高中任务型阅读知识点和相关练习试题 百度文库(1)

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In an ideal world, we usually get eight hours of sleep every night, and wake up with enough energy before work. But when we're struggling to balance the responsibilities of everyday life, cutting back on sleep seems to be the only solution. Many of us rely on coffee or energy drinks to get us through the day, instead of making sleep a priority. Sadly, as delicious as it can be, caffeine is not the solution. Being tired not only brings down our energy levels, but also makes us less productive and less motivated. There are concrete steps you can take right now to renew your energy.

Awareness comes first because you have to understand what's going on before you can do anything to change it. Most of us are too busy to notice how fatigue(疲劳) really affects our bodies and minds. What signs of trouble do you regularly display? The patterns of your signs of trouble can give you clues about the negative effects of your fatigue. In addition, it's wise to start thinking about whoever can feel the effects of your fatigue.

Reflecting on the choices you've made can provide clarity, which will help you figure out what needs to be changed. During this reflection, you will be able to understand more about yourself and why you do the things you do. You may decide to forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made. Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel refreshed and ready to move forward.

Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new perspectives and feedback that can help with treatment and what you need to heal. To start with, have an open mind and an open heart. Limit complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will win. Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be honest. Listen carefully because it shows respect.

The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down and making a fresh start. It's helpful to break the process down. It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. On occasion, the small steps alone can remove fatigue. For instance, you may not need to change your career but change emphasis. If you feel hopelessly dragged down by fatigue, self-care may be the best prescription.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,作者对于如何恢复精力,给出了一些建议和方法。(1)考查信息提升,根据第二段中的“Awareness comes first because you have to understand what's going on before you can do anything to change it.”意识是第一位的,因为在你做任何事情去改变它之前,你必须先了解发生了什么。这一部分主要讲了意识,所以填Awareness。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“What signs of trouble do you regularly display?”可知这里填trouble。

(3)考查细心提升。根据第三段中的“Reflecting on the choices you've made can provide clarity, which will help you figure out what needs to be changed.”可知这里意思是仔细思考你所做的选择,找出需要改变的地方。need doing需要做某事,该用法是固定用法,所以填changing。

(4)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel refreshed and ready to move forward. ”可知这里意思是积极地思考,你会感到精神焕发,准备好继续前进。该空修饰动词Think,用副词,所以填positively。

(5)考查信息提升。根据第四段中的“Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new perspectives and feedback that can help with treatment and what you need to heal.”结合表格中的内容,可知这一部分主要讲了谈话,所以填Conversation。

(6)考查信息提升。根据第四段“Limit complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will win.”可知这里意思是向他人敞开心扉,但不要抱怨太多。助动词don't后,接动词原形,所以填complain。

(7)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be honest.”可知这里意思是没有必要把一切都告诉别人,但是你需要通过讲真话来表现出诚实。作动词show的宾语,用名词,所以填honesty。

(8)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Listen carefully because it shows respect.”可知这里意思是认真倾听,尊重他人。介词by之后,接v+ing形式,所以填listening。

(9)考查信息提升。根据最后一段中的“The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down and making a fres h start.”可知这里意思是摆脱让你沮丧的事情,重新开始。祈使句用动词原形,所以填Rid。

(10)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. 可知这里意思是做一些小的调整或采取自我照顾的态度。作Make的宾语,用名词,所以



2.Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

In business, there is a speed difference: It's the difference between how important firm leaders say speed is to their competitive strategy and how fast the company actually moves. The difference is important regardless of industry and company size. ________

In our study of 343 businesses, the companies that choose to go, go, go to try to gain an edge ended up with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track. What's more, the firms that “slowed down to speed up “improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-year period.

________ They thought differently about what "slower" and "faster" mean. Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operation speed (moving quickly )and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value ).Simply increasing the speed of production, for example ,may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference .But that often leads to reduced value over time, in the form of lower-quality products and services.

In our study, higher-performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary. They became more open to ideas and discussion. ________ And they allowed time to look back and learn. By contrast, performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time, paid too much attention to improving efficiency, stuck to tested methods, didn't develop team spirit among their employees, and had little time thinking about changes.

Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership. ________ That kind of strategy must come from the top.

A. How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better?

B. Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals.

C. More haste, less speed, which in the study proves wrong.

D. Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

E. They valued efficiency rather than consideration.

F. They encouraged new ways of thinking.

【答案】 D;A;F;B

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇议论文,围绕速度展开,否定了一味强调速度的盲目性,区分了operational speed”操作速度“与strategic speed”战略速度“,强调了适当时间采取战略速度的重要性。

(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”The difference is important regardles s of industry and company size.“可知,无论行业和公司规模如何,那些担心失去竞争优势的公

司会花费大量的时间和金钱来寻找加快速度的方法。panies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.符合此处语境。故选D。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”What's more, the firms that‘slowed down to speed up ’improved their top and bottom lines, averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three-year period.“可知,那些“放慢速度以加快速度”的公司改善了他们的最高和最低收入,在三年内平均销售额提高了40%,营业收入提高了52%。

A.How did they disobey the laws of business physics, taking more time than competitors yet performing better?”他们是如何违反商业物理定律的,他们比竞争对手花费了更多的时间,却表现得更好的呢?“符合语境。故选A。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”They became more open to ideas and discussion.及下文And they allowed time to look back and learn.“可知,他们对思想和讨论变得更加开放,允许时间回顾和学习。F.They encouraged new ways of thinking”他们鼓励新的思维方式“符合语境。故选F。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前”Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership.“;以及及空后”That kind of strategy must come from the top.“可知,战略速度是一种领导力,而这种战略必须来自最高层。B.Teams that regularly take time to get things right, rather than plough ahead full bore, are more successful in meeting their business goals.”那些经常花时间把事情做好,而不是埋头苦干的人,更能成功地实现他们的商业目标“符合语境。故选B。



A psychotherapist once taught me a little trick that helped me feel less angry at my partner and less sad about the failings of our relationship.

She said, "Look at him and imagine him as a very little boy; that way, you separate yourself somewhat from the adult, and you are likely to understand and forgive him."

It actually helped. I couldn't be as mad at or disappointed by a child as I could be with a grown man. So, at least on some occasions, we were both spared the heartache of an uncomfortable silence or a not-so-silent argument. And I sometimes still use versions of that trick whenever I feel frustrated or angry in other relationships or personal exchanges.

But what if you could mentally change the form of the emotion itself? According to scientists at the University of Texas, maybe you can.

Focusing specifically on sadness, the researchers asked two groups of study participants to write about a time in their lives when they felt very sad. They then asked one group to imagine sadness as a person, and write down a description of the person they imagined would be sadness. Not surprisingly, the participants described sadness in such ways as an older person with gray hair and sunken eyes or a young girl holding her head down as she slowly walked along.

The researchers asked the other group of participants to write down a description of sadness

with respect to its impact on their moods. When asked to rate their levels of sadness after completing their descriptions, the participants who wrote about the emotion itself and how it affects them reported higher levels of sadness than the group that anthropomorphized (人格化)sadness into a specific type of person with familiar human characteristics. The researchers suggest that by giving life to the emotion, participants can view sadness as something (or someone) separate and somewhat distant from themselves, helping them relieve their negative feelings.

While it's okay to feel sad, many people behave in unconscious and sometimes self-destructive ways to distract or "save" themselves when they are consumed by negative emotions. So in the study authors wanted to know whether or not the group that reported feeling less sad would make smarter shopping decisions.

They tested this by asking participants in both groups to first choose between a salad or a cheesecake dessert to go with the main dish they were having for lunch. The researchers also asked participants to choose between a computer loaded with features for productivity or a computer loaded with features for entertainment. Those study participants who had anthropomorphized their emotions were more likely to choose the salad and the productive computer than those who had simply written about their feelings.

For obvious reasons, then, they say this technique is best for reduce negative emotions.



(1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“a little trick that helped me feel less angry at my partner and less sad about the failings of our relationship.”心理治疗师告诉了作者一个帮助自己对父母不那么生气以及对关系不那么难过的方法。文章第一段为主旨段,提取关键词less。在做文章标题时应注意大写。故填Less。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Look at him and imagine him as a very little boy;”可知应填imagine,但by为介词,后接动名词,故填imagining。

(3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“we were both spared the heartache of an uncomfortable silence or a not-so-silent argument.” 可知。我们都可以免于一个不舒服沉默带来的心痛或不那么沉默带来的争论。be spared of固定短语,“幸免于”,即对双方都有好处或益处。故填beneficial/helpful。

(4)考查细节理解。根据第五段中的“Not surprisingly, the participants described sadness in such ways ”可知,毫无意外的是,参与者用那样的方式描述了悲伤。Not surprisingly=It is no surprise that。故填surprise。

(5)考查推理判断“根据第六段中的”the participants who wrote about the emotion itself ...reported higher level of sadness than ...“情绪本身的参与者有着更高层次的悲伤,因此与之相对应的,将悲伤描述成一个人的,悲伤的层次较低。故填lower。

(6)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的”Those study participants who had anthropomorphized their emotions were more likely to choose the salad and the productive computer than those who had simply written about their feelings.“接受了心理治疗的参与者更有可能选择沙拉作为作为主菜,且会选择装有工具性软件的电脑,说明心理治疗会对参与者造成影响,故填affect/influence/impact。

(7)考查细节理解。根据倒数第三段中的”While it's okay to feel sad, many people behave in unconscious and...“可知。当沉浸在悲伤里时,很多人就会表现的无意识,即失去了对自己的控制。故填control。

(8)考查推理判断。根据anthropomorphized一词,及第六段中的”The researchers suggest that by giving life to the emotion, participants can view sadness as something (or someone) separate and somewhat distant from themselves, helping them reli eve their negative feelings.“通过将情绪赋予生命,参与者可以将悲伤从别的事情中分离开来,帮助他们减少负面情绪。故填life。

(9)考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的”choose between a salad or a cheesecake dessert “可知,这些都是高甜、高热量的食物,故填rich/high/abundant。

(10)考查概括归纳。根据最后一段中的”For obvious reasons, then, they say this technique is best for reduce negative emotions.“这样的方式是减低负面情绪最好的方法。最后一段是对整篇文章的归纳总结,故填Conclusion。




Daily overuse of media and technology has a bad effect on the health of all children and teenagers by making them more open to anxiety, and more at risk of future health problems.________ Many newer apps automatically show where the users are when they're used. This can tell anyone out there exactly where to find the person using the app.

________They are also upset about their kids spending time on Facebook accounts instead of getting down to their homework assignments, and are afraid of what can come out of their online connections.

________ One way is to make a “social media agreement” with your kids—a real contract they can sign. In it, they can agree to protect their own privacy, consider their reputation, and not give out personal information.________

In turn, parents agree to respect teens' privacy while making an effort to be part of the social media world. Parents also can help kids spend less time on the computer by putting limits on media use.________Avoid laptops and smartphones in bedrooms, and set some rules on the use of technology. And don't forget that setting a good example through your own virtual behavior can go a long way toward helping your kids use social media safely.

A. Trust their children more.

B. Keep computers in public areas in the house.

C. It's important to be aware of what your kids are doing online.

D. Besides, they promise never to use technology to hurt anyone else.

E. Spending too much time on social media can make kids feel upset, too.

F. Kids also can face the possibility of meeting the wrong person lace to face.

G. Parents often say that kids would rather be online than hang around with them.

【答案】 F;G;C;D;B





(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。与本段One way呼应,办法之一就是与你的孩子签订一份“社交媒体协议”,此外就是他们承诺永远不会用技术伤害别人。D项表达了此意,故答案选D。




1. 属于段落间的过渡句。这时要前瞻后望找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。

2. 与后文是并列、转折、因果关系等。着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词。通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句间会有某种的衔接手段,尤其当选项是几句话时。


Challenges are regular visitors in our life, and nobody is immune(不受影响)to them. ________However, we can use these challenges to make positive changes in our life. For instance:

Develop your passion. ________ When you are setting your goals, you always want to be passionate about those goals, because if you love what you do, you will be driven by the desire to achieve success.

________When you have doubts about yourself, you are doing damage to your progress. Therefore, you are supposed to see yourself as a winner, and trust yourself. Feeding your mind with positives will reinforce your beliefs and sweep any doubts out of your system.

Track your progress. It is important that you take note of every improvement you make. ________ Every step forward will give you a boost, and accelerate your efforts to the achievement of your ultimate goal.

Learn how to control your emotions. It is important that you use your emotional intelligence when you encounter problems in your life. You are a product of your thoughts and feelings. Any negative emotions that show up can negate(否定)the positive forward movement you enjoyed earlier. So approach any challenge with a positive attitude. ________ Instead, strongly believe that you have all the tools you need in order to make positive changes in your life. It is in your hands to make the changes necessary and to take your life to new heights.

A. Practice makes perfect.

B. Consider confidence as a must for Success.

C. This will motivate you to work even harder.

D. They can make us lose hope and even give up.

E. Don't feel negative when you meet with difficulties.

F. There is nothing to be gained from delaying decisions and thoughts.

G. Having an enthusiasm for something will inspire you to achieve your goals.

【答案】 D;G;B;C;E


(1)上文Challenges are regular visitors in our life,and nobody is immune(不受影响)to them.

说挑战是我们生活的常客,没有人不受它们影响。下文However,we can use these challenges to make positive changes in our life. 说然而,在我们的生活中,我们能用这些挑战进行积极的改变。该空承上启下,D选项“他们可能会让我们失去希望,甚至放弃。”切题,故答案选D。

(2)上文Develop your passion. 说开发你的激情。该空承接上文,G选项“对某事有热情会激励你实现自己的目标”切题,故答案选G。

(3)下文When you have doubts about yourself,you are doing damage to your progress. 说当你怀疑自己时,你正在做损害你进步的事情。该空引出下文,B选项“认为信心是成功的必须条件”切题,故答案选B。

(4)上文It is important that you take note of every improvement you make. 说记录你一点一滴的进步很重要。下文 Every step forward will give you a boost,and accelerate your efforts to the achievement of your ultimate goal. 说向前地每一步会给你一个推动,促进你的努力,实现你的最终目标。该空承接上文,C选项“这将激励你更加努力地工作。”切题,故答案选C。

(5)上文So approach any challenge with a positive attitude. 说所以接近有积极态度的任何挑战。下文Instead,strongly believe that you have all the tools you need in order to make positive changes in your life. 说相反,坚信你有所有你需要的工具,以在你的生活中做出积极的改变。该空承上启下,E选项“当你遇到困难时,不要感到消极。”切题,故答案选E。【点评】本文属于议论文,阅读时首先要弄清楚作者要证明什么观点,然后用什么样的论据进行怎样的分析,最后得出了什么的结论,理清了线索,理解文章就不是问题。看题时注意确定关键词,然后在文章中定位,找到与选项一致的内容,就可以轻松的确定答案。


Why do some people feel obliged to do the craziest things, while most of us are happy to sit on the sofa and watch their exploits on TV? Robin Styles ponders(考虑)this question.

Generally, we love to watch someone's bravery and drama--a single person against the wilds of nature, testing their endurance beyond belief. And our pleasure is greater because we live a comfortable and increasingly risk-free life, where the greatest test of endurance is getting to work through the rush hour. ________However, there are countless ways to test the limits of your endurance, if you should wish to do so, by attempting something unpleasant, uncomfortable or just plain dangerous.

American Lynne Cox swims in sub-zero temperatures through the planet's most dangerous oceans wearing only a swimsuit--for fun! According to Lynne, there is always something driving her on. At age 9, when she was swimming in an outdoor pool one day, a violent storm blew up, but she refused to get out of the pool. Something make her carry on. Then she realized that, as the water got colder and rougher, she was actually getting faster and warmer, and she was really enjoying it. At age 14, she broke her first endurance record. Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal. ________

The famous British explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, has led many major expeditions (远征) in the extreme cold, including walking right round the Arctic Circle. He has also led expeditions in the

extreme heat, and discovered the Lost City of Ubar in the Omani desert. ________Sir Fiennes has said, "If I am getting sick, I find a very powerful way of conquering it is to know that my father would have definitely done it."

________There is probably no such thing as a "normal" adventurer. Unsurprisingly, risk-takers tend to be single-minded and unusually determined people who hate the stability and routine that most people prefer. They tend to take risks for the "fun" of it. The excitement becomes addictive, and they want more and more of it. Ordinary life seems boring in comparison.

A. She is perfectly made for doing what she does, it seems.

B. Adventurers are clearly different from the rest of us.

C What she did was really beyond our imagination.

D. It seems that many adventurers spend their lives trying to live up to the image of a parent.

E. And most of us would prefer it to remain that way.

F. Many adventurers have amazed the world with their extraordinary skills.

【答案】 E;A;D;B


(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“And our pleasure is greater because we live a comfortable and increasingly risk-free life, where the greatest test of endurance is getting t o work through the rush hour.”我们过着一种舒适的、越来越没有风险的生活,和后面的转折可知,我们大多数人都希望保持这种舒适的状态。故选E。

(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Years later, experts discovered that Lynne has a totally even layer of body fat, like a seal.”可知,琳·考克斯就像海豹一样脂肪层完全均匀,似乎天生就适合做她所做的事情。故选A。

(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Sir Fiennes has said, "If I am getting sick, I find a very powerful way of conquering it is to know that my father would have definitely done it." 费因斯爵士曾说过:“如果我生病了,我发现一种非常强大的战胜它的方法就是知道我父亲肯定会这么做。”,从而可以推断出,很多冒险家都是为了不辜负父母的期望。故选D。

(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“There is probably no such thing as a ‘normal’ adventurer.”可能没有所谓的“正常”冒险家,可知,冒险家显然不同于我们其他人。故选B。



The urge to share our lives on social media

People have long used media to see reflections of themselves. Long before mobile phones or even photography, diaries were kept as a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives. In the 18th and 19th centuries, as diaries became more popular, middle-class New Englanders, particularly white women, wrote about their everyday lives and the world around them.

These diaries were not a place into which they poured their innermost thoughts and desires, but rather a place to chronicle (记录) the social world around them. The diaries captured the everyday routines of mid-19th-century life, and women diarists in particular focused not on themselves but on their families and their communities.

Diaries today are, for the most part, private. But things were different for these New England diaries. Young women who were married would send their diaries home to their parents as a way of maintaining kin (血缘) relations. When family or friends came to visit, it was not uncommon to sit down and go through one's journal together.

Diaries are not the only media that people have used to document lives and share them with others. We have long used media like photo albums, baby books and even slide shows as a means of creating traces (痕迹) of our lives. We do this to understand ourselves and to see trends in our behaviour. We create traces as part of our identity and part of our memory.

Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social connection and intimacy (亲密感). For example, you take a picture of your child's first birthday. It is not only a developmental milestone: the photo also strengthen the identity of the family unit itself. The act of taking the photo and proudly sharing it further reaffirms (再次证实) one as a good and attentive parent. In other words, the media traces of others figure in our own identities.

Today's social media platforms are, by and large, free to use, unlike historical diaries, which people had to buy. Today, advertising subsidises (补贴) our use of networked platforms. Therefore these platforms encourage use of their networks to build larger audiences and to better target them. Our pictures, our posts, and our likes are commodified—that is, they are used to create value through increasingly targeted advertising.

Instead of social media merely connecting us, it has become a craze (狂热) for information, continually trying to draw us in with the promise of social connectivity—it's someone's birthday, someone liked your picture, etc. There's a multibillion-dollar industry pulling us into our smartphones, relying on a longstanding human need for communication.

The urge to be present on social media is much more complex than simply narcissism (自恋). Social media of all kinds not only enable people to see their reflections, but to feel their connection as well.


【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了早期的和现代社交媒体的特点和影响。(1)考查信息归纳。根据第一段中的“Long before mobile phones or even photography,diaries were kept as a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives”可知,早在手机和摄影出现以前,日记是人们了解自己和世界的方式,在手机和摄影出现以前的方式属于早期(最初)的媒体,故填early/primitive。

(2)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“Long before mobile phones or even photography,diaries were kept as a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives”可知,在手机和摄影出现以前,人们通过日记来了解自己和世界,故填diaries。

(3)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Diaries today are, for the most part, private”及“When family or friends came to visit, it was not uncommon to sit down and go through one's journal together.”可知,现在,日记是很私人的东西,但在那时,已婚的年轻女性与家人和朋友分享自己的日记是很平常的事情,故填share。

(4)考查信息概括。根据第四段中的“Diaries ar e not the only media that people have used to document lives and share them with others.”及第五段中的“Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social connection and intimacy”等信息可知,这两段主要介绍了社交媒体的好处(功能/目的),故填Functions/Purposes/Benefits。

(5)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“We cre ate traces as part of our identity and part of our memory.”可知,我们创造痕迹作为我们身份和记忆的一部分,也就是说,我们一直通过社交媒体来展示我们是谁以及我们在生活中经历了什么,故填who。

(6)考查细节归纳。根据第五段中的“Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social connection and intimacy”可知,分享日常生活中的事情可以加强社会联系和亲密感,也就是说可以使家庭成员之间的关系更亲密,故填close/closer。

(7)考查细节理解。根据第六段中的“Today's social media platforms are, by and large, free to use”可知,现在的社交媒体平台都是免费使用,故填free/nothing。

(8)考查信息归纳。根据第六段中的“Our pictures, our posts, and our likes are commodified—that is, they are used to create value th rough increasingly targeted advertising. ”可知,我们的图片、帖子、喜好都是商品化的,它们被用来通过越来越有针对性的广告来创造价值,也就是说我们的私人数据通过定向广告被用作商品,故填commodities。

(9)考查信息归纳。根据倒数第二段中的“Instead of social media merely connecting us, it has become a craze ( 狂热 ) for information, continually trying to draw us in with the promise of

social connectivity—it's someone's birthday, someone liked your picture, etc.”可知,社交媒体不再只是把我们联系在一起,它已经成为一种对信息的狂热,不断地试图用社交连接来吸引我们——有人过生日、有人喜欢你的照片等等,也就是说社交媒体通过迎合我们的需要来吸引我们,故填catering。

(10)考查细节理解。根据最后一段中的“Social media of all kinds not only enable people to see their reflections, but to feel their connection as well.”可知,社交媒体会让人们感受到他们与外界的交流与联系,人们对此很感兴趣,故填connection/communication。


8.Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

College graduation eventually means taking much of your attention in your first job search. This process can be challenging, especially for those students who had thought very carefully about their chosen major and their potential career path—or those who majored in a field not directly connected to a specific career he eventually got. If you are in one of these groups, fear not! ________

Some majors are tied directly to specific career fields. For example, if you wish to become a teacher, you will likely have needed to complete an education program and eventually sit for a licensing exam. The same applies to majors in nursing. If you did not complete an acceptable nursing program, you won't be able to take the nursing licensing exam. ________

Other majors, however, are closely related to career paths but don't necessarily require a degree in the area. For example, students who majored in finance, math, or statistics may also have the necessary skills to be hired as an accountant.

Hopefully, as a college student, you were able to do more than just attend classes and read your course books. Your non-academic experiences can be very influential on your future career as well. Did you work during college, volunteer, or participate in a club or organization?

________ If you volunteered with a non-profit organization such as a homeless or domestic violence shelter, seek out positions in social services related to case management or victim advocacy. You may qualify for a position regardless of your major.

Although it often seems like your college major alone determines your career fate, this just isn't the case. ________ If you don't know what career options to consider based on your major, talk to your faculty or academic advisor. You may be surprised at what opportunities await!

A. If so, and if you enjoyed these activities, seek out related careers.

B. In these cases, successfully completing a specific major is crucial to landing a job in the matching field.

C. Graduating from a university with an excellent major and practical ability will surely make you more competitive.

D. It may influence it, but there are other factors that influence your career options as well.

E. The more you learn about workforce market, the better you'll know the importance of a desired major.

F. Although your major and coursework are relevant to landing a job, they are not the only deciding factors.

【答案】 F;B;A;D

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇以论文,大学生毕业后找工作很具有挑战性。尤其是那些对所选专业及其可能选择的职业非常在意的学生,或者那些所学专业与他最终获得的具体职业没有直接联系的学生。尽管你所学的专业和课程与所找的工作有关,但并不是唯一的决定因素,决定你的职业不只是你大学所学的专业,还有其他因素也会影响你的职业选择。(1)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前“ This process can be challenging, especially for those students who had thought very carefully about their chosen major and their potential career path—or those who majored in a field not directly connected to a specific career he eventually got. If you are in one of these groups, fear not!”找工作是个挑战,尤其对于那些所学的专业与他最终要做的职业没有直接联系的学生。如果你是这些团体中的一员,不要害怕,可知对于这样的一群人来说不害怕是因为"所学的专业和课程并不是唯一的找工作的决定因素",F. Although your major and coursework are relevant to landing a job, they are not the only deciding factors.“尽管你的专业和课程与找工作有关,但它们并不是唯一的决定因素”符合题意,故选F。

(2)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前"Some majors are tied directly to specific career fields."可知,有些专业直接与特定的职业领域联系在一起。以及“ If you did not complete an acceptable nursing program, you won't be able to take the nursing licensing exam.”如果没有护理专业的无法参加护理许可考试。在这种情况下,成功完成某个专业对于找到相匹配领域的工作至关重要", B. In these cases, successfully completing a specific major is crucial to landing a job in the matching field.“在这些情况下,成功完成某个专业对于在匹配领域找到工作至关重要”与此段的意义也是一致的。可知B项符合题意,故选B。

(3)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。前面两段内容"然而,其他专业与选择的职业密切相关,但不一定需要该领域的学位。你的非学术经历也会对你未来的职业生涯产生很大影响,如志愿者活动等。如果喜欢这些活动的话,可寻找与之相关的职业。" A. If so, and if you enjoyed these activities, seek out related careers.“如果是这样,如果你喜欢这些活动,寻找与之相关的职业”符合题意,故选A。

(4)考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据空前“ Although it often seems like your college major alone determines your career fate, this just isn't the case.”"虽然看起来你的大学专业似乎决定你的职业命运,但事实并非如此。"根据转折连词although可知,与你的专业无关的其他因素也会影响你的职业选择的。 D. It may influence it, but there are other factors that influence your career options as well.“它可能会影响你的职业选择,但也有其他因素会影响你的职业选择”符合题意,故选D。



Some Steps for Breaking Through Your Comfort Zone

A comfort zone is a self--imposed boundary where a person will refuse to push past. Doing so usually fills him or her with nervousness and anxiety. So let's talk about breaking out of this comfort zone.

Get information. To break through your comfort zone you need to first educate yourself. Your goal here is to find out about whatever skill you're pursuing. You'll talk to people who have done the same thing.________ And you'll check out articles on the Internet about this subject.

Have a plan. After educating yourself it's important to create a plan of action. With this step you're going to write down a step -by- step blueprint for how you're going to break through your comfort zone.________ Then you create a plan to get to each level. In this plan you need to create benchmarks. These are mini -goals that put you one step close to pushing past your comfort zone.

________ This is an important step because the people in your life will keep you on track. You want them to give you that "push" as you're pushing your boundaries. They will make it hard for you to quit because you know you'll look foolish if you did.

Remain positive. There will be times when you experience a negative outcome, something that shakes your confidence and makes you feel scared. The trick is to not let anything prevent you from blasting past the point of comfort. Recognize that you will have negative outcomes.________

Keep expanding your comfort zone________ Find stuff that you never imagined you would do. Like teaching a class on the subject that once filled you with fear. Or you could work on a related skill.

A. Look for new challenges.

B. You can't become an overnight success.

C. Have people around you know of your plan.

D. You start with the easiest thing to do.

E. It's a natural part of the process.

F. You won't have time to think about your fear.

G. You'll read books on the subject.



A. Look for new challenges.寻找新的挑战。

B. You can't become an overnight success.你不可能一夜成名。

C. Have people around you know of your plan.让你周围的人知道你的计划。

D. You start with the easiest thing to do.从最简单的事情开始。

E. It's a natural part of the process.这是过程中很自然的一部分。

F. You won't have time to think about your fear.你将没有时间去思考你的恐惧。

G. You'll read books on the subject.你会读关于这个主题的一些书籍


(2)结合本段的小标题"Have a plan."和空格后面的"Then you create a plan to get to each level."前提是从最简单的事情开始。可知选D。


(4)根据空格前面的"Recognize that you will have negative outcomes."认识到你会有消极的结果。"可知,这是这个过程一个正常的部分。故选E。

(5)根据本段标题"Keep expanding your comfort zone."和后面一句"Find stuff that you would never imagined you would do."可知,空处应填"寻找新的挑战"。故选A。



These days our society develops rapidly and forces people to rush. It appears that people have got used to being in a hurry. However, it's better for people to take their time and live their life at a slower pace than to hurry to get things done.

The main reason that convinces us to oppose doing work in a hurry is the possibility of doing wrongs in a rush. When people do their jobs or take action in a hurry, they can't make a sound decision and probably regret later. As the saying goes, 'Haste makes waste.' We should think carefully before making a decision and do our work less quickly. We should not make mistakes by doing work hurriedly.

Slowing down the pace of life helps people enjoy their life better. For example, taking a train to some place certainly will take more time than taking a plane. However, taking a train makes people have enough time to get to know a lot of new friends. Besides, it allows people to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. On the contrary, being in a hurry will make us lose chances of enjoying our lives.

Finally, slower life pace provides better health conditions for us. As is known to all, taking action in a hurry bothers people and raises their stress. People think if they are not in a hurry, they will become a loser and that annoys them. But being in a hurry can hurt people both physically and mentally. According to some studies, people who have a slower pace suffer fewer diseases, tend to be happier and live much longer than those whose life is tense, even if the former finish jobs more slowly than the latter.

In short, working quickly will bring about more material benefits to make our society more advanced. Yet, much stress can't bring enjoyment, friends and health, which are much more important than money and other material advantages. Therefore, take your time and live your life at a slower pace.

【答案】 Despite being accustomed to the fast pace in modern society, people are recommended to lead a slower life. Firstly, slowing down lowers the possibility of committing errors by comprehensive thinking. Secondly, more opportunities to enjoy life are allowed by a slower pace. Lastly, better health condition physically and mentally is also what a slower life brings. Therefore, let's take a slower life from now on.



【点评】本文内容齐全,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,语言精练,同时运用高级句子。在写作中使用了非谓语,句式简单明了,同时能正确地使用连词firstly…,secondly…,lastly…..把文章有机地联合起来。例如运用了非谓语。如作状语:Despite being accustomed to the fast pace in modern society, people are recommended to lead a slower life;作主语: slowing down lowers the possibility of committing errors by comprehensive thinking;表语从句:better health condition physically and mentally is also what a slower life brings和祈使句:let's take a slower life from now on.


Choosing the right college for you is not so easy. You should have a general idea of what you want and don't want. The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best.________

Think about what major you want to study in college. If you know that, just look at colleges that have your major________So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one.

Where the college is located matters. Anyone who tells you the location isn't important is lying________If you look forward to working in the publishing industry, New York may be your best bet. If your parents want you to stay close to home, please don't consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.

Think about how much you can afford. Are your parents paying for your education? If so, how much are they willing to spend? Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarships exist, but don't count on anything.________These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college.

Make sure you're going to spend time with the right people. The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people. For the first thing in your life, you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with.________Make sure that the people you're with for four years are your kind of people.

A. College is about learning what you love.

B. You'd better choose a major that is popular.

C. Go to the college with some people you like.

D. Remember, above all, it is the people that make the place.

E. Are you willing to go into major debt over a school?

F. If you don't like cold weather, stay away from northern schools.

G. These guidelines will help figure out what college you want to go to.







(4)根据本段都是讲钱的事,上句“经济援助和奖学金存在,但不要指望任何东西。”,下句“在你爱上一所大学之前,这些都是需要考虑的事情。”,与钱有关的只有E项Are you willing to go into major debt over a school?(你愿意为学校负债吗?)符合语境,故答案为E。




Some recent surveys show that the health conditions of many white collar employees and office workers are rather critical. Death cases among white collar employees and office workers are increasing year by year and these cases are generally believed to have been caused by overwork and spending little time taking rest or doing exercise.

If their offices are within the distance of half an hour's walk, some office workers now choose to go to work on foot. Ms. Deng, who works in a foreign enterprise in Beijing, has been walking to her office for more than six months now. I usually have a tight work schedule and can't find time to do exercise. So I choose to walk to work. As she said, if the office is not far from home, most women would like to go to work on foot. Walking is good for their health and can help them to keep good figures as well.

Apart from walking to office, one can also find time to do exercise when one is at work. The simplest way is to abandon the lift. Mr. Wei, who works in the Passenger Service Department at Shenzhen Airlines, is one of such men who frequently climb stairs to his office. I only use the lift whenever I'm with my colleagues or my boss. Otherwise, I would climb stairs instead of taking the lift.

In addition, some office workers try to find time to go to a gym at the end of a day. Ms. Sang works in a law firm in Shenzhen. She goes to the gym several times a week when she has the time.

I go to the gym every weekend. During the weekdays, I will also go there whenever I have the time. Ms. Sang and her husband both have a gym membership card for a whole year. The cards cost them 3, 000 yuan. However they think it's worth it.

(1)What is the best title of the passage? (No more than 8 words)

(2)How many ways that office workers keep healthy are mentioned in the passage and what are they? (No more than 15 words)

(3)What does the underlined "abandon" mean? (No more than 2 words)

(4)Why are death cases among white collar employees and office workers increasing year by year? (No more than 12 words)

(5)As a student, which is the best way of keeping fit? (No more than 20 words)

【答案】(1)Office Workers Try to Keep Healthy.

(2)Three. They are walking to office, abandoning the lift and going to a gym.

(3)Stop using.

(4)Because they overwork and spend little time taking rest or doing exercise.

(5)I think that students can jog during the break.


(1)考查信息归纳。纵观全文指的是办公室的工作人员如何保持身体健康,故用Office Workers Try to Keep Healthy作为标题,因此答案为Office Workers Try to Keep Healthy。(2)考查信息提升能力。根据第一段中的“some office workers now choose to go to work on foot. ”及“The simple way is to abandon the lift. 和some office workers try to find time to go to gym at the end of a day. ”可知总共三项及其的内容,故用Three. 锻炼方式包括步行上班,爬楼梯和去健身。故答案为:They are walking to office,abandoning the lift and going to a gym。

(3)考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“Apart from walking to office, one can also find time to do exercise when one is at work.”除了步行去办公室,一个人还可以在工作的时候找时间做运动。此处lift是电梯,由此推知是“停止使用电梯,也就是不坐电梯”,故abandon意为Stop using。

(4)考查信息提升。根据第一段中的“generally believed to have been caused by overwork and spend little time taking rest or doing exercise. ”可知白领工作人员没有时间锻炼及过度劳累导致死亡增多,故用Because they overwork for a longtime/Because they are too busy to have time for a rest。

(5)考查信息提升。根据本文可知学生利用课余时间也应该多锻炼,故用I think that students can do exercise during the break。



Difficult financial times don't mean your giving shuts down.________ There are so many ways to give back that won't hurt your wallet and will enrich your life.

⒈Pick up the phone

Calling someone “for no reason” is an important opportunity to show them t hat you are thinking of them. You are taking time out of your busy day to reach out. Everyone needs someone to just listen sometimes. They may be filled with joy or sadness________

⒉Write a note

________ It is one thing to say it, but it can be even more meaningful to put it in writing. What

