牛津英语8B 期末试卷 二 有答案 - 图文

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初二英语第二学期期末试卷 Ⅰ. 听力部分(20分)


1._____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________4. _____________5. _____________ 二、根据所听到的句子,选择相应的应答句。每个句子听两遍。

( ) 6. A. What a great idea! B. I?m sorry to hear that. C. What a fine day. ( ) 7. A. She?s kind. B. She?s over there. C. She likes to dance. ( ) 8. A. Oh, no, I can do better. B. Thanks. I will do better later. C. Well, that?s a good idea.

( ) 9. A. Sorry, she is out. B. This is Helen. C. I?m Helen.

( ) 10. A. By bus. B. Under the big tree. C. At two o?clock. 三、听对话,选择正确答案。每个对话听两遍。

( ) 11. A. Clever and hard-working. B. Lazy and stupid. C. Clever but lazy. ( ) 12. When is the next football game?

A. Next Sunday. B. Next Saturday. C. This Sunday.

( ) 13. Why does Mrs. Li say sorry?

A. Because she didn?t know she was speaking too fast. B. Because she thought she was speaking too fast. C. Because she knew her English was too poor.

( ) 14. What did Uncle Wang mean?

A. Jack wanted to have the computer. B. Jack couldn?t repair the computer. C. Jack could repair the computer.

( ) 15. Who?s the man?s favorite basketball player?

A. Michael Jordan. B. Yao Ming. C. Yi Jianlian.

四、听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。 ( ) 16. What is the story about?

A. It?s about an English boy. B. It?s about an American boy. C. It?s about a Chinese boy. ( ) 17. When did it happen?

A. It happened in the year 1909.

B. It happened in the year 1900. C. It happened in the year 1919.

( ) 18. Who died when Tom was a young child? A. His brother. B. His father. C. His mother. ( ) 19. How was Tom?s mother then?

A. She was often ill. B. She was hungry. C. She was strong.

( ) 20. When did Tom become very famous?

A. Thirteen years later. B. Thirty year later. C. At the age of thirty. 二.选择题(15)

( ) 1. I want to watch the news on TV. _______, please.

A Turn on it B. Turn it on. C. Turn off it. D. Turn it off. ( ) 2. If you want to open a file, please _______ on the icon.

A. left twice clicks B. left double clicks. C. double left clicks D. twice left clicks ( ) 3. ----- Is the pop star ______ English girl? ----- No, she is ________ Australian singer.

A. an; an B. a; an C. an; a D. a; a ( ) 4. The 30th Olympic Games _______ in London in2012

A.has been had B.will be held C. hold D. will be happened ( ) 5. . People in Nanjing ______ taking the underground now.

A. used to B. are used to C. didn?t use to D. were used to ( ) 6. We had a charity show last week _______ we wanted to raise money., A. because of B. because C. so D. why ( ) 7. London is _______ the biggest cities all over the world.

A. of B. in C. between D. among

( ) 8. Haven?t you been invited to the party? --- No, _______ A. No time to help with it. B. No time to take part in. C. I don?t know then at all. D. I don?t think so.

( )9.–Excuse me. Look at the sign: No SMOKING! --Sorry, I it. A. don?t see B. didn?t see C. haven?t seen D. won?t see ( ) 10. ---- ______ was the show? ---- It was a big success.

A. What B. When C. Why D. How. ( ) 11. ----Sandy, I?ve passed the exams. ---- _______ !

A. What a pity B. Congratulations C. Never mind D. The same to you ( ) 12. ---- Please keep ______ .

---- Sorry. Is your son sleeping? We?d better keep the door _____ , too.

A. silent ; open. B. on talking; open C. silent; closed D. on talking; closed ( ) 13. ----Was a fashion show ______ in Rainbow Shopping Mall? ----Yes, a lot of people ______ there.

A. to be held; have gone B. held ; went C. to be held; have been D. held; would be ( ) 14. ---- I found _____ difficult to organize a big event. ----- Maybe you were too nervous at that time. ----- But slowly, everything became a little ______.

A it ;easy B. that; easy C. it; easier D. that ; easier ( ) 15. He had _____ a good idea ____ we all agree with him.

A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. either; or ( )16. Last Friday I saw some boys behind Daniel, the computer games. A. sit, watching B. sitting, watch C. sit, watch D. sitting, watched ( )17 .Thank you for Tom with us. A. letting, stays B. letting, stay C. letting, staying D. let, stay

( )18. All the drivers must be careful when they are driving to prevent the traffic accident . A. happen B. to happen C. from being happened D. from happening ( )19. Thanks for your . You?re so to me.

