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基口口译必备句型——口语口译中译英50句(必背!!!!!) 1.中国是世界上人口最多的发展中国家,13亿人口中蕴含着极其丰富的人力资源。

China is a developing country with the largest population in the world. Its 1.3 billion people are rich human resources.

[Notes]①发展中国家:developing country ②蕴含着:are/contain

③极其丰富的人力资源:rich/abundant/ample/affluent human resources

2. 高中阶段教育普及率大幅提升,职业教育得到重点加强,高等教育进入大众化阶段。

More and more students enter senior middle schools; vocational education has been especially enhanced; and higher education is becoming more popular. [Notes]

①高中阶段教育:senior middle school/senior school/high school education ②大幅提升:increase/improve greatly/drastically/substantially/significantly ③职业教育:vocational education

④加强:enhance/strengthen/reinforce/intensify ⑤高等教育:higher education


The Chinese government always makes employment promotion the first aim for economic and social development, helps the urban and rural workers improve their overall qualities to gradually increase employment. [Notes]

①促进就业:employment promotion

②把…作为…:make/regard/treat/consider/think of…as… ③优先目标:first aim/goal/objective priority target/top priority

④城乡劳动者:urban and rural workers ⑤整体素质:overall/comprehensive qualities


4. 2008年国际金融危机爆发后,为应对国际金融危机的冲击,中国政府实施更加积极的就业政策。 After the global financial crisis in 2008, the Chinese government took a more active employment policy to meet the challenge. [Notes]

①金融危机:financial/economic crisis②应对:meet/face

③实施:take/adopt/implement/carry out④就业政策:employment policy


In recent years, the number of traffic accidents has been continuously increased in the world, which attracts high attention of government of all nations. [Notes]

① 近年来:in recent/current years

② 对……高度重视: pay high/great attention to

6. 中国代表团愿借此机会,对世界卫生组织、世界银行以及各国专家表示衷心感谢。

The Chinese delegation would like to take this opportunity to express its heartfelt thanks to the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the experts from all over the world. [Notes]①代表团:delegation

②愿借此机会:would like to take this opportunity

③对……表示衷心感谢:to express/extend one’s heartfelt thanks/gratitude to…

7. 如果不采取有效预防措施,道路交通伤害将会给各国,特别是广大发展中国家,带来更加严重的经济、社会后果。

If effective measures of prevention are not taken, traffic injuries will result in more serious economic and social consequences to all nations, especially to the developing countries. [Notes]

①采取措施:take action/ take measures/ take steps

②带来后果:bring about/lead to/ result in …consequence/outcome

8. 当前,全球道路安全形势非常严峻。全世界每年死于车祸的人数达120万人,伤残5000万人,直接经济损失5000多亿美元。


At present, the situation of global road safety is very grave. Worldwide, about 1.2 million people are killed in road accidents each year and 50 million are injured, resulting in a direct economic loss of more than US $ 500 billion. [Notes]

①形势严峻:the situation is grave/grim ②直接经济损失:direct economic loss

③ X万:X0 thousand X千万:X0 million X0亿:X billion X百万:X million X亿:X00 million X万亿:X trillion X为1-9的数字

9. 我们相信:只要国际社会共同努力,减少全球道路交通伤害的目标就一定能实现。

We believe that with the joint efforts of the international community, the goal of reducing global road traffic injuries will be achieved. [Notes]

①我们相信:We believe that/It is our belief that/We hold the belief that… ②共同努力:joint/concerted efforts

10. 我谨代表科学技术部对会议的召开表示热烈的祝贺,对出席会议的中外嘉宾表示诚挚的欢迎! On behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, I would like to congratulate on the opening of the meeting and extend my sincere welcome to all the guests from China and abroad. [Notes]

①代表……:on behalf of

②对……表示热烈祝贺:congratulate on /extend warm congratulations on…

③中外嘉宾:guests from China/home and abroad④诚挚的欢迎:sincere/warm welcome 11. 大家知道,气候变化问题已成为世界社会与经济可持续发展面临的重大挑战。


As is known to all, climate change has become great threats to the sustainable socioeconomic development of the world. [Notes]

①大家知道:as is known to all/as we all know/it is generally known that…

②社会与经济可持续发展:sustainable socioeconomic development/development of society and economy

③成为……的巨大挑战:become/pose great/huge challenges/threats to…

12. 依靠科技进步积极发展绿色经济,提高适应气候变化的能力,消除贫困,促进可持续发展,是全球应对气候变化的必然选择,受到世界各国的普遍认同。

We should rely on advancement in science and technology to develop green economy, enhance our ability to adapt to climate change, eliminate poverty and promote sustainable development. This is the sure path to face climate change and also the common understanding of the global community. [Notes]

①科技进步:advancement in science and technology; scientific and technological progress/advancement

②绿色经济:green economy

拓展:循环经济 circular economy 低碳经济 low-carbon economy ③提高……的能力:improve/enhance one?s ability to

build up one?s capacity for…

④消除贫困:eliminate/eradiate poverty 拓展:消除饥饿 eliminate hunger

⑤受到普遍认同:be the common understanding of/widely acknowledged by…

13. 女士们,先生们,应对气候变化的挑战,需要国际社会同舟共济、齐心协力。

Ladies and gentlemen, the global community needs to join hands in addressing the challenge of climate change. [Notes]

①应对……挑战:face/confront/deal with/address the challenge of…

②同舟共济、齐心协力:join hands/make joint//concerted efforts/work together/pull together 14.消除贫困的任务远未解决,实现减贫的目标任重而道远。


While eliminating poverty remains an unfinished issue, it is a long-term and difficult task to reduce poverty.

While the issue of eliminating poverty remains unfinished, it is a long-term and difficult task to reduce poverty. [Notes]

① 消除:eliminate/wipe off/ clear up/remove/ eradicate ② 任务:task/issue/problem

③ 任重而道远:It is a long-term and difficult task to…/ we still have a long way to go in doing


Poverty results from various reasons, such as economy, politics, society and history. To eliminate poverty is a common responsibility of the whole society. [Notes]

① 由……造成:result from/ be attributable to/ attribute to/ owe to/owing to/be caused by ②消除贫困: poverty eradication


As a developing country with the largest population in the world, China?s efforts in developing its own economy and clearing up poverty is a huge contribution to the world development. [Notes]

① 作为:As….② 人口最多的:with the largest population/ most populous ③ 努力:effort/ endeavor/strive④ 大贡献:great/huge contribution

17.中国将继续坚持“以人为本”的科学发展观,采取更有力的政策措施,确保如期实现战略目标。 China will continue to stick to a scientific concept of development which is people-centered. It will take stronger policy measures to achieve strategic target on time. [Notes]

① 坚持:stick to/ adhere to/ insist/carry on/ hold on

② 科学发展观:a scientific concept of development/ Scientific Outlook on Development ③ 以人为本的:people-centered/ people oriented


④ 实现:realize/achieve/accomplish/ score ⑤ 采取措施:take measures/ take steps


During the past 5 years, the Chinese government has taken a series of policy measures to promote scientific and technological reform. and development. [Notes]

① 一系列的:a series of/ a variety of/ a number of

② 科技改革:scientific and technological reform/ S & T reform


China has gained huge success in agriculture, industry and sustainable development. China has witnessed great progress in agriculture, industry and sustainable development. [Notes]

① 可持续发展: sustainable development

② 成效显著:gain huge success/ make remarkable progress/ achieve a lot/ witness great achievement/ enjoy prosperity in…

20. 全方位、多层次的国际科技合作局面基本形成。

A pattern of all-around, multi-level international S&T cooperation has been basically formed. [Notes]

① 全方位:all-around/ all-dimensional/ all-facet ② 形成:be formed/ take shape/ take form.


To foreigners, traditional Chinese medicine is very magical and quite puzzling as well. [Notes]

①中医:traditional Chinese medicine ③令人迷惑的:puzzling



The mix of Chinese and Western medicine is a special way of treating illness in China. Western medicine studying Chinese medicine is an important measure to promote the combination of Chinese and Western medicine. [Notes]

①特有的医疗形式:special way of treating illness ②结合:mix/combination

③重要措施:important measure/ important step


Together, people from China and abroad experienced the exciting moments of the competitions of the Olympic Games; together, we witnessed the splendid and long history of China; together, we felt the openness and harmony of modern China; together, we carried on the Olympic spirit of “unity, friendship and peace” [Notes]

①经历:experience/ live through②见证:witness/see ③璀璨的:splendid④弘扬……精神:carry on the spirit of… ⑤开放与和谐:openness and harmony


Sports are important ways to improve people?s health and enhance both physical fitness and the quality of life of a nation. [Notes]

①增强:improve②提高:enhance③身体素质:physical fitness


The Beijing Olympic Games has finished, but the task of developing the spirits of sports and promoting peace and development still has a long way to go. [Notes]

①发扬:carry on/develop/carry forward ②和平与发展:peace and development



The Shanghai Expo has showed the progress of human society, and also reflected the challenges, concerns and confusions that mankind faces. [Notes]

①展示:show/showcase/demonstrate/exhibit/display... ②担忧 n. concern③困惑 n. confusion, 比doubt高级。

27.我们要共同推进城市和谐发展;我们要推动广大农村地区的现代化;我们要帮助欠发达地区共同发展。 We should jointly promote harmonious urban development; we should advance modernization in the rural areas; we should help the less developed regions to achieve common development. [Notes]

①推进/推动:promote/facilitate/push forward/ drive on/advance…②共同地: jointly ③共同的: common/shared④农村地区:rural areas⑤欠发达地区:less developed regions


This is a creative event in the history of China-EU cultural exchanges. It symbolizes a new stage in our cultural interactions and a step forward in the China-EU relations. [Notes]

①创新n.:innovation (在这里具体化为creative event 创新事件)②标志v.:symbolize/mark等


As the main birthplaces of the Oriental and Western civilizations, China and Europe have made great contribution to the progress of human civilization. [Notes]


②对……作出巨大贡献:make great/tremendous contribution to ③此句使用了as引导的从句,注意语序调整,主语放在了后面。

30. 中欧双方文化交流源远流长。China and Europe have a long history of cultural interflows. [Notes]①源远流长:have a long history of...



The history of cultural development and exchanges proves that all fine achievements of human civilization are fruits of experience and wisdom made through years. They are symbols of human progress and the common treasures of all mankind. [Notes]

①证明 prove②成果 achievement③结晶 fruit

④象征 symbol⑤长句翻译技巧:先抓主干,太长了可以整合成几句。


Travelling can not only cultivate our personality and taste but also broaden our minds with exotic customs.


China has rich tourism resources, including high mountains and beautiful rivers, varied folk customs and styles, rare animals and plants and numerous scenic spots and historical sites. With those, China attracts a large number of tourists from home and abroad. [Notes]

①民俗民风: folk customs and styles②名胜古迹: scenic spots and historical sites ③国内外: from home and abroad


At present, China has formed the largest domestic tourism market and the fastest growing outbound tourism market in the world. The total tourism income of China in 2005 reached 768.6 billion RMB. [Notes]

①目前: at present/presently/at the present time/at current

②国内旅游市场: domestic tourism market③出境旅游市场: outbound tourism market



However, with the rapid development of computer and Internet technology, paper is facing the challenge from electronic publication. [Notes]

①网络技术: Internet technology②电子出版物:electronic publication


The birth and development of electronic publication has a profound influence on publishing industry and even the whole society. [Notes]

① 诞生: advent/arrival/ coming into being/ invention

② 对……产生影响:have/exert an impact/effect/influence on/upon


In addition, Internet has brought revolutionary changes to libraries, and its databases are available to everyone. [Notes]

① 带来: lead to/cause/bring,/result in② 革命性的变化: revolutionary changes/transformation ③ 数据库:database


Opening up to the outside world is a basic long-term state policies that China adheres to. [Notes]

①对外开放: opening up②坚持: adhere to/ advocate/insist on


After over twenty years of reform. and development, Chinese economy has changed profoundly.


In recent years, faced with a decreasing growth of world economical trade, China?s economy still maintains a sound trend of development. [Notes]①势头:momentum/tendency/trend



Joining the World Trade Organization is a historic event for China?s opening up and modernization. [Notes]

①世界贸易组织: World Trade Organization

②具有历史性意义的: of historic significance/importance

42.欧盟已经成为中国的重要经贸伙伴,是中国最大的技术供应方、第三大贸易伙伴和第五大实际投资方。 The EU has been an important economic and trade partner of China, which is the largest technology supplier, the third largest trading partner and the fifth largest actual investor in China. [Notes]

①经贸伙伴:economic and trade partner ②第几大……:the + 序数词+ largest

43. 在这里,我谨向长期以来为维护和促进发展中国家利益作出重要贡献的联合国贸发会议表示崇高敬意! I?d like to express my deep regards to the UNCTAD for the important contribution it has made for maintaining and promoting the interests of developing countries. [Notes]

①向……表示崇高敬意:express one?s deep regards to ②作出重要贡献:make important contribution

③联合国贸发会议:UNCTAD (United Nation Conference on Trade and Development) ④句式结构:长句要进行分割,提炼出主干部分。

即:express regards to “联合国贸发会议” for “所作的重要贡献” for “贡献的具体内容”。

44. 我们必须大力发展开放型经济。开放的程度决定着开放型经济的发展速度,开放的水平决定着开放型经济的发展前景。

We must develop an open economy. The rapidity of an open economy depends on how wide it opens, and its prospect is determined by how well it open. [Notes]

①开放型经济:an open economy. 大家在听到此类名词时,哪怕不熟悉也不要自乱阵脚,很多时候答案就在眼前。如改革开放政策,即reform. and opening policies


②A决定着B:B depend on / count on / rely on / hing on / be determined by A 皆可选用 ③开放的程度:how wide it opens ④开放的水平:how well it opens


Since the beginning of reform.and opening up, China?s economy has maintained increasing development rarely seen in the world. Various social programs have made progress and on the whole, people?s living standard has reached well off. [Notes]


②改革开放:reform. and opening up ③小康:well off ;well-off society 小康社会


To realize modernization is the dream vision and lasting goal of generations of Chinese people. [Notes]

①梦寐以求的美好愿景:dream/great/grand vision

②矢志不渝的奋斗目标:lasting/constant/persistent/abiding goal/aim ③一代又一代:generations of / from generation to generation


As the largest developing country in the world, Chine still remains and will continue to be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time.

①社会主义初级阶段:the primary state/phase of socialism


China and Japan are neighbors separated only by a strip of water. [Notes]

① 一衣带水(指虽有江河湖海相隔,但距离不远,不足以成为交往的障碍。):a strip of water



To develop cooperation between China and Japan and friendship for generations is the trend of history and both peoples? dream. [Notes]

① 符合:the trend of

② 愿望:dream/aspiration/eagerness


I hope my visit to Japan in April will be an ?ice-melting? trip and we will build a long-term stable and sound development of friendship and cooperation. [Notes]

① “融冰”:ice-melting / ice-thawing


