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Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. Studying hard, you’ll learn English well. Seen from the hill, the city looks more beautiful.

非谓语动词的类型:1.不定式to do(将来、表某一次具体的动作、 表目的) 2.动名词v-ing (抽象、 习惯性) 3.分词 -ing分词(主动、进行、令人……的) -ed分词(被动、完成、感到……的)

非谓语动词的特点:1.不能在句中作谓语 Working hard ,and you will succeed. ( ) 2.可以带上自己的宾语,表语 To get full marks, he studied very hard. 3.有形式的变化 He pretended to be doing his homework carefully when his mother came in. The houses to be built are for the new teachers.


非谓语动词在句子中的作用所能充当的 成分 动词不定式 动名词分词

主语 宾语 表语 定语√ √ √ √




√√ √ √

非谓语动词时态和语态的形式动词不定式 一般式 一般 被动式 完成式 完成 被动式 进行式 完成 进行式 to do to be done 动名词 doing being done 现在分词 doing being done done过去分词

to have done having done having done to have been having been having done done been done to be doing to have been doing

不定式、动名词用作主语It was fun 有趣) to buy the painting last 1. _________( week. (fun) it 作形式 不定式作主语时,往往放在谓语之后,用___ 主语. for Tom to get that job (get) It is important____________________. 对于Tom来说得到那份工作很重要。 of him to make such a decision (such) It is wise _________________________. 他很明智作出这样一个决定。

(在It is+形容词+for/of sb. to do sth.的结构中, 如 果此形容词说明的是表示事物的特点或特征时用 ______________, for sb. to do sth 如:necessary,important, difficult,hard,easy,impossible等; 如果此形 容词说明的是表示人的特点或特征时, 则用 ______________. 如:kind,good,nice, of sb. to do sth wise,clever,silly,foolish,careless,rude 等。)

it作形式主语使用动名词的句型①It is no use/no good/useless+doing sth. It is no use crying. ②It is fun(a great pleasure, a waste of time) It is a waste of time trying to explain.

To get up early 早起)tomorrow will be 2.______________( necessary. ( go ) Getting up early 早起)is a good habit. (get) 3.______________( Winning the scholarship 获得奖学金)gave 4. ____________________( Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states. ( win )某次具体的动作 , 将来的 ______________ 不定式做主语,表语常表_______, 动名词则表示_________ 习惯性的 或__________ 已发生的 动作.

to become an artist Her wish was__________________.( 成为一位 艺术家) (become) swimming 游泳) (swim) My favorite sport is __________.(

5.Seeing is believing./To see is to believe.若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词,其

形式 要保持一致 。 ___________ 当主语部分有do的某种形式时,作表语的不定式 ___________________ 常省去不定式符号“to”。

如:What he has to do is wait.他不得不等待。

分词做表语The book is interesting and the students are moved . The leaves are fallen.

现在分词 主语的特点特征 分词作表语表示 ______________. _______表示主动, 过去分词 表示被动或完成. _________

My job is teaching. = Teaching is my job. My job is interesting.≠ Interesting is my job.名词 ▲动名词作表语, 相当于_______, 主语和表语的位置可以 互换; 而现在分词作表语相当于_________, 不可与主语 形容词 调换位置.

不定式、动名词用作宾语to lend me his bicycle 1.He refused___________________.( 借给我他 的自行车) (lend) 有些动词只能接不定式做宾语:afford,agree, arrange,decide,demand,determine,expect, fail,happen,hope,learn,manage,plan, pretend,promise,refuse,wish,seem 等.

2.I like watching TV,but I don’t like to watch TV this evening.有些动词既能接动名词也能接不定式做宾语,意思区别甚 微.如: begin,start,like,love,hate,continue,prefer

▲下列动词后接不定式或动名词作宾语, 意义大不相同 remember to do sth. 记住要做 remember doing sth.记得过去做过 forget to do sth. 忘了已做过的事 forget doing sth. 忘记要做某事 regret to do sth. 对马上要或不做的事表示遗憾 regret doing sth. 对已发生的事表示遗憾或后悔

mean to do sth. 打算 mean doing 意味着,意思是,想要try to do sth. 努力做某事 try doing sth. 尝试做某事

can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁,忍不住 can’t help (to) do sth. 不能帮忙做某事be considered to have done 被认为已经做了 consider…to be 认为是 consider doing 考虑做某事

stop to do 停下来,要做另一件事 stop doing 停下手中正在做的事go on to do 接着做另一件事 go on doing 继续做同一件事 be afraid to do不敢做某事 be afraid of doing害怕做某事

being sent abroad 被派到 3.She is looking forward to ________________( 国外)to study or work. (send) suggest,finish,avoid,can’t help,mind,enjoy, delay,practise,advise,consider,miss,escape, allow,permit,imagine,look forward to,feel like, be worth,be busy,be used to,devote oneself to, stick to,object to,admit to 等动词及介词后均只用动 名词做宾语.

