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? Section I Dialogue

- Could you tell me something about “mechatronics” [,mek?'tr?niks]? -你能告诉我一些关于“机电一体化”的东西吗?

-Sure. Mechatronics is a term for the integration [,inti'ɡrei??n] of mechanical [mi'k?nik?l] and electronic engineering [,end?i'ni?ri?].

-当然可以。机电一体化是一个综合了机械和电子工程的术语。 - It sounds like a new concept ['k?nsept]. -这听起来像是一个新概念。

-I don’t think so. In fact, mechatronics was coins by the Japanese 40 years ago and has been widely used in the world for many years. And mechatronic devices [di'vais] have become common on our society.

-我不这么认为。事实上, 日本40年前提出机电一体化的概念,并且已经在世界范围内广泛使用多年。在我们的社会,机电设备变的很普遍。

-You mean mechatronic devices have crept into our everyday life? -你的意思是机电一体化设备已经悄悄进入我们的日常生活?

-Right. Don’t you notice that the devices such as photocopiers [,f?ut?u'k?pi?],computer disk drives, robots ['r?ub?t] and clothes dryers being used in our daily ['deili] life?


-I’ve got it. I didn’t know they were mechatronic devices before. 我明白了,我以前并不知道他们是机电设备。 ? Section II Reading

Getting a Hold on Mechatronics


Mechatronics is a blend [blend] of mechanics [mi'k?niks] and electronics. 机电一体化是机械学和电子学的结合。

It has come to mean the synergistic [,sin?'d?istik] use of mechanical engineering, control theory['θi?ri], computer science, and sensor and actuator ['?ktjueit?] technology to design improved products and processes ['pr?uses].


The standard ['st?nd?d] clothes dryer is typically ['tipik?li] controlled by a mechanical timer. 标准控制干衣机是典型的通过机械定时器控制。 The user adjusts the timer according to the size and dampness of the load. 用户根据负荷的大小和湿度调整定时器。

If the timing device is not set properly ['pr?p?li], the drying cycle may be too short and the laundry ['l?:ndri] may come out wet, or the machine could run long and waste energy ['en?d?i].如果计时装置设置不合适,干燥周期可能太短,洗出来的衣服是潮湿的,或机器可能运行长,浪费能源。 A clothes dryer, however, might be fitted with a sensor-based feedback system that lets the

machine measure the moisture ['m?ist??] content ['k?ntent] of the fabrics ['f?brik] or the exhaust [iɡ'z?:st] air, and turn itself off when the load is dry.


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Operating performance [p?'f?:m?ns] is enhanced and energy use is lowered as a result. 因此,操作性能提高并且能源使用降低。 The redesigned [,ri:di'zain] dryer might even be cheaper to buy, depending on the cost of the components [k?m'p?un?nt] that comprise [k?m'praiz] the electromechanical [i,lektr?umi'k?nik?l] control system.

重新设计的干衣机甚至可能更便宜,这取决于包含机电控制系统组成的成本。 ? Section III Words and Expressions

dialogue n. 对话 vi. 对话[di- 二次、二倍(bi-)log- 言词 论述] mechanic [mi'k?nik] n.技工 机械式

mechanical [mi'k?nik?l] adj. 机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的 ~engineer mechatronics [,mek?'tr?niks]n. 机电一体化;机械电子学

electromechanical [i,lektr?umi'k?nik?l] adj. [电][机] 电动机械的,[机] 机电的 电机学的 electron [i'lektr?n] n. 电子

electronic [,ilek'tr?nik] adj. 电子的

electronics [,ilek'tr?niks] n. 电子学;电子工业 electronical [i,lek'tr?nikl] adj. 电子的 term [t?:m] n. 术语;学期;期限;条款 integration [,inti'ɡrei??n] n. 集成;综合

integrate ['intiɡreit] vt. 使?完整;使?成整体 engineering [,end?i'ni?ri?] n. 工程,工程学 engineer [,end?i'ni?] n. 工程师

coin [k?in] n. 硬币,钱币 vt. 铸造(货币);杜撰,创造 devices n. 设备;装置;器件(device的复数) photocopier [,f?ut?u'k?pi?] n. 影印机;复印机

robot ['r?ub?t, -b?t, 'r?b?t]n. 机器人;遥控设备,自动机械;机械般工作的人 robotics [r?u'b?tiks] n. 机器人学(robotic的复数)

synergistic [,sin?'d?istik] adj. 协同的;协作的 syn- [sin] pref. 类似;连;同时;相同 actuator ['?ktjueit?] n. [自] 执行机构;激励者;促动器

actuate ['?ktjueit, -t?u-] vt. 开动(机器等);促使,驱使;激励(人等)act 行动 行为 dampness ['d?mpnis] n. 潮湿;湿气

damp [d?mp] n. 潮湿,湿气 adj. 潮湿的 vt. 使潮湿vi.变潮湿 moisture ['m?ist??]n. 水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量 moist [m?ist] n. 潮湿 adj. 潮湿的;多雨的;含泪的

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? Section I Dialogue

J: May I ask you some questions about sensors? M: Sure. Go ahead, please. J: What is a sensor?

M: As far as I know, a sensor is a device for discovering the presence ['prez?ns] of a small amount of light, heat, sound, etc [et'set?r?].

据我所知, 传感器是一种可以发现少量的光、热、声音等存在的装置。

J: How does it work?

M: It usually converts [k?n'v?:t] what it discovers to an electrical [i'lektrik?l] signal. 它通常将它的发现转换为一个电信号。

J: It is said that there are many types of sensors available today. But how to select a right sensor? 据说, 现在有很多类型的感应器。但如何选择一个正确的传感器?

M: You need to know the type of motion ['m?u??n], precision [pri'si??n] of motion, magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] of motion and operating conditions[k?n'di??n].

你需要知道运动的类型,运动的精度,运动的量级和操作环境。 J: Thank you for so much information. I’ve really learned a lot from your words. 谢谢你这么多的信息。我从你的话里真的学到很多。 M: That’s my pleasure. ? Section II Reading

Application [,?pli'kei??n] of Sensors 传感器的应用

Look at the following pictures and try to understand the application of sensors. 看看下面的图片,并尝试了解传感器的应用。 Industrial [in'd?stri?l] Sensors 工业传感器 接近

-Mechanical -机械的 -光学的

-Optical ['?ptik?l]

Proximity [pr?k'simiti]

industry 工业 产业

ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)

adj. 光学的;眼睛的,视觉的

inductance [in'd?kt?ns] n. 电感 capacitance [k?'p?sit?ns] n.电容

-Inductive [in'd?ktiv] /Capacitive [k?'p?sitiv] -电感的/电容的 位置/速度

Position/Velocity [vi'l?s?ti] -Potentiometer [p?u,ten?i'?mit?]

potentio-电位 -meter [mi:t?] comb.form “计”“仪”“表” -电位计 potential [p?u'ten??l] n. 潜能;可能性;[电] 电势 -LVDT(liner variable-differential ['vε?ri?bl-,dif?'ren??l] transformer) -线性可变差动变压器 transformer [tr?ns'f?:m?] n. [电] 变压器 变形金刚

-Encoder [en'k?ud?] -编码器

encode [en'k?ud]vt. [计] 编码,译码

en- pref. 使处于?境地 code [k?ud]n. 代码,密码vt. 编码

tacho ['t?k?u] n. 转速计;转速器

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-Tachogenerator ['t?k?'d?en?reit?]

-测速发电机 力/压力

generator ['d?en?reit?] n. 发电机;发生器;生产者

Force/Pressure ['pre??]

Vibration [vai'brei??n]/Acceleration [?k,sel?'rei??n] 振动/加速度 应用实例 洗车装置

Example Applications -Car wash application

-Paper roll thickness monitor -滚筒纸厚度检测 -废水流量

-Waste water flow volume

vibrate [vai'breit] vi. 振动;颤动 accelerate [?k'sel?reit] vi. 加速

thick [θik] adj. 厚的;浓的 -ness [nis] suf. [常附于形容 词后面构成抽象名词]表示“性质”,“状态”,“程度” volume ['v?lju:m] n. 量;体积;卷;音量;大量;册 volumetric [,v?lju'metrik] adj. [物] 体积的;[物] 容积的

Inductive and capacitive proximity sensors 电感式和电容式接近传感器

-Inductive sensors use change in local magnetic [m?ɡ'netik] field to detect presence of metal target -电感式传感器利用局部磁场变化检测金属目标的存在 -电容传感器利用非金属物体引起局部电容的变化 -Generally short ranges only -通常只适用于短距离

-Regarded as very robust [r?u'b?st] and reliable -被视为非常耐用和可靠 Example Inductive Sensors 电感式传感器实例

-Detection of open/close functions -打开/关闭功能的检测 -Detection of rotation -旋转的检测

-Detect presence of objet without contact -检测无接触物体的存在 -Range 3mm +/- 10%

-范围3mm +/- 10% (plus or minus ['main?s] 10%)

-Capacitive sensors use change in local capacitive caused by non-metallic objects

? Section III Words and Expressions

convert [k?n'v?:t] vt. 使转变;转换?;使?改变信仰 vi. 转变 皈依;改变信仰 n. 皈依者 converter [k?n'v?:t?] n. [电] 变流器,整流器;转化器 conver n. 转换 convers 匡威

motion ['m?u??n] n. 动作;移动;手势;请求;意向 vi. 运动;打手势 vt. 运动;向?打手势 precision [pri'si??n] n. 精度,[数] 精密度;精确 adj. 精密的,精确的 magnitude ['m?ɡnitju:d] n. 大小;量级;[地震] 震级;重要;光度 magnetic [m?ɡ'netik] adj. 地磁的;有磁性的;有吸引力的 magnet ['m?ɡnit] n. 磁铁;[电磁] 磁体;磁石

robust [r?u'b?st, 'r?ub?st] adj. 强健的;健康的;坚固的;耐用的 ROBUST:乐百氏

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? Section I Dialogue

J: Do you have any idea about stepper motors?

M: Yes. Stepper motors are special direct-current (DC) motors. 是的。步进电机是一种特殊的直流电机。

J: Oh, I see. But what’s the use of stepper motors? 噢,我明白了。不过步进电机有哪些应用呢?

M: Stepper motors can be applied [?'plaid] where you need to control rotation angle ['??ɡl], speed, position and synchronism ['si?kr?niz?m].


J: That is to say, a stepper motor can be a good choice whenever controlled movement is required.这就是说,每当需要运动控制,步进电机是一个不错的选择。

M: That’s right. Actually, one of its most significant [sig'nifik?nt] uses is its ability to be accurately

['?kjuritli] controlled in an open loop system.

没错。实际上, 它最重要的用途之一是能够在开环系统中准确地控制。 J: Oh, I understand. It’s very kind of you to tell me so much. M: My pleasure.

? Section II Reading

Stepper Motor 步进电机

Stepper motors are special motors that are used when motion and position have to be precisely

[pri'saisli] controlled.步进电机是一种特殊的电动机,它用于精确的控制运动和位置。

It translates current pulse[p?ls] into motor rotation and every times receives a digital['did?it?l] pulse it rotates a number of degrees in rotation.

它将电流脉冲转化成电机旋转,每次收到一个数字脉冲,依次旋转一定的角度。 requirement for position feedback.

The main advantage of stepper motors is that they can achieve accurate position control without the 步进电机的最大的优势是无需要求位置反馈就能实现精确的位置控制。

In other words, they can run “open loop”, which significantly [sig'nif?k?ntli] reduces the cost of a position control system.


Stepper motors are commonly used on measurement and control applications. 步进电机常用于测量和控制应用。

Sample applications include ink jet printers (the paper feed and print head drivers), CNC machines (controlled motion and accurate positioning) and volumetric [,v?lju'metrik] pumps. 量泵。

And today stepper motors also can be found in computer peripherals [p?'rif?r?ls], machine tools, medical ['medik?l] equipment [i'kwipm?nt], automotive [,?:t?u'm?utiv] devices, small business machines and so an.

现在,在计算机外围设备、机床、医疗设备、车载设备、小型商业机器上也会发现步进电机(的应用)。 举例说明,(步进电机的)应用包括喷墨打印机(送纸和打印头驱动),数控机床(精确控制位移)和容积计

? Section III Words and Expressions

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current ['k?r?nt] n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流 adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的 direct current [电] 直流;[电] 直流电 DC alternating current ['?:lt?neiti?] [电] 交流电 AC angle ['??ɡl] n. 角度,角 angel ['eind??l] n. 天使;守护神

synchronism ['si?kr?niz?m] n. 同时发生,同步性 syn- [sin]pref. 类似;同时;相同 sync [si?k] n. 同步,同时vt. 使同步vi. 同时发生 synch [si?k] n. 同时,同步 synchron [si?k] n.同步

synchronic [si?'kr?nik, sin-] adj. 不考虑历史上变化的;限于一时的;同步的

significant [sig'nifik?nt] n. 象征;有意义的事物 adj. 重大的;有意义的;意味深长的 significantly [sig'nif?k?ntli] adv. 意味深长地;值得注目地 accurately ['?kjuritli] adv. 精确地,准确地 accurate ['?kjur?t] adj. 精确的 open loop [自] 开环 开路 closed loop 闭环,闭合环路

semi-closed loop 半闭环semi- ['sem(a)i-] pref. 半;部分 conductor [k?n'd?kt?] n. 导体

insulator ['insjuleit?, 'ins?-] n. [物] 绝缘体 Ins. 绝缘等级 semiconductor [,semik?n'd?kt?] n. 半导体 digital ['did?it?l] adj. 数字的;手指的 n. 数字;键

analog ['?n?l?ɡ] n. [自] 模拟;类似物 adj. [自] 模拟的;有长短针的 in rotation 轮流地;交替地;依次

measurement ['me??m?nt] n. 测量;[计量] 度量;尺寸;量度制 peripherals [p?'rif?r?ls] n. 周边设备;外围设备;电脑外设

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? Section I Dialogue

-Excuse me, Mary. I feel quite confused about the difference between numerical [nju:'merik?l] control (NC) and computer numerical control (CNC). Could you explain it to me?

