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英 语 试 题

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


A Company Name: Microsoft Founder: Bill Gates Microsoft, a household computer brand name, was founded by Bill gates and Paul Allen. Bill Gates got into Harvard University, but after completing just one year there, Paul managed to convince him into dropping out , so that they could found their company in 1975. Bill and Paul struggled through the first few years to get themselves established. However, they finally struck gold with their MS-DOS operating system. Company Name: Yahoo! Founders: Jerry Yang and David Filo Nearly 3 years before Google, two electrical engineering graduates from Stanford University-Jerry Yang and David Filo, created a website called “jerry and David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.” The site was meant to be a directory(目录)for searching other websites. Later, in March of the same year, they renamed their website to “Yahoo!” Due to being strong-armed by Google, this company has been struggling for a number of years. Yet , it still remains one of the largest websites in the world. Company Name: Facebook Founder: Mark Zuckerberg While in his second year at the Harvard University(2004), Zuckerberg decided to build a dating website to help his fellow students connect with each other. He called his website Facebok. Right from the day of its launch, Facebook started attracting more and more members each day. Since 2015. Facebook has a total of 1.44 billion active monthly users. Company Name: Google Founder: Larry Page and Sergey Brin Larry Page and Sergey Brin were research students at Stanford University, California. They founded their company Google in September, 1998. Today, their Google is the most popular web search engine of all. 1

21. According to the passage, Yahoo was founded .

A. in 1995 B. in 1975 C. in 1998 D. in 2004 22. Which of the following has the longest history?

A. Facebook B. Yahoo. C. Google D. Microsoft. 23. Which companies are competing against each other?

A. Microsoft and Yahoo. B. Facebook and Google. C. Yahoo and Google. D. Microsoft and Facebook.


Robert Ilijason, a 39-year-old IT specialist, once had to drive 20 minutes with his screaming baby in the backseat to an open grocery store to buy food for his hungry son. It was the late-night experience that gave Robert Ilijason the idea to open Sweden’s first unstaffed convenience store.

Now Robert Ilijason runs a 24-hour shop with no cashier. Customers use their cellphones to unlock the door and scan their purchases. All they need to do is to register for the service and download an app. They get charged for their purchases each month.

The shop has basics like milk, break, sugar, canned food and other products that you expect to find in a small convenience tore. But it doesn’t have tobacco or medical drugs because of the risk of theft. Alcohol cannot be sold in convenience stores in Sweden.

The no-service store has more advantages. Raymond Arvidsson, a friend of Ilijason’s , did his shopping in less than a minute. “No queues,” he said, smiling. “Quick in, quick out. I like.”

“My ambition is to spread this idea to other villages and small towns,” said Ilijason. “It is incredible that no one has thought of this before.” He hopes the savings of having no staff will help bring back small stores to the countryside.

But a bigger challenge has been facing some of the elderly residents in Viken. Tuve Nilsson, 75, said there were many more shops in the town when he moved here with his family in 1976. He welcomed Ilijason’s new store, saying it could be convenient for elderly people living alone. But he didn’t know how to get the hang of the technology involved.

Ilijason is considering other ways to unlock the door that wouldn’t require using an app. He’s ruled out face-recognition or fingerprint scanners, but is thinking of installing a credit card reader like some banks use. He’s also considering having one person man the store for a few hours a day to help customers who aren’t comfortable with modem technology. 24. Robert Ilijason’s late-night experience is mentioned to tell us .

A. why he opened the unstaffed food shop B. how to open the unstaffed food shop C. how to look after the hungry children D. an open grocery store is very important

25. What can we know about Robert Ilijason’s first unstaffed food shop?

A. It charges customers for nothing. B. Customers can purchase goods in cash C. What customers need is a phone


D. Customers can buy whatever they want.

26. From what Raymond Arvidsson said, we learn the shop is well known for . A. its wonderful food B. its kind service C. its good safety D. its quick purchase 27. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. Ilijason’s store has no disadvantages

B. all the customers are not comfortable with modern te4chnology C. Ilijason will not open another kind of this no-service tore D. face-recognition will be dismissed in Ilijason’s new store


A reformative floating dam that traps plastic bags, bottles and other pieces polluting the world’s oceans will be tested in the North Sea for the first time in 2016. The Ocean Cleanup Organization plans to install this revolutionary 328-foot-long barrier in the summer, off the coast of the Netherlands.

Compared to other clean up methods, Ocean Cleanup’s barrier uses sea flows to passively ensnare(诱导) waves of garbage, while allowing fish and other sea creatures through, according to a news release. Researchers have tested the floating dams using extensive computer modeling and scale model in controlled environments. Since they have proved successful, engineers believe it is time to move the barrier to the next stage of development: open waters.

