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Unit 1 The Power of Language Text A Critical Reading Exercises

I Checking Your Comprehension

1.Reading non-fiction writing critically involves_______. A.supporting the author’s opinion B.developing your own opinions C.understanding what is written D.reading without any imagination

2.Before accepting what is written in an article,you should be sure that______. A.enough support for the assertions has been given B.your values and attitudes have been reflected in it C.it has been checked form an authoritative source D.you have found the differences in the writing styles

3.If there are some inconsistent points in the article,you should______. A.insist on your own opinion an confirm it B.avoid mentioning the inconsistencies C.emphasize the work of authorities

D.examine the author’s supportive statements

4.Einstein is a relevant source when the article is about______. A.physical breakthroughs B.the subject of poetry C.studies in current physics D.credible writing sources

5.The author what is written clearly A.remember what is written clearly B.eliminate your own discrimination C.have much more knowledge D.spend more time in reading II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.These results are______with the findings of the previous study.(consistent,consistency)

2.We were not surprised by their______that the train services would be reduced.(state,statement) 3.The statistics______a change in people’s spending habits.(reflect,reflection) 4.I’m afraid your driving license is______in Eastern Europe.(valid,invalid)

5.Twenty-five dollars was______more than be ha expected to pay.(considerable,considerably) 6.Direct______between the two languages is not possible.(compare,comparison) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. assumption critical represent credible landmark evaluate identify appropriate

1.In my opinion,there was no______evidence against him.

2.Evan the smallest baby can______its mother by her voice.

3.People tend to make______about you based on your appearance. 4.This new report______the current situation in our schools. 5.The performance of each employee is______once a year.

6.We need to ensure that the teaching they receive is______to their needs. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.That bit of the form is for UK citizens--it doesn’t apply______you. 2.Arguments were put______for changing some of the rules of the game. 3.When judging his performance,don’t take his age______account. 4.He’s universally recognized as an authority______Russian affairs. 5.Just compare the one that has been cleaned______the others. 6.Education should be relevant______the child’s needs. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

powerful define action tears express shape internally respond to personal good

Language is one of the things that sets us apart as beings,one of the things that essentially ______us as humans.When language is used well it can elicit very deep feeling in others,motivate others to _______and define the nature of our relationship.Sometimes in poetry the juxtaposition(并列)of two words or a certain phrase can bring______to the eyes,call up a whole host of imagery and move us deeply.We have seen language recently used in the politics of persuasion,used for______or ill--depending on your viewpoint.When we use language to_______our true feelings to someone it can open and deepen the connection between us.Language is a very______tool.How we use language shapes our world both______and externally.How you use self-talk--what you say to yourself about yourself an about the world directly______your experience of both yourself and the world.How you deliver communication shapes the way the world______you.We can use language more effectively in both spheres:internal and directly influence the health an power of our______relationships and our business relationships. IV.Translation Section A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.Urban planners in practice have to_______________________________________________(考虑到不同社会群体的利益).(take...into account)

2._________________________________________(把近期工作与先前的工作相比较)and you Will see how much you have improved.(compare...with...)

3.What the witness said in court___________________________________________(与他对警察的陈述不一致).(be consistent with)

4.What he said_________________________________________(与正在处理的事件无关).(be relevant to)


you are away from home.(inform...of...) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

To become a flexible reader,you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading.Knowing when and how to use different reading styles will make you a flexible reader.Study reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension.When using the study reading style,you should read at rate that is slower than your normal reading rate.Furthermore,as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material.Study reading will often require you to read you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension.Sometimes,reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension.

V.Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.

1.For instance,the word”kick”can mean many different things depending on how it is used in a phrase.

2.Learning how phrases come together in English will come with continued submersion in the language.

3.On the other hand,you could say,”I get a kick out of that TV show.”

4.This means that you enjoy the TV show,and has nothing to do with striking something with a foot.

5.As you learn the language,focus not only on the words an their meanings,but also on the way the words come together to make phrases.

6.When you say,”He kicked the ball,”you are using the word as a verb that means to strike the ball with the foot.

VI.Reflecting on the Text

Some people argue that the purpose of reading is to seek information and gain knowledge by memorizing the statements within a text. It is not necessary to develop the ability to read critically,since this ability is assumed to be present only in scholars and to be learned in academic institutions.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?Give reasons and examples to support yourself.

Text B

The Language of Confidence Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions:Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with the information given in the text;N(for No)if the statement contradicts the information given in the text;NG(for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text.