-打扰一下,玛丽。我觉得很困惑数控(NC)和计算机数控(CNC) 之间的差异。你能给我解释一下吗? -Well, numerical control is a method of operating a manufacturing [,m?nju'f?kt??ri?] machine based on a code of letters, numbers, and special characters automatically [,?:t?'m?tik?li]. -好的,数控是基于字符、数字和特殊符号组成的代码来控制加工设备自动运行的一种技术。 -Oh, I see. Then what is CNC?

-Good question. When numerical control is performed under computer supervision, it is called computer numerical control.

-问得好。当数字控制在计算机的管理下进行,它被称为计算机数控。 -You mean computers are the control units of CNC machines. -你的意思计算机是数控机床的控制单元。 -Yes, you are right.

-Thank you for your explanation[,ekspl?'nei??n]. -My pleasure.

? Section II Reading

Advantages of Computer Numerical Control 计算机数控的优点 Today, computer numerical control machines are found almost everywhere, from small job shops to Fortune ['f?:t??n] 500 companies, because CNC machines have many advantages over conventional [k?n'ven??n?l] machine: 数控机床在小企业或《财富》杂志所评的500强大公司中随处可见,是因为它具有比普通机床更多的优势。 1. There is a possibility of performing multiple operations on the same machine in one setup. 1. 在一台机器上,一次装夹(设置)可以完成实现多种操作。 2. Because of the possibility of simultaneous multi-axis tool movement, special profile tools are not necessary to cut unusual part shapes. 2.因为机床可以多轴联动,所以在加工特殊外形零件时不需要专用成形刀具。 3. The scrap rate is significantly reduced because of the precision of the CNC machine and lesser operator impact. 3. 因为数控机床的精度,受操作者的影响小,废品率显着降低。 4. It is easy to incorporate [in'k?:p?reit] part design changes when CAD/CAM systems are used. 4. 当使用CAD / CAM系统的时,对零件装配设计的修改就变得更容易。 5. It is easier to perform quality assurance [?'?u?r?ns] by a spot-check instead of checking all parts. 5. 通过抽查代替全检,质量更容易保证。 6. Production is significantly increased. 6. 产量显著增加。 ? Section III Words and Expressions

manufacturing [,m?nju'f?kt??ri?] adj. 制造的;制造业的 n. 制造业,工业v. 制造;生产 manufacture [,m?nju'f?kt??] n. 制造;产品;制造业 vt. 制造;加工;捏造 vi. 制造 manu- ['ma:nu:] pref. 手,人工

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facture ['f?kt??] n. 制作;发票;制作法

character ['k?r?kt?] n. 性格,品质;特性;角色;[计] 字符 vt. 印,刻;使具有特征 auto- ['?:t?u] pref. 自动;自己;汽车 maticn n.电气自动方式

automatically [,?:t?'m?tik?li] adv. 自动地;机械地;无意识地 automatical adj. 自动的

supervision [,sju:p?'vi??n] n. 监督,管理 super- ['sju:p?] pref. 在之上;超级的

vision ['vi??n] n. 视力;美景;眼力;幻象;想象力 vt. 想象;显现;梦见

fortune ['f?:t??n, -t?u:n] n. 财富;命运;运气;财富杂志vt. 给予财富vi. 偶然发生网络释义 conventional [k?n'ven??n?l] adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的 convention [k?n'ven??n] n. 大会;[法] 惯例;[计] 约定;[法] 协定;习俗 multiple ['m?ltipl] adj. 多重的;多样的;许多的

mult- [m?lt] comb.form [用于元音字母前]表示:多,多倍(=multi-) multi-axis 多轴的 setup ['set?p] n. 设置;机构;组织;调整;计划;装备 simultaneous [,sim?l'teini?s] adj. 同时的;联立的;同时发生的 simul ['sim?l] adv. 同时,一起(处方用语,等于together)

incorporate [in'k?:p?reit, in'k?:p?r?t] vt. 包含,吸收vi. 合并;混合 adj. 合并的;一体化的 corporate ['k?:p?rit] adj. 法人的;共同的,全体的;社团的

corporation [,k?:p?'rei??n] n. 公司;法人(团体);社团;大腹便便;市政当局 assurance [?'?u?r?ns] n. 保证;保险;确信;断言

insurance [in'?u?r?ns] n. 保险;保险费;保险契约;赔偿金 surance 保险

spot-check ['sp?t,t?ek] vt. 做抽样调查 vi. 抽查

unusual [,?n'ju:?u?l] adj. 不寻常的;与众不同的;不平常的 usual ['ju:?u?l] adj. 通常的,惯例的;平常的 usually ['ju:?u?li] adv. 通常,经常

un- [?n] pref. 用于形容词之前,表示不;加于动词前,表做出相反的动作;加于名词前,表由取出

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Unit 5 CNC Machines

? Section I Dialogue

Let’s talk about some application of CNC. 让我们来谈谈计算机数控的一些应用。

CNC is being used on all types of machine tools, from the simplest to the most complex. 计算机数控(被)使用于各种机床,从最简单最复杂的。

Yeah, you are right. Nowadays the most common machine tools are the single-spindle ['spindl] drilling machine, lathe, milling machine, turning center and machining center.

是的,你是对的。如今最常见的机床有单轴钻床、车床、铣床、车削中心、加工中心。 But what types of machining centers are there? 但是加工中心有哪些类型?

There are two main types: the horizontal['h?ri'z?nt?l] spindle and the vertical['v?:tik?l] spindle machine. 加工中心主要有两种:卧式主轴加工中心和立式主轴加工中心。

Would you please tell me some details about the horizontal spindle type? 请你告诉我一些有关卧式主轴加工中心的细节?

The travelling-column ['k?l?m](移动立柱) type is equipped with over or usually two tables(工作台) on which the workpiece ['w?:kpi:s](工件) can be mounted(安装) while the fixed-column(固定立柱) type is equipped with a pallet(托盘) shuttle(滑台) ['??tl].

