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——以上海五角场华美达大酒店为例 Briefly Analysis on Hotel Staff Training——A Case Study of Ramada

Shanghai Wujiaochang


International Exchange Faculty


Major: Hospitality Management 学号(Student Number): 072680579 姓名: 仇思梦

Student Name:Qiu Simeng

指导教师: 辜应康

Supervisor: Lecturer Gu Yingkang


Shanghai Second Polytechnic University

May 2010



引 言 ......................................................................................................................2 一、酒店员工培训概述 .............................................................................................2

(一)酒店员工培训界定 ...................................................................................2 (二)酒店员工培训的种类 ................................................................................3 二、酒店员工培训的重要性 ......................................................................................4

(一)培训有利于提高员工素质与技能、综合提升酒店服务质量与竞争力 ........4 (二)培训有利于统一思想、形成良好企业文化,降低酒店经营成本 ...............4 (三)培训有利于增进员工对酒店的了解与认同、促进团队合作.......................4 (四)培训有利于促进员工自身发展、实现员工与酒店发展的和谐统一 ............5 三、上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训分析 .............................................................5

(一)上海五角场华美达大酒店简介 .................................................................5 (二)上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训理念 ...................................................5 (三)上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训内容设置 ............................................6 (四)上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训时间安排 ............................................7 (五)上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训手段 ...................................................8 四、上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训还存在的问题 ..............................................8

(一)上海酒五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训不够重视 .....................................8 (二)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训内容设置不够完善 ..........................8 (三)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训时间安排有待优化 ..........................9 (四)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训的形式单一,手段不够新颖 ............9 (五)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训后的实践监督有待加强 ...................9 五、上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训的对策与建议 ..............................................9

(一)加强酒店对员工培训思想上的重视 ..........................................................9 (二)完善酒店对员工培训的内容设置 ............................................................ 10 (三)合理安排酒店员工培训的时间表 ............................................................ 10 (四)加强酒店对员工培训的形式和手段 ........................................................ 10 (五)定期对酒店员工进行QA抽查,追踪培训效果 ....................................... 11 六、结论 ................................................................................................................ 11 参考文献 ................................................................................................................ 11 英文概述 ................................................................................................................ 12






关键词: 培训理念;酒店;人员培训;应用

引 言

酒店是旅游业的重点支撑产业,如今世界排名前十位的国际饭店管理集团均已进入中国市场,并形成了一定的品牌效应和巨大的经济效应。而我国的酒店品牌和酒店管理集团发展迟缓,制约我国酒店业发展的重大瓶颈就是酒店专业人才的匮乏。酒店业不仅要引进人才,更重要的是要在酒店现有人员的基础上进行充分、有效的培训和开发。通过培训提高员工素质是饭店服务质量和竞争力提高的重要途径。本文是通过上海五角场华美达大酒店展开研究,基于该酒店对员工培训的多种方面进行分析。 一、酒店员工培训概述







(二)酒店员工培训的种类 1、以培训对象不同层次分类














(3)店外培训。培训的地点不在自己的酒店内,称为店外培训。店外培训的组织是酒店所属的学会院校等部门与机构。由经理决定哪两名员工需要进行培训,调整好员工的休息时间,让员工们能加强职业技术操作。 二、酒店员工培训的重要性

(一)培训有利于提高员工素质与技能、综合提升酒店服务质量与竞争力 培训是酒店培养符合自身需要人才的重要途径,各个不同级别的岗位需要员工的要求也有所不同,决策阶层需要有较强的判断与管理能力,管理阶层需要有良好的自身素质带领新的员工,更要有一定的组织管理能力,监督阶层需要有良好的配合能力,督促员工培训。当然尤为重要的是酒店的服务员需要有一定的责任心,上进心,工作努力刻苦,还有具有良好的个人素质。这些都是可以通过酒店对员工的培训来提高的。另外培训也是酒店打造自身竞争优势的重要途径,培训能增强员工对岗位的认知能力和操作能力,同时也增强了员工对社会竞争力。优质的服务质量也是提升酒店服务质量最关键的途径。

