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An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea


Introduction ................................................................................... 3 1 An Introduction to the Social Background and Hemingway’s Life Experience in Characterization of Santiago ............................. 4

1.1 The Social Background ............................................................ 5 1.2 Hemingway’s Life Experience ................................................. 6 1.3 The Birth of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea ............... 7

2 The Reflection of Tough Guy Spirit in Santiago ..................... 8

2.1 Its Reflection in His Psychology .............................................. 8

2.1.1The Glory of Dignity ................................................................ 8 2.1.2 The Duty of Mission ................................................................ 9

2.2 Its Reflection in His Language .......................................... 10

2.2.1 Strong -will in His Dialogues with the Fish......................... 10 2.2.2 Gentleness in the Dialogues with the Little Boy ................. 11

2.3 Its Reflection in His Action .................................................... 13

2.3.1 Bravery and Endurance in Fighting with the Marlin ....... 13 2.3.2 Toughness in Fighting with Sharks ...................................... 14

3 Inner Spirit Sublimation ......................................................... 15

3.1 Fight against Nature ............................................................... 15 3.2 Fight against Inner Spirit....................................................... 17


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

Conclusion .................................................................................... 18 Acknowledgements...................................................................... 20 Bibliography ................................................................................ 21


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea


Ernest Hemingway was one of the most influential writers in the twentieth century. He played a major role in defining twentieth-century American literature. This was because he had such high standards and insisted on a certain type of intense truth in his writing. Since he often wrote about the sort of experience that tested a man’s mettle, he repeatedly risked his life in high-adventure situations. Hemingway served as a Red Cross ambulance driver in World War I, made reports on the Spanish Civil War and World War II, worked as a deep sea fisherman, and went on big game safaris throughout Africa. He was in two plane crashes while visiting Africa and was so badly injured in one that some newspapers reported he had been killed. All of this and more showed up in his writing.

The Old Man and the Sea was written by Hemingway in 1951.The book was so successful that it enabled Hemingway to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.This is clearly an almost perfect short story. It is also an unforgettable novel, not only because of the exciting plot but also because Santiago’s tough guy image. ―A man can be destroyed but not defeated,‖(Hemingway, 1951: 281) says Santiago. The statement is referred to throughout the novel. Santiago is physically destroyed in the end, but not mentally. Santiago’s courage and pride pushes him forward throughout the novel, even when it looks like hope is lost, but he is never defeated. It starts with 84 days of not catching anything. He is being crushed but his spirit and pride prevented defeat. During the fight with the Marlin, he hasthe choice to spare his life and let the fish go but he knows he has to overcome his destruction.So he keepson and catches the fish.Finally, the fight with sharks is his hardest battle. He is alone, in his own life battle. Fishingis his life, and sharks and other dangerous creaturesare actually all these that can destroy life in general. And this statement ―man can be destroyed, but not defeated‖ is one remarkable combination of words.The Old Man and the Sea is so famous that it evokes the critical attention all over the world.

Among these critics, Carlos Baker, Professor of Literature at Princeton University, is the first one who made athorough study of Hemingway and his works. In 1952, Hepublished


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

abook Hemingway: The Writer as Artist, and it took him eight years to write another book Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story (1969). Many of the pages in the book of Ernest Hemingway: A Life Storyare copies of Hemingway’s correspondencethat Baker gets from various libraries, individuals and other sources. Thebiography not only consists of the author's life and works, but alsoconsists of correspondence between Hemingway and friends, publishersand family.Moreover, there are, at the same time, somereviewers' comments, magazine interviews, and materials concerning Hemingway's winning of the Nobel Prize for literature and the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Kenneth. S. Lynn, a professor of history at Johns Hopkings University in America, published Hemingway in 1987. Inthis book, he combines the author's biography with book reviews. Hethinks Hemingway is a myth of American literature. Besides, Philip Young wrotetwo







AReconsideration(1966).A Reconsideration studies Hemingway's worksfrom the angle of psychology. It is very valuable.

Apart from the studies abroad on Hemingway and his works as well, similarly there’s also a growing number of literature researches made in China. Some critics in China regard Santiago in The Old Man and the Seaas the epitome of the code hero, since he never gives in and maintainshis dignity as a human being when facing the negative forces.All of the above studies made either at home or abroad provide us with different angles, but few of them focus on tough guy spiritofSantiago. This thesis is a tentative research on the tough guy spirit represented by Santiago. Through this study, we will get a better understanding of the novel.

1An Introduction to the Social Background andHemingway’s Life Experience in Characterization of Santiago


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

To analyse the tough guy in The Old Man and the Sea, it's important to learn of thebackground information, which influences the writer's attitudes towards life deeply.The followingthree parts give an overview of the social background, the writer’s life experience and the birth of Santiago as well.

1.1 The Social Background

After the civil war, the United States saw great development in industry, technology and agriculture. Besides, with the development of politics, economy and culture, American capitalism also developed and flourished.As the United States becoming the word’s industrial power, its economic boom appeared. The hopeful people believed that there would be more opportunities waiting for them. However, the rapid economic development and the big interest groups pushed the United States into the imperialist stage. Since those financial giants controlled capital, many social problems showed up such as poverty and class conflict.In the twentieth century, Two World Wars broke out,with death, blood and violence, exerting great influence on Americans’ life. The abundant material and advanced civilization, which Americans were proud of, now were totally destroyed by the World War.

After World War I,the power of many traditional beliefs was lost. Loss and disappointment seemed to have characterized the world. In thechanged situation, the task of artists was to discover new meaning and create new forms.

In such a situation, the whole United States experienced a great social change, from order to disorder, oversupply of goods leading to the rising of unemployment, strike happening in some big cities because of the industrial recession, farmers being forced to leave their land due to the poor harvest. The crash of the stock market marked all the beginning of the great economic depression in the 1930s. In addition, the political corruption, ethnic conflict and the change of moral codes and values plunged the society into a more unrest situation. The poor suffered a lot in such a cold and turbulent society. What’s worse, everything seemed to be disintegrating,and an ordered, rational existence was proved to be


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

the line calmly and tightly. The two heroes fight with each other. At the noon of the next day, the big fish finally jumps out of the water, with a skin color of purple, looking noble and beautiful. At the same time the old man is exhausted. Compared with the beauty and elegance of the marlins, the old man dose not feel ashamed. In contrast, the fish causes the emergence of the old man’s ambitions to conquer the cruel of nature.

―Fish,‖ he (theold man) said softly aloud, ―I will stay with you until I am dead.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 187)

―Fish, I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead before this day ends.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 188)

Although he can only eat raw fish to fill his belly and bear the pain from his jerky hand, it means nothing to him. What Santiago cares about is to catch the fish to prove himself. He decides to kill the fish before dark, and does adopt some measures to realize it. Here a vivid strong-will image is formed.

―If you are not tied, fish,‖ he said aloud, ―you must be very strange.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 196)

―The fish is my friend too,‖ he said aloud. ―I have never seen or heard of such a fish.‖ ―But I must kill him. I am glad that we do not have to try to kill the stars.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 201)

From the above analysis, we know that it is not easy to overcome the strong fish. But the old man doesn’t lose heart. Instead, he is to stimulate the fish’s strength and power. He is determined to kill it with a strong will. During these two days they are fighting against each other and their dialogues also reach a point of highest development.Marin makes a final try,and the old man also tries his best to control and kill the marlin in the end.

2.2.2 Gentleness in the Dialogues with the Little Boy

As we all know, the old man is brave, confident, strong–willed and preserved. But there are some qualities such as warmth, gentleness that we may not noticed. We can see these


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

qualities from the dialogues between the old man and the little boy.

―Santiago, I could go with you again. We’ve made some money.‖ ―No, you are with a lucky boat. Stay with them.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 161)

This is the first dialogues of them. The boy is very sympathetic of the Santiago’s bad luck, so he wants to help the old man. Although the old man indeed needs help,he refuses, becausethe boy is with a lucky boat. Here Santiago’s care for the boy is well displayed, showing his deep love to the little boy

―How old was I when you first took me in a boat.‖

―Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green.‖ ―Can you really remember that or just tell it to you.‖

―Iremember everything from when we first went together.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 162) Through their dialogues, we know that they have spent a very happy time together. To the old man, the boy is a very important person, and he is not just the old man’s friend or a companion but a son. During the sailing days on the sea, the old man often thinks about the little boy. Every time when the old man is in trouble, he always repeats aloud to himself that he wishes the boy stayed with him.From this the old man intends to evoke this strength and courage of his youth through the power of these words. Therefore, for the old man, the boy is the hope of future. He is not only the old man’s student, but also the old man’s child to some extent.

When the old man comes back with wounds and the skeleton of the big fish, the boy cries several times. When the old man says: ―they beat me, they truly beat me.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 230) The boy insists that the old man is not defeated. At that moment the boy understands what spirits the old man has, strong-will, perseverance and pride.