移动立柱型配备有两个或两个以上的工作台,其上面可以固定加工件,而固定立柱型则配备有一个托盘式滑动工作台。 I see. Thanks.

? Section II Reading

Types of CNC Machines 数控机床的类型

CNC has touched almost every aspect ['?spekt] of manufacturing. 计算机数控几乎已经触及制造业的每一方面。

Many machining processes have been improved through the use of CNC. 通过使用数控许多加工过程中已得到改进。

Machining center and turning centers are two typical types of CNC machine. 加工中心和车削中心是数控机床两个典型的类型。

Machining centers are the latest development in CNC technology and are also the popular types of CNC machine tools used today.


At a single setup, machining centers can perform such operations as all kinds of milling (face milling, contour milling, slot milling, etc.), drilling, tapping ['t?pi?], reaming ['ri:mi?], boring, and counterboring



In similar fashion, CNC turning centers are capable ['keip?bl] of executing ['eksikju:t] many different types of lathe cutting operations (like facing, boring, turning, grooving, knurling, and threading) simultaneously [saim?l'teini?sli] on rotating part.


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In addition [?'di??n] to machining centers and turning centers, CNC technology has also been applied to many other types of manufacturing equipments such as wire electrical discharge machines (wire EDM) and laser cutting machines.


? Section III Words and Expressions

horizontal ['h?ri'z?nt?l] adj. 水平的;地平线的;同一阶层的n. 水平线,水平面;水平位置 vertical ['v?:tik?l] adj. 垂直的,直立的 n. 垂直线,垂直面 column ['k?l?m] n. 纵队,列;专栏;圆柱,柱形物 workpiece ['w?:kpi:s] n. 工件;轧件;工件壁厚 pallet ['p?lit] n. 托盘,货板;简陋小床;调色板

shuttle ['??tl] n. 滑台 航天飞机;穿梭;梭子vt. 使穿梭般来回移动vi. 穿梭往返 aspect ['?spekt] n. 方面;方向;形势;外貌

contour ['k?ntu?] n. 轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要 vt. 画轮廓;画等高线 bore [b?:] n. 孔;令人讨厌的人 vt. 钻孔;使烦扰 vi. 钻孔 counterbore ['kaunt?,b?:] n. 埋头孔,扩孔

slot [sl?t] n. 位置;狭槽;水沟;硬币投币口 vt. 跟踪;开槽于 groove [ɡru:v] vt. 开槽于 vi. 形成沟槽 knurl [n?:l] n. 隆起;节,瘤;硬节 压纹 滚花

tap [t?p] 攻丝 vt. 轻敲;轻打;装上嘴子vi. 轻拍;轻击;轻叩 n. 水龙头;轻打 ream [ri:m] n. 令(纸张的计数单位);大量 vt. 榨取(果汁等);扩展;铰孔 thread [θred] n. 线;螺纹 vt. 穿过;穿线于;使交织 vi. 通过;穿透过

discharge [dis't?ɑ:d?] vt. 解雇;卸下;放出;免除 n. 排放;卸货;解雇vi. 排放;卸货,放电 charge [t?ɑ:d?] n. 费用;电荷;掌管;命令 vt. 使充电;使承担 vi. 充电;控告;索价; dis- [dis] pref. 表示不;表示否定、相反或相对;表示分离、夺去

? Section IV Technical Terms

single-spindle drilling machine turning center machining center milling machine travelling-column fixed-column

wire electrical discharge machines (wire EDM) laser cutting machines

- 10 -

Unit 6 The Components of CNC Machine

? Section I Dialogue

It is said that CNC machine is very popular nowadays, but I’m still strange to it. Could you please tell me something about it?

据说数控机床是现在非常流行,但是我对机床还是不了解。你能告诉我一些关于它的事吗? A CNC machine is an NC machine with additional features of an on-board computer. 计算机数控机床是具有安装在机床上的计算机的附加功能的数控机床。 Oh, I see. But what is an on-board computer? 哦,我明白了。但是什么是安装在机床上的电脑?

The on-board computer refers to the machine control unit (MCU). 安装在机床上的电脑指的是指机床控制单元(MCU)。 You mean the control unit of NC machine. 你的意思是数控机床的控制单元。

Not exactly. There are some differences between them. The control unit of NC machine is usually hard wired. However, the on-board computer is soft wired. 件连接。

With the computer, there must be some programs. 同时计算机上必须有一些程序。

You’re really smart. With CNC program entered, the computer can operate the machine automatically. 你真聪明。随着数控程序的输入,计算机就可以自动操作机床。


? Section II Reading

The Components of CNC Machine 数控机床的组成

CNC machine tools are complex assemblies. However, in general, any CNC machine tool consists of the following units: computer, control system, drive motor and tool changer.


Computer controls data. If there is a minicomputer programming, say, a radius, the computer will calculate all the points on the tool path.


The CNC control system activates the appropriate machine functions, causes axis motion, and in general, follows the instructions given in the program. The drives motor controls the machine slide movement on CNC equipment.


Tool changer is set on most machines and allows multiple tools to be quickly changed. 大多数机床装有换刀系统设置,并且允许多个工具迅速改变。

For a universal style, CNC lathe, for example, is composed of bed, headstock and spindle, chuck, turret construction, tailstock and computer system.


- 11 -

? Section III Words and Expressions

additional [?'di??n?l] adj. 附加的,额外的 add – addit – addition

on-board ['?n'b?:d, '?:n-] adj. 在船上的;在车上的;在飞机上的;装在数控机床上的 broad [br?:d] n. 宽阔部分 adj. 宽的,辽阔的;显著的;大概的 adv. 宽阔地 abroad [?'br?:d] n. 海外;异国adj. 往国外的adv. 在国外;到海外 a- [?] pref. 处于...状态或过程中;在?之上;朝着;用于加强语气 activate ['?ktiveit]vt. 刺激;使活动vi. 激活;有活力 appropriate [?'pr?uprieit] adj. 适当的 vt. 占用;拨出

universal [,ju:ni'v?:s?l] adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的n. 一般概念;普通性 Universal:环球 | 环球公司 | 环球唱片 headstock ['hedst?k] n. 主轴承 主轴箱

chuck [t??k] vt. 丢弃,抛掷;驱逐;轻拍 n. [机] 卡盘;抚弄;赶走;咯咯声 turret ['t?rit, 't?:-, 'tu?-] n. 炮塔;角楼;小塔;攻城用仰冲车 转塔刀架 tailstock ['teilst?k] n. (车床的可调整或可滑动的)[机] 尾座

? Section IV Technical Terms


machine control unit hard wire soft wire drive motor tool changer tool path

- 12 -

Unit 7 CNC Programming

? Section I Dialogue

It is believed that conversational programming and CAM system programming are very popular in recent years.