( )1.Using our language in the best way is significant for the improvement of our life. ( )2.We can knowingly make our command carried out without using a word.

( )3.If we use the word try,we may not make efforts to achieve the things that we want to do.

( )4.We can improve our life by saying the word try in our daily life. ( )5.We can use a word that makes us feel great to help us feel powerful.

( )6.Though some words may seem small,they can help us do everything we want. Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.______helps us be in control of our lives and destinies. 2.Any words can have a dramatic influence on______. 3.When we say”I will do...”,we will get a sense of______. 4.Using words like”I choose...”can help us regain______. 5.Mastering our language helps us get the power to______. 6.We can write______next to a list of words we usually use. II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.I can say with______that all our targets have now been met.(confident,confidence) 2.Like so many______people he was never satisfied.(creative,creativity)

3.A move towards healthy eating could help______heart disease.(eliminate,elimination) 4.You life changes______when you have a baby.(dramatic,dramatically)

5.The annual strategic dialogue between China an America is very______for the relationship between the two countries.(significant,insignificant)

6.Having so little money to spend on an apartment does______you in your choice.(limit,limitation) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. command quality infinite commonly matter internal please impact

1.The children______more to her than anything else in the world. 2.Lung cancer is the most______found cancer in men.

3.It______her mother that she chose a college close to home. 4.The city offers a/an ______variety of things to do.

5.He hated being in the army because he had to obey______. 6.The ______of the picture on our television isn’t very good. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.Police say that they believe the attacks were carried______by nationalists. 2.It’s______to all of us to try to solve the problems in our neighbourhoods. 3.The anti-smoking campaign had made quite an impact______young people. 4.I’ve been asked to limit my speech______ten minutes maximum.

5.Dr Marion is the person______control of all medical decisions in the hospital 6.He struggled for mastery______his emotions but failed. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the


1.They expect the meeting to__________________________________________(对国家的未来产生的显著的影响).(have an impact on)

2.I know you don’t think that this project is important,__________________________________(但这对我很重要).(matter)

3.There were some violence after the match,________________________________________(但是没过多久警方主控制住了局势).(in control of)

4.I’m afraid____________________________________________(除了让你走,我别无选择).(no alternative but)

5.__________________________________________________(经理会作最终决定)!(be up to) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

English plays an important role in the workplace and when used in the correct and appropriate manner,it can help boost a career or a business.Some may need or want to study business English before they start their careers.Those who are already working have the opportunity to see what they can and cannot do effectively in English in their current job.

A valuable skill to have in business is how to negotiate.You need to know what you want,as well as how to bargain an make concessions.Being able to deal with a conflict and knowing how to end negotiations can make a big difference to the outcome.

Workplace English learning will encourage professional and efficient communication,which translates as good service to customers an business partners or suppliers,which can only be a positive for any business. IV.Writing Section A

Directions:The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent.Improve them. Example:The captain,as well as the other players,was tired. Revision:The captain,as well as the other players,was tired. 1.When dipped in mustard,Sam said the sausage was excellent. 2.A Frenchman murdered two wives he didn’t like their cooking. 3.Annie’s dress was old,faded,an it had wrinkles.

4.The need for jobs will make us develop our industries.It causes environmental problems.

5.My new running shoes fell apart during the marathon which cost more than a hundred dollars. Section B

Directions:Read the following paragraph carefully.Cross out two sentences that do not help to develop the controlling idea.

Philip Randolph,the great African-American champion of Iabour and civil rights,led confrontations with three very popular presidents.Mr.Randolph called for a march on Washington by thousands of African-Americans on July 1,1941,if President Roosevelt would not take action to end discrimination in defense industries during World War II.Mr.Randolph was born in Florida.After much delay,the president met with Randolph,and one week later opened many defense jobs to black workers,A few years later,in 1948,Mr.Randolph threatened mass civil disobedience of president Truman did not end segregation against African-Americans in the military.On July 26,Truman approved the order that integrated the armed services.The last confrontation was with John F,Kennedy,who sought to stop the 1963 civil rights march on

Washington.The march featured the Reverend Martin Luther King’s unforgettable”I Have a Dream”speech. Section C

Directions:Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150words.You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity,coherence and variety of each paragraph.

It is reported that many young people prefer to work rather than continue their education.They think a person without higher education could also get decent job.If you were faced with the choice between starting a job an continuing education,what would you do?

