
更新时间:2023-10-11 14:43:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



第 I 页


摘 要




第 II 页

Design of automatic control system for

synchronous generator excitation


With the power industry will continue to development and unit capacity increasing, the requirement of the unit is more and more high. Not only is the unit availability, operation efficiency and safety of, also put forward higher requirements on the unit reliability and economy. As the core control system of generator, the operation state of the excitation system directly influences the reliability and the economy of generator.Therefore, it is very important to guarantee the safety and reliability of the excitation system.. The state monitoring and diagnosis of excitation system can not only improve the economic performance of the maintenance, but also improve the reliability of the system.In this paper, through the analysis of the working principle of the excitation system of synchronous generator, using upwards curve method to establish the dynamic mathematical model of excitation control system, a closed loop control system of the regulator using the engineering design method is adopted to design. The automatic control system of generator excitation is established, and the system is debugged.Experimental results show that the model and control algorithm are reasonable.And then analyzes the lack of self excitation of synchronous generator excitation system, puts forward a new type of chopper control excitation system. Analysis of the working principle of this system, all aspects of the mathematical model are established, and the engineering design method design corresponding regulator, according to the feedback control principle of formation of the automatic control system of self. The experimental results prove the feasibility of the proposed control scheme, and provide some theoretical guidance for the excitation and optimization.

Key words:synchronous generator; soaring curve; engineering design


第 III 页


摘要 ..................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................... II 1 绪论 ......................................................... 1

1.1 励磁系统概述 ...................................................... 1 1.2 励磁系统的分类 .................................................... 2

1.2.1 直流励磁机系统 .............................................. 2 1.2.2 他励交流励磁机系统 .......................................... 2 1.2.3 静止并励励磁系统 ............................................ 2 1.3 励磁系统状态监测发展前景 .......................................... 3 2 励磁系统的建模分析 ................................................... 4

2.1 建模方法简介 ...................................................... 4 2.2 飞升曲线法简介 .................................................... 5 2.3 本次实验的方法及数据处理 .......................................... 7 3 控制器的设计 ......................................................... 10

3.1 PID励磁控制 ..................................................... 10 3.2 励磁调节器的 PID 算法 ............................................ 10 3.3 调节器的工程设计方法 ............................................. 11

3.3.1 工程设计方法的基本思路 ..................................... 12 3.3.2 典型Ⅰ型系统 ............................................... 12 3.3.3 典型Ⅱ型系统 ............................................... 14 3.4 励磁控制系统的设计 ............................................... 16

3.4.1 PID电压调节器参数整定 ..................................... 17

4 开关式自并励励磁系统的硬件设计 ................................... 18


第 IV 页

4.1 同步发电机励磁自动控制策略 ....................................... 18 4.2控制器的设计与应用 ............................................... 18

4.2.1 PWM调制器 ................................................. 18 4.2.2 驱动电路 ................................................... 22 4.3 机械功率输出部分的设计与应用 ..................................... 24 4.4 开关式并励励磁系统功率主回路的设计与应用 ......................... 25

4.4.1 降压斩波电路简介 ........................................... 25 4.4.2 功率回路分析 ............................................... 27 4.5 检测控制单元 ..................................................... 29

5 励磁自动控制系统的仿真及结果分析 ................................. 29

5.1 动态特性试验 ..................................................... 30 5.2 直流电源起励方式 ................................................. 30

5.2.1 起励流程 ................................................... 30 5.2.2 国家相关标准 ............................................... 31 5.2.4 MATLAB仿真图 .............................................. 32 5.3 抗扰动特性试验 ................................................... 32

结 论 ................................................................... 34 致 谢 ................................................................... 35 参考文献 ............................................................... 36


第 1 页

1 绪论






1.1 励磁系统概述