Yes, but nowadays CAM system programming us more popular because CAM systems can program different kinds of machines with the same basic language while conversational controls can only generate part programs for a single machine.


Why not use manual programming at present? 现在为什么不使用手工编程呢?

Using a computer to prepare part programs can improve efficiency and accuracy. 用电脑做编写部分程序就可以提高效率和准确性。

In your opinion, it isn’t necessary for us to know manual programming. 在你看来, 我们一定必须掌握手工编程。

Not exactly. Successful use of computerized programming requires understanding of manual programming method.


That is to say, knowing manual programming well - really understanding it - will be the key to master the power of CAM software.

也就是说,掌握手工编程,真正了解它,是精通CAM软件的关键。 Completely right. You’re really a quick learner. 完全正确,你真聪明。

? Section II Reading

Methods for CNC Programming 数控编程方法

There are three methods of developing CNC programs: manual programming, conversational programming, and CAM system programming.

有三种方法开发(编写)CNC程序:手工编程、对话式编程和CAM编程。 Manual Programming 手工编程

Manual programming tends to be somewhat boring. Admittedly, the words and commands involved with manual programming can be somewhat cryptic. However, all CNC programmers should have a good understanding of manual programming techniques regardless of whether or not they are used.手工编程往往是有点枯燥。无可否认的(诚然),使用手工编程的单词和指令可能有些含糊。但是,所有的数控程序员应该有熟练的掌握手工编程技术,无论他们是否使用。 Conversational Programming 对话编程

This form of programming has become quite popular in recent years. With conversational programming, the program is created at the CNC machine. The programmer will be able to visually check whether various inputs are correct or not as the program is created. When finished, most conversational controls will even show the programmer a tool path plot of what will happen during the machining cycle.

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这种形式的编程近年来已经非常流行。对话编程的程序在数控机床上创建。程序员可以直观的检查各种输入程序正确与否。完成后,对话控制甚至能够给程序员演示在加工循环时的刀具路径图。 CAM System Programming CAM系统编程

CAM systems allow CNC programming to be accomplished at a much higher level than manual programming and are becoming very popular. Generally speaking, a CAM system helps the programmer in three major areas. It keeps the programmer from having to do math calculations, makes it easy to program different kinds of machines with the same basic language, and helps with basic machining practice functions.


? Section III Words and Expressions

conversational [,k?nv?'sei??n?l] adj. 对话的;健谈的 conver – conversation - conversational efficiency [i'fi??nsi] n. 效率;效能;功效 accuracy ['?kjur?si] n. [数] 精确度,准确性 accurate ['?kjur?t] adj. 精确的

manual ['m?nju?l] adj. 手工的;体力的 n. 手册,指南 operation manual 操作手册

computerized [k?m'pju:t?raizd] adj. 电脑的;电脑化的;用电脑处理的

master ['mɑ:st?, 'm?st?] vt. 控制;精通;征服 n. 硕士;主人;大师;教师adj. 主人的;主要的; admittedly [?d'mitidli] adv. 公认地;无可否认地;明白地

involved [in'v?lvd] v. 涉及;使参与;包含(involve的过去式和过去分词) involve [in'v?lv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于 cryptic ['kriptik] adj. 神秘的,含义模糊的

somewhat ['s?mhw?t, -hw?t] adv. 有点;多少;几分;稍微 n. 几分;某物 plot [pl?t] n. 情节;图;阴谋vi. 密谋;策划;绘制 vt. 密谋;绘图;划分;标绘 accomplish [?'k?mpli?, ?'k?m-] vt. 完成;实现;达到

? Section IV Technical Terms

Conversational programming CAM system programming Manual programming Tool path plot

- 14 -

Unit 8 Servo System

? Section I Dialogue

Do you have any idea about servo systems? the closed-loop systems.

是的,我知道一些。 最常用的伺服控制系统是开环和闭环系统。 Oh, I see. Well, what’s the difference between them? uses servo motors to execute machine movements.

开环系统采用步进电机执行机床运动,而闭环系统采用伺服电机执行机床运动。 Could you tell me more about open loop systems?

Yes, of course. Open loop systems have recently gained renewed interest for CNC applications. 好的,可以。近来,开环系统在CNC的应用中重新引起了大家的兴趣。 Thank you very much for your help. My pleasure.

An open loop system utilizes stepping motors to create machine movements while a closed loop system

Yes, I have some idea about it. The most common servo control systems in use are the open loop and

? Section II Reading

Servo System 伺服系统

There are two main systems in use today for controlling CNC machine movements: the open loop servo system and the closed loop servo system.

如今数控机床使用的运动控制的主要系统有两种:开环伺服系统和闭环伺服系统。 no information is fed back to monitor the slide positioning. the accuracy is limited.


In addition to the elements of an open loop servo system if a measuring device is also introduced to the system to measure the instantaneous position of the tool from an origin, the system is called a closed loop servo system. Closed loop systems are widely used in NC system due to the increased reliability and accuracy.


In open loop servo systems, once the motion is translated from servo drives to the machine tool slides,

Stepping motors are usually used as

servo drives in open loop servo system. Open loop servo systems are generally used for systems where

? Section III Words and Expressions

utilize ['ju:tilaiz] vt. 利用、运用、应用

renew [ri'nju:] vt. 使更新;续借;复兴;重申 vi. 更新;重新开始 element ['elim?nt] n. 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境 instantaneous [,inst?n'teinj?s] adj. 瞬间的;即时的;猝发的 instantaneous:瞬时的 | 瞬间的 | 同时发生的 origin ['?rid?in, '?:-] n. 起源;原点;出身;开端

Oriental [,?:ri'ent?l; ,?u-] n. 东方人 adj. 东方人的;东方的 New Oriental

- 15 -

New Channel

reliability [ri,lai?'bil?ti] n. 可靠性 可靠性 可靠度 信度 reliable [ri'lai?bl] n. 可靠的人 adj. 可靠的;可信赖的

? Section IV Technical Terms

Servo system Servo motor Servo drive Open loop system Closed loop system Semi-closed loop system

- 16 -

Unit 9 Use of CAD

? Section I Dialogue

Welcome to our CAD lab. Now we are having drawing class. 欢迎你到我们的CAD实验室,现在我们正有绘图班。

Can your students draw the geometry of a work-piece on a computer? 你的学生能在计算机上画工件的几何形状吗?

Yes, let’s see how to make a part drawing with CAD software. 是的, 让我们来看看如何用CAD软件绘制零件图。

Excellent! The students create the design model by applying graphics commands stored on the computer.


