新人教必修一 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela单元练习

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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela

第二部分: 英语知识运用


从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. —I think teachers and students should respect each other. —_____. That’s important.

A. I’m with you B. I don’t think so C. It doesn’t matter D. I’m sorry

22. The murderer, who was _____ to death by the judge last week, was only 20 years old.

A. made B. caused C. killed D. sentenced

23. The buses, _____ were already full, were surrounded by anxious people. A. all of them B. all of which C. they all D. all which 24. I refuse to lie about it, because it’s against my _____. A. rules B. orders C. principles D. laws

25. This factory _____ produced paper was closed yes-terday because it had caused too much pollution.

A. which B. where C. it D. what

26. He was educated at a famous university, _____ he went abroad and settled there. A. after that B. after which C. in which D. in that

27. A large number of people are _____, and how can the local government ignore the problem?

A. at work B. in work C. out of work D. after work

28. The kind lady devoted all her life to _____ those homeless children. A. help B. helping C. be helping D. being helped

29. Advertisements are not allowed to be _____ on this wall without special permission.

A. set up B. put up C. set out D. put on

30. What _____ the foreigner most was the great num-ber of bicycles on the streets. A. attacked B. hit C. struck D. caused

31. The young man won the best actor _____ after he played a brave policeman in the film.

A. reward B. award C. prize D. quality

32. A lot of praises have come from those _____ patients because they are getting better after taking the medicine. A. peaceful B. hopeful C. successful D. grateful

33. The politician was deeply hurt when many of his former supporters voted _____ him, and he lost his place in the government. A. for B. to C. against D. at

34. Only _____ people can have a good understanding of the lecture given by the scientist. A. educated B. devoted C. concerned D. relaxed 35. The black hero fought all his life to make black and white people _____. A. fair B. same C. equal D. legal

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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Once upon a time, there lived many doves (鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in search of food. They flew long distances 36 did not get anything to eat. All of them were now completely 37. A young dove asked the King Dove, “Your Majesty, please 38 us to take some rest.” The king replied, “Have 39, my dear young fellow. We shall 40 get something to eat very soon.” The young dove started flapping his wings with 41 and soon left everyone else behind. After some time, he 42 and spoke to others, “Hey, I see lots of 43 down there.” Hearing this, all the doves started 44 the scat-tered (散落的) grains under a banyan tree. 45 the King Dove said, “It is too good to be true. There is something wrong. Don’t rush towards the grains. It may be a 46 . Some hunter must have laid a trap.” But the doves were extremely hungry. The 47 of the grains was too tempting (诱惑人的). Without giving a(n) 48 to the king’s advice, they swooped (突然下降) down and started eating the grains. After having a big 49, they tried to fly away only to 50 that they were caught in a net. The King Dove said, “I told you before that it is a trick of some hunter.” All of them felt ashamed and 51 . One of them said to the King Dove, “Oh, Your Majesty, please save us.” So the King Dove said, “All of you must try to fly with the 52 at the same time and in the same 53, all of you.” Just then they saw a(n) 54 show up. The King Dove said, “Now all of you, fly together.” So all the doves flapped their wings together and flew with the net. The hunter stood dazed. He couldn’t 55 what he had just seen. 36. A. but B. and C. so D. however 37. A. excited B. surprised C. tired D. embarrassed 38. A. let B. leave C. permit D. accept 39. A. rest B. courage C. luck D. belief 40. A. slowly B. perhaps C. possibly D. surely 41. A. surprise B. pleasure C. force D. anger

42. A. turned down B. turned back C. held back D. held down 43. A. persons B. hunters C. plants D. grains

44. A. rushing towards B. looking for C. picking up D. dropping down 45. A. Gladly B. Amazedly C. Hardly D. Suddenly 46. A. magic B. trick C. dream D. mistake 47. A. color B. smell C. view D. sight 48. A. sound B. thought C. idea D. care 49. A. meeting B. discussion C. meal D. break 50. A. appreciate B. understand C. realize D. concern

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51. A. pleased B. scared C. full D. sick 52. A. food B. king C. net D. wing 53. A. way B. place C. circle D. direction 54. A. hunter B. guide C. adult D. child 55. A. believe B. remember C. tell D. catch

第三部分: 阅读理解


A ★

Before Alaska became part of the U.S., it had been owned by Russia. Trading posts and small settlements were scattered along the coast. The rest of land was left unexplored. The Russians were mainly interest-ed in the wealth of furs from the vast herds of seals they found there. By the mid-1800’s, most of the seal herds had been wiped out, and Russia no longer wanted to keep Alaska. William Seward, Secretary of State for President Johnson, believed the United States should buy Alaska from Russia. President Johnson wasn’t so sure it was a wise way to spend U.S. money, but he agreed to let Seward discuss it with the Russians. Acting quickly, Seward made a deal. On March 30, 1867, he signed an agreement for the U.S. to pay seven million dollars for the land. Many people thought it was a foolish waste of America’s money. They called the deal “Seward’s folly”. Then gold was discovered in Alaska and public opinion changed quickly.

