Animal Farm

更新时间:2023-03-17 11:53:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


I began to read the novel Animal Farm after I watched the movie of the same name.The movie helped me to understand the novel easily.It's really a good luck to have the opportunity to read the well-known novel Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a political allegory fable. This book described that on a farm somewhere in England, the animals in this farm had strong dissatisfaction with the farms. So one day late at night, the oldest pig Old Major called on all the animals to rebel against their master Mr. Jones who maltreated them. Under the lead of the pigs, through the revolution, they drove the original owner Jones away. After the revolution, the pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, promised freedom and equality for all animals in the farm. At first, animal farm prospers and all animals indeed had some wonderful days. At first, Animal Farm

prospers.Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. When Mr. Jones reappears to take back his farm, the animals defeat him again, in what comes to be known as the Battle of the Cowshed, and take the farmer's abandoned gun as a token of their victory. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence on the other animals. Snowball concocts a scheme to build an electricity-generating windmill, but Napoleon solidly opposes the plan. At the meeting to vote on whether to take up the project, Snowball makes a passionate speech. Although Napoleon gives only a brief retort, he then makes a strange noise, and nine attack dogs-the puppies that Napoleon had confiscated in order to \chase Snowball from the farm. Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisions-for the good of every animal. After a series of politics changes,animal farm could find their animalism

back. Animals' life became harder. But as the result of their blind worship of Napoleon, they couldn't think calmly. The whole farm was in the charge of sheer totalitarianism.Therefore,freedom and equality were nowhere to be found in the farm. Therefore, the revolution ended in great failure.

When I finished reading the book, I only understood the book in a shallow view. I just knew that animal farm is a magic place and animals in this farm can act like humans. Later on, I surfed the Internet and learned about some background, and then I generally understood what the story wanted to tell us. The book was written based on actual historical events. We can find that many developments in Soviet history before 1945 have direct parallels in Animal Farm: Napoleon ousts Snowball from the farm and, after the windmill collapses, uses Snowball in his purges just as Stalin used Trotsky. Similarly, Napoleon becomes a dictator,and Snowball is never heard from again. Orwell was inspired to write Animal Farm in part by his experiences in a Trotskyist group during the Spanish

Civil War, and Snowball certainly receives a more sympathetic portrayal than Napoleon. But though Animal Farm was written as an attack on a specific government, its general themes of oppression, suffering, and injustice have far broader application; many readers have come to see Orwell's book as a powerful attack on any political, rhetorical, or military power that seeks to control human beings unjustly.

In general, Animal Farm presents us an utopian world. In the meanwhile, the book also made me think of Utopia in China. In ancient China, many great thinkers have described the utopian world in their eyes. And the most famous among them are \\fisherman happened to come upon a village called Peach-Blossom Spring. The village is secluded, which is considered as a fairyland, and people here keep away from wars. They lived an original simple and self-sufficient life. What's more, no one can break the peace and tranquillity in the village. However, \dream and consistent pursuit. The country belongs to all, everyone should try to be honest and get along well with each other. Furthermore, people will treat others' parents and children as their own parents and children. Everybody has a work and no one is homeless. More important, all people are entirely selfless. And house doors could be left ajar at night because there will be no thieves.

Comparing the utopia in western countries with the utopia in China, both of the two are fabled. They both express a nice desire that people want to keep far away from oppression and wars. And just as the old saying goes, \is oppression, there is resistance. \harmony.

However, comparing the two utopian culture, they are quite different. The utopia in Animal Farm ended in failure. One of the main reasons is that the revolution in animal farm didn't produce a good leader. Its ultimate causes emerge from all the weakness and evil in human personality, such as selfishness and the sin and evil coming from it, like greed, jealousy, mean, hypocrisy, viciousness, etc. Therefore, all of these is doomed to that the revolution is unlikely to succeed. But the utopia in ancient China is also an impossible dream.The dream is built on the basis of everyone being

selfless. And everybody is the member of the international family and they all work together to maintain the peace of the family. And yet, no one is perfect, and no one can be totally selfless.To some degree, everyone has a wicked side somewhere deep inside. So, in ideas, the utopia in China is the yearning towards a beautiful world.

In a word, the two kinds of utopia are the reflection of the people for a better life and the pursuit of yearning, which is just for thinking but hard to achieve. All we can do is to spare no effort to build a harmonious society.