Each arm of floating dam has a screen that hangs 10 feet below the water’s surface, blocking waste and directing it to a central point where it can be collected for recycling. Cameras and sensors will regularly monitor the motions of the barrier and the loads on the system. That way researchers can better assess if their design can be used to clean up the world’s oceanic garbage patches(片).

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans (跨越)waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan. Strong sea flows draw large amounts of plastic debris(杂物) to this area. Supposing this floating dam is successful, researchers hope to make a 62 mile-long V-shaped barrier in this area in 2020.

“Taking care of the world’s ocean garbage problem is one of the largest environmental challenges mankind faces today.” Dutch innovator Boyan Slat said. “Not only will this first cleanup task contribute to cleaner waters and coasts but it is an essential step towards our goal of cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.”

28. We can learn from the passage that the floating dam . A. is a 62 mile-long V-shaped barrier B. has begun working in the ocean C. can save many sea animals D. will be put into trial use this year 29. How does Ocean Cleanup’s barrier function?

A. By collecting and recycling waste.

B. By using sea waves to passively direct garbage and sea animals. C. By blocking plastic bags, bottles and other pieces. D. By providing sea animals with much cleaner water.


30. The screen hanging 10 feet below the water’s surface aims to .

A. move the barrier to the next stage

B. regularly monitor the motions of the barrier C. give researchers a better assessment D. help to send the waste to a proper place

31. What is Boyan Slat’s attitude towards the floating dam?

A. positive. B. Critical C. disapproval D. Passive.


Look back through history at all the famous and distinguished persons. Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, etc, all had one thing in common: they were all extremely curious about the world around them. This natural quality of theirs was what escalated(升级) them from average personalities to true geniuses.

Curiosity will have you asking questions always. Whenever you come across something new, you’ll be asking, “what is this?”, “Who made it “, etc. You will go hunting for the answers and won’t rest until you find them. The end result is that, you will learn a lot, and keep on adding to your knowledge throughout your life. No wonder then that, naturally curious people, are often the most knowledgeable ones around.

Driven by curiosity, when you head out to seek answers, it will be like going on an adventure. Depending on what you seek, you might have to look in new places and learn new things. You are likely to face encumbrances and roadblocks on the way, but you will keep overcoming them, continuing onwards till you reach your final goal of complete understanding. This journey from ignorance to knowledge and all the things that happen in between will bring you new experiences.

Curiosity will naturally make you learn, understand, interact, and experience more. As such, it will help you better explore your inner potentials, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.

For instance, you might be an engineer by qualification, but if you are curious, you might want to find out how articles on the Internet are written. It might even happen that, while exploring the process of writing, you may find out that you actually enjoy doing it , and that people like reading your work. Thus your curiosity would have ended up opening a whole new field of work for you .

32. The author mentions Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton in that

A. both of them are intelligent B. both of them are full of curiosity C. both of them are great scientists

D. both of them have different personalities

33. What message does the second paragraph mainly convey?

A. Curious people are always the most knowledgeable. B. You will have many new motivations. C. Curiosity improves learning.


D. Naturally asking questions makes you curious constantly.

34. What does the underlined word “encumbrances” in the third paragraph refer to?

A. Difficulties. B. Methods. C. Aims D. Opportunities. 35. The best title for the te4xt could be “ “.

A. Curiosity Not for Everyone

B. You Will Explore newer Possibilities C. Your Future Is Controlled by Curiosity

D. Reasons Why Curiosity Can Make You Smarter 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Some Study Habits to Avoid

Students can settle in to a false sense of security if they take the time to study but don’t remember much of the information. Why? 36 Are you guilty of these bad habits of studying?

37 Reading your text book is a great first step when it comes to studying, but you can’t just read your text book or passage. To study effectively, you have to get active with the material in your book. The more we “work” with information, the more we remember it .

Fail to preview

When you do your readings before class, you establish “drawers and files” for the information you hear in call lectures. Without this ready storage system, your brain doesn’t know where to file things. 38 Use flashcards less

Flashcards are terrific study tools, but you have to learn to use flashcards the right way in order to make the most of your study time. 39 Quiz yourself repeatedly until you can define every term form memory.

Study late night before your test

40 However this is a dangerous practice. When this happens, you run the risk of getting too little sleep and taking the test in a zombie-like state. You just defeat the purpose of studying in the first place if you try to take a test in a dozy haze. Take care of your brain and give it the rest it needs on the night before your test.

