2008 山西大学考博英语试题

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2008 Shanxi University

General English Admission Test for Non-English Major PH.D. Program


Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence .Then put the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. Retail sales volume in local urban都市的and rural乡下的areas rose 57.8 percent and 46.8 percent, D over February 1995.

A. individually分别地 B. accordingly因此,相应地

C. correspondingly相对地,比照地 D. respectively各自地,各个地 2. The attic阁楼was full of D a bronze buffalo水牛, a glass colt小雄马, and a lifelike peacock孔雀.

A. deception骗局 B. deletion删除 C. digestion消化 D. decoration装饰 3. Few companies can afford to hire the most A people. A. eminent杰出的 B. emergent紧急的 C. emphatic着重的 D. envious嫉妒的

4. The fact that the earth‘s surface heats C provides a convenient way to divide it into temperature regions.

A. irregularly不规则地 B. infrequently嫉妒的

C. unevenly不规则地,不均匀地 D. unsteadily不稳定地 5. It is rare for so D an old man to get angry. 我觉得选B

A. warlike好战的 B. temperate有节制的;(气候)温和的;适度的 C. vocational职业的 D. vulgar庸俗的

6. They need a couple of D young fellows to move the piano. B A. spacious宽敞的 B. stout强壮的 C. sullen 愠怒的 D. strenuous费力的

7. He was arrested because the police had found a large sum of B money in his suitcase. A. illiterate文盲的 B. forged 文盲的 伪造;假冒 C. hypothetical假设的 D. lethal致命的

8. These guitar players enjoyed success on a scale D by any precious group. A. unintentional 无意的 B. unnecessary不必要的

C. unworthy不值得的 D. unparalleled 无比的,空前的

9. A period of five days C before local fight escalated(战争)逐步升级into a full-scale war.

A. engraved(使)铭记,雕刻 B. exterminated消灭;根除 C. elapsed消逝;时间过去 D. endorsed签署,批准

10. There is no evidence whatsoever无论什么of popular A with our donation捐赠 A. discontent不满 B. discourse论述,交谈 C. disillusion觉醒,幻灭 D. distribution分配,分布

11. This experienced author was able to the lifetime‘s work of Jefferson into one volume.

A. suppress镇压,压制 B. express表达;快递 C. compress压紧;压缩;精简 D. depress压低;使沮丧

12. It took this disabled boy a long time to D the fact that he was not qualified for(使)有…资格admission准许进入;承认to college.

A. come up with比得上;想出;准备好(钱等) B. come down with付钱,染上(病)

C. come up to达到;将近;来到近旁;比得上 D. come to terms with与…达成协议;忍受,对待

13. Some teenagers are so crazy about video games as to play them many hours if possible D . A. on purpose 故意地 B. on hand在手边,在附近,在场 C. on credit赊账 D. on end连续地;直立着

14. One of the main purposes of using slang俚语;黑话is to consolidate加强one‘s D with a group.

A. identification鉴定,识别 B. specification规格;详述 C. notification 通知 D. unification统一,联合

15. The chairman said that he was prepared to B the younger people in the decision making.

A. put up with忍受,将就 B. make way for让路给,为…开路 C. shed light on为…提供线索,阐明… D. take charge of掌管

16. The so-called ―brain drain 智囊流失‖ refers to the fact people carrying heavy responsibilities become disillusioned大失所望的 and end up by D . A. immigrating 移入 B. migrating迁移

C. integrating使一体化 D. emigrating 移居国外

17. As fulfillment完成,实现 seldom B to anticipation期待,希望, there is no need to feel upset.

A. amounts等于,接近 B. corresponds符合,一致 C. adds增加 D. contributes贡献出;捐赠

18. When I was at school I thought that what my teachers told me was the C truth. A. glamouring迷惑;迷住 B. eccentric 古怪的 C. gospel传播福音的 D. cryptic(al) 神秘的 (the gospel truth福音书中的真理)

19. There are vast tracts大片土地 of land, A or never cultivated 耕作. A. abandoned被遗弃的 B. scattered 分散的;零散的 C. rejected拒绝 D. vanished消失;突然不见 20. The boy‘s back was B with sweat. A. glittering辉煌的;闪闪发光的 B. glistening(湿物)闪耀的,反光的 C. glimmering微光,隐约的一瞥 D. gleaming闪闪发光的


DIRECTIONS: In this part there are 5 passages followed by questions or unfinished Statements, each with 4 suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one You think is the correct answer and put your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

Some economists have suggested that the U.S. distribution of income is somehow naturally

more unequal than of other countries. After all, the U.S. is geographically and racially more diverse than Europe. Nevertheless, it is noted that even the highest income regions of the U,S, have significantly higher rates of poverty than all but the poorest nations of Europe. Romania or Bulgaria might have similar percentages of poverty but theirs is hardly a standard for the world‘s richest nation to aspire to.

Even if blacks, the racial group with the highest poverty level, are eliminated from the calculations, the U.S. still has twice the European rate of poverty. And American poor work just as much as the poor of European nations, if not more .More single mothers in the U.S. for example, have jobs than in Great Britain (although family and employment).

If the exodus from the bottom of the middle class can be traced to a lack of government support for the working poor, that still leaves departures at the top to be explained. Although income from two careers is pushing an increasing number of households over the threshold to the upper class, higher salaries earned by men account for the bulk of upward mobility. In addition, many are moving up simply because the salary of the top 10 percent of wage earners is now at least 3.8times that of the bottom 20 percent, as compared with 2.6 only 25 years ago.

Will the middle class eventually become a minority in the U.S.? Current numbers suggest there is no danger of that before the turn of the century at least. Nevertheless, the trend seems ominous. As long as the work force is increasingly segregated into professionalized, high-paying jobs and less skilled, low-paying ones, the middle will be threatened.

1. The highest-income regions of the U.S. have higher rates of poverty than .

A. all European nations B. Romania and Bulgaria

C. the poorest nations of Europe D. all except the poorest Europe nations

2. The U,S, distribution of income is more unequal than that of European countries because . A. the U.S. has twice the European rate of poverty B. the U.S. is one of the world‘s richest nations

C. Europe is geographically and racially less diverse than the U.S.

D. the American poor people work as much as the poor people of European nations.

3. By saying ―the salary of the top 10 percent of wage earners is now at least 3.8 times that of the bottom 20 percent, as compared with 2.6 only 25 years ago‖, the author means . A. the gulf between earners and bottom earners has considerably widened in 25 years. B. the number of the top 10precent of wage earners has increased. C. the number of the bottom 20 percent of wage earners has decreased. D. more people are neither rich nor poor.

4. Frp, the passage, it can be concluded that . A. the middle class will eventually become a minority in the U.S.

B. most of the middle class people will move into the upper class before the end of this century. C. the proportion of the middle class population will decrease if the gap between the working rich and the working poor further widems.

D. professionalized, high- paying jobs will comprise the bulk of work force in the U.S.

Passage Two

This is supposed to be an enlightened age, but you wouldn‘t think so if you could hear what the average man thinks of the average women. Women won their independence years ago. After a long, bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost every field. The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over. It is men, not women who still carry on the sex war because their attitude remains basically hostile. Even in the most progressive societies, women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. To hear some men talk, you‘d think that women belonged to a different species!

On the surface, the comments made by these men about women‘s abilities seem light-hearted. The same tired jokes about women drivers are repeated day in, day out. This apparent light-heartedness does not conceal the real contempt that many men feel for women. However much men sneer at women. Their claims to superiority are not born out by statistics. Let‘s consider the matter of driving, for instance. We all know that women cause far fewer accidents than men. They are too conscientious and responsible to drive like maniacs. But this is minor quibble. Women have succeeded in any job you care to name. As politicians, soldiers, doctors, factory-hands, university professors, farmers, managers, company directors , lawyers,

bus-conductors, scientists and presidents of countries they have often put men to shame. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children.

Yet men go on maintaining the fiction that there are many jobs women can‘t don Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by men ,who jealously guard their so=called ?rights‘. Even in otherwise enlightened places like Switzerland women haven‘t even been given the cote. This situation is preposterous! The arguments that men put forward to exclude women from there fields are all too familiar. Women, they say, are unreliable and irrational. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking clearly. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to acknowledge them and give them their due. So much for a man‘s ability to think clearly!

The truth is that men cling to their supremacy because of their basic inferiority complex. They shun real competition. They know in their hearts that women are superior and they are afraid of being beaten at their own game. One of the most important tasks in the world is to achieve peace between the nations. You can be sure that if women were allowed to sit round the conference table, they would succeed brilliantly, as they always do, there men have failed for centuries. Some things are too important to be left to men! 5. What does the first sentence imply? A. It is not really an enlightened age. B. It is different from an enlightened age. C. It the same as an enlightened age. D. It is like an enlightened age.

6. Why do men carry on the sex war against women? A. Because of their inferiority. B. Because they shun real competition. C. Because of their claim to supremacy. D. Because they still look down upon women.

7. The word ―fiction‖ is closest in meaning to . A. Novel B. man-made idea

C. False idea D. Story

8. What is the main argument men have raised against women? A. Women are lack of cold reasoning. B. They depend on intuition too much. C. They are unreliable and irrational. D. They are too conscientious.

Passage three

Perhaps all criminals should be required to carry cards which read: Fragile: Handle with Care. It will never do, theses days, to go around referring to criminals as violent thugs. You must refer to them politely as ―social misfits‖. The professional killer who wouldn‘t think twice about using his club or knife to batter some harmless old lady to death in order to rob her of her meager life-savings must never be given a dose of his own medicine. He is in need of ―hospital treatment‖. According to his misguided defenders, society is to blame. A wicked society breeds evil – or so the argument goes. When you listen to this kind of talk, it makes you wonder why aren‘t all criminals. We have done away with the absurdly harsh laws of the nineteenth century and this is only right. But surely enough is enough. The most senseless piece of criminal legislation in Britain and a number of other countries has been the suspension of capital punishment.

The violent criminal has become a kind of hero-figure in our time. He is glorified on the screen; he is pursued by the press and paid vast sums of money for his ―memoirs‖. Newspapers which specialise in crime reporting enjoy enormous circulations and the publishers of trashy cops and robbers stories or ―murder mysteries‖ have never had it so good. When you read about the achievements of the great train robbers, it makes you wonder whether you are reading about some glorious resistance movement. The hardened criminal is cuddled and cosseted by the sociologists on the one hand and adored as a hero by the masses on the other. It‘s no wonder he is a privileged person who expects and receives VIP treatment wherever he goes.

Capital punishment used to be a major deterrent. It made the violent robber think twice before pulling the trigger. It gave the cold-blooded prisoner something to ponder about while he was shaking up or serving his arsenic cocktail. It prevented unarmed policemen from being killed

while pursuing their duty by killers armed with automatic weapons. Above all, it protected the most vulnerable members of society, young children, from brutal violence. It is horrifying to think that the criminal can literally get away with murder. We all know that ―life sentence‖ does not mean what it says. After ten years or so of good conduct, the most desperate villain is free to return to society where he will live very comfortably, thank you, on the proceeds of his crime, or he will go on committing offences until he is caught again. People are always willing to hold liberal views at the expense of others. It‘s always fashionable to pose as the defender of the under-dog, so long as you, personally, remain unaffected. Did the defenders of crime, one wonders, in their desire for fair-play, consult the victims before they suspended capital punishment? Hardly, you see, they couldn‘t, because all the victims were dead. 9. According to the passage, which of the following is the author‘s opinion? B A. All criminals should be required to carry cards which read: Fragile: Handle with Care. B. Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals. C. Society is to blame.

D. All criminals need hospital treatment.

10. The tone taken by the author towards these defenders of crime in the passage is . A A. ironical. B. critical. C. agitated. D. controversial. 33. ―Capital punishment‖ most probably means . D A. life sentence. B. severe punishment C. fine. D. sentence of death 11. The word ―deterrent‖ in the third paragraph refers to . A. something fearsome that can prevent or discourage from acting B. an influencing or determining element or factor C. a cleansing substance

D. A catch that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism. 12. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A

A. There has been a marked trend in society towards the humane treatment of less fortunate members.

B. Everybody in society thinks it reasonable that all criminals should be punished. C. The author sympathizes with all criminals. D. Robbers usually think twice before shooting.

Passage Four

In order to combat sickness, many doctors rely heavily on prescribing medicines that are developed and aggressively advertised by pharmaceutical companies. Significantly, the world market for such drugs has skyrocketed in recent decades, from just a few billion dollars a year to hundreds of billions of dollars annually. What has been a consequence?

Medically prescribed drugs have helped many people. Yet, the health of some who take drugs has either remained unchanged or become worse. So, recently some have turned to using other methods of medical treatment.

In places where modern, conventional medicine has been the standard of care, many are now turning to what have been called alternative, or complementary, therapies. \has long divided alternative therapies from mainstream medicine appears to be crumbling.\Consumer Reports of May 2000.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) observed. \medical therapies such as the use of herbs, functionally defined as interventions neither taught widely in medical schools nor generally available in U. S. hospitals, have attracted increased national attention from the media, the medical community, governmental agencies, and the public, \

In the past, conventional medical practitioners have been skeptical about alternative medical practices, but 75 medical schools in the United States currently offer elective course work on alternative medicine, including Harvard. Stanford. University of Arizona, and Yale.

JAMA noted. \condition also used an alternative therapy. And outside the United States, alternative medicine is popular throughout the industrialized world. \

The trend toward integrating alternative therapies with conventional ones has long been a general practice in many countries. As JAMA concluded, \are no longer two types of medicine, conventional and complementary. There is only good medicine and bad medicine. \13. This passage suggests that pharmaceutical companies . D A. pay doctors for prescribing their drugs

B. have raised the prices of their products sharply in recent years

C. spend more money on their advertisements than on their products D. have produced some ineffective drugs

14. The sentence \ .A A. the restrictions on the practice of alternative therapies will be abolished B. there are still strict restrictions on the practice of alternative drugs C. conventional medicine and alternative therapies are incomparable

D. conventional medicine and alternative therapies are completely different remedies 15. According to the passage, alternative therapies A. B. C. D.


axe widely taught in the U. S. medical schools now have been approved by U. S. government have been used by many American patients are as popular as conventional medicine

16. It is implied in the passage that .C A. we should take as little western medicine as possible B. the prices of the prescribed medicine should be reduced C. herbal medicine will be accepted by more Americans

D. without the help of alternative medicine, good health can not he guaranteed

Passage Five

Singletons, referring to those who live alone, are being comforted by well-meaning friends and family and told that not having a partner is not the end of the world. So, it would seem that they can say, yes, it is not. But no, in fact, it is the end.

A gloomy study has just been released that says that the international trend towards living alone is putting an unprecedented strain on our ecosystem.

For a number of reasons—relationship breakdown, career choice, longer life spans, smaller families—the number of individual households is growing. And this is putting intolerable pressure on natural resources, and accelerating the extinction of endangered plant and animal species. And there is worse news. Running a refrigerator, television, cooker, plumbing system just for selfish

little you is a disastrous waste of resources on our over-populated planet. \efficiency of resource consumption\share everything. Well imagine that. Just when you thought living alone was OK, you would find that all the time you were the enemy of mankind. Every time you put the kettle on the stove for a cup of coffee you were destroying Mother Earth. Indeed, it is not just your mother who is a bit worried by your continuing single status—you are letting down the entire human race by not having a boyfriend or girlfriend. The trouble is that society has a group instinct and people panic and hit out when they see other people quietly rebelling and straying away from the \family and coupledom.

The suggestion is that singledom should be at best a temporary state. Unless you are assimilated into a larger unit, you can never be fully functional.

Try \\time,\laughingly bumping into each other. It looks like an episode of the TV series Friends.

And the message is clear: Togetherness is good, solitude is bad, and being single on your own is not allowed.

17. Well-meaning friends and family members often tell those who live alone that .C A. they should end their singledom as soon as possible B. they should live together with other singletons C. singledom is an acceptable life-style D. singledom can shorten one's life-span

18. Which of the following may NOT be the reason for the increasing number of households as mentioned in the passage? B A. Many people get divorced because of unhappy marriage. B. Now people can afford to support a household individually. C. Some people have to sacrifice family life for their careers. D. Many people live much longer than before.

19. The author thinks living alone is disastrous mainly because singledom is .B A. harmful to people's life B. destructive to our ecosystem

C. dangerous to plants and animals D. unworkable in our society

20. The author suggests that singletons should .C A. find boy friends or girl friends

B. live with their parents and other family members C. live together and share more with their friends D. watch more episodes of the TV series Friends



DIRECTIONS: Translate the follow into paragraphs into Chinese. Write your Chinese version on ANSWER SHEET.

1. Regrettably for many in silicon Valley, the ability to make accurate forecasts can depend on how well-established a company‘s products are. Young industries on steep growth curves are almost always surprised by how well their products do in the first few years, and then they‘re at a loss when demand falls. Says a Stanford University business strategy professor, In a highly dynamic and unpredictable market, people are going to make mistakes. It‘s inherent in the type of business.‖

2. The last ten years have witnessed dramatic changes in social values: People are inclined to seek after self-centeredness, multimedia approach to careerism, and enjoyment of life at a leisurely pace. Under the influence of these changes, some people come to the conclusion that virtues like honesty, thrift and the joy of helping others no longer remain in tune with the times, to which I could not give my consent.

3. Cyber crime, long a painful side effect of the innovations of Internet technology, is reaching new dimensions, security specialists say. Spurred by a tightening economy, the increasing riches flowing through cyberspace and the relative ease of such crimes, technically skilled thieves and company employees are stealing millions if not billions of dollars a year from businesses around the world, according to consultants who track cyber crime.


Directions: Translate the following paragraphs into English. Write your English version on ANSWER SHEET.



PART IV(20 points)

Some people hold the idea that it is an unavoidable trend that the development of science

and technology will lead to the loss of traditional culture. There are irreconcilable(不可调和)conflicts between them.

Do you agree or disagree with the idea to some extent? Write a paper of about 250 words to present your viewpoint with evidence under the title: MY View on Science and Technology and Traditional Culture.

