An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

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An Analysis of Language Features in English



First, I want to thank my supervisor for her help. T his thesis is completed in Miss Wang’s carefully guidance and strong support. Her careful attitude and vast knowledge have an important impact to me. She is my example both in daily and working life.

Second, I want to thank my classmates and friends. All of us come from different places and have different characters, but we could get along very well. We learn from each other and help each other.

At last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. My parents bring me up and teach me with their heart. I hope my dear mother and father can have a healthy life.

Thank my teachers, roommates for their help with my thesis. Thank you very much!


Abstract (i)

摘要 (ii)

Introduction (1)

1.The Features of Headline Advertisement (2)

2.Important Features of Advertisement Writing (2)

3.The Features of Advertising English (2)

3.1 Lexical Characteristic of Advertising English (3)

3.1.1 The Use of Adjectives (3)

3.1.2 The Use of personal pronouns (3)

3.1.3 Word Creation (4)

3.1.4 The Repeat of V ocabulary (4)

3.1.5 Using Acronym or Compound to Save Advertising pages (4)

3.1.6 Genteelism and Vulgarism (4)

3.2 Syntax Characteristic of Advertising English (5)

3.2.1 Prefer to Use Simple sentences (5)

3.2.2 More Uses Imperative Sentences (5)

3.2.3 General Question (5)

3.2.4 Elliptical Sentence (6)

3.2.5 Compound Sentence (6)

3.2.6 Negative Sentence and Active Tense and Present Tense (6)

3.3 Using Rhetoric (6)

3.3.1 Analogy (7)

3.3.2 Parallelism (7)

3.3.3 Personification (7)

3.3.4 Pun (7)

3.3.5 Irony (8)

4. Aesthetic Exploration of Advertising Language (8)

4.1 Rhyming (8)

4.2 Font Beauty (8)

4.3 Pattern Beauty (9)

4.4 The Beauty of Artistic Conception (9)

4.5 Creative Beauty (10)

4.6 Good Communication (10)

Conclusion (11)

Bibliography (12)

Appendix (13)

An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement


Advertising, just as its name imply that is widely advertised. As a way of propagating and transmitting information, advertising’s role cannot be underestimated because it is not only an artful technique in persuading people to buy, but also gradually has become a must for social communication which in turn influences the development of society and economy. Advertising takes many forms, but in most of them language is of crucial importance. We take advertising English as an applied language, is different from the ordinary English, develops into become a standardized language-specific, forming its own unique language style and characteristic. English advertising has its own unique characteristic, mainly express in the vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric, it is not only effective in conveying the product information but also make people to enjoy art. The article through the large number of example study to advertising English, in detail analyzes the linguistic features of it.

Key Words: advertisement English Advertisement linguistic Feature


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement





An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement


The word "advertising" derived form Latin word "adverture". Then it bears the meaning of "attention, attraction and making it known". To give a definition to advertising, its features have to be made clear as follows: seen from point of view of economic phenomenon, advertising bears all the essential features of investment-output relationship that every economic activity bears. This is at the same time the key point that distinguishes advertising. Broadly speaking, there are two groups of advertising. One is broad advertising which does not aim at financial gains, such as government proclamation, commonweal propaganda. The other refers to economic activities that aim at financial gains. Most of the advertising without a determiner before it refers to the latter. Advertising is a sort of communication, but not all communication equals advertising. Advertising communication distinguishes itself from general communication. Advertising, at its first place belongs to the economic realm. It exists in the market with the features of investment-out-put relationship. However, not all the things/tools that have been advertised that can be call as advertising. Meanwhile, not all ads simply mean making it know. Advertising is a concentrated, integrated, commercial art, advertising English as a applied language, because of its special utility, has gradually from the common English independent development and become non standardized special of language, words and sentences in English also have many differences, and with the development of advertising, the advance of time, the progress of science and technology and social change to change. Nowadays advertising has penetrated into every corner of our life as its transmitting media in many forms: newspaper, magazine, TV, radio as well as network. The goal of advertising decides its language to be simple and direct, distinct from the characteristics of other discourses. Advertising is a science, is also an art. Advertising is a constantly changing of living body, and full of variables, difficult to control. He can influence or even change people's attitudes, feeling and behavior. It can be used as a means of advertising business to establish brand popularity, thereby to bring considerable profit and glorious reputation, in the fierce market competition to improve their products market share for the society to increase new information, which is indispensable link in the enterprise management. Its initiative attracts a lot of people who to deplete their ability and creation for it. Advertising has become many people’s challenge objec t, advertising work has become many people to appreciate the artwork. Advertising is such a vitality and attractive world, lead us to serious study, in the sea of advertising to sail travel. These are worth of studying. Thus an analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English in the linguistic field is worthwhile. Under such circumstances, a study on the linguistic features of advertising English will have practical effects on the composing and translating work of the copywriters. The purpose of advertising is to promote products, therefore, it is first consideration that how to make the advertisement become more attractive. It has formed its own unique style of language and features. The paper from the lexical, syntax and rhetoric in three aspects, analyzes its linguistic features.


