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Section One ----Reading

? General Introduction:

60 minutes ? 40 items ? 90s/item ?3 passages ? 1400~1500 words per passage

Actual Time: 52 minutes + 5 minutes + 3 minutes 监考官会报时 Best Time: 50 minutes

? 形容词变化: ugly ? plain-looking ? homely ? List of Headings

a) Priority: 1st b) 破题点:


例:”…..for example…..” 细节部分skip

2.两段不会有同一个heading,把例子项排除 c) Procedures:

1. Passage’s Title

如何读?生词?判断词性: 名词?记住拼写 动词?拼写、变形 形容词、副词?skip 2. Instruction

不用找标题的段x掉 “NB”是“特别注意”的意思 3. Delete the Example

4. Read Paragraphs: i. Topic sentence

演绎法(总?分) 归纳法(分?总) 读的顺序:第一句,最后一句,第二句

注意第一句和第二句之间的转折关系(but, however, yet, nevertheless) ii. Repeated words(实词)

机械重复、代词重复(He, She……找出指代的人)、回环结构(首尾呼应) iii. Indicative words

“in a word…..”标名词,与题目、文章对应 表归纳:in a word, in summary, in short, in brief

表结果:as a result, so, consequently, therefore, hence, thus, finally, eventually, in the end, at last, in consequence 段尾:this, that, those, these

iv. Numbers(数字多的时候才用,一般用于科技说明文)找出数字与什么有关系 v. Story?主旨在开头或结尾

? Skip skills: 见到”study””research”等?skip to “that”

“despite”?skip to “,”

? helping “份” offering “祭品” ? 若一词可作动词或名词,则加ing后可能意义改变 ? chronic 反义 acute, invariably = always,nutritional table营养表

overwork超量工作 & workaholic工作狂?贬义

? Religions: Buddhism佛教,Christianity基督教(adj. ? Christine,问的时候:Are you Christine?),Catholic

天主教(adj. & n.),Islamism伊斯兰教

? Thank you for your endowment.巨谢谢你(慎用,非常大程度)

Thank you in advance提前谢谢你 // for concerning谢谢你的关心(一般用作挡箭牌).

? audience(用耳朵听)的观众, spectator(用眼睛看)的观众 ? Summary

a) 两篇文章的行文顺序一样

b) 语法性(判断空格中的词性和时态,ing, ed, s, v)? 1st step?有单词选项时优先考虑

顺序性 c) Procedures:

1. Instruction? word number limit? words from the passage(完全一样,包括数字)? where? 2. Blanks? grammar? answer?no grammar? key words【阿拉伯数字、人名、地名(不变)、斜体(书

名,写作文时用下划线表示)、大写、特殊符号(双引号、短横线)】 3. Location

d) a, an, the可以用括号括起来,例如(a) set of benchmarks

? Sentence Completion ? 破题点:1.语法性?1st

2.无序性?different from summary

? True/False/Not Given

a) 形式:YES, Yes, Y, TRUE, True, T是不一样的!!!! b) 破题点:

1. 定位准?key words, list of headings 2. 无序性

3. 比较准?Benchmarks:

True: i. 只有题目中的语句与文章中的语句思想内容(方向,程度,范围)完全一致,才可以判 定题目的答案为True。

False: i. 与文章中的内容完全相反

ii. 文章中为A、B、C等几个的并列关系,题目中却出现了only A或A、B的结构 iii. 文章中的结论成立有条件、范围的限制,题目中没有这些限制直接成立 iv. 文章中为人们对某件事物的主观看法、感受或猜测,题目中转化为客观事实

Not Given: i. 文章中没有提及题目所讨论的内容?key word missing

ii. 题目将文章所这几的事物更加细节化,从而无从考证(some officials?200 officials)

iii. 文章中提及若干事物,但没有做出比较,题目中对这些事物进行了比较,从未无法考证(文章中说A

19岁,B 20岁,题目说A比B小这种情况例外,数字比较要慎重)(后现代主义绝招:不够时间时,凡是题目中有比较的,都写NG ? 不建议的绝招)

iv. 文章中为人的目标、目的、愿望、誓言等的内容,在题目中成为了现实 表目标:aim, object, objective, goal, aim at 表目的:purpose, motive, intention 表愿望:hope, wish, desire, dream 表誓言:swear, pledge, vow, promise

v. 文章中句子的主语或宾语被其它词语代替,从而无法考证 c) Procedures:

1. Sentence ? key word ? locate ? question word【比较级、最高级;表示比较关系的结构(as..as, equal

to, equivalent);数字的精确度;范围的词语(all, both, every, only);谓语动词】 2. Location ? non-existent ? NG ? exist ? procedure 3 3. Compare ? using benchmarks above

? a match-maker 媒婆 well-matched couple 好配的夫妻 ? 不能把试卷撕下来!!!!!

? self-sufficient 自给自足 self-contained 自成一体

? 388?three double eight // three dual eight

? Dualist 二重唱歌手 dual employment family 双职工家庭 (注意:dual后面的名词用单数;double后面用


? World Heritage Site 世界遗址 ? 病的几种讲法:

Illness?总称 sickness?sickness leave病假;you’re so sick你很恶心 disease?具体某种病 disorder?紊乱,失调 complain?Do you have any complain?你有没哪里不舒服?

