为您找到与 what相关的结果共 268 个

我做了什么 What I Have Done

我做了什么 What I Have Done 在这最后的道别里没有杀戮流血没有辩解谎言我已献上我的忏悔In this farewell,Theres no blood,Theres no alibi,Cause Ive drawn regret在无以弥补的谎言之中找到真相 让宽容降


What can you do教学案例

PEP小学五年级上册第四单元教学设计What can you do?教学案例一、课例名称:Unit4 What Can You Do? Part B Let’s learn 二、教学目标:1、能够听说读写并简单运用wash the clothes, set the table, make the


1_What is a project and why project management

project management 英文版课件 香港城市大学SEEM 6009Project ManagementWhat is a project and why project managementChuah K B project management 英文版课件 香港城市大学Outli


Unit 11 What do you think of game shows

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 第一课时Section A 1a-2c. 课堂导学 一.根据汉语,写出英语。 1.认为,想到: 2.游戏节目:



篇一:what are words What are words(Chris Medina) Anywhere you are, I am near 你在,我就寸步不离 Anywhere you go, Ill be there 你走,我就如影随形 Anytime you whisper my


Mirror,Mirror---What do I See

Mirror,Mirror---What do I SeeFrequently,when we dislike qualities in other people,ironically,its usually the mirror thats speaking to us.I began que


What are you going to do 教案设计

关于运动的详案What are you going to do高板镇石龙小学郑叶妮一、teaching aims:1.can listen, speak, read the dialogue :What are you going to do ……?Im going to ……2.can liste


小学英语优秀教案Lessen 10 What are these-

小学英语优秀教案Lessen 10 What are these? 教材分析: 1、词汇:本节课的学习内容涉及到Let’s learn 和Let’s talk两部分,其中的单词都是以前见到过的,基本没有新单词的出现。其中bear,cat,car,jeep,plane要求学生能认读和变化复


Unit5What would you like说课稿

Unit5What would you like?说课稿(第一课时) 一. 教材分析 本课是PEP人教版第五单元A部分的第一课时,本单元主要是教授一些食物、餐具名称以及就餐用语,还是比较生活化的内容。第一课时主要就是6个食物的单词,还有一句用餐用语。 二. 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读六个


Unit 3 what are you doing for vacation-教案

Unit 3 what are you doing for vacation-Unit 3 what are you doing forvacation?教案www.5ykj.com年级八年级课题Unit3whatareyoudoingforvacation?1/4课型新授教学目标知识技能1.key


unit 1 the unsung heroes what about working dads

What is your stereotype of… A nurse A salesman A manager A sailor A secretary A professor A pilot A modelInteresting Information on Occ


教学设计 Unit5What is he like

Unit5 What Is He like?第1课时教学设计 授课教师 宝塔区第五中学 强莉娜 授课日期: 2018年4月13 内容来源:陕旅教育出版社六年级下册 Unit5 主题:Part A:Warming-up , Let’s learn 课时:第一课时 教学目标: 1. 知识与能力:能


what advice would you give to freshmen for their year in college

what advice would you give to freshmen for their year in collegefrom now on ,i have stay at this college half a year ,maybe it is not too long ,but th


Module2 What can you do导学案

Module2 What can you do导学案 Unit 1 I can play the piano. 学习目标: 1.情态动词can 表示能力的肯定、否定与疑问形式。 2.询问和谈论能力 3.帮助学生认识并肯定自己的能力,增强自信心,培养竞争意识和为班集体服务的意识。 重点难点:情态动


物流专业英语对话What shall we do

李金峰专业英语教学法 What shall we do ? ————物流2012级2班 樊宁宁 Mr.Johnson (Z):2012517406 周文利 Jenny.Wang (Z)2012517423 Z : Have you rea


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of知识点整理

Unit 5 知识点整理 一、单词听写 1. n. 材料;原料2. n. 筷子 3. n.硬币4. n.餐叉,叉子 5. n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫6. n. 银,银器; adj.银色的 7. n.玻璃8. n.棉;棉花 9. n. 钢;钢铁10. n. 草;草地 11. n. 叶;叶子12. v.


英文说课稿what&39;s the matter

Unit 5 What’s the matter?Good morning, everyone!Today I’ll talk about.This lesson is the first lesson of Uni


幼儿园大班英语教案《What Colour》

幼儿园大班英语教案《What Colour》幼儿园大班英语教案《What Colour?》幼儿园大班英语教案:What Colour?教学目标:1、能听懂会说本课单词、对话。要求发音准确,理解词义,语调自然。2、能用who are you?并用I’m进行对话交流。3、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯



新启迪教育1 / 9what引导的感叹句专项练习一、单项选择1.Look at the smog (雾霾). bad weather it is!A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a2.______ great picture! Who painted i


Stanford Mba sample essay-What_matters_most_to_you

What matters most to you, and why?