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

1.The Features of Headline Advertisement

The headline or display line appears in most advertisements for several reasons. First, it is an attention-getting device; secondly, it also selects an audience by appealing to a specific group, as this line dose: Arthritics reduce painful inflammation and get stomach upset protection. (An ad for medicine) Finally, it is the key factor in getting people to read the body copy.

The title is the most important part of advertisement, the advertising effect mainly depend on the power of the title. Whatever title the aspect of font, glyph and position will show its visualization and artistic characteristics, which can best attract people's attention, so in the advertising industry circulate a such sentence: "a good title, is equal to half of the advertising success." Such as: "Saturday Night on Sunday Morning."... This is a advertising title of selling video. They were sure to generate doubt when readers read the title, Saturday evening how to happens in Sunday morning? Time reversal of relationship is perverse, but you carefully read the back of information, finishing the text you see light suddenly. Video recorders on Saturday can record wonderful program, then the morning of Sunday to replay. The title fully arouse the readers to explore interest that why does it violate common sense, or exploring how to make out a good case, so that it will be good to attractive reader's attention.

2. Important Features of Advertisement Writing

1. Novel and clear writing, stimulating memory, promoting sale.

2. Repeat_____ the successful advertising tips (whether advertising repeatedly appear or advertising writing use repetition figure.)

3. Simple text____sometimes people don’t necessarily want to read the advertisement, therefore, it must express immediately its information content, don’t waste words. Short words, sentences, paragraphs can help to elucidate information, make it easy to read or accept.

4. Text is straightaway, meaning clear, if readers stay certain incognizant word, then the advertising naturally lost original attention. Therefore, advertising language should be easy to understand, the meaning is clear, we can’t use abstruse and ambiguous words.

3. The Features of Advertising English

Owing to commodity of market competition is particularly intense. In order to ensure product’s advertising can be maximum attract people's attention, advertising writer always choose novel vocabulary, concise sentence and vivid rhetoric, to win the consumers’favorite. Advertising English pass long-term development, in the lexical, syntactic and rhetoric aspect display certain features. English advertising is a unique linguistic form, it follows the normal rules of grammar, but there are still many unique way. The following part illustrates to analyze the features of English advertisements.


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

3.1 Lexical Characteristic of Advertising English

Words and phrases of advertising English are rich and colorful, but the ultimate goal is that every word of choice and use service to the "sell", so they usually possess an encouragement and appeal. To sum up the main representation as follows:

3.1.1 The Use of Adjectives

T he use of adjectives can add to products’ color, so English ads more use adjectives to describe the product's performance, quality, and so on, especially business in order to beautify the goods, strengthen the descriptive and attractive, adopt a lot of commendatory adjectives, or use adjectives comparative and superlative compared with other products, to drive up and highlight your goods, enhance consumer’s confidence. For example: (jeweled advertisement) S hangha’s first pearl dealer;Highest quality pearls with a widest selection of classic &creative designs;Excellent after-sales service;Fair price toevery customer.

The advertising used first, highest, widest, and other commendatory adjectives, it is very attractive.

English advertising headlines also appear in the evaluation, or exaggerated the superlative form of a commendatory adjective, strengthening its sales value. For instance: (Volks wagon). The world’s second greatest invention.

The above is Volkswagen car the products of advertisement. It writes” second largest”, a superlative adjective to make readers believe that this is a factual statement, thus enhancing the credibility of the claim, the brand of interest easy to be aroused. 3.1.2 The Use of personal pronouns

English advertising often use personal pronouns. The first person from advertisers (company) point of view set off, often make people feel more formal; The second person take consumers as focus, which can bring them a sense of participation; the third one, like "he" or "she" occasionally refer to inpidual experiences, or only is product spokesmen, to describe the product and do affirm the statement. For example: (1) (Le Meridian President Bangkok Hotel)

“Yes, you could say we have mastered the art of Thai ho spitality.”

The advertisement uses the "you" and "we" two kind of person, but the focus is "we", making people feel natural and kind when you read, like two friends(consume -rs and advertisers) in the dialogue. Such statements seem to derive from the

c onsumer’s judgment. It is easy to set up a goo

d imag

e for advertisers.

(2) In college,he decided to take Army ROTC.

Today,he’s deciding the future of a company.

In the advertising of headline, "he" is a successful business man, from the advertising know that Army ROTC is "a teaching people how to become wise course". The headline seems to have a value of the transformation: the "he" establish successful example for the reader, suggest that readers by learning this course like "he" achieve success in his career, therefore, it can satisfy the reader to success and power of the need.

(3) (Dupont)


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

She can turn this jar into a designer shirt.

The advertisement of the "her" is to symbolize authority of the chemical engineer, "she" is revolutionary regeneration of technology in the promotion of Dupont. It borrows celebrity authoritative power and influence, this technology is more reliable.

3.1.3 Word Creation

Advertisers in order to emphasize their product and different services, often create new words, strange words in English advertisement. New words can bring special impression for readers, and has a strong value of memory. For instance:

(1) We know eggactly how to sell eggs.

The ads in new word of "eggactly", it is coined by "exactly", the new words are so vivid that it emphasizes sales of products "eggs", strengthen the memory of advertising value.

(2) For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price sun kissed holiday.

“Twogether” derive from “together” of sound, and take "two people" meaning, it is more image than together, more amusing. Sometimes also deliberately used wrong words, new words or disorder collocation to spell new and strange words, satisfy consumers' pursuit of trendy, flaunt the personality of psychology, have unexpected effect. Such as: (fishing advertising) What can be delisher than fisher? Delisher refers to the voice of delicious to invented, the purpose is that it causes rhyming effect, emphasize fishing of fun with the “fisher”.

(3) (Toyota Supra Turbo)

Exclamation Marque

The headline is very brief, only two impressive words, especially the new word coined "Marque", it strengthens the brand car of abstract and hypothetical quality and design.

3.1.4 The Repeat of Vocabulary

Lexical repetition is commonly used skill, can play the role of emphasis and rendering, which is precisely advertising language to pursue the effect. For example: Easy to use, easy to clean, easy to assemble.

3.1.5 Using Acronym or Compound to Save Advertising pages

Advertising writing is often as much as possible to shorten the length, in order to reduce the cost. The use of acronyms and compounds can be found everywhere. Such as : Where to leave your troubles when you fly JAL. JAL is the short form of Japan Airlines.

3.1.6 Genteelism and Vulgarism

Genteelism and vulgarism commonly share the world, a riot of color. For example: The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door.Whether your taste be a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky. You will find the following pages filled with the worlds’ most elegant residences. Like await, be, manor elegant,


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

residence they all can use genteelism vocabularies under formal occasions. They replace these vulgarisms of wait, is, house, nice, place.

3.2 Syntax Characteristic of Advertising English

Advertising language is concise and conspicuous, therefore, apart from advertising English choose some words, use the attractive sentence. Advertisement should have its unique characteristics in syntax.

3.2.1 Prefer to Use Simple sentences

English advertising require to attract readers, a highly readable, so that readers can stick out a mile, therefore, language of English advertising must spend as little as possible the layout to effectively communicate information, arousing the reader’s desire to buy. For instance: A diamond lasts forever.

Advertising language in form also has distinctive characteristics also, style of writing is tidy, the balancing rhyme, easy to pronounce, let the person’s information is new, is unforgettable. What is called "excellent commodities of advertising are known to brief refining". For example: Cocacola

"SONY-take the world with you." let the world accompany you. (SONY)

Make dreams come true. Make your dream come true. (Disneyland)

Goods of trademark the same a man's name, it becomes the intangible asset and great wealth of the enterprise. Cocacola, Chinese translation is "Coca-Cola", keeping the original word of syllable, so that people listen to know it's beverage trademark, be full of sound and color, lead a person to endless aftertaste, it can say the effect exceed formerly, is typical case in trademark of translation.

3.2.2 More Uses Imperative Sentences

Advertising language has the very strong charisma, usually include popularization, colloquial tendency. In order to make the customer to the commodity have deep impression, at the same time it reduces the advertising expenses. Advertising author always rack their brains, using concise and strong form and full of temptation words, strive to achieve the best effect of commercial propaganda. As a "loaded language," advertising English more use imperative sentence to achieve succinct writing and impressive purpose. For example:

Turn it on! (PUMA)

Just do it. (Nike)

Obey your thirst. (Sprite)

In order to achieve the purpose of promotion, English advertising more use encouraging language, so that strengthening its persuasion. Imperative sentence itself contains request, appeal and advice people do something, it is often used in English advertisement. For example: Ask any one who owns one.(Automobile advertisement)

3.2.3 General Question

General question often used in the front of the advertising. Such as: (1) Have you ever dreamed of ascending the steps of great temple built to the Gods? (The adverting of travel agency)


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

(2) Can a tired overworked voice command attention in class?

The following advertising is made up by all the general questions:

Ph. D. s should have acquiring minds. Considering this a simple test.

A) Do you want to work in world class research laboratories?

B) Do you want to apply your research skills to keep successful business at the leading edge of world technology?

C) Do you want to build your career with a major international company headquartered in Australia?

If your answers to these questions are positive, BHP would like to talk to you.

Your first challenge is to discover more by calling Theoni Parthimos, our Senior Personnel Officer.

3.2.4 Elliptical Sentence

Elliptical sentence has simple structure, language is decisive and powerful, which can make the advertising in limited length of an article t convey more information. It strengthens the effect of advertising dissemination. For example:

We lead. Others copy. (Ricoh duplicator)

Intelligence is everywhere. (MOTOROLA mobile phone)

"We lead, others follow" the ad although only used "lead" and "copy" two simple verbs, ingeniously point out copy machine of function (copy) and Ricoh brand of the leading status in similar products can be said to be clever, kill two birds with one stone.

In English advertising, elliptical sentence exist everywhere, the omission of part frequently does not influence the transmission of information, makes the key words more prominent. Language is more concise, trip off the tongue and strong sense of rhythm. For example: Big Relief for Big Headache. ( Analgesic tablets) The sentence omit subject to make sentence compact, did not affect sentence meaning of expression.

3.2.5 Compound Sentence

Compound sentence is concise and easy to understand; Parallel structure, deepen our impression. For instance: Introducing FITNESS magazine. It’s about health, it’s about exercise, and it’s about your image, your energy and your outlook.

3.2.6 Negative Sentence and Active Tense and Present Tense

Negative sentences are less to use. Even using negative sentences, in order to reflect other commodities, or from the reverse side to highlight product features. For instance: We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class. We don’t have to. Sometimes active tense and present tense commonly use, giving a person a kind of direct the feeling, and suggest that commodity is durable and eternal characteristics. Such as: Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 a part. Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.

3.3 Using Rhetoric


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

Successful advertising English, language is beautiful, harmonious, vivid, concise and humorous, make people be photographic and is a joy for ever. While the use of a variety of rhetoric, it is key that realize art of advertising language art to the. These rhetorical means mainly includes simile and metaphor, personification, pun, etc.

3.3.1 Analogy

Analogy is the feature of things on certain respect. It is rhetoric means that they will assimilate thing with other thing. It includes metaphor and simile two kinds, the mark of simile is to use of "as" and "like", metaphor is not. For instance:

(1) Omega

The link between the past and the future.

The advertisement title used metaphor rhetoric, omega watches were compared to the temporal ligament. The text explained Swiss watch of brand had a long history, has been leading fashionable trends. The metaphors and advertisement content was matching, product brand was put in the center of advertising. It was able to be prominent in the title, therefore, the product easy to be remembered by readers. (2) (Lufthanese Air)

Everything operates like clock work.

This is a similes technique of advertising. The advertisement emphasizes the working accuracy and efficiency of German Lufthansa, which is naturally to establish good image the company.

(3) The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips.

The Ad put lipstick compared to become satin (satin). It is obviously say that the lipstick wipe on the lip, as if to put on the bright, soft, translucent and smooth silk. 3.3.2 Parallelism

Parallelism is to take two or more than two structures as same structure, phrase or sentence of related content is associate each other and arranged in a string. This figure can make content display more prominent, bright, administrative levels are clear, the rhythm is lively. For example: He made the world listen.

We let the world speak.

The structure of two sentences is balance and equivalence. Advertisers’ Siemens and Beethoven will put in same position, make use of Beethoven's image is to establish a good image for themselves, demonstrated the confidence of the advertisers.

3.3.3 Personification

Personification is endowed with inanimate thing by people's feelings and actions. The rhetoric in advertising to give readers a kind feeling, it makes the goods have life, add the commodity of human touch. For example: Time will tell.

Time will be to testify. In the Ad, the personification of rhetoric means use to be very ingenious, explain the product is durable, stand the test of time.

3.3.4 Pun


An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisement

Pun refers to the use of certain language homophones or synonymous characteristic, which make a sentence or a phrase involves two things. Pun rhetoric can highlight the product or service, and increase the readability of the advertising and value of memory. Such as: A sound way to learn English.

This is an advertising of English teaching tapes, the word "sound" is a homonym, it not only can be used as adjectives and as a noun, it has two meanings: directly surface meaning "voice" and more important implication that meaning is "reliable", therefore, product quality is more outstanding.

3.3.5 Irony

Irony is that an obvious fact and principle of generation use irony to narrate, and from the irony let people to understand the absurd, debating the truth, so as to achieve the real purpose of irony. For instance: If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don’t listen. They’re probably trying to trick you into livi ng.

The advertising is about stopped smoking, using the technique of ironic expression, so that consumers realize the benefit smoking cessation in the irony ___longevity. 4. Aesthetic Exploration of Advertising Language

Such as: certain airport advertising is "Buy Buy!" It ably make use of same sound between bye and buy with sound, to create the above the advertisement, when the visitors see the Advertisement, They naturally think whether they should buy some souvenirs to go home?

4.1 Rhyming

Rhyming is the poems of writing skills, however, in English advertising is often to transplant, it makes the sentence tone have be coherent, rhythm, cadence, harmonious rhythm and passion. Its application will reflect a beauty of rhythm, thus increasing the expressive force. Such as: "First came, First cut." The advertisement rhyme alliteration, structure of parallelism, let readers have the idea of entering store. In addition, onomatopoeia of beauty in the writing of English advertisements can also enhance its advertising dynamic, giving a person have deep impression. Such as: Deck the hallsWith Plop Plop Plop; Fizz, plop?

Fa la la la la la... Ahhhhh (Painkillers)

This is advertising of painkiller according to Christmas song to adapt. They use a lot of onomatopoetic of word. It highlights the voiced effect, which will vividly describe people’s happy scene in Christmas. However, everything all is to take “Alkaseltzer.” After removing the stomach pain, then you will be able to enjoy happiness of Christmas.

4.2 Font Beauty

26 alphabets has its own beauty, it is said that English letters is also hieroglyphs, which gives extremely vivid connotation. Throughout the contemporary world of CI image of symbol, a significant part is consisted of characters (purely use words, not graphics). As the world famous Toyota Motor of TOYOTA, the United States