? Multiple Choice

a) 破题点:排除法(排除同义选项);利用选项定位

b) multiple choice的choice不加s,一般情况下,正确选项为一项,若要选择多项,则题目会用大写字母说


c) 与阅读原文文字完全温和的选项往往都不是正确选项

d) 选项中有“all of the above”选项的,到文章中找并列结构的地方(可找“…,…,…”“1、2、3、) ”e) 选项中有dollars字样的,可到文章中找这个符号:$ ? Matching

a) 形式:ABCD?1234567;无序性!

b) 破题点:小集合定位(先在文章中全部圈出,然后把大集合的题目读一下)


c) 如果一个项在文章中出现很多次,就知道文章是说那个项的,因此就先做别的项,最后没有选到的就是那


d) 选项可以一次也不用,也可以用无数次 e) 除了这题,其余的题目的选项都不可以用两次 ? Table

a) 破题点:直接定位;语法平行(表格中)

? Short Answer

a) 直接定位(问什么找什么);答案精确 b) 数字后面必须加单位(符号单位不算字数)

c) 阅读中的答案单位必须按原文,听力中kg与kilograms一样(全称时注意复数) d) 答案不需要大写字母,专有名词除外 e) 答案要满足字数要求

f) 答案中的冠词a、an、the可以加括号,不算字数

g) 注意答案的语法,与题目提问词对应(例如:用what问,答案则应该是n.或者n.-clause) h) 如果原文中有carbon dioxide和CO2则答案可以写CO2 ? Flow Chart

a) 破题点:顺序性;集中性(答案可能集中在一个段落或者邻近的某几个段落) b) 只有flow chart和summary的答案出现顺序与原文一样 ? 考场上的做题顺序:(全文共scan三次)

a) 读第一次时,做list of headings(没有list of headings的也要先略读一次全文,划出各段中心句或者中心


b) 读第二次时,做T/F/NG,summary,sentence completion

c) 读第三次时,做matching,table,flow chart,short answer,multiple choice ? 一口气把某类型的全部题目都读完再去找关键字会提高效率

? 自己复习的时候:1、词汇表;2、复习所有题目(一次一种);3、剑5剑6

Section 2 ---- Speaking

? Pronunciation? accurate, slowly, pause, stress

Vocabulary?accurate, variety Grammar?accurate, variety


? 广交会 Guangzhou Trade Fair

? 经济、生活、行业类话题可以用下面两种分类方法:

a) 工、农、学、商 manufacturing, agriculture, education, trading, commerce b) 衣、食、住、行 clothing, food, real estate, automobile

? 说话的时候,尽量不要轻易用because把自己塞住,多elaborate,将what、why贯穿于答案中 ? Travel?long distance?water, sea // land // air // rail

?short distance? private transport , public transport?地上:bus(numbers of buses, waiting time, fare,

comfortable, special priority lanes, overtake small cars), taxi 地下:underground, subway

? 可以以自己的体验(例如一次乘车的旅程)作为逻辑线思考

? In what way? ? in many ways ? in “terms of” ? 举例不过三,用etc. ? 工作相关:mainly responsible to, another duty I have is…

? 听不清楚考官题目时:I beg your pardon? // Could you rephrase the question? // ……..x?xx?xxx? ? grow through errors/mist ? 要让思维附着在某处?联想

? Why? ? well, there’re many reasons…. // I …. for several reasons… ? Yao has lent his name to… ? non-commercial ? to civilize the Chinese

Yao is the spokesman for… // represent ? commercial

? 举考官听不懂的例子时要解释:Jay Chou, a local singer, maybe you’re not familiar with him.

? 四种思维模式:固定思维;抓key words;图形化思维(例如:讲跟人有关系的,可以用考官的五官来思考,


? Being famous? materialistic benefits/satisfaction ? health // 衣食住行(adv. + -ed)

spiritual satisfaction ? self confidence/satisfactions

loved/respected by people around you gain social recognition parents/friends be proud of you

Disadvantages: be the target of crime

people around you want to take advantage of you lots of pressure

people around you be curious about you, you will lose privacy

? 有用的搭配:adv. + v.-ed 例如:highly priced, beautiful decorated, well made, luxurious decorated ? Go to a decent/beautifully-decorated restaurant, order some delicious/gorgeous food, have a very nice chat

with.., really enjoy/best time of the day/a lot of fun/give me a lot of joy. ? Crying doesn’t help, why not smile.

? Ordinary people? job (used to… // but…) ? age (look…but…) ?body (weigh?overweight, medium-weight,

under-weight, description) ? face ? personality (give me the impression of being…indeed…举例支持) ? influence (for one thing // for another) ? sb. Has had a major influence on me, as a matter of fact, xx has taught me about the most important things in life. For one thing…live a healthy lifestyle, for another…be optimistic/xx attitude towards…, get through lots of hardships.

? 形容人的:has a brilliant brain/idea // quick-minded // well-mannered,weigh more than… ? 形容某人善于聆听:sb.’s door is always open to your idea/advice/suggestion/critizism ? genuine真的,trait特征,key trait重要特征

? 答题时可分most people think和I think作为两条线索 ? 现场原则——尽量用现场的tips ? 不同的程度to different degree

? 文化、生活、变化diversified;政治、变化transparent ? Media change in the past 20 years:

a) Kinds of media ? diversified

b) more transparent ? foreigner think/I think ? corruption, bribery, low efficiency of government c) authenticity of media ? depend on what kinds of media ? internet, magazine or CCTV & politics or


? 勇敢用中文描述你根本不知道英文的东西,然后再用英文explain ? 勇敢重复题目,让自己明白题目意思

勇敢用自己做例子Let me use myself as an example ? (IELTS 6 P32 PART 3 LAST QUESTION)

government duty (benefit for society) a large amount of money investment brings profits ? Sport: 时间:XX is the best time for…

地点:XX has no strict demand for…place

人物:do it alone // join a group of friends // either way is cool 事情:has no strict rules // is flexible

结论:physically: a good way of (keeping health/body building) mentally: refreshing

Section 2-1 ---- Jacob’s speaking

? Self introduction:

Name: my name is … a.k.a. … // …also known as… // I’m a…by the name of… Age: I’m currently 20 years old.

nearly 20 years of age.

in my early-20’s/mid-20’s/late-20’s

20-ish/25-ish(整十或整五的时候可以用ish表示左右,数字、颜色等都可以) I’m a major // of legal age. I’m a minor.

