
更新时间:2023-10-30 05:33:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



凉菜:Cold Dishes

1. 牛气冲天Ox’s tongue with Beef 2. 葱香仔鸡Chicken with Scallion 3. 秘制鸡块 Special Chicken 4. 夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce

5. 锦里酱香鸭Jin Lin Duck Seasoned with Soy Sauce 6. 卤水拼盘Soy Sauce Stewed Meat 7. 脆皮乳鸽Crispy Pigeon

8. 椒麻鸭掌Duck Feet with Spicy Pepper 9. 锦里肥肠Jin Lin Pork Intestines

10. 酥椒牛腱Deep-Fried Beef Shank in Chilli 11. 鹅肝拼素鲍Goose Liver with Abalone 12. 蜜汁叉烧 Honey-Stewed BBQ Pork 13. 拌虫草花Aweto Petal in Sauce 14. 沾酱乳瓜Pickled Cucumbers 15. 酸辣荞面Hot & Sour Mustard Noodle 16. 青菜玉米Green Vegetable with Corn 17. 同甘共苦Bitter Melon Salad 18. 养生木耳nutritional Black Fungus 19. 爽口西芹Crispy Celery

20. 养顏木瓜Maintain Youth Papaya 21. 生拌茼蒿Crown Daisy with Sauce 热菜 Hot Dishes

1. 生爆原生态甲鱼Stir-Fried Unartificial Turtle 2. 香绍辽参Liaoning Ginseng with Shaoxing Wine 3. 桂花鱼翅Shark’s Fin with Sweet-Scented Osmanthus 4. 鲍鱼全家福Abalone Combination 5. 小炒猪手Sautéed Pig Feet

6. 虫草花煮干丝Aweto Petal with Ham and Dried Tofu 7. 海鲜烩芦笋Seafood with Asparagus 8. 干锅竹笋Griddle Cooked Bamboo Shoots 9. 荞包粒粒香Buckwheat Grain

10. 茶菇手撕鸡Sliced Chicken with Tea-fungus

11. 蒜茸粉丝娃娃菜Vermicelli and Baby Cabbage with Garlic 12. 香炸小黄鱼Deep-Fried Small Yellow Croakers 13. 黑椒牛仔骨Black Pepper Short Rib

14. 椒汁(酸汤)肥牛Beef in Pepper Sauce/Sour Soup 15. 椒汁(酸汤)牛柳Beef Filet in Pepper Sauce/Sour Soup 16. 糯米山椒圣子皇Sautéed scallops with Rice and Hot Chili 17. 铜盘仔兔Small rabbit in Copper dish 18. 铁板耗儿鱼Sizzling Small Fish 19. 三宝捞粉丝Vermicelli with Sanbao

20. 腰果掌中宝Cashew with Chicken Feet

21. 香辣兔腰Sautéed Rabbit Kidney in Hot Spicy Sauce 22. 尖椒小炒肉Sautéed Pork with Hot and Green Pepper 23. 水煮石斑肚Rock Cod Kidney in Hot Chili Oil 24. 辣子松板肉Songban Pork with Chili and Peppe、 25. 钵钵菜Consommé of Vegetables

26. 煲仔娃娃菜Braised Baby Cabbage in Clay Pot 27. 豉椒虎掌筋Beef Tendon with Black Bean Sauce 28. 鲜椒蟹Fresh Chili with Crab

29. 泰汁烤河鳗Char-Grilled Eel in Thailand Sauce 30. 菌香太白肉Libai Pork with fungus

31. 双椒鸡Sautéed Diced Chicken with Black and Red Chili 32. 松茸鱼肚Fish Maw with Matsutake 33. 酸汤鮰鱼Barracuda in Sour Soup 34. 仔姜美蛙Bullfrog with Ginger Shoots 35. 泡椒红鱼肚Fish Maw with Pickled Peppers 36. 豆瓣钳鱼Fish in Soy Bean Paste 37. 铁板鸭Sizzling Duck

38. 双椒骆驼皮Sautéed Camel Skin with Black and Red Chili 39. 酒香南瓜Pumpkin Wine Sauce

40. 桃仁鸭舌Peach Seeds with Duck Tongues 41. 香辣金钱Pig’s Throat in Chili Oil

42. 脆笋烧牛肉Braised Beef with Bamboo Shoots 43. 脆绍米凉粉Clear Noodles in Shaoxing Wine Sauce 44. 米粉子炒肥肠Pork Intestines with Rice Flour 45. 铁板鱿鱼须Sizzling Shredded Squid

