IELTS雅思口语话题库 PART1(81个)+PART2(100个)

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Part One


1. Where do you come from? Could you tell me something about hometown? 2. Where are you from? / How long have you lived there?

3. Where do you live now? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there? 4. What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your city / hometown? 5. Have recent social changes created any problems in the place you live in? 6. What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town?

7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? what is the climate like in your hometown?/

What is the weather like in your hometown?

8. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? Leisure Activities/ Hobbies

1. What do you do in your spare time?

2. What are your spare time interests/hobbies? 3. How do you spend your leisure time?

4. How do you spend your weekends? /What do you like doing at the weekend? 5. Do you like reading? What kind of books do you read? 6. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?

7. Do you often read newspapers? Which ones do you read? 8. Do you often go to the cinema/ theatre? 9. What kind of films do you like best?

10. Do you often watch TV? What id your favorite program? 11. What kind of music do you enjoy?

12. Who is your favorite film star? Will you describe him/her to me? 13. How do people usually spend their free time in your country? Ambitions

1. Do you have any ambitions?

2. If you could start your life again, would you do anything different? 3. What do you see yourself doing in ten years’ time?

4. Have you ever thought to have your own business? What kind of business do you hope to have? 5. How do you want to develop your career? Future Plan

1. What are your plans for your future?

2. What are your plans on your returning to Chins? 3. What do you intend to do after you finish studying? Living/Studying Abroad

1. Do you want to study abroad?

2. Which country do you intend to go to?

3. What are you going to study? / What do you intend to study? 4. What are you going to major in?

5. Which university are you going to study at?

6. Have you been admitted by the university you apply for? 7. What is your research proposal all about? 8. Why do you want to study abroad?

9. What will be your main problem when you are studying in a foreign country?

10. Some Chinese students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion? 11. What kind of culture shocks do you think will be probably encountered in western world? How will

you overcome them?

12. What problems can you foresee in the future when you come back to China? Education

1. Say something about your educational background. /Can you tell me a little about your educational


2. What is your major? / How do you like it?

3. What subjects did you study at university? Do you think they are useful in preparing you for your

future work?

4. Which is the best university in your country?

5. Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?

6. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why? Campus Life

1. Can you say something about your school life?

2. Could you tell me something about your campus life? 3. What impressed you most when you were at university?

4. What are the best and the worst memories you have of your primary or secondary school days? 5. Did you ever take part-time jobs when studying at university?

6. Do you think it’s a good idea for full-time students to take part-time jobs? Language

1. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult? 2. Do you think foreign language learning is important?

3. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended


4. How do you think language should be learned? 5. How many foreign languages can you speak? City

1. How do you like Shanghai? Compare it to your hometown. 2. What do you think about the city you live in? 3. What place do you like best in Shanghai/Beijing?

4. What places in Shanghai/Beijing should a foreigner visit? 5. If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in? Traveling

1. Do you like/enjoy traveling? Where have you been to? 2. Which country/place would you most like to visit?

3. Which parts of China would you recommend a foreigner to visit? 4. Have you ever been to another country? Where did you go?

5. Which is the best place you’ve been to in China?/ Which place do you like best? 6. What do you like to do when you visit an unfamiliar place?

House and Home

1. What’s the house like you live in now? How do you feel about it?

2. Could you describe your home?

3. If you were given a choice, what sort of house would you like to live in? why? 4. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country? Cooking

1. Do you enjoy cooking?

2. Who does most of the shopping / cooking in your family? 3. What is the favorite food in your family? Friendship

1. Do you have a lot of friends?

2. What does friendship mean to you?

3. What kind of people do you make friends with?

4. What would you do if your next door neighbor were noisy nearly all the time?

Part Two 1.

Describe a lake, river or any other place that used to be clean or quiet but now becomes polluted by noise or dirt. You should say: what the place looked like before; what it looks like now; what are the causes of this change. Do you think people should recover it? Why? And how? 2.