Occupation: I study at…major in…

I’m a fuul-time student at… and I major in… I will complete …BC in 12-months Hobbies: I enjoy… // take pleasure in… // adore…

Origins (hometown): I come from… // my hometown is…, a metropolis located in… // I was born and raised

in…settle in…

? Some ethnicities:

a CBC: Chinese born in Canada a porkchop: 猪扒 a frog: French people

a latina(女)/latino(男): Spanish people a caucasion: white people a FOB: fresh off the boat a gino: Italian people ? Idioms & slangs:

? After 10-years of hard work, I’m still in the red. (the situation of owing money) ? After 10-years of hard work, I’m finally in the black. (the situation of not owing money) ? Hanging out at night made my wife see red. (to be very angry/to hit the roof/to be pissed) ? Chilling (means: hanging out) at night pissed my bitch off. (you bitch & you’ re a bitch不同)

? Painting the town red got my boo angry. (蒲) ? I felt so blue after getting ditched by her. ? I felt so crappy after getting ditched by her.

? She was at a loss of words when I busted in tears out of the blues. (suddenly) ? female prostitute = hooker = whore ? duck soup = piece of cake // duck蹲下 ? He’ll prove he’s not yellow/gutless/chicken.胆小

? How does he keep himself in the pink? // in good health? ? How can man be engaged in pink-collar jobs? (女性工作) ? be green with envy

? be envious of sb.褒义 be jealous of sb.贬义

? Brown-bagging is an effective way to save money. (自己带饭盒到学校吃) ? Can you put the rest into a doggy bag? (外带饭盒) ? Come on! Toast! One shot! (一次饮晒)

? Don’t miss the boat! It’s a one-shot offer! (只此一次的机会)

? We’re like bros because we always see eye to eye. (have the same opinion) ? Don’t shit on me! (blame on me) It takes two to tango! (一个巴掌打不响) ? I want to do job no.1/no.2 (小便/大便).

? be of two minds ? indecisive, facing a dilemma ? He was like a dog with two tails.很开心

? I don’t even have two pennies to rub together. (没钱) ? I’m broke. (现在没钱)

? I’m only a two-bit teacher, a small potato. (小人物) ? big cheese大人物 ? What a two-faced prick! What a hypocrite! (伪君子)

? It’s a three-ring circus in here! 这里很嘈

? That’s the 64,000 dollar question! 所有人都想知道的问题

? That four-eyes turns me on! 那个四眼让我很兴奋 ? turn me off让我很不兴奋 ? Well done! High five! = give me five!

? Keep eating five-alarm food (spicy food), and you will have pimples on your face. ? Ok guys, take five. (take a break)

? Touch her and you’ll be six feet under! (die) ? It really knocked me for six to…. (shock me) ? Seven-year itch 七年之痒

? Their relationship won’t last long, it’s just a seven-day wonder. (三分钟热度) ? Be dressed to the nines. 穿得很正式 ? Nine times out of ten = often

? It’s about the Benjamins. = it’s about the money.

? No money no honey. = No money no talk. (前者才是标准) ? Ten to one you’ll never get this job. (probably) ? Keep that under wraps. // in the dark 不要公开那个 ? BMW = bus + metro + walk ? Don’t ask for the moon! 别要求太高 ? Thanks a million/a bunch! 非常感谢 ? You’re one in a million = you’re so special.

? A penny = 1-cent coin A nickel = 5-cent coin A dime = 10-cent coin A quarter = 25-cent coin ? A loonie = 1 dollar A toonie = 2 dollars ? Love letter = sugar report

? Cost me an arm and a leg. 好贵 // peanuts 好便

? Lay it on the line. = tell me the truth ? To butt in = to cut in a line = to queue up ? Zip it = shut up

? Want beef? = want trouble? ? You bet! = you’re right

? Beats me! = search me! = I don’t know. ? Important facets:

Appropriate speed, pitch, and volume of voice Confident behavior Direct eye contact Appropriate posture Courteous facial expression A smile

Section 3 ---- Listening

? Time: 30mins+10mins 7分?31~35题;8分?36~38题 ? 四六级?归纳总结推理?所听非所答


? IELTS listening features:1、国际口音;2、四段叙述;3、边听边做;4、题型多样

a) 国际口音:英音50%,美音20%,澳音20%,其他10%

b) 四段叙述: 每段6min左右,750~800字/段,section 1、3一般是conversation,section2、4一般是


c) 边听边做:需要极强的速读能力,手眼耳并用

d) 题型多样:表格、问答、选择、填空、地图、图画、搭配

? 听力立体训练法:见笔记P60

? 场景总结:

a) 租房场景:

租房v. ?rent, lease, let

房东?landlord, landlady 房客?tenant, lodger, boarder

房子类型?学校宿舍 dormitory, school residence 住家 home stay 公寓 flat 别墅 house, villa 一间房的公寓 studio

青年旅馆 youth hostel 汽车旅馆 motel 包含早餐的旅馆 B&B 地理位置?市中心 centre, central area, downtown area

城市 city, urban 郊区 suburb(也可表示地铁), countryside, outskirt 农村 rural area 房子整体状况?

1. 是否装修 decoration/newly decorated 有无家具设备 furnished/unfurnished

电 electricity 淋浴 shower 中央空调/取暖 central air-conditioning/heating 暖气 radiator/heater 2. 房间类型:

客厅 sitting room/lounge 单人/双/三人房 single room/double room(双人床) /twin room(两张单人床)/triple room/double-bed room

坐、卧两用 bed sitting room 大厅、门厅 entrance hall/lobby/porch 小厨房 kitchenette(-ette表示小) 阳台 balcony 3. 家用电器(household appliance):

电视 TV/cable TV 电视许可证 TV license 电冰箱 refrigerator/fridge 炉子 stove 电磁炉 electric stove 微波炉 micro-wave oven

烤箱 grill/oven 吸尘器 vacuum cleaner 音响 stereo 宽带 broadband 4. 家庭用具(utensil)

地毯 carpet 台灯 lamp (bulb灯泡) 碗橱 cupboard

五斗橱 chest of drawer 大衣橱 wardrobe 扫把 broom 拖把 mop 抹布 duster/cleaning rag 5. 床上用品(bed pack/facility)

上下铺 double-decked/bunk bed/double-decker(也指双层巴士)

床垫 mattress 床单 sheet/bed linen 床罩 spread 靠垫 cushion 被子 quilt 枕头 pillow 毛巾 towel 毯子 blanket

b) 个人信息表格:

1. 人名:姓 family name/last name/surname 名 given name/first name/forename

曾用名 other name 中间名缩写 middle initial 字母大小写 capital/small

MacDonald的拼法:m a c capital d small o n a l d 某人的:sam’s的拼法:s a m apostrophe s 2. 电话号码:

0的读法:zero, oh, naught, nil, null, nothing

862087686160读的原则:86 pause 20 pause 8768 pause 6160 七位电话的读法:123 pause 4567

两个或三个字母重复会用:double, dual, triple(注意连读现象) 3. 性别 gender/sex 地址 avenue/lane 4. Weight: gram, kilogram, ounce, pound 5. Height: meter, centimeter, inch, foot (feet) 6. 国籍(nationality)?填相应国家的形容词

Korea?Korean Spain?Spanish Poland?Polish Denmark?Danish Finland?Finish Sweden?Swedish Greece?Greek Norway?Norwegian

Ireland?Irish Portugal?Portuguese

Switzerland?Swiss Philippines?Philippine Holland (Netherlands)?Dutch Malaysia?Malaysian Thailand?Thai Scotland?Scottish Turkey?Turkish 7. 教育程度:

高等教育 higher education 证书 certificate 文凭 diploma 学位 degree 高中生 A level 本科生 undergraduate

研究生 postgraduate 本科毕业生 graduate student 硕士 master 博士 Ph.D 职业教育 vocational education 培训 training 初中 secondary education

8. 工作经验 working experience 岗位 position 工作年限 year of experience 9. 课程名称总结:

History, Geography, Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Politics, Mathematics, Law, Philosophy, Literature, Sociology, Medicine, Economics, Accounting, Finance

Banking, Engineering, Civil Engineering(土木工程), Journalism(新闻学), Mass-communication(大众传媒), Physical Science, Agriculture, Astronomy, Linguistics(语言学), Education, Social Sciences, Biochemistry

Geometry(几何), Algebra(代数), Psychology(心理学), Electronic Engineering, Anthropology(人类学), Business Administration, Architecture, Botany(植物学), Commercial Science

c) 课程研究场景:

研究 research 调查 survey (民意)调查 poll 访谈 interview 假设 hypothesis 统计 statistics 调查investigate 定性的 qualitative

解释 interpretation 调查问卷 questionnaire 被访谈的人 respondents 数据 data 有效的 valid/validity 定量的 quantitative 分析数据 data analysis 显著的差异 significant difference/different

d) 旅游场景:

1. 目的地:

城市 cities 山区 mountains 沙漠 deserts 丘陵地带 hilly areas 沼泽地 wetlands 灌木丛 bush land 热带雨林 tropical rain forests 旅游胜地 resorts 沿海地区 coastal areas 2. 交通工具:

公交 public transport 渡船 ferry 地铁 underground/subway/tube/metro 私人交通 private transport 巡游 river cruise/boat trips 3. 费用和支付方式:

订房间 book/reserve the room (make a reservation) 货币 currency 日元 Japanese Yen 信用卡 credit card (VISA, MASTER)

美国运通卡 American Express 旅行支票 Traveler’s Check/Cheque 4. 景点:

温泉 hot springs 经典游 spotlight tour 瀑布 waterfalls 城堡 castle 喷泉 fountain 5. 活动:

器械潜水 scuba diving 滑水 water skiing 悬挂滑翔 hang gliding 水球 water polo 6. 注意事项:

刺痛人的东西 stingers 鲨鱼 shark 有毒水母 box jellyfish 7. 携带物品:

大浴巾 beach towel 步行靴 walking boots 长裤 long trousers 遮阳物 sunscreen

e) 形容某人的特征:

1. 头发:

灰色 grey 金棕色 ginger(生姜) 齐肩中长发 shoulder length hair 直发 straight hair 卷发 curly hair 中波浪 ripple 大波浪 wavy 蓬松 straggly 单麻花辫 pigtail 马尾辫 ponytail 辫子 plait 板寸头 spiky/sparky hair 刘海 band/fringe 发髻 bun 中分 center parting 侧分 side parting 修剪 trim 【例子:I have a ponytail with a band.】 2. 身材:

中等身材 medium-built 中等高度 average height 苗条的 slender/slim 矮壮、健壮结实的 stocky 肥重、强壮的 stout 3. 衣服:

衣服、服装 clothes/clothing 工作服 jumper 裤子(英) trousers 牛仔服 jeans T恤衫 T-shirt 短袖女士衬衫 short-sleeved blouse 粉红和白色的条纹裙 pink and white striped skirt

成衣 ready-to-wear/ready-made clothes 短外衣夹克 jacket 女大衣 coat 皮大衣 fur coat 风衣 dust coat 中长大衣 three-quarter coat 外衣 garments/town clothes 4. 鞋子:

靴子 boots 平跟鞋 flat shoes 凉鞋 sandal 高跟鞋 high-heeled shoes 厚底鞋 thick-soled shoes 硬底鞋 black-soled shoes 鞋底 sole 鞋带 shoe lace 黑漆皮鞋 patent leather shoes 拖鞋、便鞋 slippers

帆布鞋 canvas shoes/rope soled shoes 木拖鞋 clog 5. 衣领、衣袖:

(上衣)翻领 lapel 假领、活领 detachable collar

上浆翻领、硬翻领 wing collar V型领 V-neck 圆领 crew-neck 凹领 scooped neck 袖口 cuff 纽扣孔 buttonhole 6. 帽子:

便帽 cap 带沿的帽子 hat 圆顶硬礼帽 bowler hat 高顶红质礼帽 top hat 尖顶帽 peaked cap/cap with a visor 宽边草帽 broad-brimmed straw hat 7. 花纹pattern:

圆点花 dot 条纹 stripe 花纹 flower pattern 细条纹 pinstripe Z字型纹 zigzag 格子花纹 checked 纯色无花纹 plain 面纹 veil

f) 学习课程场景:

教授 professor 副教授 associate professor 助理教授 assistant professor 讲师 lecturer 系主任 dean 导师 tutor/mentor/advisor

辅导老师 counselor 论文导师 supervisor 班主任、课程协调老师 coordinator 校长 chancellor/president(美式)/principal(美式) 员工 staff/faculty 助教 TA (Teaching Assistant) 助研 RA (Research Assistant)

必修课,选修课 compulsory course/required course, selective/elective/optional course 级的,高级的 primary/elementary/fundamental/foundation, secondary/intermediate/middle-leveled, Advanced

课程安排 course arrangement 老师讲课 lecture 讨论课 workshop, seminar 实地考察 field trip 助教的辅导 tutorial 教授与学生的面谈时间 office hour 作业 paper/thesis/dissertation/essay/journal/handout/assessment

初级的,中 g) 图书馆场景:

1. 动作:

登记并借出 check out 续借 renew 过期 overdue 归还 return 支付罚款 pay a fine 2. 书的状态:

可借 available 借出的 out on loan/out of circulation 订了……书 reserved in circulation

只读不外借 not for circulation/closed reserved 3. 借的物品:

video tapes, journal(学术期刊), periodicals(期刊,月刊,季刊) 现期刊物 current issue 过刊 back issue 4. 证件:

图书馆出入证 library card/admission card 驾照 driving license 学生证 student card 索书单 call slip 5. 图书馆各部分:

服务台 information desk 借书台 circulation desk/delivery desk 阅览室 reference room 书库 stacks 开架、闭架 open/closed shelf 复印室 photocopy room 还书处 return area 学生储存间 students locker 参考书库 reference section

? 大数字(人口、报纸发行量)借助数位符:

thousand?1个“,” million?2个“,” billion?3个“,”

? 外国排序一般用A、B、C、D而不用1、2、3、4,所以听的时候如果分不清18还是1A就填1A ? 最后原则?对应同一个核心词出现多个可能成为答案的词时,答案很可能是最后出现的词 ? disadvantage?shortcoming?drawback?downside?weak point

? 替换原则:1、同义词替换eg. disadvantage?downside; metal industry?iron forge;

society?community; sign?indication; price?cost

2、同义词组替换eg. at the time?in the past; aim at?in order to; high labor turnover?high rate of staff change 3、逻辑关系替换eg. A affect B?because A, B……

4、主动和被动的替换(标志“by…”,注意要填部分是宾语时原文的被动、主动) 5、加减关系替换 ? 地图题中常用到的一些方位词:

中心、中间 the centre/the middle

中部的中心 mid-central 上部、下部的中心 the upper central/lower central 上部、下部的左右边 the upper/lower left/right

中部的左、右边 the middle left/right 最左、最右边 the far left/right 左边、右边的第一、二个 the first/second on/from the left/right 顶部、底部 the top/bottom

从上往下(下往上)数第二、三个 the second/third from the top/bottom the next to the top/bottom ….后面的中间 clear to the back of … in the centre

最右边 to the extreme right side 走到最后边 walk down to the back of ? 信息修正原则:

表否定的词:1、否定词no, not

2、sorry, I made a mistake…, please allow me to change 3、but, however, actually, in fact 4、wrong, correction, amendment

5、on the other hand, on the contrary, the downside is, on the second thought

? 表示强调的方法:1、重读、语音、语调、停顿 2、however等表示转折关系的词 3、表强调的情态动词must、should… 4、be sure to…/ please do…/ remember to…

5、important, vital, essential, critical, crucial, significant 6、比较级的最高级

? bad work good中bad的d,work的k都不读?失爆现象 ? 顺序混乱原则:1、多出现在section 3、4

2、出现的题型:表格填空或表格选择题 3、判断:example的位置在中间 4、靠key words定位 ? 题型:

a) 一般表格题

1. 读标题、图例和说明文字(备注) 2. 读横轴、竖轴(最上、最左)

3. 只看出题的空格,并注意上看下看左看右看

4. 省词原则:冠词a, an, the 介词in, on, near, around 代词it, they, she, he 连词and, as well as 修饰作用的词(实在不会拼时)freezing weather b) 选择题

1. 读题时,先读题目,划中心词

2. 扫一眼选项(横看看核心词,竖看看区别) 3. 听题时找出核心词定位

? 注意核心词的替换现象

c) 地图题

1. 先看地图,再看题目

2. 看图看四点:图例;指向标(有则一定有用);说明文字;起始点 3. 关于起始点:路线图?一般标有entrance, exit, door, gate 方位图?说话人的位置,通常第一人称是“我” 4. 扫描图中其它信息,分类看:先看路名,再看建筑名 5. 看题干

6. 按录音叙述用笔划出路线

d) 填空题——单句填空

1. 看题:划核心词(否定形式要划,录音中一定重读);划空前空后处 2. 预测可能出现的答案

3. 听题:注意核心词及其同义词的出现;抓空前空后处的词出现

e) 填空题——提纲型填空(P76)(关键在读题)

1. 第一次读题时,当阅读题来读,寻找醒目处:标题、副标题、黑体、斜体、下划线 2. 第二次读题时,只看出题的句子,并划出句子核心词和空前空后处 3. 听题时,注意核心词或同义词的出现及空前空后处的出现

f) 填空题——summary形填空(P75)(难点:读题时间少;连续出答案)

1. 划出核心词,空前空后都要划

2. 完整行里的线索词:快速扫描,标出最明显最容易听的词(例如:时间、地点、人物、副词) 3. summary的第一个实词特别重要(判断开始的标志) 4. 边划核心词边猜词性及范围 5. 篇幅长的段落先读首位两句

g) 图画题:

1. 先看题再看图 2. 看图看区别

h) 表格选择题

1. 划核心词

2. 靠划出的核心词及选项词同时定位(听题时先KW再选项词或先选项词再KW都OK)

? 先出现选项词但不出现KW,选项不是正确选项

i) 搭配题

1. 扫描题目和选项的数量,确定大致搭配关系 2. 划核心词

3. 听题时,确定说话人的论述次序,若次序为题干,则答题时更注重选项,反之亦然 4. 考抽象概念的注意抓题干和选项的同义和近义关系

? 分子用的是基数词,分母用的是序数词,分数线不读,例如:1/3, 5/9, 4/7,分子大于1,分母要用复数,


? 小数点的读法:point,例如:0.35可以读成 zero point thirty-five,也可以直接读成point thirty-five ? 时间的一些表达方法:

century可以简写成C,例如:C21 90年代可以写成90s或是90’s. 千禧年读成millennium.

月份的缩写:取每月的前三个字母,有三个月特别:六月,七月,九月:June, July, Sept. Sept. 25, 2007, Sept. 25th, 2007, 09/25/07或 25/09/07 星期的缩写取前三个字母Mon, Tue, Wed

? 标点符号:句号:full stop 逗号:comma 冒号:colon 分号:semicolon

破折号:dash 连字符:hyphen 引号:quotation mark 斜杠:slash 斜体:italics 下划线:underline

Section 4 ---- Writing

? Exploration is not the reach for the furthest distance of the world, but the furthest distance within ourselves.

? volume of the plastic container is 2M3

? flow chart中重点描述动作,把不懂的名词用动词表现出来

? pencil?IELTS answer sheet?250 words?4 paragraphs?60 words/paragraph?4~5

sentences/paragraph?10~13 words/line?27 lines?句子间空格,段落间空行 ? 开头段落结构:一般?具体:从大分类入手,具体到题目内容 具体?一般:从具体题目内容入手,再到大分类 ? 词源分析法(etymological analysis):


[Sample] Museum is the establishment of modern civilization of mankind. The initial/original purpose of museum can be understood/explained/interpreted by the etymological analysis of the word “museum”…… ? at the beginning=at the primitive stage/period ? stands for=means=equals to ? the function of …. is served as….

? 一些与历史有关的例子:Herodotos?father of history

Edward Gibbon?The Fall of Rome(相当于资治通鉴) Jesus Christ耶稣

Arnold Toynbee?A Study of History

? like….(a distinguished/famous/eminent)…person’s immortal classic/masterpiece/piece of work...providing


? immortal classic不朽的经典 ? function-oriented age实用主义年代

? 【观点对比句】….while the controversy arises since the existence of opposing notion that many people

holds: …..

? people tend to amass possessions

? “转变”的几个不同说法:


The progress and prosperity of science transform almost every aspect of the society. 2、关键是由强调财富的生活态度转变为强调健康的生活态度

The key is to convert the attitude of life from a fortune-oriented/wealth-conscious (-centered) attitude to a health-oriented one. 3、小强成功地转变了我的看法

Johnny successfully converted my opinion. 4、历史总是不断地改变

The vicissitude of history is constant. ? change=shift=conversion; convert=transform ? pose a heavy influence on…

? The shift from a (观点1) philosophy of life to a (观点2) one is the best way to solve the (问题) ? If I can convert my love for you into dollars, I will be richer than Bill Gates. ? be immune to/from=avoid ? Life is marked by vicissitude.

The vicissitude of season is constant. History is known for its eternal vicissitude.

? The best part of life is to have you by my side to witness the vicissitude of the world till the end of time. ? The worst part of life is waiting, but the best part of life is having someone worthy of waiting for. ? rich people?at the very top of the income ladder?plutocrat有钱有势的人

? 写长句技巧:中文动词—英文动词—派生名词?介词+从句;竹竿句+树枝句;并列句 ? Art is a lie that tells us the truth. 【Picasso】

? 【观点】Art is in possession of the magic power to help us to understand better our life

and our world.

【证明】Just as Picasso, the great Spanish artist, said, art is a lie that tells us the truth.

【举例】Like Nobel Prize Laureate Beckett’s drama Waiting for Godot, the two actors played an unrealistic

act, leading us to the question the existence of purpose of life.

? Like the movie Forrest Gump with a great popularity in the world, the movie reveals a truth/nature/essence

about life, though the movie is in itself a fiction. ? truth—fake, false, fiction

? the upper part of the iceberg above the ocean冰山一角

? 【例证之后总结观点】This example, like a tip of the huge iceberg under the ocean, indicates a

widespread/common/self-evident fact that….

? 【文章结构】观点对立型:引入话题?正方观点?反方观点?我的观点 ? 【文章结构】原因方法型:引入话题?原因1?原因2?解决方法

? 【引入话题段】(一般?具体):按分类决定首句?按分类决定延续句(symbol)?引入题目?两方观点表述/

原因或解决方法的难度描述 ? desire, need=crave for, craving ? breeze/wind?前者有感情色彩

? feasible(可行的) // available and accessible // effective and efficient + method/measure/solution ? Wise men never marry, when they marry, they become otherwise. 【Garfield】

? 【反方观点开头】Some people think otherwise, they argue that…//Different voices say that…

? There was a time when the world asked ordinary people to do extraordinary things. 【Band of Brothers】 ? ….seem to possess the magic power to….

? 【观点论证段落结构】论据型:观点?论据?论据套入主题?总结 ? 【观点论证段落结构】例证型:观点?例子1?例子2?总结 ? turn one’s thumbs up/down on… 赞成/反对,认为……好/不好

? advanced and sophisticated technology ? traffic problem is the biggest headache of a city ? derive from来源于=stem from bestow给予 ? 【有关女性统治社会是否比男性好的话题?提纲】:

开始:all men are created equal


女人主导的好:1、爱心;2、沟通(Mother Teresa, Prince Diana) 我的看法:赞成,但不可行(Utopia)

? read between the lines in one’s mind=understand sb. ? the rate of crime is skyrocket high in man-dominated society ? xx is a foreign word in/to… 没有xx这样东西

? it lacks the freshness to run the headline 常见、缺乏新鲜感 ? a place without peace=a place where peace is absent/a foreign word ? the master key which opens the gate to…=lead to ? 【媒体广告话题】:

1. key words: media, television, internet, radio, magazine, book 2. 论据:

a) 词源分析法:”Med” stands for middle, the function of media is in the middle between audiences and


b) Medium is information. 【Mcluhan】[Canadian Sociologist] c) Citizens in an open society should have the right to know.

d) 【Upgraded】In an open society based on the belief on democracy, citizens are endowed with an

unalienable right to know.(政府话题中可换成to supervise the action of government) e) 小孩没有判断力?parental guided

f) 在google中搜索”quotation media”

3. arouse a lot of attention = catch a lot of eyeballs = under heated debate 4. it is a taboo for….to do…禁忌 5. image—scenes

6. brutal—cruel, ruthless, relentless + violence

7. 【媒体、教育、犯罪】the fall/decline/ebb/wane for social moral

8. 【教育话题】For too long, publishers have ascribed the fall of social moral to the decline of current

education system. Therefore, controversy on what to teach and how to teach is always heated debated by sociologist and educationist.

9. ….seems to be a new evidence to support the negative effect media pose on society 10. negative = -phobic ? money-phobic

11. The ground … is based on a common sense in a democratic society. 12. precedent example先例

13. be contagious to = spread to = extend to = influence 14. block = hinder = become the barrier of 15. exposure of sth. to sb. = let sb. know

16. 【教育话题】Exposure of moral value to students is an prerequisite/essential element/indispensable to

a successful education.

17. 【政府话题】Exposure of statistics/information of how government is spending money is prerequisite for

formation of democracy.

18. This ability of judgment to distinguish between right and wrong is foreign to/absent for children. 19. Advertising is only evil when it advertises evil things. 【David Ogilvy】 20. consumer insight消费者洞察

21. capability to make sound judgment消费者的判断力?小孩没有判断力

22. mate/marriage/coordination/combination of… 。。。的结合 23. the deception of advertisement exist

advertisement purposefully deceive consumers

24. Many people believe that advertisement is in possession of magic power to persuade people to

purchase goods that they actually don’t need.

? 【环境保护话题】:

1. 核心:如何保护环境 2. 了解关于雪灾的一些描述

3. 现状:global warming, deforestation, green house effect

4. 【教育话题】Failure helps to shape my soul, and let the glory out. 【Al Gore】 5. the goddess of history = history 6. xxx is a mirror reflecting/indicating…

7. This example is just a tip of the iceberg in the ocean, reflecting a phenomenon that…. 8. xxx is the Achilles’ Heel(致命的弱点) that hinders the development of human society

9. Carbon dioxide emission from transportation is one of the very top attractions of people’s concern. 10. 【论据】influence of human activities 11. indiscriminating无差别的(widespread)

12. spur—lead to—is the master key that open the gate to—unlocking the Pandora’s Box of….(不好的东


13. 【环境保护方法】:

a) [全人类合作]global collaboration

b) Heal the world, making it a better place for you, for me and for the entire human race. 【Michael


c) every individual has shared/diffused responsibilities…

d) United we stand, divided we fall. 【J.F.Kennedy】

e) 【Upgraded】United we can stand against the threat of ecosystem, divided we fall to deal with the

formidable challenge.

f) None Governmental Organization?Green Peace g) [政府立法]legislation by government

h) 【政府、环境话题】Government should set up strict and relevant laws, regulations, and policies to

secure the (sustainable development of mankind). Punishment, in financial form or other feasible means, should be employed as a warning to the people and institutes who commit (environment threatening/damaging behaviors)

i) 【媒体、环境话题】Medium is information. 【Al Gore】 j) An Inconvenient Truth 【Al Gore】 k) People are always insensitive to gradual change, like the famous frog experiment. l) The preservation of environment can find support from giant companies. m) The preservation of ECOsystem can find support from ECOnomic giants like GE, Microsoft and

DuPont. n) The preservation of ECOsystem can find support from CEOs: ask for/seek for financial assistance

from… 14. 【全球变暖论据】(Global warming), which causes deserts to expand, rivers to dry up, droughts to

intensify and melting of the polar ice caps which may lead to the intrusion of salt water into fresh water supplies. 15. 【水资源论据】While most wealthy country will cope with falling water supplies due to sufficient water

management, poorer countries will suffer on a huge scale, making it even harder for them to escape poverty. 16. 【水资源论据】Increase investment in water supply sanitation and water resources to ensure that the

basic needs of poorer communities are met before the luxury needs of the wealthy. 17. Absence of recognition of the seriousness of the growing pollution will lead to a huge error. 18. 【能源话题】On a condition urgently calling for energy, the nuclear station without pollution and in

possession of a low cost advantage can provide a large amount of energy, but since many people are of high concern on the safety of nuclear energy, so they are negative for the use of nuclear station.

? 【政府话题】: 1. key words: government, individuals, cost, money, expense 2. a criterion for evaluating… 衡量…的标准 3. efficiency and effectiveness & lucrative and profitable 4. The welfare of the people is the ultimate law. 【Cicero】[Greek philosopher and politician] 5. 【万能首句】Like it or not, there are certain issues in human society, such as (the role of government,

scientific research, education….) that attracts a disproportion amount of public attention. 6. 【万能尾句】Based on the above analysis, (it seems that) there exist only a foggy hope to reach a

unanimous agreement between both sides (is difficult to achieve). But I prone to …. 7. I didn’t have the foggiest impression on him. 8. History is known for its constant vicissitude, but some issues, like the role of government, are of eternal

value for discussion. 9. 【万能首段尾句】To move from an abstract debate to a more concrete area, (like the one ….), the

question may be simplified to a conclusion: …. 10. 【政府话题的两个主要论据】night-watchman & efficiency and effectiveness 11. mass可以代表百姓 subsidies补贴 12. 【个人看法句】For me, I am pretty adamant that… 13. learn from what was inscribed on the wall of Mother Teresa’s Children Home in Calcutta: do it any way. 14. Government in possession of the power to allocate the tax of the citizens should learn to spend the

money wisely.

? 【金钱与幸福话题】 1. key word: life, satisfaction

2. I’m happy to present here at the present moment to give a presentation, it’s the best present for me. 3. So what is important is not happiness but whether unhappiness can be eradicated. 【Krisknamunchi】

[Indian Guru]

4. You are what you meet.

5. 幸福的核心:不要与别人比?reference group

6. If you do the job you love, then you don’t have to work a day in your life. 【Sage Confucius】 7. You’ve got to find what you love. 【Steve Jobs】

8. If you expect nothing but simply the best, you very often can get it. 【Maugham】

? 【全球化话题】

1. cuisine, chef, restaurant, menu?French words

2. useful words: globalization, preservation, melting pot熔炉, culture shock, global village, Butterfly effect,

migrant (immigrant/emigrant?import/export), outsourcing外包, global vision with local sense, extinction

3. melting pot?America is a melting pot

4. outsourcing?The outsourcing of multinationals like IBM, Nike contributes to the developing countries

by providing job opportunities, and in return, benefit from the developed countries by lowering the cost of products.

5. global vision with local sense?Under the era of global village, people should cultivate a global vision

with local sense, that is to preserve conventional culture, simultaneously, meet the trend of global economy.

6. extinction?There exists a danger of extinction of traditional culture under the threat of globalization. 7. Business Globalization: Coke, McDonald, Starbucks

8. Multi-culture is like melting pot, which is not to be afraid, but American Beauty.

9. 【论据】As the followers of social Darwinism embrace, the globalization is exactly a social version of

the evolution of the nature: Only the fittest survive.

10. 【inevitability of globalization论据】It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing

against the law of gravity. 【Kofi Annan】[former chief secretary of UN]

11. 【论据】We may have different religions, language, colored skin, but we all belonged to one human

race. 【Kofi Annan】

12. 【论据】The beauty of colors stems from the presence of the whole spectrum of visible light.


13. spectrum = scope = range?spectrum of knowledge 14. make a giant leap = make a great progress 15. formidable = big

16. 时代:age, time, era, epoch

? 【法律道德话题】

1. useful words: justice, judge, law school, Libra天平, sue, court, verdict裁决[n.], lawsuit案件, guilty,

innocent, evil, Satan, temptation诱惑, expulsion from Eden, moral decline, self-discipline自律, penal code刑法, desperate, discordance不协调, conflict

2. expulsion from Eden?Prison is the punishment of expulsion of the guilty from the society, just like

Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden. 3. 【犯罪原因】fear, nature, fortune, power

nature of human: sin

money: Bible said, money is the root of all evil.

power: Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. 【Sir Acton】 fear: lack of education and love

4. human?hum泥土?inhume/exhume 入土/出土

5. Prison may be not the most ideal way, but it indeed is the most efficient way. 6. 【惩罚方式】prison, social service, financial punishment 7. Money makes the mare go. 有钱使得鬼推磨。

8. 【判断刑法应否执行】Severe punishment is based on an economic perspective to let the cost of

committing outweigh the profit.

9. the inquiry into the nature and causes of…. 10. layman and men of letter alike 普通的和有文化的人

11. History is nothing more than a table of crime and misfortune. 【Voltaire】[French socialist] 12. Crime and Punishment 【Dostoevsky】[Russian Author] 13. transgress = violate ? transgress/violate/break the law 14. probe into研究、探索 15. 犯罪?为什么会犯罪?四原因

16. 犯罪话题——金钱: Outlaws are those trying to convert the risky law-breaking behavior into notes. 17. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 【Sir Acton】

? 【教育话题】?what to teach & how to teach?

1. key words: parents, children, teach, education, study

2. If we can go to a more concrete level, avoiding the metaphysics contemplation of the essence of

education, just like what we’re going to discuss today.

3. Renaissance man博学之人? Leonardo Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin

4. Knowledge is not memorization, but organization; knowledge is not data, but the structure that relate

data. 【Suslick】[Chemistry Professor]

5. 【教育目的】 During an age of function worship, it’s not surprising that students tend to convert

education into currency.

6. 【教育目的】The purpose of education is to allow the student’s discovery of the furthest reach of the

world and also the discovery of the furthest reach within himself or herself.

? 【平等话题】

1. useful words: abolish, abolishment, bereave/deprive (of)剥夺, civil right民权, monopoly垄断,

discriminate歧视, segregate隔离, gender discrimination性别歧视, individualism个人主义, humanistic人道主义, topple/overthrow推翻 2. All men are created equal.

