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1. The continental United States lies in the central North American with ____ to its east and ____ to its west.

A. the pacific ocean, the Atlantic ocean B. the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean C. the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico D. the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean

2. Among the Great Lakes, _____ is the only one entirely in the United States. A. Lake Superior B. Lake Huron C. Lake Ontario D. Lake Michigan

3. The Appalachians run from ____ to ____. A. the north, the south B. the east, the west

C. the northwest, the southeast D. the northeast, the southwest

4. The biggest city in the U.S. is ____. A. Los Angeles B. New York C. Chicago D. San Francisco

5. The ____ River meets the Atlantic Ocean at New York City. A. Potomac B. Hudson C. Columbia D. Colorado

6. Hawaii became the fiftieth state of the United States in ____.

A. 1948 B. 1950 C. 1956 D. 1959

7. ____ is the largest fresh water lake in the world. A. Lake Superior B. Lake Michigan C. Lake Huron D. Lake Eire

8. The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United Sates is ___. A. the Hispanics B. the Asian-Americans C. the Indians D. the blacks

9. The Grand Canyon is located in the state of ____. A. Colorado B. California C. Arizona D. New Mexcio

10. ____ are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United Sates. A. the Blacks B. The Hispanics

C. the Asian-Americans D. the Indians

11. The ____ River has been called the American Ruhr. A. Mississippi B. Ohio C. Missouri D. Colorado

12. The Mississippi River flows to ____. A. the Atlantic Ocean B. the Gulf of California C. the Gulf of Mexico D. the Pacific Ocean

13. The U.S. produces nearly ___ of the corn in the world. ? A. 25% B. 35% C. 40% D. 50%

14. ____ is sometimes called the birthplace of America. ? A. The Midwest B. the Great Plains ? C. New England D. the South

15.The Snow belt areas in the united States refer to North.

16. The chief industry in the Rocky Mountains is ____ ? A. the tourist tradeB. mining

? C. textile industry D. iron and steel

17. The United States is the ____ most populous country in the world. ? A. third B. fourth C. fifth D. sixth

18. New York is located in ___. A. the Midwest

B. the Middle Atlantic region C. New England D. the great Plains

19. The United States is the ____ largest country in the world. ? A. second B. third C. fourth D. fifth

20. ___ is the home of the space center in the U.S. ? A. Houston B. Dallas ? C. New Orleans D. Miami ? ?

? 21. The Midwest states lies in the ___ part of the U.S. ? A. western B. southern C. northern D. northwestern

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

28. The sunbelt areas in the united States refer to _____. A. the East and the North B. the North and the West C. the west and the South D. the east and the South

29. The newest state in the United States is _____. A. New Mexico B. Alaska C. California D. Hawaii

30. The state of ____ is the leading state in oil and natural gas deposits in the U.S.

? A. California B. New Mexico ? C. Florida D. Texas

31. The Rustbelt areas refers to Northeastern USA

26. The largest state on the mainland of the United States is _____. A. California B. Texas C. Alaska D. Arizona

27. The largest and busiest port on the great Lakes is ___. A. New York B. Chicago C. Detroit D. St. Louis

24. The first industrial area in the United Sates is _____. A. New England

B. the Middle Atlantic

C. the Midwest D. the South

25. _____ is the largest city of the Great Plains of the U.S. A. Colorado B. Los Angeles C. Salt Lake City D. Denver

22. The smallest state in the U.S. is ____. A. Washington B. Rhode island C. Hawaii D. Maryland

23. In the U.S., the largest city along the Pacific Coast is _____. A. Los Angeles B. San Francisco C. Seattle D. Portland

32. Please list five metropolitans which located on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. (Boston-Washington corridor )

Boston, Massachusetts, new York city, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Maryland, and Washington, D.C.

33. __Florida______is the southern-most city( exclusive of Hawaii).

34. The highest summits in the US. is Mt. Mckinley

35. The national flag of the United States is known as ____. A. the star-spangled Bannar B. Uncle Sam C. Got Dog D. Union Jack

36. The Niagara Falls is located on thee US and the Canadian boundary between Lake _________ and Lake ________. A. Superior, Huron B. Michigan, Huron C. Huron, Eire D. Eire, Ontario

37.Which of the king was executed in the civil war?

A. James I C. James II

B. Charles I D. Charles II

38.Westminster Palace is the ___________.

A. B. C. D.

seat of British House of Parliament seat of English Church

residence of king and queen Residence of Prime Minster

39.No. 10 Downing Street is ________.

A. B. C. D.

Office of British Navy

Official residence of Prime Minster Seat of English parliament Official residence of King

40. The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______. A. 1858,1861 B. 1861, 1863 C. 1861, 1865 D. 1863, 1867

41.In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years.

A. 3. B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

42.The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.

A .Whigs B .Tories C .Radicals D .Nonconformists

43.Among the Great Lakes, ______ is the only one entirely in the United States.

A. Lake Superior C. Lake Ontario

B. Lake Huron D. Lake Michigan

44._____ was Britain’s first colony in America.

A .Plymouth B .Jamestown C .Philadelphia D .New York

45.______ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got

the nickname “Farmer George”.

A .George I B .George II C .George III D .George IV

46.During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____. A. the Continental Army B. the Confederate Army C. the U.S. army D. the Union Army

47.The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______. A. European countries

B. Western European countries C. Eastern European countries

D. European countries except the Soviet Union

Mock Test


1. The official name of the United Kingdom is______. A .the United Kingdom of Great Britain

B .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland C .the United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland

D .the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. It was under______ that the feudal system in England was completely established. A .Harold B .William C .Henry D .Edward

3 .The largest and most important museum in Britain is______. A .the British Museum

B .the Victoria and Albert Museum C .the Imperial War Museum D .the National Gallery

4. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain? A .England B .Scotland C .Northern Ireland D .Wales

5. The highest peak in Britain is______.

A .Ben Nevis B .Scafell C .Snowdonia D .Cross Fell

6. The first known settlers of Britain were______.

A .the Iberaians B .the Bearker Folk C .the Celts D .the Romans

7. The Wars of the Roses lasted from ______ to______. A.1455, 1465 B.1455, 1475 C.1455, 1485 D.1455, 1495

8. The religious change from Catholicism toward Protestant theology in England was called “______”.

A .Renaissance B .Reformation C .Revolution D .Evolution

9. A British Parliament has a maximum duration of______ years.

A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6

10. In criminal trials, the______ decides the issue of guilt or innocence.

A .judge B .lawyer C .jury D .audience

11. The first English colony in America was founded in______.

A .1593 B .1607 C .1618 D .1620

12. Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the______ and the North Sea in the______.

A .south, west B .south, east C .north, west D .north, east

13. The first successful Roman conquest in Britain was led by______. A .Julius Caesar B .Claudius C .Agricola D .Constantine

14.______ served as the new cultural centers in England during the reign of the Norman kings.

A .The schools B .The monasteries C .The royal court D .The big towns

15. The House of Lancaster was symbolized by the______ rose, while that of York was symbolized by the______ rose.

A .white, black B .white, red C .red, white D .black, red

16. In Britain, the ultimate authority for law-making resides in______. A .the House of Lords B .the Hose of Commons C .the Queen D .the Prince of Wales

17. Which of the following statements is not true about the contributions made by the Anglo-Saxons to English state?

A .They divided the country into shires.

B .They devised the narrow-strip, three-field farming system. C .They created the manorial system and the Witan.

D .They established the complete feudal system in England.

18. The narrowest part of the English Channel is the Straits of Dover, which is only______ km across.

A .25 B .35 C .43 D .50

19. Which of the following statements is not true about William’s policy toward the church in England?

A .He kept the church completely in his control and tried to suppress its power. B .He appointed the Italian-born Lanfranc to be Archbishop of Canterbury. C .He encouraged the church to have a closer relationship with Rome. D .He took care to maintain the independence of the church.

20. The Magna Carta had altogether______ clauses.

A .50 B .53 C .58 D .63

21. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. A .Whigs B .Tories

C .Radicals D .Nonconformists

22. In the 1970s among the developed countries, Britain maintained______ growth rate and______ inflation rate.

A .the highest, the highest B .the lowest, the lowest C .the highest, the lowest D .the lowest, the highest

23. The House of Lord is presided over by the______. A .Archbishop of Canterbury B .Lord Chancellor C .Queen

D .Archbishop of York

24. The capital of Scotland is______.

A .Belfast B .Cardiff C .Edinburgh D .Dublin

25. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?

A .About 200 years B .About 300 years C .About 400 years D .About 500 years

26. Which of the following statements is not among the causes of the hundred years’ war between England and France?

A .The French king wanted to take back the territory occupied by England. B .Both English and French kings wanted to control the Flemish cloth

manufacturing towns.

C .England wanted to stop France from giving aid to the Scots. D .The English refused to recognize Edward as their king.

27. Mrs. Thatcher was British Prime Minister from______.

A .1980, 1990 B .1982, 1988 C .1979, 1990 D.1979, 1984

28. The present Sovereign of Britain is______.

A .Philip B .Elizabeth I C .Elizabeth II D .Charles

29. Britain’s most popular pastime is______.

A .reading newspaper B .watching TV

C .playing football D .horse racing

30. The destruction of the______ in 1588 showed England’s superiority as a naval power under Elizabeth I’s reign.

A .French Fleet B .Spanish Armada C .Danish Vikings D .Portuguese Navy

31. The replacement of James II by William and Mary has been known as______. A .the Glorious Revolution B .the Restoration C .the Reformation D .the Renaissance

32. The decade of 1980s is remembered in Britain as the era of______. A .centralization B .nationalization C .privatization D .industrialization

33. The Church of Scotland is a______ church.

A .Methodist B .Baptist C .Presbyterian D .Catholic

34. The longest river in Britain is______.

A .the Severn River B .the Thames River C .the Mersey River D .the Clyde River

35.______ were the people who laid foundation of the English state. A .The Celt B .The Romans

C .The Jutes D .The Anglo-Saxons

36. Mrs. Thatcher’s Medium-term Financial Strategy was characterized by______. A .prices control B .incomes control C .state interventionism D .privatization

37. The British Prime Minister is appointed by______.

A .the Queen B .the Speaker

C .the House of Commons D .the House of Lords

38.______ is the highest judiciary officer in Britain.

A .The Lord Chancellor B .The Home Secretary C .The Attorney General D .The Prime Minister

39. The well-known Lake District in Britain is located in______.

A .north Scotland B .north-west England

C .north Wales D .Northern Ireland

40. Which of the following statements is not among the achievements of King Alfred?

A .He defeated the Danes and conquered Denmark.

B .He translated Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People into English. C .He founded a strong fleet and became known as “ the father of the British navy”.

D .He established a number of schools.

41. Henry VIII was above all responsible for the______ reform in England. A .military B .economic C .social D .religious

42. The______ presides over the House of Commons and enforces the rules of order. A .Prime Minister B .Speaker C .Lord Chancellor D .Queen

43.______ is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom.

A .The High Court B .The Supreme Court of Judicature C .The House of Lord D .The Court of Appeal

44. Around which time period did the Celts start to arrive in Britain?______ A .3000 B.C. B .2000 B.C. C .700 B.C. D .500 B.C.

45. The death of King______ marked the perishing of Anglo-Saxon England. A .Alfred B .Edward C .Harold D .William

46. England has been a Protestant country since the reign of______. A .Henry VIII B .Edward VI C .Mary Tudor D.Elizabeth I

47.______ was Britain’s first colony in America.

A .Plymouth B .Jamestown C .Philadelphia D .New York

48. In 1838, the London Working Men’s Association put forward a charter of political demands, which was called a “______”.

A .Great Charter B .Greater Charter C .People’s Charter D .new Poor Law

49. Which of the following is not included in the new industries in Britain?______ A .microprocessors B .computers C .biotechnology D .motor vehicle

50. The head of State in Britain is______.

A .the king or queen B .Prime Minister C .Parliament D .Prince of Wales

51. In Great Britain, the______ is uniquely related to the Crown.

A .Church of England B .Church of Scotland C .Church of Ireland D .Church of Wales

52. Among the four political divisions of Britain, ______ is the most densely


A .England B .Scotland

C .Wales D .Northern Ireland

53. “The Danelaw” refers to the______ part of England which was occupied by the Danes in King Alfred’s time.

A .south and east B .north and east C .south and west D .north and west

54. The hundred years’ war between England and France was declared by______. A .Henry III B .Edward I C .Edward III D .Henry V

55.______ was a king that was so enthusiastic about agricultural changes that he got

the nickname “Farmer George”.

A .George I B .George II C .George III D .George IV

56. The end of Britain’s empire was hastened by______.

A .World War I B .the Great Depression C .World War II D .the Korean War

57. The Prime Minister in Britain is chairman of the______. A .shadow cabinet B .cabinet C .Parliament D .Opposition

58. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge date from______. A .the 11th and 12th centuries B .the 12th and 13th centuries C .the 14th and 15th centuries

D .the 18th and 19th centuries

59. Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augustine? A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England. B .He was the first Archbiship of Canterbury.

C .He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility. D .One of his greatest achievements was to have converted large numbers of common people in Britain.

60. The Black Death spread through Europe in the______ century.

A .13th B .14th C .15th D .16th

61. There were______ Tudor monarchs who ruled England and Wales and the first one was______.

A .4, Henry V B .5, Henry VII C .6, Henry VII D .7, Henry VIII

62. The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was a______ conspiracy. A .Scottish B .Catholic C .Puritan D .Spanish

63. The British Labor Party got its name in_______.

A .1893 B .1899 C .1900 D .1906

64 .The members of______ in Britain have also been known as dissenters or nonconformists.

A .the Anglican Churches B .the Church of England

C .the Roman Catholic Church D .the Free Churches

65. Which of the following people are not descendants of the Celts ? A .English B .Scots C .Welsh D .Irish

66. Which of the following statements is not true about Canute? A .He became King of England in 1016.

B .He made England part of a Scandinavian empire. C .He divided power between Danes and Saxons. D .He formulated a legal system in England.

67. James I was son of______.

A .Mary Tudor B .Mary Stuart C .Elizabeth I D .Edward VI

68. Greater London is divided into 32______ and the City of London. A .districts B .counties C .boroughs D .regions

69. The largest church of the Free Churches in Britain is______. A .the Baptist Church

B .the Presbyterian Church C .the Methodist Church

D .the United Reformed Church

70. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday derive from the gods in______.

A .Druidism B .Christianity

C .the Teutonic religion D .Roman Catholicism

71. As a transitional period, Renaissance covered the years between______ and______.

A .1150, 1450 B .1250, 1550 C .1350, 1650 D .1450, 1750

72.______ is generally regarded as the beginning of modern world history. A .The Renaissance B .The English Reformation C .The English Civil War D .the Glorious Revolution

73. Which of the following countries was not a member of the “Allies” during World War I?

A .Britain B .France C .Russia D .Germany

74 .Among the following industrial cities,______ is not based on coalfields. A .London B .Glasgow C .Edinburgh D .Manchester

75. To Scots, the most important festival is______.

A .Christmas Day B .New Year’s Eve C .Easter D .Whit Sunday

76.Names that begin with M’, Mc or Mac are______ names.

A .English B .Welsh C .Scottish D .Irish

77. The first Christian church in Britain was established in______.

A .London B .York C .Canterbury D .Bath

78. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in______.

A .1213 B .1214 C .1215 D .1216

79. The Petition of Right was also regarded as the______.

A .Magna Carta B .General Pardon

C .Grand Remonstrance D .second Magna Carta

80. The British East India Company was established in______.

A .1500 B .1600 C .1700 D .1800

81. The Midlands refers to the area of______. A .central England

B .central Lowlands of Scotland C .North-East England D .North Wales

82. By tradition, the Prime Minister of Britain is also First Lord of______. A .the Treasury B .the Home Office

C .the Foreign and Commonwealth Office D .the Ministry of Defense

83. Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates______. A .the birth of Christ

B .the resurrection of Christ

C .the coming of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s apostles D .the death of Christ

84. The most important river in Britain is______.

A .the Severn River B .the Thames River C .the Mersey River D .the Clyde River

85. Margaret Thatcher was leader of the______ Party. A .Conservative B .Labor

C .Liberal D .Democratic

86. In December 1653, Oliver Cromwell was made______ of the Commonwealth of England.

A .King B .General

C .Lord Protector D .Lord Chancellor

87. There are now______ Roman Catholic provinces in Great Britain. A .5 B .7 C .9 D .10

88. Football has its traditional home in______.

A .England B .Scotland

C .France D .Italy

89.______ is the most typically English of sports. A .Football B .Rugby

C .Cricket D .Horse racing

90. King______ was known of his piety as “the Confessor”. A .Alfred B .Canute C .Edward D .William

91. Henry VIII’ s religious reform began as a struggle for______. A .power B .a divorce C .equality D .peace

92. In Britain the last stage for a bill to become law as Acts of parliament is called______.

A .First and Second Readings B .Royal Assent C .Third Reading D .Committee stage

93. The______ are Anglo-Saxons.

A .English B .Scots C .Welsh D .Irish

94. Which of the following statements is not true about the jury system in the reign of Henry II?

A .It was replacing old English ordeals by fire and water and old Norman trials by battle.

B .A jury was composed of twelve men.

C .The jurors’ function was not only to act as witnesses, but to hear evidences and give verdict.

D .It was originated from primitive trials in which witnesses were called forward to swear to the innocence of the accused.

95. It was______ that united the Houses of Lancaster and York. A .Edward V B .Richard III C .Henry Tudor D .John Beaufont

96. During the First Civil War of England, the supporters of Parliament were


A .Cavaliers B .Roundheads C .Royalists D .Crusaders

97. The Beatles was a band formed by four boys from______. A .Manchester B .Liverpool C .London D .Edinburgh

98. England got its name “Angle” land from______. A .the Celts B .the Romans

C .the Germanic conquerors D .the Danes

99. Which city used to be the Roman capital in Britain? A .London B .York

C .Bath D .Edinburgh

100. Which of the following statements is not true about Henry VII? A .He was said to have murdered Edward V and his brother.

B .During his reign he refilled the royal treasury through loans, subsidies, property levies and fines.

C .He was able to build up England’s navy and foreign trade. D .He forbade the nobles to keep excessive power.

101. The Church of England is not free to change its form of worship without the consent of______. A .Parliament

B .the archbishop of Canterbury C .the archbishop of York D .the Queen

102. The home of golf is______.

A .England B .Scotland C .France D .the U.S.A

103. Which of the following statements is not true about Elizabeth I? A .Her religious reform was a compromise of views. B .She tried and executed her cousin Mary. C .She was succeeded by her son James VI.

D .She enabled England to become a great trading and colonizing country.

104. The game “Rugby” got its name from a______. A .town B .country C .school D .person

105. Which of the following statements is not true about William the Conqueror? A .He was Duke of Normandy.

B .His cavalry was then the finest fighting horsemen in Europe. C .He was Norman.

D .He was crowned as King of England at Canterbury.

106. Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Britain in______.

A .1930 B .1935 C .1940 D .1945

107. The Open University in Britain was founded in______.

A .1958 B .1969 C .1970 D .1975

108. The Supreme Court of the U.S. consists of one Chief Justice and ____ Associate Justices. A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 10

109. During the American Civil War, the army of the North was known as _____. A. the Continental Army B. the Confederate Army C. the U.S. army D. the Union Army

110.______ is sometimes called the birthplace of America. A. The Midwest B. the Great Plains C. New England D. The south

111. In the U.S., the Senatorial term is _________ years. A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

112. The Marsh Plan offered economic aid to ______. A. European countries

B. Western European countries C. Eastern European countries

D. European countries except the Soviet Union

1. The statement “A person cannot step into the same river twice.” was said by


A. Pythagoras B. Plato C. Heraclitus D. Democtitus

2. ________ said, “One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.” A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales

3. ________ founded the science of logic.

A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales

4. The Republic was written by ___________. A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales

5. “Question-and-answer” technique was created by _________. A. Plato B. Socrates C. Aristotle D. Thales

6. “The Renaissance” was between _________. A. 1500-1700 A.D. B. 1400-1700 A.D. C. 1300-1600 A.D. D. 1400-1600 A.D.

7. _________ said, “I think; therefore, I am”. A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley 8. __________ was called the farther of modern Rationalism. A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley 9. ________ was called the modern father of Empiricism. A. David Hume B. Rene Descartes C. John Rock D. George Berkeley

10. _________ combined elements of both Rationalism and Empiricism into one new

comprehensive system. A. Immanuel Kant B. George Hegel C. John Rock D. George Berkeley

11. ________ were mainly interested in love, Nature and art. A. The National Romantics B. The Universal Romantics C. The Classical Romantics D. The contemporary Romantics.

12. The British Isles is made up of ________> A. Three large islands and hundreds of small ones B. Two large islands and hundreds of small ones C. Three large islands and dozens of small ones

D. Two large islands and dozens of small ones

13. The tower of London, located in the center of London, was built by _______. A. King Harold B. William the Conqueror C. Robin Hood D. Oliver Cromwell

14. Between 1337 and 1453 the ______ took place in Britain. A. Wars of Roses B. Black death C. Hundred Years’ war D. peasants uprising

15. In English individualistic culture, one should not bother Englishmen without a

good reason and making appointment beforehand seems to be important. It is best reflected by an English proverb __________. A. as welcome as a storm B. an Englishmen’ s house is his castle C. don’t wear out your welcome D. outstay one’s welcome

16. Which of the king was executed in the civil war? A. James I B. Charles I C. James II D. Charles II

17. Westminster Palace is the ___________. E. seat of British House of Parliament F. seat of English Church

G. residence of king and queen H. Residence of Prime Minster I.

18. No. 10 Downing Street is ________. E. Office of British Navy

F. Official residence of Prime Minster G. Seat of English parliament H. Official residence of King

19. The oldest university in Britain is ________. A. Cambridge University B. St. Andrews University C. Oxford D. Edinburgh University

20. British English is spoken in _______. A. Great Britain B. Australia

C. New Zealand D. A,B and C

21.The goal of Roosevelt’s New Deal was _________. A. to save the American economic and political system B. to change the American economic system C. to weaken monopoly interests in America

D. to nationalize banks and financial institutions in America.

22.The American Civil War lasted from _______ to _______. A. 1858,1861 B. 1861, 1863 C. 1861, 1865 D. 1863, 1867

23. The American population movement between the end of the civil war and 1880 had much to do with _______. A. the westward movement B. the urbanization C. the industrialization

D. the development of hi-tech industries

25. In the U.S., the senatorial term is _________ years. A. 3. B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

26. The______ were the forerunners of the Conservative Party. A .Whigs B .Tories

C .Radicals D .Nonconformists 27. _____ constitute the dominant sector of the U.S. economy. A. state-owned business B. privately owned business C. independent professionals D. government-run business

a) What’s the Scottish native language?

b) Geologically, Scotland is divided into _(three)_ main regions: they are:

___(the highlands and Western Isles)__, (the Lowlands), and the (Southern Uplands).

c) Northern Ireland is sometimes referred to as “Ulster”.

d) The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

e) The Giant’s Causeway is located in __Northern Ireland_?

f) What’s the name of Welsh language? (Cymru)

g) The longest River in Britain rises in _(Wales)__?

h) __The midlands/ Lowlands of Central England__ has been termed the

Industrial heart of England or the Black Country.

i) New Forest is located _(_England_)____?

Terms and Questions: 1. grand jury 2. lobbying

3. primary election 4. think tank 5. Back-bencher 6. By-election 7. Free votes

8. Buckingham Palace 9. vote of confidence 10. Winston Churchill 11. Presidents’ Day 12. The Renaissance 13. Boxing Day 14. The Chunnel

15. The Watergate Scandal 16. Hispanics

17. New England 18. Thomas Jefferson 19. Methodism

20. In your opinion, which aspect of British history had the greatest effect on the development of the world as we know it?

21. How has religion influenced British education? 22. List four megalopolises in the USA.

23. Describe the roles of government in politics in the USA.

24. Does the USA have any economic worries? What do you think the most serious problem is? Why?

25. How have civil rights movements and global connections affected the social changes in the USA?