Look, the students have complete freedom to zoom and view the model at different orientations and then represent the design as a set of points, lines, arcs, and so on by using basic CAD software. Actually, graphics editing commands allow for easy modifications as required.

看,学生们可以随意缩放和查看模型不同的方向,使用基本的CAD软件设计点、线、弧等。 实际上,图形编辑命令允许根据需要方便的修改。

I am impressed by your students’ skills and your teaching. 学生的技能和你的教学,给我留下了深刻的印象。

I hope we can visit your school and communicate with your staff before long. 我希望过不了多久,能够访问你的学校,并与您的员工进行沟通。 No problem.

Thank you very much for your time. You are welcome.

? Section II Reading

Use of CAD CAD的使用

CAD is a technique of using a computer to create, modify, and refine a design. CAD是一种使用计算机技术来创建(生成),修改和完善(精化)设计的技术。 It, normally used in engineering departments, has greatly changed these departments. 它通常在工程部门使用,极大地改变了这些部门。

Drawings used to be made on paper with pencil or pen and drawing instruments. 制图过去常用铅笔或钢笔以及绘图仪器在纸上完成。 The drawings were very time-intensive to produce. 制作图纸是非常耗费时间。

They were then copied, and the copies were sent to the floor for production. 然后,它们被复制、副本被发送到生产车间。 The originals were stored in large drawers. 原件都储存在大抽屉里。

Even a small job shop could have thousands of large blueprints on file. 即使是很小的加工车间可能有成千上万的大图纸文件。

If changes were necessary, the engineer would get the original out of the file drawer, make the changers, copy it, and send the new print to the floor.


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Nowadays the computer can eliminate the need for all the physical storage of prints. 如今,计算机可以消除所有物理存储图纸的需要。 The computer also allows for rapid and easy modifications. 计算机也允许快速和容易的修改(图纸)。

The engineer or designer first draws the part on the screen. 工程师或设计师首先在屏幕上绘制零件。 This part drawing is the actual part geometry. 零件图实际上是它的几何形状。

The sizes and locations are all correct so that the information can be used later to create a program to machine the part.


? Section III Words and Expressions

excellent ['eks?l?nt] adj. 卓越的;极好的;杰出的 graphics ['ɡr?fiks] n. [测] 制图学;制图法;图表算法

orientation [,?:rien'tei??n, ?u-] n. 方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方 oriental [,?:ri'ent?l, ,?u-] n. 东方人

represent [,repri'zent] vt. 代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送 vi. 代表;提出异议 modification [,m?difi'kei??n] n. 修改,修正;改变 modify ['m?difai] vt. 修改,修饰;更改 refine [ri'fain] vt. 精炼,提纯;改善;使文雅

intensive [in'tensiv] adj. 加强的;集中的;透彻的;加强语气的 time-intensive 密集的 耗时的

original [?'rid??n?l]adj. 原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的n. 原件;原作;原物;原型 blueprint ['blu:prints] n. 蓝图;模板v. 绘的蓝图 eliminate [i'limineit] vt. 消除;排除

modification [,m?difi'kei??n] n. 修改,修正;改变 geometry [d?i'?mitri] n. 几何学

? Section IV Technical Terms

Graphics editing commend 图形编辑指令 Drawing instrument 绘图仪器 Part drawing 零件图

- 18 -

Unit 10 AutoCAD

? Section I Dialogue

Would you please tell me how to create a new drawing with AutoCAD? 请告诉我如何用AutoCAD创建一个新的绘图吗? No problem. Open your AutoCAD window. 没有问题。打开你的AutoCAD的窗口。 Here it opens. 打开了。

Firstly, choose New from the File menu. 首先,从“文件”菜单中选择“新建”。 Yes, here comes the dialogue box. 是的,弹出了对话框。

Secondly, choose Start from Scratch. 其次,从 “草图”中选择“开始”。。 How about the next step? 下一步该怎么办?

Take it easy. Under Select Default Setting select English or Metric, and then choose OK. 别紧张。 在选择默认设置选择英制或公制,然后选择确定。 The drawing opens with the default AutoCAD settings. 打开绘图AutoCAD的默认设置。

You’re really a quick learner. Finally choose Save As from the File menu and enter a file name. Then you can save the drawing.


? Section II Reading

AutoCAD Interface AutoCAD的界面

AutoCAD is a Computer Aided Design (CAD) program used by just about every engineering and design office in the world. When you start AutoCAD, the AutoCAD window will open. The window is actually your design work space.


The AutoCAD interface has several different components, each of which provide different information of command options for the user. This diagram labels the most vital parts of the interface.


? Section III Words and Expressions

metric ['metrik] n. 度量标准 adj. 公制的;米制的;公尺的 diagram ['dai?gr?m] n. 图表;图解 vt. 用图解法表示 label ['leibl] v. 贴标签于; n. 标签;分类

vital ['vait?l] adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的 interface ['int?feis] n. 界面;接口;接触面 redraw [,ri:'dr?:] vt. 重画

- 19 -

undo [,?n'du:] vt. 取消;解开;破坏;扰乱 vi. 撤消 property ['pr?p?ti] n. 性质,性能;财产;所有权 linetype n. 线型

lineweight n. 线宽 线型宽度 线宽线宽

access ['?kses, '?ks?s, ?k'ses] n. 进入;使用权;通路 vt. 使用;存取;接近 crosshairs ['kr?sh??z] n. 十字准线;瞄准器

cursor ['k?:s?] n. 光标;指针(计算尺的)[计] 游标,指针 icon ['aik?n] n. 图标;偶像;肖像,画像;圣像 tab [t?b] n. 标签;制表;帐单 vt. 给贴标签 layout ['leiaut] n. 布局;设计;安排;陈列

layers ['lei?s] n. 图层面板,图层集合(layer复数形式);层面板

? Section IV Technical Terms

Dialogue box 对话框 Default setting 默认设置 Menu bar 菜单栏 Toolbar 工具栏 Drawing area 绘图区 Coordinate system 坐标系 Model tab 模型空间 Layout tab 布局空间 Status bar 状态栏

- 20 -

Unit 11 CAM

? Section I Dialogue

Do you still remember what CAD is? 你还记得计算机辅助设计是什么? It’s short for computer-aided design. 这是计算机辅助设计的简称。

Very good! Would you please explain it in details? 非常好! 请你详细解释一下吗?

Yes, CAD is a technique of using a computer to create, modify, analyze, and refine a design. 是的,CAD利用计算机创建、修改、分析、精化设计的技术 。 Well done! Do you know something about CAM? 做得好! 你知道一些关于CAM吗?

Sorry, I don’t know. Will you please tell me something about CAM? 对不起,我不知道。请告诉我一些关于CAM吗?

Certainly. CAM is the abbreviation [?,bri:vi'ei??n] for computer-aided manufacturing. 没问题。 CAM是为计算机辅助制造的缩写。 I see. Would you give me some details? 知道了。 你能告诉我一些细节吗?

OK. CAM uses all the advanced technologies to join the process of design with automated ['

?:t?umeitid] production machine tools, material handling equipment, and control systems. Besides, CAD/CAM can provide the technology base for the computer-integrated factory of the future.

好的。CAM使用所有先进技术把设计过程与自动加工机床、物料处理设备以及控制系统集为一体。此外,CAD/CAM将会为未来的计算机集成工厂提供技术基础。 Thank you so much for your clear explanation. It’s my pleasure.

? Section II Reading


Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) is a system of using computer technology to assist the manufacturing process.

计算机辅助制造(CAM)是利用计算机技术协助制造过程的系统。 Through the use of CAM, a factory can become highly automated. 通过使用CAM的,一个工厂可以实现高度自动化。

Through systems such as real-time control and robotics [r?u'b?tiks], a CAM system usually seeks to control the production process through varying degrees of automation. 通过实时控制和机器人系统,CAM系统可以控制不同自动化程度的生产过程。

Because each of the many manufacturing processes in a CAM system is computer controlled, a high degree of precision can be achieved that is not possible with a human interface. 因为CAM系统的每一个生产过程都是由计算机控制,因此精度很高,这是人工难以达到的。 Computer Aided Manufacturing is commonly linked to Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems. 计算机辅助制造通常与计算机辅助设计系统联系起来。

The resulting integrated CAD/CAM system then takes the computer-generated design, and feeds it directly into the manufacturing system.


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The design is then converted into multiple computer controlled processes, such as drilling or turning.然后,设计转化为多个计算机控制程序,比如钻孔或者车削。

? Section III Words and Expressions

abbreviate [?'bri:vieit] vt. 缩写,使省略;使简短vi. 使用缩写词 abbreviation [?,bri:vi'ei??n] n. 缩写;缩写词

automate ['?:t?meit] vt. 使自动化,使自动操作 vi. 自动化,自动操作

automated ['?:t?umeitid] adj. 自动化的;机械化的 v. 自动化(automate的过去分词);自动操作 automation [,?:t?'mei??n] n. 自动化;自动操作

handling ['h?ndli?] n. 处理 v. 负责;对待(handle的ing形式);触摸 adj. 操作的 handle ['h?ndl] vt. 处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸vi. 搬运

? Section IV Technical Terms

material handling equipment 装卸转运设备 | 材料装卸设备 | 料处理设备 real-time control 【计算机】实时控制

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Unit 12 Mastercam

Dialogue - - - - - - - - - -

Have you ever heard of Mastercam?

Yes, it is a popular software among CNC programmers. Are you familiar with its functions? Sorry. Could you please tell me some?

Sure. It allows us to bring in a model from CAD software, and generates toolpaths for everything from basic operations such as drilling. I see. Does it have any other functions?

Yes, Mastercam can still make it easy to machine at different A and B index positions. It makes great improvements to 3-Axis and multiaxis toolpaths.

Compared with the traditional software, Mastercam is really advanced. You have got it. In addition, it is user friendly. Thank you, I’m eager to have a try.

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Unit 13 CAD/CAM/CAPP Integration

Dialogue - - - - - - - - -


CAD/CAM/CAPP Integration

Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing are two essential tools to design and manufacture parts. Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) is trying to bridge the two systems by seamless integration.


For example, a computer integrated manufacturing system has been established. The integration of the CAD/CAM/CAPP is applied to smooth the design and manufacturing process of rotational parts. The same part data is used in all the CAD, CAM and CAPP modules.

例如,计算机集成制造系统已经建立。CAD/ CAM / CAPP的综合可使旋转体零件的设计和加工过程更加平稳。相同的零件数据可以用于所有的CAD,CAM和CAPP模块。

A code system and a process weighting method are proposed to recognize the part and generate the corresponding process plan. Algorithms for planning the cutter path and calculating the cutter locations have been processed to generate the NC program automatically. Cutting path simulation and cutting animation are supplied in the proposed system to verify the CAM functions. Examples and cutting experiment are given to demonstrate and verify the proposed CAD/CAM/CAPP integration system. 编码系统和工艺过程评价方法是用来识别零件并进行工艺过程设计的。已处理的刀具路径规划和计算刀具位置的算法自动生成NC程序。 在CAD/ CAM / CAPP系统中,通过刀具路径模拟和切割过程的直观显示可校验CAM的功能。实例和切削实验用于演示和验证CAD / CAM/ CAPP集成系统。

We have learned CAD and CAM before, do you still remember?

Hmm, let me see, CAD stands for computer-aided design and CAM stands for computer-aided manufacturing.

Could you explain them in details?

CAD is sued for design and simulation and CAM is for numerically controlled machining. Yeah, you are right. CAD and CAM are two important tools to design and manufacture parts. And I also know CAD/CAM system can provide the technology base for the computer-integrated factory of the future. And do you know CAPP?

Oh, it is new to me. Sounds very difficult!

Don’t worry. We’ll learn much about that in the following text.

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Unit 14 PLC

Dialogue - - - - - - - - -

Do you know what a PLC is?

I’m not very sure. But I know a PLC can be a replacement for relay devices. You are right, and then what are the components made up of PLC?

Like a general-purpose computer, a programmable controller consists of five major parts: CPU (processor), memory, input/output (I/O), power supply, and peripherals. Could you tell me what functions modern PLCs have?

Certainly. Modern PLCs have many functions. Their use extends from simple process control to manufacturing system controls and monitoring. Can you explain that in details?

OK. PLCs can be used for high-speed digital processing, high-speed digital communication, high-level computer-language support, and of course, for basic process control. You’re welcome. Reading PLC

PLCs (programmable logic controllers) are the control centers for a wide variety of automated systems and processes. They contain multiple inputs and outputs that use transistors and other circuit to simulate switches and relays to control equipment. They are programmable via software and network options.


From the mid 1970’s, the development of the micro processor have allowed Programmable Logic Controllers to take on more complex tasks and larger functions.

从20世纪70年代中期,微处理器的发展已使可编程逻辑控制器上承担更复杂的任务和更强大的功能。 PLCs have been gaining popularity on the factory floor and will probably remain predominant for some time to come. Most of this is because of the advantages they offer:

PLC已在工厂获得的知名度,并且可能在未来一段时间继续保持优势。主要是因为他们具有如下优势: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Cost effective for controlling complex systems.

Flexible and can be reapplied to control other systems quickly and easily. Computational abilities allow more complex control.

