2014届高三英语二轮 完形填空突破3年真题2年模拟15

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One afternoon, the high school boy Clay Jensen received a mysterious package with no return address. When he opened it, he was __21__ to find seven tapes, which were __22__ by Hannah Baker, his classmate who had committed suicide (自杀) two weeks earlier. Clay had secretly been in love with her but never had the __23__ to tell her about it.

On the tapes, Hannah had __24__ thirteen reasons for ending her own __25__ and Clay was one of the reasons. Hannah had even left him a __26__ marking places with dots for him to visit.

Clay walked out of his home and with her voice in his __27__, he wandered all over the town trying to uncover the reasons why she felt her life had to end so tragically (悲剧地).

__28__ Hannah and Clay's story, American author Jay Asher wove(编织)a sad story of confusion and desperation in novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, which had __29__ on The New York Times best-selling list for eight weeks.

As Clay anxiously __30__ how he played a part in her suicide, he noticed how a number of little, seemingly unimportant __31__ can add up to a terrible high school existence for someone else.

It __32___ us all that sometimes when something is said or done to __33__ another intentionally, it can have __34__ effects and can even lead to other major events in that person's life.

The theme of the story is that we are all __35__ our own actions. Hannah admitted it was her __36__ to end her life. However, if someone had __37__ differently, she could have changed her decision.

__38__ it is an imaginary story,many of us will connect parts of Hannah's high school career with something in our life and may __39__ know someone showing warning signs of suicide. And __40__ we can act and prevent such a tragedy.

21. A. shocked B.delighted C.disturbed D.excited

22. A. brought B.sent C.bought D.recorded 23. A. time B.courage

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C.atmosphere D.mood 24. A. stated B. B.told C.found D.expressed 25. A. love B.schooling C.life D.story 26. A. tape B.map C.note D.number 27. A. head B. B.heart C.face D.ears 28. A. In B.For C.Through D.With 29. A. left B.stayed C.kept D.continued

30. A. found out B.gave away C.made out D.thought about 31. A. accidents B.events C.incidents D.affairs 32. A. informs B.reminds C.proves D.indicates 33. A. hurt B.praise C.damage D.comfort 34. A. lasting B.important C.different D.instant

35. A. concerned about B.careful of C.devoted to D.responsible for 36. A. task B.rule C.choice D.dream 37. A. thought B.replied C.said D.acted

38. A. As though B.Even though

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C.In case D.Now that 39. A. even B.also C.still D.ever

40. A. thankfully B.hopefully C.equally D.similarly

【语篇导读】 本文介绍了美国的一篇小说,主人公是一名中学生,他收到已经自杀的同学寄给他的录音带。由此向我们展示,生活中的一系列小事积累起来有可能酿成大祸,并告诫我们在生活中如果对身边的人多些关爱,我们也许会改变一个人的人生抉择。

21. A 根据下文“?Hannah Baker, his classmate who had committed suicide two weeks earlier.”可以推测出当Clay看到这个邮件时的表情应该是震惊的,故应选A项shocked。

22. D 根据句中先行词tapes,以及文章后面的表述“?with her voice in his?”可知这个录音带是Hannah Baker录制的,故选D项 recorded。

23. B 根据常识,故事中的两个主人公都是中学生,由此可知他没有向她表白的勇气,而不是没有时间或其他原因,故选B。

24. A 在录音带中汉娜陈述了结束生命的十三个理由,故选A项。state陈述,说明。

25. C 根据文章表述,汉娜已于两周前自杀,由此可知这里是指结束“生命”,故应选C项。 26. B 根据文中表述“Hannah had even left him a?marking places with dots for him to visit.”可知留给他的应是地图,而不是note“纸条”或其他。

27. D 根据上下文可知是“耳畔响着她的声音”。 28. C 此处表示“通过”这个故事,故选C。

29. B 根据表述“?which had?on The New York Times best-selling list for eight weeks.”可知,这本小说连续八周在《纽约时报》畅销书榜单上。根据list以及for eight weeks这两个关键表述可知选B项。

30. A find out发现(事实真相);give away分发,捐赠,泄露;make out制定出;think about考虑。故选A项。

31. C “一系列看似无关紧要的小事可能积累成??”。incident 发生的事情; accident 事故;event (大)事件;affair (政治、经济)要事。

32. B 这个故事提醒我们??。remind提醒;inform通知;prove证明;indicate表明,预示。故选B项。

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33. A 根据句意 “当我们说了或做了伤害他人的事” 可知,答案为A项。hurt伤害(情感);praise表扬;damage损害(物品);comfort安慰。

34. A lasting持续的,持久的;important重要的;different不同的;instant短暂的,片刻的。由句意可知选A。

35. D 故事的主题告诉我们:我们都应该为自己的行为负责。故选D项。 36. C 汉娜承认(自杀)是自己的选择,故选C项。choice选择。

37. D 尽管汉娜承认(自杀)是自己的选择,但是,如果有人采取了不同的行动,也许她会改变抉择。故选D项acted。

38. B as though好像,似乎;even though尽管,即使;in case万一,如果;now that既然。尽管是个故事,但我们许多人都会把汉娜的中学生活和我们生活中的某些情况联系起来。故选B项。

39. A 看了这个故事,许多人会把汉娜的故事与我们生活中的某些情况联系起来,甚至明白一些人有自杀的倾向,故选A项,表示递进关系。

40. B 根据全文以及最后一句“And?we can act and prevent such a tragedy.”可知,这个故事带给我们的是:希望在生活中碰到类似悲剧时,我们可以加以制止。

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