Unit 2 Mistakes to Success Text A Spi1t milk Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.This is a story about a famous research scientist who______. A.Looked smarter than the average person B.Was an unordinary boy when he was young C.Became well-known after an interview D.Achieved great success in the medical field

2.Why did he get the milk spi1t all over the kitchen floor? A.He failed to remove the bottle and it fell. B.He was too young to carry the heavy bottle. C.He had no confidence in taking the bottle. D.He loosed his grip on the bottle deliberately. 3.How did his mother respond to his mistake?

A.She punished him by making him clean the kitchen. B.She shouted to stop him from doing anything. C.She allowed him to play in the milk first.

D.She taught him how to carry the bottle immediately.

4.The mother and the son went out in the back yard to______. A.find some water to clean the bottle

B.Find a way to carry the bottle effectively. C.search for another bottle to hold the milk D.see how to fill the bottle without dropping it

5.It is stated in the passage that mistakes give chances to______. A.know the truth clearly B.learn something new C.do some experiments

D.teach a child a lesson II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.This system could deliver services to local communities more______.(effective,effectively) 2.His comments sparked an angry______from dissatisfied customers.(respond,response) 3.Checks are made to______whether applicants have a criminal record.(discover,discovery)

4.If any of these symptoms______while you are taking the medicine,consult your doctor immediately.(occur,occurrence)

5.The museum is full of______and precious treasures.(rare,rarely)

6.Do you agree with the use of animals in______experiments?(science,scientific) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Restore interview remove opportunity Eventually content renowned remark 1.The men came to______the rubbish from the backyard.

2.She sees the bar as a starting point and______plans to run her own chain of country inns. 3.The job pays well,but there’s not much______for career advancement. 4.The program includes a performance by the______Berlin Orchestra. 5.Who is the most famous person you’ve ever______on TV?

6.The judges______on the high standard of entries for the competition. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.The police respond______emergencies in just a few minutes. 2.I can tolerate this rudeness only______far and no further. 3.After a week in bed,she was fully restored______health.

4.People often remark______how alike John and Malcolm look. 5.Things had been done______the same manner for centuries. 6.The region is renowned______its outstanding natural beauty. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

Without fear under unavoidable so that Success reach wisely as long as between

Lots of people don’t dare to make mistakes.They______that they will be ridiculed or blamed by others.They fear that they will lose their money and belongings or be______a lot of stress.But risks are______and they to pave the way you must tread upon towards______.Have you ever heard of someone who achieves success______making any mistakes before?

So it is only natural that making mistakes in your effort to______your dreams is considered a must,and you shouldn’t worry about that as you may get a lot of advantages out of your mistakes.By making mistakes at least you then can distinguish______the correct and the incorrect portions of what you did.Anthony D’Ange1o said:”In order to succeed you must fail,______you know what to do the next time”,and Robert Louis Stevenson even went to the extreme as to

say:”Our business in life is not to succeed,but to continue to fail in good spirits.”

You needn’t worry about anything______you keep on going by______learning from your mistakes and trying even harder. IV.Translation Section A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.They are likely to____________________________________(积极回应总统的请求).(respond to)

2.He blends right into the crowd of teenagers and_______________________________________ (只是他的口音与众不同).(set...apart)

3._________________________________________(我从来没有见过这么美丽的落日).(rarely) 4.The government is trying to___________________________________________(恢复人们对国家经济的信心).(restore)

5.On several occasions___________________________________________(她都谈到了这个男孩的进步).(remark) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

I clearly remember a period during which I felt like a failure.But what I eventually learned was that failing at one thing is not failing at all things.And,in fact,failure is a necessary part of growth.Life is filled with trial and error.In order to walk the path to success,you need to make some wrong turns along the way.What I learned,to use John C.Maxwe11’s terminology,was to”fail forward”,to use each mistake to make myself better.One of the greatest problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated situations in their lives and label them as failures.Instead,they need to keep the bigger picture in mind.A successful baseball player doesn’t look at an out that he makes and think of failure.He sees it within the context of the bigger picture.His perspective leads to perseverance.His perseverance brings longevity.And his longevity him opportunities for success. V.Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.

1.Maybe you interviewed for a job and didn’t get it,yet another one comes through that pays more and offers room for growth.

2.Some believe that everything happens for a reason,and failure is exception.

3.Failure is never the end of the road,but only the beginning of something potentially better.

4.Perhaps someone you’ve been dating suddenly breaks things off,an you meet someone ten times more wonderful.

5.There’s always something to learn,ways to grow,different viewpoint to explore,and new opportunities waiting just around the corner.

6.Don’t view failure as bad luck;instead,look at each attempt to reach your goals as a triumph. VI.Reflecting on the Text

Text B

The Cake Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions:Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with the information given in the text;N(for No)if the statement contradicts the information given in the text;NG(for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text.

( )1.Cindy made a delicious fruit cake all by herself the first time in her 12 years. ( )2.Cindy worried a lot about the mess even though she ha created something. ( )3.Her parents failed to slip in quietly for Cindy would give them a surprise.

( )4.Her mother didn’t notice the cake because she only focused on the mess in the kitchen. ( )5.All parents are suffering from situationa1 Timbercu1ar G1aucorma all the time.

( )6.A little mud even on new carpet doesn’t matter much compared to a child’s se1festeem.. Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.After Cindy finished her cake,the kitchen looked______.

2.Cindy was excitedly waiting for her parents so as to present______to them. 3.Her mother never looked at the cake on the table but______. 4.Her father stood wordlessly because he didn’t know______.

5.Parents may sometimes permit themselves to be unaware of issues of______. 6.Parents should always remember that they are______. II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

1.I’m______upset that she forgot my birthday.(slight,slightly)

2.He needed surgery to cure a _______back injury.(trouble,troublesome)

3.S1even used to visit him for the_______days and weekends.(occasional,occasionally) 4.The documents are available for public______.(inspect,inspection)

5.Last moth’s bad weather was______for the crop failure.(responsible,responsibility)

6.Despite all my efforts,my carefully planned party turned out to be a complete______(disaster,disastrous) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Significance deserve issue glance Frustration present emerge awfully

1.The mayor______him with a gold medal at an official city reception. 2.I could sense his______at not being able to help.

3.It’s a/an______long time since we last saw each other. 4.Chris______our special thanks for all his efforts.

5.Ideas about the social______of religion have changed over time. 6.Could you______through this letter and see if it’s alright? Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.

1.We’ll have to do the whole thing again______scratch.

2.Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running______. 3.The children exploded______giggles when seeing the clown.

4.He tried to use his own weight to push the attacker off but he was______balance. 5.I used to stay______late with my mom an watch movies.

6.The discovery of the new drug is______great significance for people. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.________________________________________(她扫视了房间)to see who was there.(glance) 2.He made no answer but walked on,___________________________________(示意我跟上).(gesture)

3._____________________________________________(一旦把纸正确装入),the printer should print with no problems.(position)

4.Is it right for the Church to____________________________________(就政治问题发表看法)?(issue)

5.______________________________________(把医疗物资送达这个地区非常重要).(it is vital) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

There are several key abilities that allow successful people to fail forward instead of taking each setback personally.First,successful people don’t blame themselves when they fail.They take responsibility for each setback,but they don’t take the failure personally.Second,successful people don’t define themselves by individual failures.They recognize that each setback is a small part of the whole.Third,achievers are willing to vary their approaches to problems.That’s important in every walk of life.If one approach doesn’t work for you,If it brings repeated failure,then try something else.To fail forward,you must do what works for you,not necessarily what works for other people,Finally,successful people are resilient.They don’t let one error keep them down.They learn from their mistakes an move on. IV.Writing Section A

Directions:The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent.Improve them.

Example:Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities were caused by the disease..

Revision:Perhaps one in every seven deaths in Europe’s crowded cities was caused by the disease. 1.Sir Humphry Davy was an excellent literary critic as well as being a great scientist.

2.Roger plays with rabbits but also hunts them.This is one reason why Roger likes rabbits. 3.Hanging by their tails from the branches,the children gazed at the monkeys.

4.Last night I had my first taste of sake(日本清酒).It is a Japanese beverage made from rice. 5.John Wayne was the biggest box-office attraction of his time who appeared in over 200movies.

Section B

Directions:Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph.

_____________________________________________________.A good starting point is narrowing down the type of car you want or need.Be realistic.You may envision yourself cruising around town in a little convertible,but that won’t leave much room for the kids and dogs,Once you’ve settled on the basic vehicle,do some research to find out which vehicles have good reliability ratings.The Internet and books can help you pick out the high maintenance turkeys.The next step is finding the model you are looking for.Used car lots will give you an idea of price,but they can be expensive and full of used car salesmen.Check your local paper,car buyers’ magazines and the Internet.When you finally track down what looks good,arrange to have your mechanic inspect it Never omit this step.After your mechanic gives the car the OK.all that’s left is to haggle over the price.

Section C

Directions:Write a short essay with a clear central idea and effective development in about 150words.You should base your writing on the following situation and give consideration to the unity,coherence and variety of each paragraph.

The annual English Speech Contest in Beijing is coming!This year,the topic is The Most Important Way to Success.You, as a promising candidate,should write out your speech to make your idea clear.Please strive for your best performance to achieve your success in the contest.Best wishes for you.

Unit 3 Friendship and Loyalty

Text A Reflections:Friendship and Loyalty Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension

Directions:Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage. 1.According to the passage,what is the new trend on the Internet? A.To make friends with anybody. B.To get reconnected with old friends. C.To search friend’s private matters. D.To seek loyal Net-friends.

2.In the passage,loyalty in a friend is compared to______. A.interest gained from deposits B.Making deposits in one’s account C.A person’s total welfare D.A best friend’s well-being

3.As a B.L.F,YOU cannot______. A.avoid gossiping about friends B.take advantage of friends C.Invite others to your party D.Seek loyalty in best friends.

4.In the last paragraph,the author suggests that reader______. A.be alert to smiling faces on the web pages B.Reconnect with former loyal friends C.Recall meaningful lyrics in old songs

D.Pay attention to smiles on friends’ faces 5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.The trend of making friends on the Internet. B.The reflections on friends and loyalty.

C.The introduction of a friendmaking website. D.The contrast between B.F.F and B.L.F II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the proper of the words given in the brackets.

1.He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of______.(recognize,recognition) 2.After long______we decided to purchase the house.(reflect,reflection)

3.For years General Motors(GM)was the______giant of the world’s car industry.(disputed,undisputed)

4.We can’t conclude that the frequent transfer from one job to another undermines______.(loyal,loyalty)

5.Vitamins are_______to the proper nourishment of the body.(essential,essentially) 6.They answered with______that it was against the rules.(assure,assurance) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Request challenge seek exploit Mutual premise generation virtue

1.Legal advice should be______before you take any further action. 2.All club members are_______to attend the annual meeting. 3.The company is ready to meet the______of the next few years. 4.I hope we can at least agree to disagree in a spirit of______respect.

5.Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a__________. 6.Each______has its own standards of judgment. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.I had never seen such a multitude______stars before.

2.Only 10% of American adults engage______regular exercise. 3.The car dealer had assured me______its quality.

4.There were signs warning______fog as soon as we got onto the motorway. 5.Families should stick together______thick an thin no matter what happens. 6.________essence,both sides agree on the issue. III.Bridging the Gap

Directions:Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage.You may choose a suitable one from the list given.

while share on unique whatever that opposites a couple of personalities wisely

In the daily drama and comedy of our life,it’s nice to have friends._______family is extremely important,friends are a different support system of your choosing.As the saying goes,”You can’t choose your family,but you can choose your friends.”Choosing them______can make your life

more exciting an inspiring.

Deciding whom you choose as your friends says as much about you as it does them.You may choose your friends based_______similar interests.You may choose them because you’re both polar______of each other and find this interesting and intriguing.Often,friends become ’’friends’’ because they naturally gravitate towards each other because of similar______and temperaments.Sometimes it’s just circumstances______bring two individuals together who then become friends.

______prompts a friendship,developing one is a very rewarding experience.This is especially true when,before you know it,a certain friendship turns into a______lifelong close friendship.Again,it;s been said that a person normally has only______very close friends in their life.Think of whom you deem as truly close friends.These are those select individuals you can confide in and______deep thoughts and concerns with,without and reservations. IV.Translation Section A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.Even in prison,he_____________________________________________(继续从事犯罪活动)。(engage in)

2.People should read the related regulations before they_______________________________(在开采自然资源之前)。(exploit)

3.You________________________________if you want to take any photographs(必须申请获准)。(request)

4.She felt rather guilty for she___________________________________________________(辜负了父母对她的信任)。(betray)

5.Such a mistake would perhaps_________________________________________(导致严重的后果).(lead to) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

It’s so easy to take good friends for granted.Like a comfortable pair of gloves,old friends wear well.But friendships that suffer from busyness and over-familiarity can’t afford to be neglected too long.They need renewal.If you want and need to keep true friendship alive and well.please,consider and think over a list of the most important qualities.Probably if will help you to understand why you and your best friend haven’t called up for ages,why you’re getting embarrassed while being asked”Whom are you going to have fun with this weekend?”You may neglect your intimate friends from time to time,but if you fail to cultivate these qualities-loyalty,forgiveness,honesty,and dedication-you can’t expect to keep true friends. V.Organizing Your Ideas

Directions:Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.

