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第一章 句子(根据环境译)英语表达习惯

1、 2、 3、 4、

always remember you 永远记住你 remember you forever(x) it’s a shame/that’s too bad 真遗憾 it’s a pity(x) mind the steps 小心台阶 pay attention to the steps(x) 请勿疲劳驾驶 do not fatigue driving(Don’t try fatigue

driving) 5、

我感到很痛I feel great pain .I am painful(x) painful不以人为

主语,以物为主语。 6、

亚洲四小龙 the four little tigers of Asia

The four little dragons of Asia(x) 7、 8、 9、

百里挑一 one in a thousand one in a hundred(x) 干杯(一饮而尽) Bottoms up. 不许动(警察或劫匪的吆喝语)Freeze!

10、 到此为止吧,不必多说了 period!(句号) 11、 时间到 Game is over /Game! 12、 谢天谢地 Amen!

13、 别紧张 relax!(正方翻译法)

14、 我们吹了 we’re though 完了,没戏了 I’m though 15、 他活不长(生命受到威胁)he’s history

16、 没什么好紧张的(没什么大不了的)No sweat (冒汗) 17、 (从前)海边住着一个渔夫 At the seaside lived a fisherman.(强调)

A fisherman lived at the seaside.(陈述句)

There lived a fisherman at the seaside(很久以前)

18、 随后跳舞开始了 Then they danced./Then then dance began 到时间了。

Then they began to dance./Then dancing began.人们兴致来了。 19、 我老公他看你下岗了,舍不得花钱,就自己跑到电影院买了两张票,今天晚上请你们两个人去看电影。

My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because you’re laid off and have to cut your expenses. 翻译:语言、文化、社会(中文修养) Scope of translation: 语言分类:语内、语际


translation is a kind of science.an art and a craft(技能) 严复:three character guide :信、达、雅 faithfulness、expressiveness、elegance

She could get away (逃避)with anything because he looked such a baby.

The process of translation: A preparation (a basic and background knowledge)?comprehension?expression/representation?revision/proofreading

?comprehension: 1、semantic Analysis(词义分析)

E.g.: He has a reputation(臭名昭著的) of blood-stocker.臭名昭


She has made a reputation(名誉) for herself through hard work. 2、Analysis of the context of situation{语境}. Ours was a big family, but I was at the bottom(辈分低)

-“I don’t know what you do with you brass(黄铜).”said Mr scurridge.

-“I spend it on you ,”she said ,“Always a good table ,you must have. Never nothing short.”



3、Non-linguistic context 非语言环境 It’s freezing cold here.这里冷的要死 ?Expression fully充分表达:

We excel at making a living but often fall in making a life he good at.我们善于谋生,却往往不会营造生活。 I have read your work.

我已经批改了你的作业(老师对学生说)。 我看过你的作品(平辈之间)。 我拜读了你的大作(客套话)。

4、Forbidding :over-representation 过分表达。 E.g.: He was on his way to China again.

他有风尘仆仆地踏上了去中国的旅程。 He sold hard-to get items. 他行贿受贿,兜售紧消商品。 5、Under-representation 欠充分表达

E.g.: When we were in the port, my crew was responsible for moving, installing and modifying the items to be tested

The next week, to compound the problems(更糟糕的是), our good ship worming was declared to be unsafe. 译文评估:

1) 句法结构。他昨天来过这了-He came here yesterday. Yesterday he came here. 2) 词义搭配:

人大代表一行五人于春节前观察了这个福利中心。 译文1:A group of five NPC representatives inspected this welfare center on the eve of spring festival.(1.0)

译文2:?????????visited??????????. 3) 修辞色彩:


译文1:Sir Edward Youde, Governor of Hong Kong, passed away in Beijing this morning.

译文2:??,died/breathed his last/kicked the bucket??。 4) 风格层次:

我不善于讲话,也不习惯发表演说,我一生没做过教室。 译文1: I am not good at talking, and I’m not used to giving lectures ,I have never done any teaching either.口语

译文2:Taking is not my province, nor is lecturing, never have I taken up teaching as my professing, either.书面 5) 逻辑结构:


译文1:Don’t do unto others, what you don’t want to be done by.(1.0)

译文2:Do unto others, as you would be done by.(0.5) 6) 形象变通: 瞧,你像只落汤鸡!