Seward did not live to see the true value of Alaska. He died in 1872, five years after making the purchase (购买). Each year, Alaska’s natural resources(资源) have brought in many times the $7,000,000 paid for it. Natural gas, coal, oil, lumber, seafood and other minerals, besides the gold first found, have made it a valuable addition to the United States. In 1959, Alaska be-came the 49th state of the United States.

56. The Russians wanted to sell Alaska because ______. A. they thought it wasn’t a good place B. they thought it didn’t belong to Russia C. they couldn’t find enough seals there

D. they wanted to earn more money from the U.S.

57. When Seward signed the agreement, many people thought ______. A. it was a successful deal B. it had its true value C. he wasted U.S. money D. he was clever

58. Which of the following things was found first in Alaska? A. Gas. B. Coal. C. Oil. D. Gold. 59. Before 1959, the United States had ______. A. 37 states B. 48 states C. 49 states D. 50 states

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60. The best title for this passage would probably be ______. A. Alaska, a beautiful place B. Alaska with natural resources C. Alaska, the 49th state of the U.S. D. Alaska, home to seals

B ★★

My wife passed away seven and a half years ago, and I went through a huge depression (消沉), the worst time in my life. I even wanted to end my life. I continued to work as a small-town doctor at my medical clinic in Kilauea, Hawaii. My kids had gone to live on the mainland, and I was alone. On a family trip, we turned on the TV and saw the second plane crash into the World Trade Center. I said to my kids, “I’m going to Afghanistan.” International Medical Corps sent me to set up 20 clinics in some provinces where people had no health care. Eventually, the clinics were serving 27,000 patients a month. I had such a sense of accomplishment, a sense of purpose. My depression went completely away. I go wherever disasters strike: Indonesia after the tsunami, Pakistan after the earthquake. I was just in Kenya. After their presidential election, at least a thou-sand people were killed and hundreds of thousands were forced out. We set up mobile clinics in an area with 19,000 refugees (难民). Measles broke out, one of the biggest killers of kids in refugee camps, and it spread like wildfire. Water and medical equipment were also problems. When my wife passed away, I thought my life was done. But really, it was just getting started. At the end of her life, my wife fell into a coma (昏迷). I held her head in my hands and told her of all the places we would visit, the exciting adventures we would have. I think about this moment many times during my “adventures”. I did not know then how prophetic (先知的) those words would be. She is with me still. 61. The first country where the author provided people with medical care is ______. A. Indonesia B. Pakistan C. Kenya D. Afghanistan

62. The underlined word “Measles” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ______. A. a kind of fire B. a kind of polluted water C. a kind of medicine D. a kind of disease 63. The author and his wife ______.

A. experienced a lot of exciting adventures B. loved each other very much C. lived on the mainland

D. would travel to many places together

64. From this passage we know that the author ______. A. is a famous doctor

B. got over his wife’s death C. is always in depression D. experienced many disasters

65. Which of the following word can best describe the story in this passage? A. Sad. B. Exciting.

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C. Inspiring.

D. Disastrous.

C ★★

Most children now chat daily either online or through their mobile phones. They are connecting to a huge number of other children all over the world. Some are shy “in real life” but are confident to communicate with others online; others find support from people of their own age on relationship issues, or problems at home. Sometimes the online world, just like the real world, can introduce problems, such as bullying or arguments. Going online is great fun, but there are also a few people who use the Internet for offensive (冒犯性的) or illegal aims. Children must be made aware of both the good things and the dangers. To keep children safe your management must cover the family computer. Just as you decide which TV pro-grams are suitable, you need to do the same for the websites and chat rooms your children visit. Remind your children that online friends are still strangers. Re-minding them of the risks will keep them alert (警惕). Computer studies are part of schoolwork now, so it’s likely that your children may know more than you do. We get left behind when it comes to the latest gad-gets and the interactive areas of websites, like chat rooms and message boards, which are especially strange. The language of chat is strange to many parents, too. Chatters love to use abbreviations (缩写) such as: atb — all the best, bbfn — bye bye for now, cul8er — see you later, gr8 — great, Idk — I don’t know, imbl — it must be love, kit — keep in touch, paw — parents are watching, lol — laugh out loud, xlnt — excellent! It seems like another language, and it is! 66. The passage is meant for ______. A. children B. parents C. teachers D. net bar owners

67. Which of the following will the author probably agree with? A. The Internet is no good for children. B. The chat language is strange to adults. C. Children shouldn’t chat so much online. D. The Internet is a good place for children.

68. The purpose of writing this passage is to advise ______. A. people not to use the net language in real life B. children not to meet online friends freely C. teachers to have students study on computers

D. parents to protect their children from online dangers

69. In order to keep children safe online, you’d better ______. A. choose suitable websites and chat rooms for them B. teach them to use correct net words C. surf the Internet together with them D. forbid them to use the Internet

70. If you stand beside him when your son is chatting about something secret online, he may use ______.

A. bbfn B. lol C. paw D. cul8er

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D ★★★

On Feb. 21, 1965, Malcolm X was gunned down by somebody as he was about to give a speech at the Audobon Ballroom in Harlem, N.Y. Malcolm X was an African American activist (积极分子). His being killed was a shocking blow to the Black liberation (解放) movement. Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the son of Earl Little, a Baptist preacher, and his wife, Louise. The family moved to Lansing, Michigan, shortly after Malcolm’s birth. Earl Little was an outspoken supporter of social and economic independence for blacks and a supporter of the “Back to Africa” movement of black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey. In 1931 Earl Little was killed, probably murdered by white terrorists be-cause of his political and social activism. His father’s death had a disastrous effect on Malcolm and his family. His mother suffered a nervous breakdown, and the welfare department took the eight little children away from her. Malcolm was placed in a foster home (寄养家庭) and then in reform school. In 1941 he went to live with his half-sister in Boston, Massachusetts. There Malcolm turned to a life of crime, including drug dealing and armed robbery. When he was 20, Malcolm received a sentence of ten years in prison. While in prison, Malcolm read widely and developed an interest in the Nation of Islam, a black nationalist religious movement whose members were known as Black Muslims. Malcolm studied the teachings of the leader of the Black Muslims, Elijah Muhammad, who advocated (提倡) an independent black state. When Malcolm was released from prison in 1952, he went to Detroit, Michigan, and joined the Nation of Islam temple in that city. Malcolm X rose rapidly in the Nation of Islam organization. His natural speaking ability made Malcolm X a popular public speaker, but his rapid rise made Elijah Muhammad and other Black Muslim leaders unhappy. And later they differed in some problems. In early 1964, Malcolm X broke with the Nation of Islam. Many problems surrounding the death of Malcolm X remain unresolved. Many people believe — and rightfully so — that the real killers were never caught. Undoubtedly, the greatest beneficiary (受益者) of Malcolm’s death was the U.S. government.

71. The passage is mainly about ______. A. the Black liberation movement B. a black person named Malcolm X C. a black family’s story

D. a murder happening on Feb. 21, 1965

72. The leader that Malcolm X’s father supported was ______. A. Marcus Garvey B. Black Muslims C. Elijah Muhammad D. Louise

73. Malcolm X was sentenced to prison because ______. A. he fought against the US government B. he fought against the Nation of Islam C. he robbed and did drug business

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D. he joined the Nation of Islam

74. What can you learn about Malcolm X from the passage? A. He had a happy childhood. B. He was killed by white terrorists.

C. He was 40 years old when he died.

D. He was a determined supporter of Muhammad. 75. Where did Malcolm X join the Nation of Islam? A. In Omaha. B. In Boston. C. In New York. D. In Detroit.

第四部分: 写作



76. My grandfather had few learning and he even cannot read a letter.

77. My brother has devoted all his energies to complete the work that his teacher asked him to do.

78. The school where we visited many times was destroyed in the earthquake. 79. The boy lost his heart when he knew he failed the exam again. 80. Only then we realize how important friendship was.

81. The people try to fight for being moved to another city, because they know the weather there is extremely bad.

82. It was Sun Zhongshan who found the first Republic in China in 1911.

83. I have only one relative in this city, from which I got a lot of help when I studied at university.

84. Abraham Lincoln has been remembered by all the American people for one of the greatest presidents.

85. Cruel to children or animals is a crime in many countries. 第二节:句子翻译

请根据括号中的提示, 把下列句子译成英语。 86. 谁也不理解为什么这个杀人犯没有被判处死刑。(sentence) 87. 我一旦确定了一个目标,就不会轻易放弃。(set up) 88. 不管你什么时候遇到麻烦,你都可以来找我。(in trouble) 89. 我永远也不会忘记我登上黄山的那一天。(使用定语从句) 90. 我用来写我的第一部作品的那只笔再也没有找到。(使用定语从句) 答案

21-25 ADBCA 26-30 BCBBC

31-35 BDCAC 36-40 ACCBD 41-45 CBDAD 46-50 BDBCC 51-55 BCDAA 56-60 CCDBC 61-65 DDBBC 66-70 BBDAC 71-75 BACCD 76. few → little 77. complete → completing 78. where → which / that或去掉where 79. 去掉his 80. then后加did

81. for → against 82. found → founded 83. which → whom 84. for → as 85. Cruel → Cruelty

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86. No one could understand why the murderer was not sentenced to death. 87. Once I set up a goal, I won’t give it up easily.

88. Whenever you are in trouble, you can turn to me for help.

89. I will never forget the day when (on which) I reached the top of the Huangshan Mountain.

90. The pen with which I had written my first work was never found.

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