为您找到与 spin相关的结果共 25 个

Spin Control用法

Control用法Spin Control用法1>首先给该控件关联一个变量(Control类型的)m_Spin2>在使用前先通过属性对话框修改它的部分属性Alignment 属性共有3个选项Unattached,Left,Right Align,按自己的爱好选一个,决定SPIN是在右边还在左边;Ar


Spin-Spin Asymmetries in Large Transverse Momentum Higgs Bos

a r X i v :h e p -p h /9208250v 1 26 A u g 1992PSU/TH/113MAD/PH/709August 1992Spin-Spin Asymmetries in Large Transverse Momentum Higgs Boson Product



老太太买李子有一天,一位老太太离开家门,拎着篮子去楼下的 菜市场买水果.她来到第一个小贩的水果摊前问道 :这李子怎么样? 我的李子又大又甜,特别好吃.小贩回答. 老太太摇了摇头没有买. 她向另外一个小贩走去问道:“你的李子好吃吗?” “我这里是李子专卖,各种各样的李子都有.你要什 么样的李子


A microscopic approach to spin dynamics about the meaning of

We present an approach to spin dynamics by extending the optical Bloch equations for the driven two-level system to derive microscopic expressions for


Spinning strings and integrable spin chains in the AdSCFT correspondence

In this introductory review we discuss dynamical tests of the AdS_5 x S^5 string/N=4 super Yang-Mills duality. After a brief introduction to AdS/CFT w


Continuum Charged $D^{}$ Spin Alignment at $sqrt{s}$ = 10.5

a r X i v :h e p -e x /9802022v 1 26 F eb 1998CLNS 98/1542CLEO 98-3Continuum Charged D ?Spin Alignment at √s =10.5GeV is presented.This study usin


Enhancement of the anomalous Hall effect and spin glass beha

a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0511252v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 10 N o v 2005Enhancement of the anomalous Hall e?ect and spin glass behavior in



SPIN技术:顾问式销售的利器 ◆ 概述 顾问式销售体现在以原则为基础,对事不对人,着重于双方的利益而非立场,寻求双赢的解决途径,而不违背双方认可的原则。顾问式销售体现的是针对大客户的销售技能,是大客户销售人员和大客户管理人员的必备技能。而SPIN技术是顾问式营销的利器,主要是针对大额产品和无


Extended Gauge Theories in Euclidean Space with Higher Spin Fields

The extended Yang-Mills gauge theory in Euclidean space is a renormalizable (by power counting) gauge theory describing a local interacting theory of



顾问式销售,帮助企业解决销售实际问题,让销售员有备而出,签单而回——认识人、了解人,业绩倍增必定能!实战导师:晓印众策群力国际咨询集团首席培训师 晓印顾问式销售,帮助企业解决销售实际问题,让销售员有备而出,签单而回第二部分:完整教练思维一、销售动作诊断 二、教练动作整理 三、营销培训系统 四、教练能


Theory of nonlinear optical spectroscopy of electron spin coherence in quantum dots

We study in theory the generation and detection of electron spin coherence in nonlinear optical spectroscopy of semiconductor quantum dots doped with


Exact edge singularities and dynamical correlations in spin-12 chains

Exact formulas for the singularities of the dynamical structure factor, S^{zz}(q,omega), of the S=1/2 xxz spin chain at all q and any anisotropy and m


Effects of defects and local thickness modulation on spin-polarization

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDPHYSICS108,094509 2010 Effectsofdefectsandlocalthicknessmodulationonspin-polarizationinphotocathodesbasedonGaAs/GaAsPstrainedsuperlatt


Collective modes of spin, density, phase and amplitude in exotic superconductors

The equations of motion of pair-like excitations in the superconducting state are studied for various types of pairing using the random phase approxim


Spin-orbital physics in the optical conductivity of quarter-filled manganites

Using finite-temperature diagonalization we investigate the optical conductivity $\sigma(\omega)$ and spin-orbital dynamics in the CE phase of half-do


Commensurate Spin Dynamics in the Superconducting State of an Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductor

NCCO superconductor HTS 高温超导VOLUME90,NUMBER13PHYSICALREVIEWLETTERSweekending4APRIL2003CommensurateSpinDynamicsintheSuperconductingStateofanElectron-Do


Commensurate Spin Dynamics in the Superconducting State of an Electron-Doped Cuprate Superconductor

NCCO superconductor HTS 高温超导VOLUME90,NUMBER13PHYSICALREVIEWLETTERSweekending4APRIL2003CommensurateSpinDynamicsintheSuperconductingStateofanElectron-Do


Re-Entrant Quantum Phase Transitions in Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Ladders

In response to recent chemical attempts to construct higher-spin ladder materials from organic polyradicals, we study the ground-state properties of a


Interface Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Non-centrosymmetric Thin-Film Superconductor

We present a detailed study of the effects of interface spin-orbit coupling (ISOC) on the critical field behavior of non-centrosymmetric (NCS), ultra-


Superfluid-Mott Insulator Transition of Spin-2 Cold Bosons in an Optical Lattice in a Magne

The superfluid-Mott insulator transition of spin-2 boson atoms with repulsive interaction in an optical lattice in a magnetic field is presented. By u

