
更新时间:2024-01-13 19:16:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




In order for any work of art--for example, a film, a novel, a poem, or a song--to have merit, people must be able to understand it.


The argument above asserts that people must understand art in order for it to have merit. I disagree with this argument. I assert that if an individual derives satisfaction from the art, whether or not the art is understood, then the art has merit. ", ", ", ", ",",",", ", ", Let's first look to the function of art--it is meant to elicit a reaction. As Freud said, art, in essence, is a kind of release of individual lust, converting the human libido into plentiful creativity. According to Freud, creation of the art in and of itself proves that it has merit. It is through the work of art that artists express their passions, emotions, and desires. In this case, art is first about the artist. ", ", ", ", ",/",",",merit", ", ",", Let's look to the audience and their understanding of art. Understanding the artistic work is anything but an abrupt process. It calls for the admirers' gradual appreciation. The paintings of Van Gogh, for example, now recognized as among the greatest in the impressionism style, were deemed worthless by the connoisseurs of its time. Beethoven's early listeners, again, accustomed to the predictable harmonies and melodic lengths of Hayden, dismissed his symphonies as literally causing their hearts to hurt. There's no denying the fact that artwork will lose its value without the adoration of its time. This phenomenon proves that even if some do not appreciate art, artistic works may have a chance apiece to awaken in the hearts of later audiences. ", ", ", ", ",

",",",", ", ", To look at the matter from another angle, understanding art can sometimes be difficult. However, artwork presents us with insight into what is eternal and universal, while at the same time, provides no conclusive indication about whether or not the audience understands it. Further, the artist sometimes doesn't or sometimes can't provide a satisfactory explanation as to the meaning of the art. Beauty, many would insist, maintains aesthetically in spite of the fact that few can wholly depict the very essence of it. Interpretation in terms of meaning is meaningless. The same is true with art. The pictures of Picasso, though elusive at its appearance, contributed a lot to the development of cubistic style. The sculptures of Daley, seem puzzled to most of the audience, still took a lead in the modern art. ", ", ", ", ",",",",",Daley",", ", ", In the final analysis, art is its own merit and doesn't require people to understand it to be worthy. However, being understood is a positive quality and while some people do not understand art, one can always wait for a new audience rather than considering the work a loss. Art has merit as long as it was meaningful to the artist in its creation and as long as there are still new audiences to have a look. ", ", ", ", ",",",",", ", ",