A. kind, kindly B. kindless, kind C. kindness, kind D. kindful, kindness

( )20. Since he joined the swimming team. He has to swim across the wide river. A. able B. could C. can D. been able 三、完形填空。(15)

The computer was one of the most important inventions of last century. The first computer was as large as a room. Now some computers are as 1 as television sets. Some computers can even be made smaller 2 a book. About 20 years 3 , the computer was a strange machine in China. Not many people 4 it and said yes to it. Today much of that is 5 . In 1984,when Deng Xiaoping 6 two pupils working on the computer in Shanghai, he said that computer lessons 7 start from children. So there was the first

computer book for middle school students. Now in Shanghai 8 all middle schools have classrooms 9 computer courses. Some of the students now have their 10 computer at home. With the help of Internet, they can send and 11 messages and e-mails, and they can learn about the world 12 .

Now computers are 13 used in banks, factories, airports and so on. The computer is coming into everyone?s 14 , so it is important for us to learn 15 to use a computer freely. ( )1 . A. huge B. small C. great D. little ( )2. A. as B. like C. than D. about ( )3 . A. over B. before C. long D. ago ( )4 . A. understand B. understood C. learn D. learnt

( )5. A. changing B. moving C. turning D. happening ( )6 . A. looked B. heard C. found D. watched ( )7 . A. can B. may C. would D. should ( )8 . A. most B. almost C. only D. no ( )9 . A. for B. of C. with D. on ( )10 . A. new B. old C. own D. simple

( )11. A. receive B. give C. do D. make ( )12 . A. much quick B. much quickly C. more quick D. more quickly ( )13 . A. recently B. widely C. slowly D. carefully ( )14 . A. life B. live C. lives D. living ( )15 . A. when B. where C. how D. why 四、阅读理解(40)


Are you a healthy kid? ?Yes, I eat a lot,? you might say. But sometimes eating a lot doesn?t mean a strong body. On May 19th , 2006, there was a report from the China Nutrition and Health Association for Children(中国儿童营养健康协会). It talks about some problems of Chinese kids? food and health.

The report says that kids in China eat too much fat. In 1992, kids aged 12—17 ate 38 grams of animal meat each day. Ten years later, it was 102 grams each day. Eating too much fat makes children unhealthy.

The report also says that Chinese kids don?t have enough vitamin A and minerals(矿物质) such as zinc(锌)and calcium(钙). Vitamins and minerals are important to the body. For example, calcium helps build strong bones and teeth and vitamin A is good for eyes.

Want to have a strong body? Try some of these foods from now on. ● Eggs, carrots, sweet potatoes. They are rich in vitamin A. ● Milk, cheese, yogurt and fish. They are rich in calcium. ● Pork, peas and peanuts. They are rich in zinc. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案

( )1. According to the report, animal meat is rich in .

A. minerals B. vitamin C. calcium D. fat ( )2. If we want to have strong teeth, we should eat more .

① Peas ② milk ③ eggs ④ fish ⑤ meat ⑥ yogurt A.①②③ B.①⑤⑥ C.②④⑥ D.③④⑤

( )3. Eating carrots and eggs is good for our .

A. eyes B. bones C. teeth D. ears ( )4. From the passage we learn that .

A. fat is more important than vitamin A B. kids should eat more meat

C. kids prefer vegetables to meat D. kids in China have an unhealthy eating habit

( )5. The writer writes this passage to . A. introduce the work of the China Nutrition and Health Association for Children B. tell the changes of the eating habits of Chinese kids

C. suggest a healthier eating habit D. give advice on how to protect kids? eyes


The snow went on falling, and they could see only a few meters in front of them. “We should go back,” said Judy. She was afraid. “But where is the path(道路)?”

Everything was covered with snow. The sky was grey. “What?s the time?” “asked Paul. Judy looked at her watch. “Nearly 5 o?clock. It gets dark in an hour.”

“We must start walking, and hope we find the path. I think the snow?s stopping.” said Paul. But it wasn?t

stopping. The wind was strong. It blew around them, cold and wet. “Just keep going downhill.” said Judy. “We can?t go wrong.”

Then Paul fell on some rocks. He shouted. “Judy! I?ve hurt my leg!” He couldn?t stand up. His leg hurt too much.

“I?ll have to phone for help.” said Judy. “ I hope the mobile phone works up here!”

Luckily it did. They phoned the mountain service(服务站). “Don?t move! shouted the man on the phone. “Stay where you are, we?re sending a team there.”

They were not far from the path., so the team found them easily. They were lucky ! People often get into trouble when they climb the mountains. You must always tell someone where you are going and take a mobile phone with you. Mountain is a dangerous place to be if things go wrong! ( )1. What was the weather like?

A. Sunny and warm . B. Snowy and windy.C. Rainy and windy. D. Windy but warm. ( )2. What were Judy and Paul doing?

A. Falling. B. Stopping. C. Climbing. D. Phoning. ( )3. Who fell down and got hurt

A. Paul. B. Judy. C. The man in the service. D. A team. ( )4. Where was the path?

A. By a river. B. Downhill. C. At the foot of the hill . D. Near the climbers. ( )5. Which is the most useful when you are in mountains?

A. Stopping now and them. B. Getting in touch with the outside world. C. Using a walking stick. D. Going back when there is no path.


Young men often give flowers to young women when they are in love. This tradition may have come from Turkey. In the 1700s in Turkey, it was quite popular for people in love to send each other baskets full of strange things. The baskets were delivered(递送) secretly to the person who was receiving it. Usually, and old woman who sold flowers or fruit on the street left the basket beside the person?s door.

These baskets included a variety(种类)of “gifts”: flowers, stones, feathers, was(蜡), and even charcoal(木炭). Each thing in the basket had a special meaning. By figuring out(领会到)the secret message contained in each item(项目),the person who received the basket began to understand little by little the true feelings of the person who sent it.

This idea of sending gifts of love with secret meanings quickly spread to(传到)Germany, France and England. However, as time passed, only sending flowers, remained(保持)popular.

An innocent(清白的)bunch(束)of flowers told young ladies about the feelings in hearts of young men. Each different flower held a different meaning. For example, the flowers from an orange tree meant, “You are beautiful and pure.” Pink carnations(康乃馨)meant, “My love for you is strong and great.” Yellow roses, on the other hand, meant , “I saw you with someone else.”

Many flower dictionaries were made to help young people in love understand the meaning of the flowers they received. Not all of the dictionaries agreed, however, on the meaning of each flower, so a person had to be careful about the flowers they chose to send.

By the 1880s, using flowers to send messages had fallen out of fashion, and the more direct way of sending love letters began. Today, flowers are still considered a lovely gift. But the meaning for each kind of flower has been lost.

( )1. Lines 1 to 10 describe the tradition of .

A. sending gift baskets B. selling flowers C. selling love letters D. sending dictionaries ( )2. What did the items in a basket explain to the receiver?

A. The lady?s looks. B. The sender?s emotions(感情)

C. The person?s door. D. The person?s country. ( )3.To where did the idea of sending gifts of love spread?

A. To Asia. B. To Europe. C. To Australia. D. To North America. ( )4.How did people know the meaning of each kind of flower?

A. A dictionary told them. B. Their parents told them. C. A person in love told them. D. Their friends told them.

( )5. When did the tradition of sending love messages through flowers slow down? A. In the 17th century. B. In the 19th century. C. In the 18th century. D. never. (D)

The Red Cross is an international organization. It cares for people who are in need of help. A man in Paris hospital needs blood, a woman in Mexico hurt in an earthquake and a family in India lost their home in a storm. All of them may be helped by the Red Cross.

The Red Cross is in almost every country around the world. The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent(新月). All of these agencies(机构)share a common goal (目标)of trying to help people in need.

The idea of forming such an organization started with Jean Henri Dunant. In 1859, he saw how people were suffering during the war in Italy. He wanted to help all the wounded (受伤害的) people regardless of(无论)which side they were fighting for.

The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881. Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the people, such as helping people in need, teaching first aid(急救)and providing blood.

( )1. A good title for this passage is . A. People in Need of Help

B. Forming an Organization to Help the Soldier C. The international Red Cross

( )2. The underlined word “ suffering” in Paragraph 3 means “ ”. A. 受苦的 B.生活的 C.欢庆的

( )3. When will the American Red Cross celebrate its two hundred years birthday? A. In 2059 B. In 2200 C. In 2081 ( )4. Who can be helped by the Red Cross?

A. The soldiers B. The American C. All the wounded people ( )5. Where can you find the Red Cross ?

A. We can only find it in the USA. B. We can find it all over the world. C. We can find it only in India, Mexico and Paris.


1. you ever (write) a letter in English? 2.The plane took off (safety).

3.Do you want to see my (recently) photos?

4.I think the book is (mean). No one wants to buy it. 5.You can?t get a point if you answer a question (correct). 6.The words (write) on the golden cloud just now. 7.The boy (lie) on the grass is his brother.

8.The cars (make) in Japan (sell) well. 9.Get it now before it (sell) out.

10.The (design) work together to finish the advertisemeut. 11.He has made some (decide) on his future. 12.I?m sure it?ll be (success).

