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Oral test topics (4 minutes)

1 What is the most prestigious job in your mind? Why?

What are the most prestigious jobs in the world? Some people may think they are those that can bring people power and money, such as the president of a state or the board chairman and CEO of a multinational company. In my opinion,to be a professor in college is the most prestigious job. Some may say that there are so many teachers in our society, which makes the job so common and unattractive. But think twice. If you are a parent, and you want your kid to receive decent education and have a brilliant future, who is the most imporatnt person to you? Definitely the teacher. A good teacher can not only teach your kid knowledge in the textbooks, but also how to be a good person who can contribute to the progress of mankind and human society. And don't forget that all presidents and business leaders, almost with no single exception, also had their teachers in different stages of their life.

In China, teachers are dubbed \perfect description of the prestige and importance of their jobs. If possible, I also want to become a teacher some day, to be loved by the students and their parents and respected by the whole society.

2 Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take of themselves. What do you think of it ?

I agree with this view definitely. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. Nothing is easy if you don’t try your best. Life is a long long journey, only if we start with the little thing, and finish each little thing well,can we arrive the destination in time .Yes,as long as the target of a point ,you can open the door to the success ,even small forces ,as long as insist,must be able to get to win on the other side .As we all know,every big thing is consist of many little thing,if we ignore them,then,it is impossible for us to make a difference. In short, no matter you succeed or not, you can start from the little, no matter what we learn will help us to become more confident. If we give up, we have no chance to make our dreams come true, if we keep trying, there is always a chance, that we will succeed someday. Thank you very much!

3 Is social welfare system necessary? Why or why not?

I think social welfare system is necessary.Because social welfare is a pronoun that means the country or social provide material or service for

improving their physical and cultural life and ensuring the quality of life.Health insurance is the most important part of the welfare system around the

world.And it is necessary to everyone no matter how rich poor or famous you are.

In the last decades,the development of Chinese welfare has brought a large number of newly benefit into our daily life.It present a system of supply and filled both the pattern of benefits.Such welfare model is the division of

urban and rural dual economic system to adapt.When getting involved in some unfortunate situation or accidents,the walfare client can apply for the welfare insurance,rather than dump up some business to make money endlessly,.So it creates a good social atmosphere in the society.

4 Some people like to cook their own meals at home. Others prefer to eat in a restaurant or a cafeteria. Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer to cook at home.My reasons are as follows:

First ,the meal cook at home is cleaner and healthier,as the problem of food safety is drawing more serious and serious.Nowadays,more and more restants use gutter oil and illegal food additiye to boost profits.Though adding them may make food taste more delicious,it really have a bad effect on our health.

Second,I think cooking food is a special way of enjoying life.When we finish a day’s work with a feeling of tired and boring ,what feeling will you have as you taste an amazing flavor made by yourself!Wonderful!Maybe you will be aware of the real meaning of life ,just enjoy every glorious we meet but to blame.Cooking will help us appreciate our career and life more.

Last but not least,cooking at home is cheaper.It’s the best way for us to satisfy our stomach when we have a tight finacial situation.

5 When traveling, some people like to keep a record of their experiences--for example by keeping a journal or by taking pictures. Other people prefer not to keep such records when traveling. Which do you prefer and why?

I prefer not to keep records. But not means I am not keep any records, I just take a little pictures when I feel necessary. Because I think the most important thing in traveling is to enjoy it by myself, enjoy that traveling moment, for I have little time to think other ideas, such as to write a diary or always take pictures which may spend too much time. So I just want fully enjoy the beautiful traveling time all by myself, instead of writing a journal or always taking pictures that are useless at the end. But when some extraordinary scenes that you think you really need to record it, then I will take a picture. On the other hand, when I am tired, maybe I will stop and write down something in my Weichat or QQ. I have seen some people always keep taking pictures when traveling and I didn`t found any meaning for taking so many pictures, wich I think is a little funny.

6 Nowadays people are increasingly concerned about their health. What do you usually do to keep fit or stay healthy? And why?

Yes, have a healthy body is very important. Luckily, I have a healthy body. I think there are three tips to keep my body function well. There are as follows. Frist, keep a good eating habit. I have breakfast every morning. When I have a meal, I always keeps a restrict amount of food, never too more or to less, which I think is a very important point. Secondly, I playing basketball or badminton at least once each week, which can make sure I have a good mood and body function. Thirdly, I always try to find some new things to do, especially when you feel not good at some time, then change another kind of life style will make me feel good and relax.

I think that three points are very important for me to keep a good body, if you like it, you can try, I think you will like that kind of life style.

7 In our daily life, a lot of things may cause stress and worry as people strive to live happily and healthy in a rapidly changing world. So how do you usually deal with stress and depression?

I have to admit that stress and worry is inevitable part of our daily life no matter you are willing or not.So,when we meet stress and worry,what I will do are as follows:

First, I will distract my attention to something interesting and relaxing to reduce my stress and worry, such as listening to music ,running and watching films .After relaxing, we will feel more comfortable and may find new idea to solve the present difficulties.

Then, we should realize that these problem should be solved sooner or later ,and insist to learn and enrich ourselves to find a proper solution .Once we become powerful enough ,any stress and worry infront of us will be a piece of cake.

Thiredly , be confident and have a strong faith to conquer them. Then t

things causing stress and worry will become less and less. Stress is not always bad, it can make us alert ,energized and motivated. Good stress is a balance and relaxation that helps you to concentrate ,focus and achieve what you want !

8 What is the role of media, in paticular net or mobile communication in today’s society?

To my point, the role of media is an indispensable friend of our daily life. With numerous technological advances, various kinds of media have been well

developed. As a result, an increasing number of people are fond of purchasing goods with the help of media, such as newspapers, radio stations, TV stations and the Internet. As far as I am concerned, shopping via media brings great benefit to our life and our economy on the whole. At the same time, we need strengthened supervision over the information released via media. In this way,

we can reap more benefits from shopping via media and reduce the possible harm to a minimum.

As for mobile communication, it makes our chatting with parents and friends more convenient no matter how far they are from us. The mobile

communication have turned our earth into a small village, it close the distance between the friends. People from all over the world can have an on-line chat with anyone beside the computer without seeing them before. But we should watch out for being cheating.