So the boy is not only the old man friend, but also his hope and future. His gentleness to the little boy doesn’t weaken his image of tough guy. On the contrary, this quality makes the image of Santiago more realistic and natural.


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

2.3 Its Reflection in His Action

The main plot of the novel The Old Man and the Sea is the old fisherman's fishingprocess on the sea. During this process, the old man's action is described in details,which illustrates his qualities perfectly. From these descriptions we can see a typical image of tough guy.

2.3.1 Bravery and Endurance in Fighting with the Marlin

The fight between Santiago and the big marlin shows the old man’s persistence and courage. There are many details to expose the point. During the big marlin pulls the boat father away from the coast, the old man keeps on fighting two days and nights with the fish. Facing the amazing strength of the big fish, Santiago shows great patience. At the same time, he endures all the physical pain:his back is stretched by the line; he has a bad headache and his hands are cut seriously. Whenever, he faces difficulties, he would not hesitate to fight with them in the spite of the outcomes. He does not kill the marlin for material gains but for dignity and the value of life. In the battle, whether win or not, it is Santiago persisting in fighting that counts. In his mind, the meaning of life is to fight to the end.

During the struggle with the big marlin, the old man recalls a hand game in the tavern at Casablanca with a Negro, which also shows the old man’s endurance in the battle with the fate. At that time, Santiago is such a physically strong man that he fight with the Negro and the fight last over twenty-four hours. Though blood comes out under the fingernails of his hand, he confirms that he would beat the Negro who is the strongest man on the docks. With his strength, skills and wisdom, he finally wins the game. His great courage and endurance are also well shown during the fight with the big marlin. Thus the man’s tough guy spirit is vividly showed up.


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

2.3.2 Toughness in Fighting with Sharks

The battle between Santiago and big marlin is the climax of the novel. In this part, the old man goes through four rounds of the fight with shark but get nothing. And in this period the old man’s toughness is shown clearly and completely.

At the first round, the Mako shark attacks.The old man hits it with his blood-mashed hands driving a good harpoon with all his strength. He hits it with no hopes but with resolution and complete malignancy. Finally the old man kills the shark at the cost of losing 40 pounds of marlin flesh and his sharp harpoon and all the rope. But what’s even worse is the mutilated body of the marlin would attract more sharks. Facing this dilemma, the old man is not afraid and encourage himself by saying: ―But man is not born to defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.‖Thedentuso is cruel, strong and intelligent, butthe old man is more intelligent than it.

In the second round two galanos follow with the scent. ―They are hateful sharks, bad smelling, scavengers as well as killers.‖ (Hemingway, 1952:221)The old man kills both of them with a blade,but sharks tears off a quarter of flesh of marlin. The old man blames himself but prepares to fight with the next followers. Then the coming single shovelnose is killed by the old man and the old man loses his last weapon. However, the old man is not defeated easily. ―I am too old to club sharks to death. But I will try it as long as I have the oars and the short club and tiller.‖ (Hemingway, 1952:223)

In the third round, a group of sharks come. The old man takes a club and injures two of sharks badly. But he can’t kill them just with a club. So he expects that if I had the sharp weapons, I would fight them untilI died when they come in the night.

In the fourth round, the old man fights with a pack of sharks. At midnight he knows the fight is useless, because he can’t see those sharks clearly and with few weapons. But he did not yield. ―He club desperately at what he could feel and hear and when the club was taken he jerk the tiller freely from the rudder and beat them with it, holding it in both hands and driving it down again and again.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 227)


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

In the battle with the marlin, the old man has used almost all of his strength, so it can be said that the battle with sharks challenges the limit of his strength. With no weapons and being exhausted, the old man insists on fighting to the end. Although he knows it is useless to fight, he never gives up. Because he firmly believes that ―a man can be destroyed but not defeated.‖He loses the battle but he is by no means a loser. On the contrary, we can say he is a winner. The Old Man and the Seanot only symbolizes the relationship between human and nature, but also symbolizes human’s indestructible spirit.

3Inner Spirit Sublimation

The Old Man and the Seais the result of Hemingway’s deep desire for disengaging from the social world and an entry into the nature. Hemingway’s heroes images from Nick Adams to Frederic Henryare caught in the bleak trap of the society where man is doomed to struggle,suffer and perish, except Santiago who asserts his individualism in the jaws of nature.