13.I wish I (can) live on Mars. 14.The of the monkeys is wonderful. (perform)

15.After (hear) the good news, the children jumped (excite). 五、任务型阅读。(10)

Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.(1)当你在学校有麻烦时,你的朋友会帮助你;when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health.; when you get success, our

friends will congratulate you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can find that happiness is always around you. ((2)) Happiness is not the same as money, it?s a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also by very happy, because you have something (3)____ that can?t be bought______ money. When you meet with difficulties, you can easy loudly your are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge(挑战) yourself. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.

1.将第(1)句译成英语______________________________________________________ . 2.将第(2)句译成汉语__________________________________________________ . 3.将(3)处填入适当的内容,使句意完整,通顺_______________________________ . 4.找出文中与If you pay some attention to them, you will happiness is beside you.意思相近句 子。

___________________________________________________________________________. 5. 找出或写出文中最能表达短文主题的句子。



The Olympics were set up to worship (礼拜) Zeus-the m 1 powerful god in Ancient Greece (古希腊). They were held every f 2 years. From 776 BC to 393 AD ( a total of 1169 years), 293 Olympiads were held.

The ancient Olympics had more than 10 events i 3 : running races, boxing, fighting, horse races and son on. w 4 were treated as heroes.

The ancient Olympics w 5 about much more than s 6 . During the Olympic Games, orators (演说家) g 7 public speeches, poets read their poems, and b 8 sold their goods. Some very rich people e 9 organized private athletic (运动的) games to choose husbands of their d 10 .

The ancient Olympics flourished (繁荣) and decayed (衰落) with Greek culture.


某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文,请你根据下列提示,以The Changes in My Hometown为题用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。


2、标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数 3、生词:方便: convenient




一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图画。每个句子听两遍。 1. I operate on two or three patients a day.

2. There?re many trees on the road because of the strong wind. 3. There are many people with eye problems in the world. 4. We should give out leaflets to ask people to donate money. 5. I was so excited that I couldn?t stop clapping my hands. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. c

二、根据所听到的句子,选择相应的应答句。每个句子听两遍。 6. Why don?t we go to Hong Kong Disneyland? 7. What? Amy like?

8. You did very well in maths this term, Lisa. 9. Hello, may I speak to Mary? 10. Where shall we meet?

6.A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B

三、听对话,选择正确答案。每个对话听两遍。 11. M: Joe, you are very clever, but too lazy.

W: Sorry, Mr. Black. I?ll try harder next time. 12. A: When is the next foot ball game? B: Next Saturday. Oh, no, next Sunday.

13. M: Excuse me, Mrs Li, would you please speak more slowly? W: Sorry! If you can?t follow me, Please let me know. 14. W: Uncle Wang, what?s wrong with my computer? M: Oh, it doesn?t work. W: What should I do then? M: Why not call Jack?

15. M: Hi, Linlin, can you guess who is my favourite basketball player? W: Is it Michael Jordan?

M: No, he isn?t American but he is Chinese. And he is now playing for Houston Rockets. 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. B 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。

It was a cold winter day in 1900. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungry. He wanted to buy some bread, but he had no money. What could he do?

When Tom was very young, his father did. His mother was often ill and couldn?t take care of Tom and his younger brother, Mike. Tom lived a hard life, but he wanted to be a great man in the world of films. So he worked to sing and dance well. Thirty years later, the boy became one of the most famous people in the world. 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20 B 二、BCCBB BDBBD BCBCB ABDCD

三、 B C D B A D D B A C A D B A C 四、 A)D C A D C

B)B C A D B C)A B B A B D) C A C C B

五、1.Have written 2.safely 3.recent 4.meaningless 5.incorrectly 6.were written 7.lying 8.made, sell 9.is sold 10.designers 11.decisions 12.successful 13.could 14.performance 15.hearing excitedly 六、

1. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. 2. 快乐与金钱不一样,它是你内心的一种感受。 3. else, with

4. If you notice a bit of them, you can find happiness everywhere. 5. Happiness is for everyone. 七

1. most 2. four 3. including 4. winners 5. were 6. sports 7. gave 8. businessmen 9. even 10. daughters

The Changes in My Hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small, People lived a poor life. The houses were old and small. Pollution was very serious and there was rubbish everywhere. The trdffic was not convenient. Very few visitors came here.

Now great changes have taken place in my home town. The environment has become more beautiful. The mountains have turned greener, the rivers clearer and the sky bluer. The hourse are large and bright. Many people have their own cars. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world come to visit our city. I?m sure my hometown will become more and more beautiful in the future.