Describe a useful course you have attended. You should say: what the course was about; what you did in the course; why it was useful. Would you change anything about the course? 3

Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education. You must say: where you met him/her; what subject he/she taught; what was special about him/her. and explain how this person has influenced you. 4.

Describe a restaurant or a cafe you like to visit. You should say: its name and location; what kind of food or drinks it supplies; what its environment looks like. and explain why you like to visit it. 5

Describe a technology you use. You should say: what it is; when you use it; why you use it. What impact does it have on people’s life? 6.

Describe a party you attended that has remained in your memory. You should say: where it was held; what it was for; how it was held. and explain what made the party so memorable for you. 7.

Talk about a friend you feel most close to. You must say: who he/she is; his/her character and hobbies; why you have been close friends. and explain why he/she is important or special to you. 8.

Describe changes that are important in your country. You must say: what are the changes in people’s life; what is the most obvious or important change; how it has affected people’s life. and explain what advantages and disadvantages it has. 9.

Describe someone you particularly enjoy working with. You should say: what this person does; what sort of work you do with this person; why you like working with this person. Would you change anything about this person? 10.

Describe tourism in your town or a nearby town. You should say: what people come to see and do; where they usually come from; what places people usually go to visit. and explain why they find the town interesting/attractive. 11.

Describe a festival that is important in your country. You should say: what it is celebrated for; how people celebrate it now compared with the past; how might things change in the future. and explain how it has affected people’s life in your country. 12.

Talk about a possession that is important to you. You should say: what it is; when and how you got it; why it is important or special to you. and explain what you’d do if you lose or break it


Talk about your profession. You should say: what it is; why you chose this profession; what is the goal of your profession. and explain how your profession has affected your life. 14.

Describe a kind of sport. You should say: which sport you enjoy playing or watching; when or how often you play or watch this sport; why you like this sport. and explain how it influences people’s life. 15.

Describe the most interesting trip you have ever taken. You should say: where you went; how you got there; what interesting things you saw. What do you think about the difference between a business trip and a vacation? 16.

Describe a family member who has influenced you the most. You must say: who he/she is; what he/she does; what is his/her personality and lifestyle. and explain what and how he /she has influenced your life. 17.

Describe an important decision you have made. You should say: what it is; how you made it; why it is important. and explain how it has affected your life. 18.

Describe a person you respect. You should say: who he/she is; how you know this person; why you respect him/her. Would you like to be a person like him/her? Explain. 19.

Talk about a birthday celebration you enjoyed. You should say: when it was held; what you did; why you particularly enjoyed it. What made the party so meaningful for you? 20.

Describe the best present/gift you received. You must say: what it is; who gave it to you; when you received it. and explain why it is important or special to you. 21.

Describe what machines are important in your life. You should say: what machines you have and need; what is the most important and / or useful one; why it is important and /or useful. and explain why this machine has changed people’s life and changed the world. 22.

Describe one of the best movies you have ever seen. You should say: when you saw this movie; what nationality the movie was; who the main actor(s) was / were. What made the movie so appealing to you? 23.

Describe a female who has greatly influenced you in your life. You should say: who she is; what kind of person she is; how you got to know this person. and explain what is special about her. 24.

Describe a wedding you attended that has remained in your memory. You should say: where it was held; what people did at the wedding; why you enjoyed it so much. What made it so memorable for you? 25.

Describe your hometown. You should say: what are your local industries; what is your hometown famous for; what changes have happened recently in your hometown. What do you think about the future of your hometown? 26.

Describe a TV show you like best. You should say: what it is; how you feel about it; why it is the show you like best; and explain how it has affected your life. 27.

Talk about a piece of advice you ever followed which benefits you much. You should say: what it is; who gave it to you; how you reacted to it. What benefits have you got from it? 28.

Talk about something from which you learned an unforgettable lesson. You should say: what it is; how it happened to you; what lessons you learned from it. and explain how it has affected your life. 29.