3.1 Fight against Nature

At the beginning of the novel, Santiago is in a bad situation. First, let’s have a look at the living place of the old man.“The mask was nearly as long as the one room of the shack. The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm and in it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal. Once there had been a tinted photograph of his wife on the wall but he had taken it down because it made him too lonely to see it.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 164)Second, ―the old man was thin and gaunt with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 160)Everything about him was old.From the above description, we can see that the condition of Santiago is very bad. But his blue and


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

cheerful eyes show his optimistic attitudes to life. Poor as he is, he never feels depressed or hopeless.This attitude of bravery, confidence and optimism towards life fully shows the tough guyspirit.

The very first sentence of the novella, ―He was an old man who fished in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty four days now without taking a fish,‖(Hemingway,1952, 160) shows the protagonist Santiago in an incessant struggle with the forces of nature. The other fishermen starts calling him salao – the worst form of bad luck and his sail is marked as a flag of permanent defeat.But Santiago with his unyielding spirit is all set to declareto the world what he thinksis right during the eighty-fifth day. On this marked day he sailsfurther into the sea, to catch big fish. When he finally hooksthebig marlin, what began is a battle of attrition against the forces of nature embodied by the marlin. Santiago’s role in the novel is to pursue the big marlin, as the marlin escape fromhis pursuit, which results in the eternal struggle between nature and man.

Because the marlin is larger than the old man’s skiff, the old man has no choice but to be towed by the fish into the Gulf Stream. This excruciating ordeal which last two long days put him in a world of pain. His hands are chaffed.His face is cut.His left hand keeps cramping. Sapped of all his strength, old man began tobe light-headed,but he pulled himself for saying, ―I could not fail myselfand die on a fish like this.‖(Hemingway, 1952:208)

It isnoticeablethat the battle is not all about blood and violence but a deep sense of brotherhood.The struggle of man against nature is distinctly emotional grandeur. The old man feels a deep affection from the fish and has an admiration for its great strength as it pulls his skiff farther into the ocean. As nature and man become closer and closer together in this interlude in spirit as well as in space, Santiago becomes conscious of the marlin’s nobility. In his zenith of struggle against the marlin when his hands are bleeding and his body is wrecked with fatigue and pain, and he finally wins the game. However, this victory is short-lived when nature attacks the old man again with its galanos – the sharks that are bent upon devouring his proud catch. Though completely sapped of all his strength, Santiago does not give up his fighting code and lashes at the sharks with all he had. In spite of knowing that the struggle is pointless, Santiago keepsfightingagainst sharks because of the essential element of human


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

striving which heis embodied with that makes it impossible for him to give up.

In the end, the sharks leave him a long white skeleton to take home but the old man is not defeated. The next morning, forgetting all about his suffering, he begins to make future plans with Manolin.―We must get a good killing lance and always have it board.‖(Hemingway, 1952: 231) Santiago is all set tofight again. Thus it is revealed by Hemingway that nature takes from man all he has, but could not destroy his undaunted fighting spirit, his essential nobility of human striving because the battle between man and nature has been an eternal one. Hemingway has proved that defeat is sometimes inevitable in this battle, but what eventually makes a man victorious is his capacity to struggle with the difficulties despite how it ends.On this sense, struggle between the man and nature gives us an insight into the true essence of man’s heroism.

3.2 Fight against Inner Spirit

The old man is exhausted. He repeatedly thought,―I wish I had the boy, he would help do this or that, at least not by myself.‖(Hemingway,1952: 184) A total number of six in the novel writesthat the old man missesthe boy.At firstit isthe talking in his heart, but latter speaking directly, indicating the old man’s situation is getting worse and worse and he missesthe child more and more intensely. This mental activity of the old man, on the one hand,is because he is struggling to have a helper; on the other hand, he wants the boy’s worship to boost his own.

Besides, the old man dreamsof the lion constantly, and in his younger days he has seen a lion on the beach in Africa, which is an obvious symbol. The lion is the king of the forest, and a symbol of wisdom and force. The author describes a lion in the old man’s dream, in other words, the lion is the symbol of the old man. The lion appears four times in the old man’s dream. Especially in the fishing process, the lion in his dream makes the best sense. Since the fish is too big, it drags the boats and the old man to a far distance. During the battle with the big fish, the old man is exhausted, yet he could not have a rest even for 20 minutes. Because of extremely exhaustion, the old man falls asleep, and dreams of a lion. This shows that even


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

in such an extreme hardship, he is still unyielding, and eagers to fight up like a lion. The repeatedly referred lion not only expresses the old man’s deep spiritual struggle—never giving back, but also reflects his tough guy style when facing difficulties. This is the best interpretation of the theme of the story. It symbolizes the old man’s persistent quest for strength and his unyielding character, and these are the most prominent manifestation of the spirit of Hemingway's hero images.