46. 豉椒腰花Pig’s Kidney with Peppers and Black Bean Sauce 47. 荷包豆腐Tofu in Lotus Leaf 48. 干烧蹄花Dry-Braised Sliced Pig Feet

49. 回锅肉Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili 50. 乌龙穿凤翅Sautéed Eel with Chicken Wings 51. 宫爆鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken 52. 蟹黄豆花Crab Roe with Tofu 53. 上汤芦笋Asparagus Soup

54. 鱼香肉丝Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce 55. 麻婆豆腐Bean Sauce Tofu

56. 莲白炒粉丝Sautéed Chinese Cabbage with Vermicelli 57. 青椒土豆丝Sautéed Potato with Green Pepper 58. 虎皮青椒Pan-Seared Green Pepper 59. 白灼菜心Braised Shanghai Greens 60. 小炒时蔬Stir-fry Vegetables

61. 糯香排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Rice Flour

62. 荷叶粉蒸肉Steamed Pork with Rice Flour in Lotus Leaves 63. 蒜茸粉丝蒸鲜鲍Steamed Abalone with Vermicelli and


64. 蒜茸扇贝Scallops with Gallic

65. 锦里咸烧白Jinli Steam Port with Preserved Vegetable 66. 文哈蒸水蛋Wenha Steamed Egg

海河鲜Sea/River Food

1. 多宝鱼(清蒸,豉汁蒸) :Turbot (Steamed/Steamed with

Black Bean Sauce)

2. 鲈鱼(清蒸 椒汁 干烧)Perch (Steamed/ Stewed with

Marinated Chili/ Braised)

3. 桂鱼(椒汁 清蒸)Mandarin Fish (Stewed with Marinated

Chili /Steamed)

4. 江团(奶汤 酸汤 清蒸)Turtle(Stewed with Milk/Sour


5. 肉蟹(姜葱 香辣):Hardshell Crab(Stir-Fried with Ginger

and Scallion/ Hot Spicy Sauce)

6. 基围虾(白灼 蒜茸 椒盐)Prawns(Braised/ Stewed with

Gallic/ Spicy Salt)


1. 海带老鸭汤 Duck and Kelp Soup

2. 紫菜绿豆排骨汤Stewed Pork Ribs with Laver and Green Bean

3. 野菌汤Mushrooms Soup

4. 粗粮排骨汤Pork Ribs and Corn Soup 5. 蕃茄牛尾汤Tomato Oxtail Soup

6. 竹荪乌鸡汤Bamboo Fungus and Black Hen Soup 7. 天麻炖乳鸽Stewed Pigeon with Gastrodia Tuber 8. 蕃茄煎蛋汤Tomato and Fried Eggs Soup 9. 素菜豆腐汤Green Vegetable and Tofu Soup 10. 杂菌鸡汁Fungus and Chicken Soup 11. 三鲜汤Three Delicacies Soup

捞饭Rice Steamed

1. 鱼翅捞饭Steamed Rice with Shark’s Fin

2. 鲍汁辽参捞饭Steamed Rice with Abalone Sauce Liaoning Ginseng

3. 鲨鱼唇捞饭Steamed Rice with Shark’s Fin 4. 浓汤松茸捞饭Steamed Rice with Matsutake Soup 5. 菌丝捞饭Steamed Rice with Sliced Fungus


1. 野菜锅摊Vegetable Pie

2. 水果蛋挞 Fruit Egg Custard Nosh 3. 素菜小煎包Pan-Fried vegetable Dumplings 4. 南瓜饼Pumpkin Pie 5. 水果酥Pan-Fried Fruit Cake 6. 锦里煎饺Jinli Pan-Fried Dumplings


7. 黑米糕 Black Rice Cake 8. 发糕Fermented Cake

9. 金瓜小汤圆Pumpkin Glue Pudding 10. 香芋卷 Steamed Twisted Taro Roll

11. 担担面Sichuan Style Noodles with Peppery Sauce 12. 清汤面Noodles with Fresh Soup 13. 杂酱面Noodles with Soybean Paste 14. 牛肉面beef Noodles 15. 煎蛋面Fried-Egg Noodles