Talk about a tough task you accomplished. You should say: what it was; what kind of difficulties you came upon; how you managed to overcome them. and explain what you have learned from it. 30.

Describe an important teamwork you ever joined. You should say: what it was; who were involved in it; how you cooperated to fulfill it; and explain what you have learned from it. 31.

Talk about a success which you made great efforts to achieve. You should say: what it was; how you made efforts to achieve it; how you evaluate your efforts and your success. and explain what you have learned from it. 32.

Describe a bad habit you managed to get out of. You should say: what it is; what harmful effects it had on you; how you managed to get out of it. and explain what you have learned from it. 33.

Describe the first part-time job you were engaged in. You should say: what it is; why you chose it; how you feel about it. and explain how it will affect / has affected your career. 34.

Describe a book from which you have learned a lot. You should say: what it is; what it tells about; what you learn from it. and explain what role books play in people’s life. 35.

Describe a special food which is appealing to you. You should say: what it is; how to make it; why you like it; and explain how special it is compared to other food. 36.

Describe a kind of physical practice which benefits you a lot. You should say: what it is; how often you take it; what you take it for. and explain how it benefits your health. 37.

Describe the house you live in now. You should say: what it looks like; how you feel about it; what you did to make it more comfortable. Are you going to change it in the future? Why or why not


Describe a misunderstanding between you and your friends. You should say: what it is; how it happened; how you cleared it. and explain what true friends mean to you? 39.

Talk about the worst experience you had in your primary or secondary school days. You should say: when it happened; how it happened; what troubles it brought to you. and explain how it has affected your life. 40.

Describe a dream you have had in mind since the childhood. You should say: what it is; why you have got it; how you try to fulfill it. and explain how it has affected your life. 41.

Tell me about an advertisement. You should say: what product or service is advertised what the advertisement shows or showed why you remember this advertisement in particular and say whether you think the advertisement is/was effective 42.

Tell me about an ambition you have in life. You should say: what the ambition is whether you really believe you will ever achieve it what you must do in order to achieve it and whether you will need any help. 43.

Tell me about an animal. You should say: what the animal is and where it lives what the animal looks like and how it behaves how this animal is special and explain why you chose to talk about this animal. 44.

Tell me about an artistic skill you wish you had or wish you could learn. You should say: what the skill is and where you could learn it why you would like to have or learn it how it might change you or your life and explain how you would use your new skill. 45.

Tell me about a book you have read, You should say: which book it was and when you read it what feelings you had whilst reading it if you have read other books by the same author and how it influenced you, if at all. 46.

Tell me about a ceremonial event that you either watched or attended, You should say: what the event was and where it took place if it is a regular event or a ‘one-off’ how you felt about it and explain why you think it is special. 47.

Tell me about a city you have visited. You should say: where the city is and when you went there what people can see and do in that city why that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable. 48.

Tell me about the role computers play in your life. You should say: how often you use computers and why how they are important in your life how you personally might use computers in the future and say what new developments in computers you expect in the near future. 49.

Tell me about a controversial issue in your country. You should say: what the issue is and why it is so controversial what the arguments are on this issue what most people think about it and explain what your opinion on this issue is. 50.

Tell me about a cultural event that you either saw on TV or went to. You should say: what the event was and where it took place if it is a national event or only local / regional if it attracted a wide range of people and how you felt about it. 51.

Tell me about an important economic activity in your country. You should say: what the activity is and where it takes place how it is important in your life how it has developed over the last 20 years and explain why it is important to your country. 52.

Tell me about the education system in your country. You should say: at what ages students go to different schools what the advantages and disadvantages of the system are how the system is changing and explain what changes you would like to see. 53.

Tell me about an environmental problem that is facing your country. You should say: what the problem is how it arose how it influences life in your country and explain how this problem could be solved. 54.

Tell me about something really exciting you have done in your life You should say: what it was and when you did it whether you were alone or with other people if you would like to do it again and say whether you think your life is really exciting. 55.

Tell me about a famous person who you particularly admire You should say: who the person is (was) and why they are (were) famous why you particularly admire them how they contribute(d) to society and say what questions you would ask this person if you met them. 56.

Tell me about a film you have seen. You should say: what the title of the film was and where you saw it what the story (plot) involves whether you have seen other films by the same director and explain how you feel about this film. 57.

Tell me about one of your friends. You should say: who the friend is and how you first met him I her what you enjoy doing together what he / she is like and looks like and explain why your friendship is so special. 58.

Tell me about a game that you have played. You should say: what the game was and what you need to play if it is widely played in your country how it is played and say why you think it is a good way to spend time. 59.

Tell me about a hobby or an interest that you have. You should say: what the hobby or interest is when and why you took up this hobby or interest whether you expect to continue with this hobby or interest and explain how this hobby or interest affects the other aspects of your life. 60.

Tell me about a holiday you have taken, You should say: when and where you went on the holiday if it is a popular holiday destination what you did on the holiday and what was special about it. 61.

Tell me about a hotel You should say: where the hotel is and what it is called what the hotel looks like what facilities the hotel has and say whether you often stay in hotels. 62.

Tell me about your ideal home. You should say: where it would be and how much it might cost what rooms it would have how it would change your lifestyle and say whether you think you will ever have a home like this.


Tell me about an important structure in your city or country. You should say: what the structure is and what it is used for what the structure is made of and what it looks like how it has changed the area around it and say what you thought of the structure the first time you saw it. 64.

Tell me about a job that you have never had, hut would like to haves You should say: what the job is and why you want to do it if it requires any special skills or abilities how it would change your personal life and explain how you might get this job in the future. 65.

Tell me about your experience of learning English. You should say: when you started learning English and why how you have learnt English and with which people how it has changed your life so far and say why you think it will be useful to you in the future, 66.

Tell me about a meal that you either cooked or ate. You should say: what the meal consisted of and who made it if it was for a special occasion where you cooked it or ate it and explain why the meal was so special. 67.

Tell me about a piece of music or a song that you particularly enjoy. You should say: what the music/song is and where/when you first heard it who wrote it or sings it if it is popular with other people and explain your feelings when you hear this music or song. 68.

Tell me about a piece of news you heard or read recently. You should say: what the news was and where you heard or read it if it was significant for many people how it has changed, or will change, people’s lives and explain how you felt when you heard or read this news. 69.

Tell me about a person who has greatly influenced you. You should say: who the person is (was) how you came into contact with this person how they have influenced you and why and whether this person has also influenced other people. 70.

Tell me about a place you have visited. You should say: where the place is and why you went there if it is a popular place for people to go to how it has changed or may change and explain how you felt when you went there for the first time. 71.

Tell me about the public transport system in your town or city. You should say: what forms of public transport are available whether you use the public transport system often how it is developing and explain how the public transport system in your town or city could be improved. 72.

Tell me about a restaurant that you have either been to or heard about, You should say: what kind of restaurant it is what special dishes are served there where it is located and explain why this restaurant is special. 73.

Tell me about an important scientific development. You should say: what the development is and who developed it what the original idea behind the development was how it has developed in recent years and explain how it might influence society in the future. 74.

Tell me about a short course you have taken or would like to take. You should say: what the course is about where you did it / could do it what the exact content of the course was I will be and say how it has benefited or will benefit you. 75.

Tell me about something you think is dangerous You should say: what it is and why you think it is dangerous whether other people also think it is dangerous whether this dangerous thing has any good points and say if you think you are good at handling dangerous situations and things. 76.

Tell me about something you own which is useful or important to you. You should say: what the thing is and how you got it why it is useful or important to you if it is also important or useful to others and say how your life would be harder without this thing. 77.

Tell me about a sport that you either watch or play. You should say: what the sport is and why you like it if it is popular with other people in your family /city/country where and when you play or watch it and say how you feel when you play or watch this sport. 78.

Tell me about the role money plays in your life. You should say: how important money is in your life what you spend money on and how much you save/invest if you spend money in the same ways as most other people and say whether you consider money to be the most important thing in life. 79.

Tell me about the role TV plays in your life or your family life You should say: how much TV the people in your family watch whether you enjoy the same types of programmes how its role in your family has changed over time and compare its role to other forms of leisure activity. 80.

Tell me about the weather in your city. You should say: what the weather is usually like in the different seasons whether people often discuss the weather in your town or city what people think of the weather in your town or city and say whether you think the weather in your town or city is better or worse than in other places. 81.

Describe an important letter that you received. You should say: who wrote it what the letter was about how you felt about the letter and explain why it was important. 82.

Describe an important decision that you have made. You should say: what the decision was how you made your decision what the results of the decision were and explain why it was important. 83.

Describe an adventurous person who you know. (grandpa, old) You should say: who the person is how you know this person what this person does that is adventurous and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.* (or, explain how you feel about the risks this person takes.)* 84.

Describe a time when you are very busy. You should say: when this time is what you do at this time how you arrange your time and explain how you feel after this busy time is over. 85.

Describe what you would do if you received a very large amount of money. You should say: who you would share it with what you would buy what else you would do and explain how you would feel about getting so much money. 86.

Describe a film that you have recently seen. You should say: what the film was when and where you saw it what the film was about and explain how you felt about his film. 87.

Describe a vehicle you would like to own. You should say: What kind of vehicle Spaceship, Scooter, Motorbike, Folding bike, Electric bike, SUV, sports car, tractor why you would like to have it how you would get it

and explain why you would prefer this kind of transport. 88.

Describe an item that you bought that you were dissatisfied with. You should say: what the item was when and where you bought it why you bought it and explain why you were not happy with this product. * (or, explain what you did with the product after you found that it was unsatisfactory.) 89.

Describe an exhibition that you visited. You should say: when you saw this exhibition where the exhibition was held what was on display and explain your impression of the exhibition 90.

Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen. You should say: when you saw this work of art where you saw it what it looked like and explain your impression of it. 91.

Describe your childhood room You should say: what it looked like what was in it what you did in the room and explain why you liked it *. (or, explain what you liked about the room.)* 92.

Describe an important building in your hometown. You should say: where this building is what it looks like what it is used for and explain why it is important. 93.

Describe a book that you have read. You should say: what the book was what was in this book why you read it and explain what effect the book had on you. 94.

Describe a meal you would like to invite your friends to eat with you. You should say: who you would invite where you would eat this meal what you would eat and explain why you would choose to eat this food.* (or, explain why you would like to invite these friends to eat with you.)* (or, explain what preparations you would make for this meal.) * 95.

Describe an item of furniture that you use often. You should say: what it is where it is what it looks like and explain how or why you use it. * 96.

Describe a practical skill that you have. You should say: what this skill is cooking skills, gardening, farming, housekeeping, spinning and weaving, money skills, sewing, bean-curd making, clay modeling. Home Economics how you learned it when you use this skill * and explain how this skill is useful to you. 97.

Describe a class or course that you have studied (or are studying now). You should say: what this class or course was (or is) where it was held (or is held) why you studied (or study) this and explain how useful this class was (or is) towards your future goals. 98.

Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently You should say: what you did when and where you did it who you did it with and explain why you think it was interesting or unusual. 99.

Describe a place where you often walk You should say: where and when you walk what you see on this walk who you walk with and explain why you walk. 100.

Describe an unforgettable (or, enjoyable) activity that you have taken part in as part of your English study. You should say: when and where you did this activity what this activity was how you did it why it is unforgettable (or, why you enjoyed it) and explain how you benefited from this activity.

