shortcomings from using electrical household appliances? Well,sometimes it would damage people if people use it unproperly.And It is common that some water heaters would explode suddenly,which is extremely dangerous to users.So I think it is the main drawback of this equipments.

11.What do u think electrical or electronic home appliances in the home will be like in the future ?(同7)


1.Do u think it?s important to know about history?

Yes,of course,knowing about history can bring us tons of experience to draw on.As a result,we can avoid the same mistakes our ancestors had made.And also,knowing about history makes people realize that peace is important to people and we should co-operate together to avoid wars.Besides,in terms of science area,scientists can draw on previous achievements to fulfill their own success.

2.What can we learn from history?(同1)

3.How do people get reliable historical information?

Well,there are two main ways for people to get reliable historical information.First of all,they can read official historical books to get these information.That is what schools has done,they always teach students history though these books.Besides,they can watch related TV programs or radio programs to get these information.

4.Do u think any famous historical figures can serve as models for young people today?

Well,it depends.Some of those can?t,coz some famous historical figures were renowned for their mistakes or wrong behaviour .Take Hitler as an example,he was the main person who triggered the wold war II and killed tons of jews.So,I think it should not encourage young people regard him as a model.

5.Do people in your country like to visit museums?

I would say yes,it is common that many parents would like to take their children to museums in order to teach their children history as museums are recorded many historical information.Besides,nowadays,tons of museums are free of cost to enter,which largely encourages people to visit there.

6.What can people learn from museums?(同5)

7.Who do u think likes to got to museums more,children or adults?

Well,I think children would more like to go to museums,coz they are always curious about uncertain things and visit museums can largely fulfill their curiosities.Besides,schools now would organize children to visit museums regularly,which largely cultivates students? interests in it.

8.Do u think museums should be free of cost to enter?

Well,in order to encourage people to learn history,I think it should be free of cost to enter.But,government should invest fund in it and maintain it well as well as arise pubic awarenesses to preserve it .

9.Do u think local people and tourists should pay the same amount to enter a museum?

Yes,I don?t think it is necessary to distinguish local people and tourists in terms of fare of ticket.Actually I think museums should be free of cost to enter...(同8)

10.How do u think museums of the future might be different to museums of today? Well,museums today mainly show historical information by displaying historical objects and photos.While I think in the future,the method would be replaced by 3D projectors which can show information more vividly and help visitors acquire more historical knowledge.

11.How do u think museums of the future might portray the 21st century? Well


1.On what occasions do people in China have a party?

Well,I think mainly on people?s birthday,marriages or graduations people would like to have a party.coz it is a wonderful way for people to celebrate these occasions and have a ball with their friends.

2.When people have a party in China,do u think it?s the same as a party in foreign countries? (类似1,I think it is a bit different to foreign countries,coz foreign people often have a party for dancing or orientation ceremony,which is uncommon in China )

3.What do people in China do when they have a party?(同5)

Well,it depends,people do different things in different age groups,like young people....

4.In China,are parries today the same as parties 20 or 30 years ago?

Well,I think it changes a lot.I guess,the main activities of previous parties are mainly focus on dancing and talking.But now,people do various kinds of thing to celebrate their party,such as disguising themselves with strange mask and clothes,playing stimulating games and so forth.

5.Are parties for old people the same as parties for young people?

I don?t think so.In most case, young people like playing games on parties and maybe even play loud music, but old people usually like talking with each other and do some quieter activities.

6.Are parties in rural parts of China the same as parties in the city?

Well,I don?t think so,I think rural parties are more like the traditional parties,which mainly focus on drinking and talking.

7.On what occasions do people come together for family gatherings?

Well,there are a couple of occasions for family members to get together like wedding,the Spring festival and birthday.All these occasions are really important and celebrating with family members is a brilliant experience.

8.What would u say is the importance of these celebrations?

9.Do people in the countryside have the same kinds of family celebrations as people in the cities?(同6)

10.Why do people celebrate festivals?(同8)

11.Do u personally feel that traditional celebrations are important?

Well,I think it is still important coz it represents our traditional culture.Besides,it is common that many people celebrate occasions in traditional way.For instance,on Dragon boat festival,people would like to watch dragon boat matches as a way to celebrate this occasion.

12.Would u like to see more international festival?

Well,I would say yes,coz it can expand my outlook and make me know more about other countries? culture.But,on the other hand,excessive international festival pose a threat to our own traditional festivals,coz it would make our youngsters to pay less attention to our own traditional festivals.So,I think we should regard international festival correctly.


1.What city do u work/study/in?(同2)

2.why did u choose to study in this city?

Coz Guangzhou is the provincial capital of Guangdong province,which means the it is the academic ,political and economic center of our province.So the best universities locate in Guangzhou.And also,after I graduating from my school,there are more opportunities for me to seek good jobs.

3.Nowadays,people spend a lot of time at work.How do u feel about this?

I think it is reasonable,coz the competition in contemporary society is increasingly stiff,which means that people?s professional burden are heavier than before.So they should delicate most of time to their job to fight for a brilliant development.But,I think they would be well-advised to strike a balance between their works and families.

4.Do u think people are working longer hours today than they did in past?(同3)

5.Do u think the environment of the place where a person studies or works is important?

Well,I think it is really important,coz an appropriate circumstance is an essential factor to enhance folks? efficiencies and effectivenesses.By that I mean people would hardly to focus on their works or studies in an environment which is filled with noisy.

6.In general,what essential facilities should a workplace have?

Well,I think a recreation room would be necessary,coz people can kid back and relax there when they feel under weather.More importantly,some secure facilities would be require such as fire extinguishers to ensure people?s safeties .

7.Do u think the people one works with are more important than the surroundings? Well,it is hard to say,I would say the people u co-operate with also influence u a lot.For instance,if u work with a good person,he or she would inspire u and give u motivation and enthusiasm when u feel frustrated, which would make u feel enjoyable in your work.While if u work with bed guys,they may always disturb you or annoy u.

8.Do u think the kind of people one works with can have an effect on a person?s enthusiasm for his or her job?(同7)

9.What kinds of people work at home?

Well,I think the Online Shop assistance would work at home,coz they don?t need to service consumer face-to-face ,all the problems can be solve online.All the facilities they need just a computer.So they are suitable to work at home.

10.What do u think will be the benefits and drawbacks from working at home?

Well,there is no doubt that working at home is really comfortable and convenient,u don?t need to spend time on the way to the company.But,on the other hand,working at home seems to be less efficient coz people are lack of supervision and they would be distracted from their works easily.

11.Do u think attending classes at school takes up too much time?

Well,I don?t think so,coz I can acquire lots of knowledge during classes. So it is worth to spend time on attending classes.

12.What facilities do u think a good school should have?()

I think a fitness center ,a library and a dinning hall are necessary.Coz students can do excise in the fitness center which helps keep their body healthy.While students can acquire lots of extracurricular knowledge in the library,which helps to expand their outlooks.And a dinning hall can largely facilitate students? daily lives.

13.Do u prefer to study at school or at home?(同10)


1.Have u ever told someone the story?

Yes,I do have,I remember there was a lesson which i attended in grade 1.my teacher asked all of us to share a story with other classmates,I told this story to them coz i thought the meaning behind this story was really useful,So I wanted to share it with my classmates.

2.What are the difference between the adults and children?s understanding of a story?

Well,I think adults can understand the real meaning behind a story easily and rapidly while in terms of children,in most case they would just get the what happen in the story.By that I mean,children would less likely to seek the further meaning of the story.

3.What stories else did u hear in childhood?

I heard tons of stories in my childhood,most of them were written by Andersen,such as The Little Match Girl and Emperor's New Clothes.Honestly they are really suitable for children to read,coz they are easy understanding ,interesting and meaningful.

4.What kinds of stories do children like?Why?

I think the characters of the story are related to animals,robots,princess and prince would largely attract children.Coz content of this kind of stories would pretty interesting and exciting which suits to children?s curiosities and imaginations.

5.What are the effects of stories to children?

Firstly,they would satisfy children?s curiosities which can make them happy.And more

importantly,the meaning behind stories can be instilled to children effectively by this way,which helps students grow up in a right way.