(二)培训有利于统一思想、形成良好企业文化,降低酒店经营成本 目前酒店业的竞争异常激烈,致使酒店的增收难度越来越大,酒店迫切需要通过节支以弥补减少的收入,酒店行业的一些研究中还发现,未受过培训的员工所造成的事故数量是受过培训员工的事故数量的三倍。通过培训可使员工掌握最优的工作方法和技能,从而大幅度提高工作效率。通过反复的灌输员工酒店的思想与企业文化,从而获得员工的认可。并将企业的文化发展传言下来。






(四)培训有利于促进员工自身发展、实现员工与酒店发展的和谐统一 每位员工总是希望被重视能得到认可的,从主管嘴里是不是说出的一句表扬的话语,或是关心的问候,都能让员工觉得自己是这个集体的一员,感觉到领导重视着我们的工作。酒店相当一部分员工,都希望在自己的工作中有发展的机会,尤其是优秀员工,其自身发展的需要更加强烈。这种需求如得不到满足,员工会觉得工作没劲、生活乏味,最终导致员工流失。通过培训不但使员工熟练掌握现有工作岗位所需的知识和技能,还使他们了解和掌握本专业或本行业的最新动态,以增强他们在实际工作中的创新能力和补位意识,为晋升发展创造必要条件。 三、上海五角场华美达大酒店员工培训分析




“I AM”理念是时刻致力于为每一位顾客带来悉心周到的呵护体验。“I AM”理念是华美达一个特有的课程,目的是能够为了向客人展示统一的服务标准,以使自己的酒店获得最终的成功。



“I AM”理念包括:(1)准备就绪:就像准备工作一样,员工必须穿着整洁的职业制服,女员工应化淡雅的妆,男员工应该干净整洁,面带微笑,精神饱满迎接顾客。保持桌面整洁,提前摆放需要用的工具在自己的工作区域内等。(2)提前预测:当顾客在前台准备登记入住或询问信息等情况时,员工应通过自己观察,提前发现客人的需要,并主动提出帮助。(3)亲切沟通:与客人交谈中可以了解许多信息,做个好的聆听者,并与客人亲切的沟通。(4)全面了解:通过亲切的沟通可以了解客人的需求,喜好,兴趣等。(5)保持愉悦:微笑是最亲切的欢迎方式,能让客人感觉到你的友好与热情。在工作中情绪是非常重要的,保持一天的心情愉悦是尤为重要的。(6)心怀感激:员工应怀着感激的心情工作,保持愉悦的心情才可以快乐的工作。

“I AM”理念对培训员工的重要性。(1)让员工融入一个组织文化,从而使其很快地成为更有效的一员。(2)共同的价值观信仰,历史,传统,标准,习惯把我们连接在一起,朝着共同的目标发展。(3)组织的战略和文化史紧密相连的,互相影响。合适的企业文化才能让企业的战略正确的执行。











培训日期 第一天 第一天 第一天 第一天 第一天 第一天 第一天 第二天 第二天 第二天 第二天 入职培训课程 破冰了解/培训计划/培训制度 集团历史与酒店文化 认知酒店 认识政策 形象影响未来 I AM 文化 《员工手册》讲解 世博会培训 安全培训 参观酒店 入职培训考核 培训时间 9:00-9:15 9:15-9:45 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:35 10:35-11:00 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 9:00-9:20 9:20-10:20 10:20-10:40 14:00-15:00 培训时长(分) 15 30 30 30 25 30 30 20 60 20 60 2、消防安全培训。针对每一位员工进行消防器材,消防常识的培训。让员工学会如何正确使用灭火器材,并进行实践的一项培训工作。消防安全培训每月一次,需每个部门4名员工轮流进行培训。


培训时间(次) 每两周14:00 培训地点 地下一楼 培训时长(分) 30 3、5S培训。5S是指5S”是整理(Seiri)、整顿(Seiton)、清扫(Seiso)、清洁(Seiketsu)和修身(Shitsuke)这5个词的缩写。因为这5个词日语中罗马拼音的第一个字母都是“S”,所以简称为“5S”。 为了有一个安全的、高效的、高品质的、人际和谐、精神状态朝气蓬勃的工作现场。5S是针对B级以上经理进行的培训计划。