At the end of the novel, the old man returns to the gulf with the skeleton. And he is so tired that he sleeps for a long time. When the little boy makes food for him,the old man says, ―they truly beat me, and I am not lucky anymore.‖―The hell with luck,‖ the boy says. ―I will bring the luck with me.‖ (Hemingway, 1952: 231) The boy began to learn fishing at the age of five. He not only learns the fishing skills but also inherits the tough guy spirit from the old man. The words of the little boy make it clear that he becomes maturer under the influence of the old man. Santiago is old but the spirit of tough guy is inherited by Manolin. In other words, the boy is the future and this is the transcendence of the spirit of tough guy.


The Old Man and the Sea is the praise song of the tough guy, and is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works.The theme in this thesis is the spirit of the tough guy spirit. With its great simplicity and powerful language, the story tells us about an old Cuban fisherman is down on his luck, and a seeming loser in the battle of man and nature. In the novel, Santiago is the spokesperson of Hemingway’s spirit and will. In the beginning of the novel, Santiago is characterized as a person struggling against defeat. Though he catches the big marlin, onechallenge after another turn his efforts into nothing. However, he refuses to bedefeated and determines to fight with sharks to the end.Though Santiago knows that struggle with nature and fate is useless, he still encourages people to fight.His different kinds of features of tough


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea

guy are fully shown. From the description of Santiago, Hemingway tells us the meaning and value of life.In our daily life, no matter what result is, as long as one is striving for his dignity and honor, he is the winner. Sometimes, we may unavoidably to face different kinds ofdifficulties, we should face and try our best to overcome them instead of complaining. The spirit of tough guy will be a good example for us to live a more meaningful life.


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea


Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my superviser, Associate ProfessorMa Jing for her continuous support to my study and related research, as well as her patience, motivation, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped me all the time in writing this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better superviser and mentor for my study.

Second, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers in School of Foreign Studies, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: my parents and my brothers and sister for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and my life.


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea


[1] Baker, Carlos. Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story[M].湖南:湖南文艺出版社,1992. [2]Hemingway, Ernest The Old Man and the Sea[M].北京:化学工出版社,2013. [3] S, Lynn, Kennet. Hemingway[M].北京:中央编译出版社,1997.

[4] Wu Dingbai. An Outline of American Literature [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002. [5] Chang Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature[M].天津:南开大学出版社,1991.

[6] Zhang Boxiang. Selected Readings in English and American Literature [Z].Beijing:Foreign Language and Research Press, 1998.

[7] Cooperman, Stanley. Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996.



[10]刘文荣.海明威的人物及其典型-桑地亚哥[J].春风译丛,1981 [11]董理峰.论老人与海中的硬汉精神[J].芒种,483




[14]孟秀坤.不败的人生一析《老人与海》中的海明威[J].安阳工学院学报,2007. [15]王艳玲.评海明威的“硬汉”形象[[J] .韶关学院学报社会科学版,1999 [16] http://wenku.http://www.wodefanwen.com//


An Analysis of Santiago’s Tough Guy Spirit in The Old Man and the Sea


[1] Baker, Carlos. Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story[M].湖南:湖南文艺出版社,1992. [2]Hemingway, Ernest The Old Man and the Sea[M].北京:化学工出版社,2013. [3] S, Lynn, Kennet. Hemingway[M].北京:中央编译出版社,1997.

[4] Wu Dingbai. An Outline of American Literature [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002. [5] Chang Yaoxin. A Survey of American Literature[M].天津:南开大学出版社,1991.

[6] Zhang Boxiang. Selected Readings in English and American Literature [Z].Beijing:Foreign Language and Research Press, 1998.

[7] Cooperman, Stanley. Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1996.



[10]刘文荣.海明威的人物及其典型-桑地亚哥[J].春风译丛,1981 [11]董理峰.论老人与海中的硬汉精神[J].芒种,483




[14]孟秀坤.不败的人生一析《老人与海》中的海明威[J].安阳工学院学报,2007. [15]王艳玲.评海明威的“硬汉”形象[[J] .韶关学院学报社会科学版,1999 [16] http://wenku.http://m.wodefanwen.com//


