高中英语_Unit 2 Working the land教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

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英语新课标人教版高一必修四Unit 2 Working the land

Unit 2Working The Land 教学设计

Part 1 Analysis of the teaching material(教材分析)

This reading passage introduces students to Yuan longping and his great achievement about super hybrid rice , ridding more people of hunger.

Part 2 Teaching Aims and demands.(教学目标)

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲),and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:

Knowledge objects:








Part 3 the important and difficult points(重难点)

Based on the requirement of the syllabus, the important point is to enable the students to use the language by understanding the text and discussion

The difficult points is to motivate the students to talk freely and effectively, get them involved in pair work and group work

Part 4 Teaching Methods(教学方法)

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help students develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these aims (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims), I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories (现代社会交际教学理论).

1. Communicative Approach. (交际教学法)

2. Whole Language Teaching. (整体语言教学法)

3. Task-based Language Teaching. (任务教学法)

4.Total Situational Action (情景教学) a“scene-activity”teaching method, it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the students. At the same time, CAI(电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the students’creativity in learning English.

Part 5 Studying way: Cooperative learning; Self-exploring

Part 6 Teaching aid: Multi-media

Part 7 Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Lead-in (1 minute)

Let students look at some pictures to arouse students’ awareness about hunger.

(1)to catch students’ attention about my class.

(2)to develop the interest of learning English.

Step 2 Going through the title and the picture to get the main idea of the text. (1 minute)

The passage is about _______________ who is the Father of _________________.

Reading tips: _____________________________________________________________


Possible answer:Yuan Longping;super hybrid rice;Going through the title and the pictures first helps us get a general idea quickly;Skimming can help us get a general idea quickly as well. Step 3Fast reading(快速阅读)(3minutes)

Question: Skim the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1 A. Dr Y uan’s dreams.

Para 2 B. Dr Y uan’s appearance and his achievement.

Para 3 C. Dr Y uan’s biography.

Para 4 D. Dr Y uan’s personality.

Purpose of my design is to enhance the ability of finding topic sentence.

Possible answer:Para 1 B;Para 2 C; Para 3 D ; Para 4a


Step 4. Careful reading. (17minutes)

Task1.What does he look like?_____________________________________________________ What’s his achievement?_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Possible answer: 1sunburnt, slim, strong … more… than…2.grows… makes…20%







Life goal


Possible answer: Y uan Longping ; Chinese;Born ; Southwest Agricultural College ; Only producing 56 million tons of rice; Finding ways to produce more rice ; rid the world of hunger


Task3.Read paragraph 3 and choose the right answer.

1.What are Dr. Yuan’ s hobbies? ( )

A. listening to violin music

B. playing mah-jong

C. swimming reading

D. A, B and C are all right.

2.Which of the following description about Dr Y uan’s personality is not true? ( )

A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.

B. He cares little about money and fame.

C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.

D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

3.What is Yuan Longping’s attitude towards money? ( )

A. The more, the better.

B. Too much will cause a lot of troubles.

C. Money is of no use.

D. He thinks we should devote money to the poor.

Possible answer: D; A; B

目的; 通过这段精读,学生了解到袁隆平不仅是个伟大的科学家也是个普通人,也有自己的兴趣和爱好,但值得学生学习的是他是一个不爱钱的人,把自己的钱用于水稻研究。Task4.Read paragraph 3Draw a picture about his first dream on your own paper and speak out his other dreams.

Possible answer: 1.Produce a kind of rice that could feed more people(As tall as sorghum; As big as a corn; As huge as a peanut ) 2.To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world


Step 5. Summary (语法填空) Fill in the blanks

Yuan Longping is a famous scientist, but he considers 1______(he) a farmer. As a young man, he knew hunger was a 2_________(disturb) problem. After graduation , he found a way to increase rice harvest without 3__________(expand) the areas of the fields. He grows 4_______ is called super hybrid rice, which makes 5_____possible to produce more in the same fields. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools 6______(rid ) the world of hunger. In 1973, he 7_______(become) the first agricultural pioneer. He is 8_________ (satisfy ) with his life, but he cares little about money. He also has his dreams because he loves and cares for his people. Possible answer: himself; disturbing;expanding;what; it; to rid; became; satisfied


Step 6. 观看袁隆平的视频


Step 7. Post-reading (Practice what you have learned today according to the reference.)

Dr. yuan has received the “World Food Prize”, now he is attending the “ news conference ” Make a dialogue in your group. One is Yuan Longping, one is a host and the rest are journalists from

all over the world.

1.Why did you want to increase the rice output?

2. How do you help rid the world of hunger?

3. What kind of life are you leading? …

rid …of, be satisfied with, expand, circulate, would rather, equip, thanks to , rather than…

目的:巩固本节课所学的内容,也能锻炼小组合作精神,同时也能锻炼学生的口语表达能力。Step 7.Homework:

Surf the Internet to find more information about farming and you are expected to present it to your classmates in the next class.





一节好的阅读课的所有活动都应该围绕文章topic进行,应注意中下层学生对课文的理解和掌握,要兼顾vocabulary, structure 和topic之间的关系。阅读课中discussion应该是更深层次的讨论,加深讨论就是评论,应check the result of the discussion。讨论中,


课程名称:Unit 2 Working The Land


A Pioneer Of All People








理解(Comprehending)部分设计了四个练习,主要用来帮助学生更好地理解课文的内容。练习1 是填写表格,要求学生根据课文中的内容来完成表格,检测学生对袁隆平的生平了解。练习2 是释义题,要求学生运用不同的语法结构和词汇改写练习中的五个句子,保持句意不变。练习三是问答题,检测学生对课文的深层理解。练习四是小组讨论活动。要求学生对课文中的主人公袁隆平这个任务展开讨论,引导学生独立思考,对人物做出评价,并发表自己的感想。在讨论的过程中可以使学生得到人生观和世界观的教育。

※Going through the title and the picture to get the main idea of the text.

The passage is about _______________ who is the Father of _________________.

Reading tips: _____________________________________________________________

※Fast reading (Skim the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.) Para 1 A. Dr Y uan’s dreams.

Para 2 B. Dr Y uan’s appearance and his achievement.

Para 3 C. Dr Y uan’s biography.

Para 4 D. Dr Y uan’s personality.

※Careful reading (Para 1)

What does he look like?_____________________________________________________ What’s his achievement?_____________________________________________________

Careful reading (Para 3 ) Choose the right answer.

1.What are Dr. Yuan’ s hobbies? ( )

A. listening to violin music

B. playing mah-jong

C. swimming reading

D. A, B and C are all right.

2.Which of the following description about Dr Yuan’s personality is not true? ( )

A. He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.

B. He cares little about money and fame.

C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.

D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.

3.What is Yuan Longping’s attitude towards money? ( )

A. The more, the better.

B. Too much will cause a lot of troubles.

C. Money is of no use.

D. He thinks we should devote money to the poor.

※Careful reading(Para 4)Draw a picture about his first dream on your own paper and speak out his other dreams.

※Summary (语法填空)

Yuan Longping is a famous scientist, but he considers 1______(he) a farmer. As a young man, he knew hunger was a 2_________(disturb) problem. After graduation , he found a way to increase rice harvest without 3__________(expand) the areas of the fields. He grows 4_______ is called super hybrid rice, which makes 5_____possible to produce more in the same fields. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools 6______(rid ) the world of hunger. In 1973, he 7_______(become) the first agricultural pioneer. He is 8_________ (satisfy ) with his life, but he cares little about money. He also has his dreams because he loves and cares for his people.

※Post-reading (Practice what you have learned today according to the reference.)

Dr. yuan has received the “World Food Prize”, now he is attending the “ news conference ” Make a dialogue in your group. One is Yuan Longping, one is a host and the rest are journalists from

all over the world.

1.Why did you want to increase the rice output?

2. How do you help rid the world of hunger?

3. What kind of life are you leading? …

rid …of, be satisfied with, expand, circulate, would rather, equip, thanks to , rather than…


Surf the Internet to find more information about farming and you are expected to present it to your classmates in the next class.







本单元以“科学家袁隆平的伟大成就也就是杂交水稻”为中心话题,通过单元教学让学生了解袁隆平的伟大研究,使水稻产量提升,解决了中国乃至全世界饥饿的问题。同时也了解到袁隆平作为一个普通人的生活,有他自己的爱好兴趣和梦想。激励学生养成节约的习惯,并为提高农作物产量贡献自己的力量。因此,通过本单元的学习,学生应达到的目标是: 一、语言技能










1. 在学习中有较强的合作精神,愿意与他人分享各种学习资源;

2. 能在交流中用英语简单介绍自己如何在科学领域做贡献;