▲当动名词短语作主语、宾语或表语时,具有名词特性, 其逻辑主语由“名词所有格或形容词性物主代词”表示, 放在动名词短语之前。当动名词短语不在句首时,也可由 “形容词性物主代词或代词宾格”表示。 Helen’s/Her being absent made the teacher very angry. 海伦/她没来上课,让老师很生气。 They insisted on my/me speaking at the meeting. 他们

坚持要我在会上发言。 it my duty 我的责任)to help others.(duty) 4.I find __________(

find /think/regard/consider +it +adj./n.+to do

不定式、分词用作宾补allowed her to go to (允许他去)the party last 1.They________________ night. (allow) enter the room 进了房间)(enter) 2.People saw him_______________( He was seen_______________ to enter the room (进了房间) 感官动词 和____________ 使役动词 ___________ 后接不定式做宾补时, _________________ 省掉不定式符号to ,但变为被动语态时__________. 要带上to

省to的不定式作宾补:宾补省to记11,一感二听三使役; 五看一帮两均可. feel,hear,listen to,have,let,make,see,look at, notice,observe,watch,help

advised them to swim 建议他们去游泳)then. (advise) 3.I ___________________( watched them dance 看了他们跳舞) then. (watch) We __________________( We _________________ watch them dancing (看他们在跳舞)in the hall. (watch) We _____________ watch them hit (看到他们被打)in the hall. (watch) 全过程 ,使役动词后接 1)感官动词后接不定式做宾补表示________ 不定式做宾补表示“让(某人某事)做某事”,且其后的不定 式省掉to ,get sb. to do sth.,ask sb.to do sth., encourage sb.to do sth.,order sb.to do sth………… 2)watch/see/notice/oberve+sb. doing sth. 表示看/…某人 正在做某事,have sb. doing sth. 表示让某人一直做某事。 用这种结构…sb.doing sth 的还有find/leave/catch/keep sb. doing sth. 过去分词 做宾补. 3)当宾语与宾补之间为被动关系时,常用________

with(without)+宾语+不定式/现在分词/过去分词1._______________________( With a lot of homework to do 因为有作业要做), he has to stay at home without playing football.(do) ( 动词不定式做宾补,表 将发生 ) 2.He lay there with _________________________( his eyes looking at the sky 眼睛看着 天空).(look) ( 做宾补,表 主动、进行 ) with his work done 做完工作).(do) 3.He went out to play _______________( ( 过去分词 做宾补,表 被动、完成 )

不定式、动名词和分词用作定语to live in 居住).(live) 1.I will find a comfortable room________( to dance to (随着音乐 2.They got a wonderful music___________ 跳)。(dance) 被修饰词之后 不定式跟所修饰 不定式作定语时要放在______________. 动宾 关系时,形式上用_______ 主动 形式 的词构成_______ 被动 ),如为不及物动词后面应加上相应 (______ 主动 表______ 的介词。

3.He is always the first man ____________to the to come classroom. (come) 序数词 或_______ 最高级 修饰时,常用不定式 被修饰词前有________ 做后置定语。

attend/to be attended 要出席). 4.There is a meeting to ____________________( (attend) 主动 但在there be句型中,虽常用________ 语态,但用 被动 语态亦可 _______ 5.a walking stick the walking man a

swimming pool 区别 the swimming girl a sleeping car the sleeping boy 名词的功能 动名词做定语往往表示________________, 现在分词做定语修饰名词表示________________. 该名词所处的状态

6. The question________________ (即将被讨论的)is a to be discussed very complex one. (discuss) discussed The question ______________( 已被讨论的) is a very complex one .(discuss) being discussed (正在被讨论的) is a very The question _____________ complex one. (discuss) fallen the _________(fall) leaves 已经落下的叶子 falling the _________(fall) leaves 正在下落的叶子分词做定语时,确定用-ing 还是用-ed 主要看分词与其所修饰 主动或进行 -ed表___________ 被动或完成 , 词之间的关系,-ing表___________, 不定式表示__________. 将要发生 常置于被修饰名词的前面 单个的分词做定语时, _____________________________; 须置于所修饰名词的后面 分词短语做定语时, _________________________. 注意:现在分词的完成式和完成被动式往往不做定语.