培训时间(次) 每月 培训地点 多功能厅 培训时长(时) 2 7

















(四)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训的形式单一,手段不够新颖 华美达培训方式落后,一成不变,效果大打折扣。比如,酒店前厅部每月召开的前厅部会议,经理把一个月以来发生的问题一一提出,多以指责为主,严重的打击了员工的自信心。会后,由师傅对徒弟进行再次的培训,多以进行专业知识或是角色扮演这些过时的培训方法,让员工感到厌倦,从来达不到良好的效果。

(五)上海五角场华美达大酒店对员工培训后的实践监督有待加强 培训内容脱离实际,缺乏实用、培训方法单一,缺乏实践培训、观察和声像教学。没有很好的实践。实践过后并没有进行跟踪监督,具员工的了解操作程度一概不知。比如,每两个礼拜的消防培训,培训师当场教授我们区分干粉灭火器和二氧化碳灭火器的区别,然后边示范边讲解一次如何操作灭火器的正确动作。更令我惊讶的是没有让我们实际操作,只是简单的看。签上我们的名字就算培训结束了。这中培训是达不到预期的效果的。培训后也没有相关人员对我们进行考核监督,消防培训相当的草率。






培养培训师认识酒店员工培训的重要性,从而宣传开来,给酒店带来良好的风气,并延续下去。最重要的是要正确认识员工培训,培训是增强企业竞争力的有效途径,不能因其耗时耗财而不进行。调查发现经常投入进行培 训的酒店其投诉率药远远低于不经常投入培训的酒店,对于已经掌握基本技能的员工也要通 过培训来强化酒店的经营理念,了解酒店最近的经营状况、发展动态, 增强其归属感。培 训时间和方式的选择上可以根据酒店自身经营实际灵活而定。


变化,是企业环境的永恒主题。应变,是企业发展的基本任务之一。酒店员工的培训工作也 随 着发展而不断变化、不断完善。其发展优势集中表现为培训态度从淡漠变为重视、培训内容 从单一变为全面、培训方法从被动变为主动、培训工具从单一变为向多样、培训对象从低层变为高层。培训内容不仅限于师傅对徒弟培训,可引进一些别的酒店人员培训成功的例子,再融入华美达的专业知识对员工进行培训。也可以调派我酒店员工去华美达加盟店进行培训,吸取其酒店的优点,再加以改善从而得到良好的培训效果。员工培训,正在成为企业适应不断变化和日趋复杂环境过程中日益重要的核心职能。酒店业 的员工培训越来越被重视,培训工作的质量和培训效果,越来越直接地影响到酒店业的发展。




酒店应创新管理体系,建立激励机制。酒店应将酒店利益与员工个人发展协调统一。创立、创新人力资源体系,科学合理的进行员 工管理,奖罚分明,避免酒店中老员工以各种各样的方式排斥新员工现象的发生。科学管理 的同时合理使用激励手段,运用“人性化”的管理思想 ,最大限度地调动员工参与培训的 积极性、主动性,选择适合本企业的最佳培训方式以达到最佳的培训效果。如组



织筛选不同 阶层员工进行国内外的考察学习就是一种特殊的激励手段,就是一种形式改变的培训。个体 发展空间大,积极性才会提高,才会全身心投入到工作,进而对酒店的总体实力提升发挥应 有的作用。


酒店设立专职培训部门,由专职人员负责制定酒店员工的培训规划,并确保培训内容、时间、等关键问题的合理安排和落实;同时负责对酒店员工培训工作进行检查、 指导、严 格把关,使酒店培训系统化。QA抽查可以由酒店各部门经理进行,对员工定时的抽查也可以出一些考卷来测验员工的接受能力。要达到预期的培训效果必然是一个由制定→测评→培训→再测评→再培训→实践的过程,只有不断测评、修改才能使员工的培训得到完善。 六、结论



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Briefly Analysis on Hotel Staff Training

——A Case Study of Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang


Today's hotel industry, training is seen as an important content of the work. It is not only to train hotel professionals in different fields of the cradle, but also improve the hotel work, strengthen management, improve unexpectedly struggle, beat an important magic weapon. Fully understand the role and status of job training, job training to master the hotel characteristics and laws, the establishment of a complete training system, and seriously implement quality control training is the key to doing a good job training the hotel.