1.Best friends,in a way,have the highest loyalty towards each other,because they always have each other’s back no matter what it is.

2.From the start of a friendship,there is a little bit of loyalty to your newly acquired friend. 3.In a way,there are levels of loyalty,the way I see it.

4.As it does become a closer friendship,the level of trust changes a bit.

5.You want to build a bond of trust so that friendship can become better. 6.You are relied on more,and you start to be there for your friend. VI.Reflecting on the Text

Text B A Tribute to the Dog Exercises

I.Checking Your Comprehension Section A

Directions:Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes)if the statement agrees with the information given in the text;N(for No)if the statement contradicts the information given in the text;NG(for Not Given)if the information is not given in the text. ( )1.The best friend a man has may be disloyal to him. ( )2.The money a man has may fly away when he needs it.

( )3.When severe winter sets in,the dog won’t stand by its owner.

( )4.A pet owner must be nice to his pet,hoping that the pet keeps his company forever. ( )5.A dog will retreat when it encounters tough difficulties.

( )6.When the owner becomes poor and his fame is ruined,the dog’s love remains constant just like sunrise and sunset. Section B

Directions:Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text. 1.A son or daughter brought up with great care may turn out to be______. 2.Those people we are faithful to may betray______.

3.When the poor owner sleeps,the dog will tend to him as if he were______. 4.A man’s dog will stick by him whenever he is in______.

5.When the poor owner sleeps,the dog will tend to him as if he were______.

6.If the owner unfortunately becomes friendless and homeless,the dog prefers to enjoy the right to______.

II.Building Your Vocabulary Section A

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with the proper form of the words given in the brackets.

1.Many people spend little time in______of physical fitness.(Pursue,pursuit) 2.His______old dog accompanied him everywhere he went.(faith,faithful) 3.At any time,don’t feel sad for a(n)______man.(grateful,ungrateful)

4.Often they are competing______with fellow Spaniards for contracts.(fierce,fiercely) 5.The war was followed by a long period of peace and______.(prosperous,prosperity) 6.The service at the famous hotel failed to failed to live up to its______.(repute,reputation) Section B

Directions:Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary. Privilege prone poverty alert

Constant scene desert unselfish

1.Senior managers enjoy certain______,such as company cars and private hea1thcare. 2.Japanese consumers also remain______to saving,not spending,as the recession deepens.

3.In Africa,for example,______has actually risen over the past decade. 4.Although he’s over eighty his mind is still remarkably_______. 5.The terrible______was engraved on his memory.

6.The police are looking for the woman who______her children. Section C

Directions:Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. 1.How can you stand______and let him treat his dog like that?

2.The survey made by scientists shows that kids are all prone______eat junk food. 3.By no means would people turn______their motherland.

4.My younger sister requested me to accompany her______the airport. 5.Do you believe Bob remained faithful______his principles to the last? 6.It always takes the class a while to settle______at the start of the lesson. III.Translation Sections A

Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

1.Experience proves that_____________________________________(家是重整旗鼓是最好的地方)。(lick your wounds)

2.I dread the coming exams.____________________________________(要是我有时间复习功课多好啊).(if only)

3.Tourists need to_____________________________________________________(对旅游风险保持警惕)in the north of the country.(be alert to) Section B

Directions:Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

Now,your idea of a good friend is still the person who gives you the better of the two choices,holds your hand when you’re scared,helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you,thinks of you times when you are not there,reminds you of what you have forgotten,helps you put the past behind you,but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer,stays with you so that you have confidence,goes out of their way to make time for you,helps you clear up your mistakes,helps you deal with pressure from others,helps you become a better person,and most importantly loves you! IV.Writing Section A

Directions:The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent.Improve them. Example:The dean issued a bulletin which said the library will remain open on weekends. Revision:The dean issued a bulletin,which said the library would remain open on weekends.

1.He spread a rumor that the president was going to resign,led to a great confusion in that country. 2.If leaving alone on a desert island,what would you do first?

3.Do you still remember those days when we spent in Hong Kong last year?

4.All their belongings,together with the remains of torn-up newspapers,lies scattered over the carpets.

5.It seems that more and more of my friends are facing great challenges in his lives. Section B

Directions:Read the following paragraph carefully.Cross out two sentences that do not help to

