
更新时间:2024-04-04 19:50:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



Part one 1. Name;come from;

What do you like most in your study?

What skills should a manager have? 2. Student or at work

Which section of study/work do you like? The importance of using foreign language in work Do you like the manager? 3. Name come from

What skills should a manager have? Should the salaries be related to behavior? 平衡各项工作难吗?

4. Should the manager take all responsibilities when things go wrong? 5. Do you prefer modern building or an old one? why 6. 公司的outside appearance 对客户会有影响吗?

7. What is important when looking for a job in another country?

What is important when designing a brochure? 8. How to balance work and home life

9. Do you think it is necessary to read business news every day? 10. Should the company put a large cost in the building

Part two

1. What is important when looking for a job in another country 1) professional advice 2)search on internet 3)…… 2. 选择物流时的考虑因素:1)reliability 2)speed 3)…… 与同事处理好人际关系的重要性

3. What is important when planning for a brochure

1) target customer 2)information should be included 3)…… 4. What is important when selecting an administrative staff?

1)teamwork skills 2)efficiency 3)….

5. What is important when organizing staff development?

6. What is important when selecting delivery service? 1)safety 2)speed 7. Working at team 和同事的关系

Starting a new business

8. What is important when building a good relationship with colleagues?

1)reliable 2)work in a team

What is important when setting up a new business?

1) Recruitment of staff 2)location

9. What is important when organizing a meeting

What is important to choose the furniture.

10. When manufacturing the product 1)raw materials 2 )technology

11. 如果产品出现了问题怎么办? 1)find the reason 2)recall the product

Part three

1. Your company is planing to set up a online magazine~ what information should be included, and what kind of writers you should choose. 2. Shift work 有什么优点 ;是否要考虑员工意见 3. Launch an advertising campaign:1)timing 2)target customer

4. Clothing retails sales on website better than on shop reason and action Question :网上购物的disadvantages


Part one

1. What’s your favorite part in your study?

What skills are needed when you start a business?

Do you think it is a good idea to employ the family members in your company? 2. What do you think of phone interview?

3. Do you think you must have a large amount of capital to start your business? Do you think it’s a good idea to introduce your family members to your business? 4. ideal employer

Part two

1. 自己创业要什么支持 1)资金 2)人脉

2. Choose in job in another department in your company. 1) new responsibilities 2)new colleagues 3)….

3. What is important when attending a business social event?

1) make new contacts 2) personal appearance 3)…. 4. Factory environment 1)clean regularly 2)safety sign 3)…

Choose agency to recruit staff 1)the reputation of the agency 2)the agency’s charges

5. Choosing flight for a business trip 1)flight time 2)facilities 6. the importance of public relation, the importance of evaluate staff. 7. How to prepare a meeting Part three

1. 领导与员工相处的讨论

Question:怎么知道公司员工的真实想法 怎么建设团队 team building


2. Discuss about changing the working condition: what’s the advantage of asking the opinions of the staff

what different ways to gather the opinions of the staff

3. 外国供应商来你公司工作6个月 ,公司应该准备什么信息和安排些什么 4. suggest about a seminar which tells people how to run a new business.additon:单独创业or合伙

5. attend exhibition. what information should be gathered from exhibitors and visitors . how to do so (是小公司还是大公司,更可能为消费者提供高素质的产品…)