The hotel is the focus of tourism support industries, and now the world's top ten international hotel management groups have entered the Chinese market, and the formation of a certain brand and huge economic effect. Moreover, China's hotel brands and hotel management group with developmental delay, restrict the development of China's hotel industry is a major bottleneck in the lack of hotel professionals. Through training to improve staff quality is the hotel service quality and competitiveness of the important ways. This article is by Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang a study, based on the hotel staff training on various aspects of the analysis.

Hotel staff training is planned on the education and skills training activities. It not only can improve the service quality and management level, but also generate revenue for the hotel the same time as the development of its own staff. Employee's personal values can reflect.

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The training object Ramada hotel is divided into four levels. A-level manager are general manager and assistant manager. B-level managers are managers of various departments. C-level executives are the supervisory level hotel management. D-level staffs are hotel staff and the hotel operator level. The type of training is divided into pre-employment training and job training and job training outside.

Hotel staff training is extremely important because the training will help improve staff quality and skills, and integrated to enhance service quality and competitiveness of the hotel. Training and help unify thinking and create a good corporate culture, lower hotel operating costs. Staff training will help enhance understanding and recognition of the hotel, and promote teamwork. Training helps to promote their staff development, employees and hotel development to achieve the harmony.

Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang is located on the Huangxing Road where the vigorous development of east Shanghai Wujiaochang trade circle is. The hotel is close to major shopping areas, points of interest and cultural centers, such as Fudan University and Tongji University. Not more than a hundred feet to reach within the luxury fashion capital of Wujiaochang, enjoy the romantic feeling metropolis style. \AM\concept is always committed to bring to every careful and thoughtful customer care experience. \show unity in order to guest service standards, to make their own hotel for final success. Staff was training settings including literacy training, skills training, quality training. Staff training includes training of new recruits, fire safety training, 5S training. Employee training methods, including demonstrations, lectures and visual teaching

methods, supervised methods, role-playing approach, foreign language training.

By studying the Ramada Hotel, for staff training, and where there are deficiencies. At present, the Ramada hotel staff training has the following problems:

(1) Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang staff training is not enough emphasis on Ramada on the staff training has not formed a strict training regime and plan, with great discretion in the training content and the field situation more. For example,

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new staff induction training of the time originally scheduled for two days, while the actual number of training days to one day. Some of the content of the training division as busy with other things and omitted. End of the training was scheduled to visit the hotel the next day in all departments, arrange to meet with the hotel manager, the result is only lip service, resulting in many staff and hotel in specific sectors are not clear where. This phenomenon clearly shows that China and the United States up to the new staff induction training for teachers of non-existent. Staff training would not be a good first step; future work will bring great inconvenience.


Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang employee training set is not perfect

Ramada content of employee training set is relatively simple, the training staff did not talk after feedback training results do not realize the advantages and disadvantages. A professional knowledge of all they teach, after being allowed to operate, as the master work in busy work and where the problem first encountered by themselves, if it can not be resolved, and then notify the teacher to help you. Training a single, mostly to explain the type, and mainly observed. Training is not strictly on the assessment, no feedback phenomenon.


Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang staff training schedule to be optimized

Personnel to the staff training plan is not quite reasonable, and sometimes participate in staff training led to the majority, sometimes only a very small number of staff training. All the various departments to work more flexible hours, which can lead to back and forth several staff training, and many employees did not participate in training.

(4) Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang on staff training in the form of a single, new means not enough

Ramada training methods backward, static, the effect greatly reduced. For example, the hotel Front Office Front Office, held a monthly meeting, the manager to have taken place since the issues one by one month put forward more to blame mainly heavy blow to the confidence of staff.