A. Ignore images.

B. Students love to stay up late to study. C. Students love to stay up late to study.

D. You are more likely to get lost in confusion. E. And work that information into your flashcards.

F. Put key terms or dates on one side and definitions on the other. G. This happens because they don’t study in the most effective way. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)



Yesterday Matt was sick. I 41 to Target to buy a few things, I had hoped to be in and out quickly.

I found a 42 with just one person ahead of me and 43 organizing my items(物品) on the cart. After placing my items, I 44 to see that the person ahead of me was an elderly woman. She was paying for her items with 45 and wanted to purchase each separately. Part of me was not 46 with this woman and the inconvenience she had placed on me.

But then I watched the young employee with this woman, who helped her count her Change, ever so 47 taking it from her shaking hands. When he asked if she had enough to 48 a reusable bag, she told him she did and went two lines over to get one for her and then repackaged her items. Never once did this employee get 49 . He was nothing but patient and 50 .

As I was watching them, I saw that Eloise was 51 . She was standing next to the woman, 52 the employee count the change. I realized I hadn’t been 53 at all. That my daughter was instead witnessing kindness and patience and being taught this valuable lesson by a complete 54 . Besides, I realized that I also needed a 55 in this aspect.

When the woman was finished, the employee began 56 my items and thanked me for my patience. 57 I pushed my cart through the store trying to find the manager. After 58 her down and sharing the story with her, we 59 Target with a cart full of consumable items. But what is more, a heart full of gratefulness for such a(n) 60 lesson. 41. A. went B. walked C. jumped D. ran 42. A. counter B. line C. time D. flight 43. A. began B. finished C. avoided D. suggested 44. A. moved back B. bent down C. looked up D. broke in 45. A. cheques B. change C. bills D. coins 46. A. patient B. upset C. familiar D. satisfied 47. A. firmly B. roughly C. gently D. slightly 48. A. present B. donate C. produce D. buy 49. A. bored B. greedy C. anxious D. relaxed 50. A. generous B. kind C. careful D. outgoing 51. A. anyhow B. instead C. too D. still

52. A. comforting B. hearing C. helping D. observing 53. A. pressured B. confident C. inconvenienced D. disrespected 54. A. stranger B. coach C. speech D. program 55. A. topic B. occasion C. lesson D. poster

56. A. picking up B. charging for C. passing over D. checking with 57. A. Thus B. First C. Anyway D. Later 58. A. taking B. turning C. tracking D. putting 59. A. entered B. left C. painted D. crossed 60. A. invaluable B. horrible C. bitter D. rare



第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或用括号内单词的正确形式。 Success is something that many people struggle for, but not everyone among 61 (we) can obtain it. When we consider a 62 (various) of factors that play a role in determining whether a person is successful in life, ambition and action are two of the first to come to mind. Just as American writer Napoleon Hill once 63 (say), “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.”

Numerous examples can 64 (give) easily, but this will be enough, For example, a young man who devotes himself to becoming a great chef might decide to buy some cookbooks, spend several weekends practicing his techniques, or take 65 a part-time job at a local restaurant. On the other hand, if he simply ended up 66 (spend) all his spare time surfing the Internet or playing video games, neither of 67 would give him the skills or experience needed to succeed.

In conclusion, doing great or small things 68 (be) of the same importance for a success. The former gives us the drive and direction to move forward, while the enables us 69 (realize) our dreams. In combination, they represent the winning formula(公式) that will put us 70 (firm) on the road to success.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除:把多于的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


One year ago, my friend and I went to nearby town to attend a wedding. Before the reception, we were waiting for a bus to go home. It was nine o’clock at night. Although more than one buses passed, none stopped.

We waited for an hour and got disappointing. We wouldn’t be able to stay overnight because it was a weekday, and all of us would need to work the next day. It was almost at 10:30p.m. when a family who has attended the same wedding passed by in their car. Probably sensed that we were waiting for some means of transport, they stopped but gave us two a lift. I expressed my gratitude to them for their help, without which we wouldn’t have got home so smooth.


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,不久前收到你的同学王涛的e-mail,邮件中提到看见你和法国朋友见面时互亲脸颊,他觉得很不理解。请你根据以下要点给他回封信: 1. 身体语言是人们最有力的交流方式之一;

2. 在法国,拥抱和吻对方的脸是一种习惯,表示欢迎; 3. 介绍一种表示不同含义的身体语言(如点头)。 注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语和结束语已为你写好。 Dear Wang Tao,

Thank you for your e-mail Thanks again for your e-mail. Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua




