自考英语语言学Chapter 4 Syntax

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Chapter 4 Syntax句法学 一、本章纲要

Chapter 4 Syntax 1.Syntax as a system of rules 2. Sentence structure 2.1 The basic components of a sentence 2.2 Types of sentences 2.2.1 The simple sentence 2.2.2 The coordinate sentence 2.2.3 The complex sentence 2.3 The linear and hierarchical structures 2.3.1 The linear word order of a sentence 2.3.2 The hierarchical structure of a 2.3.3 Tree diagrams of sentence structure 3. Syntactic categories 3.1 Lexical categories 3.2 Phrasal categories 4. Grammatical relations 5. Combinational rules 5.1 Phrase structure rules 5.2 The recursiveness of phrase structure 5.3 X-bar theory 6. Syntactic movement and movement 6.1 NP- movement and WH- movement 6.2 Other types of movement 6.3 D-structure and S-structure 6.4 Move α—a general movement rule 7. Toward a theory of universal grammar 7.1 General principles of Universal 7.2 The parameters of Universal


Syntax is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language. (2002,判断;2003名词解释;2007,4选择)

1. Syntax as a system rules句法规则系统

As a major component of grammar, syntax consists of a set of abstract rules that allow words to be combined with other words to form grammatical sentences.

A sentence is considered grammatical when it is in agreement with the grammatical knowledge in the mind of native speakers.

Universally found in the grammars of all human languages, syntactic rules comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker known as linguistic competence. (2005,33名词解释)

The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, and yet there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.

A major goal of linguistics is to show with a consistent and explicit grammatical theory how syntactic rules account for this grammatical knowledge. A theory of grammar must provide a complete characterization of linguistic utterances(言语)that speaker implicitly consider well-formed, or grammatical, sequences.





2. Sentence structure句子结构

2.1 The basic components of a sentence句子的基本组成

A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. Normally, a sentence consists of at least a subject (referring expression被指对象) and its predicate which contains a finite verb or a verb phrase. 句子是由一组单词合成的一个结构独立、完整的语法单位,可以用来进行陈述、提问、命令等。一般来说,句子至少要由主语和谓语构成。



2.2 Types of sentences


2.2.1 The simple sentence简单句

A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence. (2007填空)指一个句子中含有一个主语和一个谓语。

A clause that takes a subject and a finite verb, and at the same time stands structurally alone is known as a finite clause.(2006,14填空)当句子中只含有一个主语和一个限定动词,并且结构独立完整,这个句子又称为定式句。

The central element in a simple sentence, or in each clause, is the finite verb.

2.2.2 The coordinate sentence并列句

Contains two clauses joined by a linking word that is called coordinating conjunction, such as “and”, “but”, “or”. Two clauses are equal parts rather than being subordinate to the other. (2008,填空) 由连接词(或称并列连词)串联起来的两个句子。如and, but ,or等都是并列连词。

例如:I am reading a book, but he is playing.


2.2.3 The complex sentence复合句

A complex sentence contains two, or more, clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other. (2001,填空)

The incorporated or subordinate clause is normally called an embedded clause (子句), and the clause in which it is embedded is called a matrix clause (主句). (2004,判断;2005,14提阿空)由两个或两个以上的子句构成,各个子句在句中的结构地位不同,其中之一为主要子句即主句,其余为从属子句。

例如:(1) Mary told Jane [that John like linguistics]

(2)Mary saw [John reading a linguistics book]


1) Embedded clause functions as a grammatical unit in its matrix clause. Therefore, the relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to a whole. (2004,判断) 首先,从属子句是复合句中的一个语法单位。因此,从属子句与主句之间是部分与整体的关系。

2) most embedded clauses require an introductory word that is called a subordinator (引导词), such as that, if, before; 其次,多数的从属子句需要连接附属词将自身与主句相合起来,构成完整的句子。连接附属词不仅仅标志从属子句的起始,更为重要的是标志从属子句在主句中的语法功能。

3) an embedded clause may not function as a grammatical well-formed sentence if it stands independently as a simple sentence unless its form changes. 再者,一旦从属子句要作为简单句独立存在,其语法结构是不完整的,除非要进行适当的调整变换。

2.3 The linear and hierarchical structures of sentences句子的线性排列与层次结构

Language is a highly structured system of communication. Sentences are not formed by randomly(随意)combining lexical items, but by following a set of syntactic rules that arrange linguistic elements in a particular order to make a string of words not only meaningful but also linearly- and hierarchically--structured.(线形结构和层次结构) . 语言是高度结构化的系统,句子的组建不是一个随意性的过程,而要遵循一定的句法结构来构成有意义的语句单位。(2002,24判断)

2.3.1 The linear word order of a sentence (words in sentence one after another in a sequence) 句子的线性排列


例如:The student dislikes that boring lecture.

2.3.2 The hierarchical structure of a sentence句子的层次结构(2006,33名词解释)

Sentences are organized by grouping together words of the same syntactic category, such as noun phrase (NP) or verb phrase (VP). 表面来看,词在句子中的组合是按线型排列的,但并不表明句子的结构是线性的。实际上,句子结构的本质具有一种层次性。试对比下面对句子层次的划分。

a. The /student dislikes/ that boring /lecture. b. The student// dislikes/ that boring lecture.


Hierarchical structure: the sentence structure that groups words into structural constituents and shows the syntactic categories of each structural constituent, such as NP and VP. 其实,也正是名词词组、动词词组等句法成份单位构成了句子的层次性结构。(2006,2008名词解释)

2.3.3 Tree diagrams of sentence structure句子结构树形图(问答题)



同时,同一句子所含的不同层次结构,可用树形图来解释句子的多种含义。 例如:A. The old men and the women danced. B. Visiting relatives can be tiresome.


A (1): The old men and the old women danced.

A (2): The old men and the women (who were not old) danced.

B (1): Relatives who are visiting can be tiresome. B (2): To visit relatives can be tiresome.

上面每句的两种不同理解可用“成分结构树形图”来清楚明了地区分。 A (1) The old men and the old women danced.

A (2) The old men and the women (who were not old) danced.

B(1) Relatives who are visiting can be tiresome.

B (2) To visit relatives can be tiresome.

3. Syntactic categories句法类型


Apart from sentences (S) and clauses (C), a syntactic category usually refers to a word (called a lexical category) or a phrase (phrasal category) that performs a particular grammatical function, such as the subject in a sentence. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticality belong to the same syntactic category. 句法类型多指词类型和词组类型,它们在句子中都起着语法功能,如作主语或宾语。而且,同属一个句法类型的词或词组在相互替换时不失句子的语法性。

3.1 Lexical categories词类型

(2005,24 判断; 2008单选) Words are organized into groups of lexical categories, commonly known as parts of speech (词类).

(2006,24判断)Major lexical categories are open categories in the sense that new words are constantly added, including 4 – noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. Minor lexical categories are closed ones as the number of lexical items are fixed and no new members are allowed for, including 6.

所有的词都有某种词类属性即词性。词可分为主要词类和次要词类两种。 1)主要词类又称开放词类,可以不断地出现新词。在英语,它们主要有四类:

名词(N): student linguistics lecture 动词(V): like red go 形容词(adj): tall lovely red 副词(adv): loudly constantly hard


限定词(Det.):the, a, this, his 助词(Aux):can, will, do, be, have 介词(Prep):in, at, to, on

代词(Pron):he, she, us, mine 连词(Conj):and, or, but, while 叹词(lnt):oh, ah, eh

Phrasal categories词组类型

词类不同的词可以合成某一词组,在英语的句法分析中,常有四种词组类型,它们分别为: Four: NP, VP, PP (prepositional), AP (adjective). NP and VP, which are essential components of a sentence, form the two major syntactic categories, that is, the subject and the predicate of a sentence.

名词词组(NP):a red brick, the beautiful lake 动词词组(VP):sing a song, write in ink 介词词组(PP):on the table, at the gate

形容词词组(AP):very clever, quite able


4. Grammatical relations语法关系

A distinction between the structural and logical functions relations of constituents called grammatical relations. It concerns the way each noun phrase in the sentence relates to the verb. (who does what do whom). Structural vs. logical subject, object. (2002,34名词解释) (**)语法关系是指句子中名词词组与动词的关系,其中涉及到主语和宾语的结构关系和逻辑关系。 从结构关系上看,英语句子中的主语往往出现在动词之前,宾语往往出现在动词不达意之后。这种置动词之前的主语叫作结构主语,置动词之后的宾语叫作结构宾语。结构主语和结构宾语只是句子的形式主语和形式宾语。


5. Combinational rules组合规则

5.1 Phrase structural rules短语结构规则

The combinational pattern in a linear formula may be called a phrase structural rule, or rewrite rule.(2001,3 选择) It allows us to better understand how words and phrases form sentences, and so on.

S → NP VP “()”means optional NP → (Det) (Adj) N (PP) (S) VP → V (NP) (PP) (S) AP → A (PP) (S) PP → P NP


我们可以用线性公式“S NP VP”(“”读作“可重写为?”)对句子的组合模式加以重写。这种句法重写规则称为短语结构规则。这些规则是支配词的可能结合以形成具有不同语法范畴的短语的结构规则。


a. NP N:Clinton b. NP N: book

c. NP Det. N: a/the pen d. NP Det. Adj. N

a/the funny story

e. NP Adj. N:interesting plays

f. NP Det. N. S: the student who studies English g. NP Det. Adj. N PP:an old man with a stick

h. NP Det. Adj N PPS:the handsome boy with glasses that I like


NP (Det) (Adj) N(pp) (S)(括号内的成分是可选择的。) 相同的道理,动词词组、形容词词组和介词词组都可最终提取出一条可能的成分组合规则。概括如下:


NP (Det.) (Adj.) N (PP) (S) VP V (NP) (PP) (S) AP A (PP) (S) PP P NP

5.2 The recursiveness (循环性) of phrase structure rules短语结构规则的循环性

The recursiveness (循环性) of phrase structure rules can generate an indefinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properties. (2003,24判断;2006,10单选;2007,35名词解释)


一个介词词组可含有一个名词词组,而这个名词词组也可接另外一个介词词组,如: with his hands in his pockets

一个名词词组中可能有一个介词词组,而这个介词词组中也可以有另外一个名词词组。 a boy with his glasses on his desk

5.3 X-bar theory标杆理论

a. X” b. X’’ → Spec X’

X’ → X compl Spec X’ (specifier)

X Complement


Commonly known as the X-bar theory, this widely recognized and highly abstract X-bar schema is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basic properties shared by all phrasal categories across the languages of the world. 短语结构规则有一个共同点,即都有一个必须出现的词,如名词词组中的名词;动词词组中的动词;因此,可以把它们概括为核心词,每个词组结构也是以 核心词来命名的。这样,所有的短语结构规则可泛写为:XP?X?(X指核心词为名词,动词,形容词或介词中的任何一个;P指词组。) 同时也要注意,不同的短语结构规则中,还有一些可选择的成分。居于核心词(X)之前可称作指示语(specifier),其后的可称为补语(complement),上面的公式可进一步写为:

XP (spec) X (compl)





x’’ x’

Spec x’ x Comp1


6. Syntactic movement and movement rules句法移位和移位规则

Syntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position, the sentence involving which cannot be described by phrase structure rules. It was governed by transformational rules, the operation of which may change the syntactic representation of a sentence (句法的表达方式). 短语结构规则是难以用来描述句法移位现象。当一个句子中的一个成分从其原位移向一个新的位置,就产生了句法移位。句法移位是遵循一定的转换规则的。

6.1 NP-movement and WH-movement名词词组移位和WH移位(2006,4单选)

NP-movement occurs when, for example, a sentence changes from the active voice to the passive voice (postpose, prepose).

WH-movement is obligatory in English. It changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative. 这是英语中两个主要的句法移位。


A. The teacher taught the student. B. The student was taught by the teacher.


另一种常见的移位现象叫作WH-移位,即带WH词的成分从在句子中所处的原位移至另一位置。英语中WH词移至句首是将陈述句转变为特殊疑问句的必要条件。例如: A. He bought the book from the bookstore yesterday.

a:. What did he buy from the bookstore yesterday? b. Where did he buy the book yesterday?

c. When did he buy the book from the bookstore?