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(5) Ramada Plaza Shanghai Yangpu staff training on the practice of supervision needs to be strengthened

Training is divorced from reality, the lack of practical training methods are simple, the lack of practical training, observation and audio-visual teaching. Not good practice. For example, every two weeks of fire training, training teachers on the spot dry powder fire extinguisher and teach we distinguish the difference between carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, and then one side to explain how the Model side fire extinguisher properly. I even surprised that did not let us practice, but simply to see. Sign our names even if the training is over.

In order to improve the quality of staff training in the Ramada, there are these suggestions.

(1) Strengthen the training of hotel staff thought the emphasis on

First of all training programs must implement the relevant departments to provide the necessary human and organizational security is an important prerequisite for doing a good job training programs. Development and implementation of training programs, the key is to implement the responsible person or the responsible unit. Training programs for people who work there must be considerable work experience. However, hotel staff trainers understand the importance of training to promote open to, bring a good atmosphere to the hotel, and continue. The most important thing is to correct understanding of staff training, the training is to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises an effective way, not because of time-consuming and money not to. Survey found that regular training of the hotel into their complaints are not always well below the rate of drug into the training of the hotel, who already have mastered the basic skills of employees through training to strengthen the hotel's business philosophy, to understand the operation of the hotel recently, developments enhance their sense of belonging. Training time and manner of the choice of operating according to the actual hotel itself is flexible and determined.

(2) Improve the content of the training hotel staff to set

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Change is the eternal theme of the enterprise environment. Strain, is one of the basic tasks of enterprise development. The training of hotel staff is also changing with the development and constantly improves. Dominant focus on the performance of its development from the indifferent attitude changed for the training of attention, training from a single into a comprehensive. Training is not limited to the master of the apprentice training, and introducing some other examples of successful training of hotel staff, and then into the expertise of Ramada staff training. I can also deploy staff to the Ramada hotel franchise training; learn the advantages of the hotel, together with improving the training to get good results. Staff training, is an enterprise to adapt to the changing and increasingly complex environment is becoming increasingly important core functions. The hotel industry, more and more emphasis on employee training, training quality and training effectiveness, more and more directly affect the hotel industry.

(3) Reasonable arrangements for hotel staff training schedule

Personnel training time should be reasonable arrangement, which is to enhance co-operation of various departments. Managers should first consult with various sectors of staff training programs. According to staff training, arrange a date. Avoid repeated training led to one or fewer people training phenomenon. Prepare work schedule to avoid wasting energy on leading personnel to happen.

(4) To strengthen training of hotel staff and means of the form

Hotel management system should be innovative, to establish an incentive mechanism. Hotel staff should be the hotel interests and personal development harmonization. Mobilize the enthusiasm of staff involved in training, initiative; choose the best training methods to the enterprise in order to achieve the best training effect. Screening of different sectors such as the organization's inspection staff to study abroad is a special kind of incentives to change is a form of training. Individual development of space, will increase the enthusiasm only throw him into work, thereby enhancing the overall strength of the hotel to play its proper role. 

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(5) Regular QA checks for hotel employees, track training effectiveness The establishment of full-time training in the hotel sector, the professionals responsible for developing the hotel staff training plan and ensure that training content, time, key issues such as rationalization and implementation; also responsible for staff training on the hotel inspection, guidance, strict control, so the hotel systematic training. QA checks can be carried out by the hotel manager of the department, regular spot checks of employees can be a number of papers to test employee acceptance. To achieve the desired training effect will be a development → Evaluation → Training → training → re → re-evaluation process of practice, only by continuously measurement, changes to staff training to be perfect.

Ramada Shanghai Wujiaochang for observation of staff training, this paper analyzes in depth the need for training of hotel staff, type of training factors, and from the training concept, content, design, and scheduling, training tools to study these areas. Found the Ramada Hotel on the lack of staff training, and appropriate recommendations. The hotel staff training tells us the importance of training. Therefore, staff training is important. The premise is good training for training needs analysis, training in before the hotel must do training needs analysis. Training needs analysis of training an important guarantee for effective and successful.

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