Trouble shooting aids make programming easier and reduce downtime. Reliable components make these likely to operate for years before failure. 有效地控制复杂系统的成本。

应用灵活,可快速,轻松地控制其他系统。 计算能力允许更复杂的控制。

故障排除辅助工具使编程更容易,并减少停机时间。 可靠的组件确保使用很多年。

- 25 -

Unit 15 Robotics[r?u'b?tiks]

Dialogue - - - - - - - -

Mary, have you ever seen a robot before.

Yes, I have been to some robot exhibitions. There were many interesting robots. They could even talk with me.

And could you give a definition of robot?

Simply speaking, a robot is mechanical arms controlled by computer programs. What does an industrial robot system consist of?

Well, the industrial robot system consists of three components: the manipulator, the power supply and the computer.

Is an industrial robot good or bad for society, do you think?

In my opinion, it is good. It releases humans from performing boring work on a production line or uncomfortable and possibly dangerous work in factories. Reading Robots

Robotics is a general-purpose modern technology of programmable machine systems. 机器人学是可编程机器系统的现代通用技术。

Robot is a re-programmable, multifunctional mechanical manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions.


Robots perform a flexible, but restricted, number of operations in computer-aided manufacturing processes. Various robots are quite simple mechanical machines that perform a dedicated task such as spot welding or assembly operations. Industrial Robots are found in a variety of locations including the automobile and manufacturing industries. However, robot technology is relatively new to the industrial scene.

机器人在计算机辅助制造中执行灵活多变、但是严格又数量众多的操作。 各种机器人是非常简单的机械设备,可以执行专门任务,如点焊或装配业务。 工业机器人用于各种不同的场合,包括汽车和制造业。 然而,机器人技术在工业现场是相对较新的。

According to its application, robots can be classified as industrial robots, agricultural robots, health care robots, space robots, intelligent robots and so on.

根据机器人的应用, 它可以分为工业机器人,农业机器人,医疗保健机器人,空间机器人和智能机器人等等。

Words and Expressions

exhibition [,eksi'bi??n] n. 展览,显示;展览会;展览品 World Exhibition or Exposition 世界博览会 简称World Expo exposition [,eksp?u'zi??n] n. 博览会;阐述;展览会 definition [,defi'ni??n] n. 定义;[物] 清晰度;解说 definite ['definit] adj. 一定的;确切的 define [di'fain] vt. 定义;使明确;规定

manipulator [m?'nipjuleit?] n. [机] 操纵器,调制器;操作者,机械手 manipulate [m?'nipjuleit] vt. 操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改 manipulate:操作 | 键控 | 操纵

- 26 -

manul ['m?nul] n. 手动;

multifunctional [,m?lti'f??k??n?l] adj. 多功能的

specialized ['spe??laizd] adj. 专业的;专门的 v. 专攻;使专门化;详细说明

restricted [ri'striktid] v. 限制(restrict的过去式和过去分词)adj. 受限制的;保密的 dedicated ['dedikeitid] adj. 专用的;专注的;献身的v. 以奉献;把用于 welding ['weldi?] n. 焊接 v. 焊接;锻接(weld的ing形式)adj. 焊接的 relatively ['rel?tivli] adv. 相当地;相对地,比较地

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Words and Expressions

mechanical engineering 机械工程学 control theory 控制理论 mechatronics 机电一体化 potentiometer 电位计

tachogenerator 测速发电机 magnetic field 磁场 sensor传感器 encoder编码器 inductive 电容的 capacitive 电阻的

stepper motor 步进电机 direct-current 直流

open loop system 开环系统 closed loop system 闭环系统 position feedback 位置反馈 digital pulse 数字脉冲

conventional machine 普通机床 control unit 控制单元

single-spindle drilling machine 单轴钻床 turning center 车削中心 machining center 加工中心 milling machine 铣床

travelling-column 移动立柱 fixed-column 固定立柱

wire electrical discharge machines (wire EDM) 电火花线切割机床

laser cutting machines 激光切割机 hard wire 硬件连接 soft wire 软件连接 drive motor 驱动电机 tool changer 换刀机构 tool path 刀具路径

manual programming 手工编程

conversational programming 对话式编程 CAM system programming CAM系统变成 servo motor 伺服电机 servo drive 伺服驱动器 servo system 伺服系统 part drawing 零件图 dialogue box 对话框 default setting 默认设置 shortcut key 快捷键

power supply 电源 production line 生产线

production process 生产过程 robotics 机器人学

industrial robot 工业机器人 discharge 放电 multi-axis 多轴 pallet 托盘

transistor 晶体管

real-time control 实时控制 NC 数字控制 CNC 计算机数控


G00 rapid traverse G01 liner interpolation

G02 circular interpolation, CW G03 circular interpolation, CCW G28 return to reference point G40 cutter compensation-cancel G80 fixed cycle cancel

G90 absolute dimension program G91 incremental dimension G98 feed per minute G99 feed per revolution M-Code

M00 program stop M01 optional stop M02 end of program M03 spindle CW M04 spindle CCW M05 spindle stop M06 tool change M30 end of tape

- 28 -


A 1. RESET 2. START 4. INPUT 5. CAN 7. PAGE↑ PAGE↓ 8. SOFT KEY B C A. Inputting the letter, number and so on B. Moving the cursor forward or backward C. Deleting the character and sign inputted into the buffer D. Paging CRT forward or backward E. Cycling start for MDI and automatic operation F. Performing the unfinished functions G. Inputting the parameter, offset and so on, and starting the input for the I/O equipment and inputting the instructions in a MDI way H. Eliminating the alarm, stopping the current operations and resetting CNC 3. ADDRESS/NUMBER 6. CURSOR↑ CURSOR↓ A 1. POWER 2. FEED HOLD 3. HOME 4. MACHINE RESET 5. E-STOP 6. ALARM 7. DRN 8. BDT A 1. Emergency Stop 2. Feed Override 3. Single Block 4. Automatics 5. Reference Point B C A. Pressing the key to make the machine run automatically B. Pressing the key to adjust the axis speed in an incremental unit C. Pressing the key to adjust the axis speed D. Pressing the key to adjust the spindle speed E. When the emergency happens, press the key to stop the operation at once F. Pressing the key to set the reference point G. Pressing the key to make the axis feed in the direction of X H. Pressing the key to make the machine run a block of the parts program B C A. Indicating that the zero return is over B. Indicating alarms C. Pressing the key to make the servo feed and the spindle stop at once D. Pressing the key to make the machine perform the dry run E. Making the machine slow down at once and stop F. Pressing the key to make the program block signed a tilted bar “/”stop G. Resetting the CNC and canceling the alarm H. Turning on/off the CNC 6. Increment 7. Spindle Speed Override 8. X Axis - 29 -

