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[摘要] 作为医学院高校,实验室是医学生最喜欢去的地方,那里是他们掌握知识的源泉,因为作为医学生,对于人的身体的各个部位都要有详细的了解及记忆,单纯依靠教授在课堂上的传授是无法真正了解的,还有在课堂上学到的实验的理论基础并不能满足医学生对知识的渴求,众所周知医学生是未来帮助患者解除痛苦的医生,医学生只有在学校牢牢掌握所有的医学知识,在将来才能真正的去帮助患者。所以医学实验室是最重要的,无论是人体结构图的框架还是解剖动物的实验室都是学生动手实践的关键,只有动手实践才能体会其内在的真正意义。该文首先介绍医学院实验室管理中所存在的问题,其次将介绍如何解决这些问题,最后将介绍医学院实验室管理的目的及在未来发展中的重要性。 [关键词] 医学院校;实验室;管理

[中图分类号] R-4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2016)03(c)-0134-03

[Abstract] The medical students enoy going to the laboratory of medical college of which it is the place for them to master the knowledge. The medical students are required to have a particular

understanding and memory on the body parts of which this knowledge can not just be taught in class. In addition, the theoretical basis can not meet the student’s demands on the knowledge. It is known that the medical students are devoted to becoming the doctor in healing the wounded. Only if the students master the medical knowledge can they cure the patients. The medical laboratory is quite important for them to understand the body constitution and do the animal anatomy. Knowledge starts with practice. In this paper, the existing problems on the laboratory management of medical college are firstly introduced; next, the solutions are proposed; finally, the purpose and the importance of laboratory management are illustrated.

[Key words] Medical college; Laboratory; Management

医学院是高等教育体制下的一个学院,课程安排主要是以培养和医学相关专门人才和研究人员为目的。实验室是医学生实践动手能力的场所,是可以让学生做到过目不忘的场景[1]。实验室承担着各种分析检测试验项目,包括科研方面及教学方面等,在医学院校的实验室所具有的所有的器具都是最典型的,而现在关于医学院校实验室管理中存在的问题越来越多,下面笔者结合文献及平时经验对此进行了如下总结。 1 医学院实验室管理中所存在的问题 1.1 教学的实验室管理中存在的问题

