英语基础模块上册Unit 6 Weather(1) 语文出版社

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Review of the text1.How many seasons are there in a year? 2.Which season is cool and windy? 3.Which season is the hottest season? 4.Which season is the harvest time? 5.Does the writer like winter?

——What’s the weather like today? ——It’s_______.

n.sun cloud wind rain snow

adj.sunny cloudy windy rainy snowy


1.The_____ is shining today sunsunny The weather today is______.

It’s a good day for school trip.

rainy 2.It’s a________ day. rainy The______ is very heavy rain


cloud cloudy

3.It’ll be_______. cloudy clouds There are many________in the sky.

snow snowy

snowy 4.It’ll be_______. snow There are _______on the ground.


wind 5.The _______ blows hard. windy It’ll be_______ .

Idioms about Weather

1. Under the weather I'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment. 我觉得不太舒服。 2. It never rains but pours. I really feel sorry for Mike. First his wife left him. Next he lost his job. Then somebody stole his car. Like they say, it never rains but it pours. 这是说:“我真是为迈克感到难受。先 是他的太太把他扔了,然后,他又丢了 工作,接着,他的车又被人偷了。这真 是像人们所说的,祸不单行呀。”

3. Rain or shine 1) He's always working in his garden, rain or shine. 他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。 2) I haven't seen mother and dad and the rest of the family for ten years, but I still know I can count on them rain or shine.

我已经有十年没见到我的父母和其他家人了。但是, 我知道不管在什么情况下,我肯定会得到他们的帮助 的。

4. Take a rain check 在美国,只要在球赛开始以后下雨,每个人在离开体育场 的时候都可以得到一张特别的票子。你可以用这张票子下 回免费看一场球。这种特别的票子就叫rain check。 Rain就是雨,check 就是支票。Rain check的意思就是, 你买了票,但是因为下雨而没有看成球。为了补偿你的损 失,就给你一张下次可以用的免费票。 可是,rain check这个词已经不局限在体育 球赛方面了。它已经应用于生活的各个方面。 它的意思是:给予第二次机会。 I’m kind of busy this weekend. Can we take a rain check?

5. Which way the wind blows I’m going to see which way the wind blows before asking her about a raise. 我打算先观察一下形势再提加薪的事。 6. A breeze This exam was a breeze. 这次考试真是太容易了。