You look like a drowned chicken! 中西文化 You look like a downed rat! Look! You are wet through!(1.0) 7) 心理转换: 这是一篇八股文。 This is a bagu essay.(0.2) This is an eight-legged essay.

This is a stereotyped(固定模式) essay.(0.5) 8) 社会规范:


译文1:Excuse me, but could you show me the way to Market Street.(1.0)

译文2:I beg your pardon, sir. Will you be so kind as to tell me how to reach Market Street?(0.8)

译文3:Chap, tell me how to get to Market Street.(0.6) 9) 双关语义

骄阳之下,柳树上,回答他的是一片“知了,知了”的声音。 译文1:Under the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicada’s chirrup: “see, see??”.(1.0) 译文2:Under the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicada’s chirrup:” Zing-a-zing-a”.(0.5) 译文3:Under the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicada’s chirrup: ”I see, I see”.(0.7) 译文4:Under the scorching sun, from the willow tree, came the confirming reply of the cicada’s chirrup: ”I know, I know”.(0.4) 10) 语义连贯


译文1:I received your letter yesterday. I read it and noted it contents. Your article is very good. But it’s very long. This magazine has limited space. Therefore, I can’t publish your

article, I’m very sorry.

译文2:Ireceive your letter yesterday, Your article is very good, but I’m sorry that owning to pressure of space, I find it too long to be published.

Talk along parallel lines 谈不到一块/各抒己见/意见不同/英雄所见略同。 English/Chinese 一、 直线型与螺旋型 二、 分析性/综合性

1As it’s too late for you to go home now, you had better ○

stay overnight at this space.

今晚太晚了,你最好在休息一晚。(无关联词) 三、 抽象性与形象型

work with meticulous care(雕刻精细) accept sth uncritically(生吞活剥)

be full of fears and misgivings(前怕狼后怕虎) feed on illusions(画饼充饥) in the final analysis(归根结底) sarcastic comments(冷言冷语) be in delicate health(弱不禁风)

area(面积)大小;length(长度)长短 depth(深度)深浅; width(宽度)宽窄

weight(总量)重轻; time mutes an feelings 四、 客观性与主观性 五、 前重心与后重心

You need to fight for you point of view(句首重心) when something is counter to your values or threatens a project the organization supports. 六、 竹节句法与流水句法

1知己知彼,百战不殆 ○

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can win a hundred battles.



It is sometimes the fate of a poet to succeed, only when he has one foot in the grave. 七、 理解型与绘画型

1英语从小到大,由近及远的排列原则,汉语相反。 ○

2英语先实后虚,汉语先虚后实。 ○

3英语倾向于先表态后叙事,汉语喜欢先叙事后表态。○ 4状语位置差异。 ○

5定语位置差异。 ○

八、 语义对应与非对应

1不完全对应 ○

eat:吃不开 be unpopular 吃不消 be unable to stand 吃醋 be jealous 吃苦 bear hardships

吃一堑,长一智 a full into a pit, a gain in your wit

2固定搭配 ○

努力工作 work hard (learn/study hard)(x) 半年 six months (half a year)(x)

学知识 gain/acquire knowledge (learn knowledge)(x) 半月 fifteen days (half a moth)(x)

3汉语词典含义与英语习惯 ○

儿童票价减半 half-price fare for children 一次专访 an exclusive interview

必须引起密切注意 require immediate attention 身体状况良好 in good shape 走错了路 be on the wrong track

4数词的语用含义差异 ○

一目了然 see with half an eye 一模一样 as alike as two peas

三言两语 in a few words; in one or two words 三心二意 to be in two minds 三思而后行 look before you leap 三三两两 by ones and twos

四面八方 all directions; all around; all quarters; far and


七嘴八舌 all talking at once

半斤八两 six of one and half-a-dozen of the other 十之八九 ten to one

十全十美 be perfect in every way: be out of this world; to be nines

5文化与翻译 ○

red 喜庆/血腥 yellow 尊贵/胆怯 的

芭蕉叶 leaf of a palm 胜利

moon 美/虚幻

同舟共济 to be in the same boat 处境相同

亡羊补牢 lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen 未晚/晚

怒发冲冠 make one’s hair stand on end 害怕

6概念与文化意义完全相同 ○

露脸 to show one’s face, to show up 老手 an ole hand

花钱如流水 to spend money like water

7概念意义对应、文化意义空缺 ○


原 e.g.: The wine in Hsin-mei’s stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy

