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【2013湖南邵阳】A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,每小题2分)

A: Hi, Liming. Are you free this evening? B: 66 . What’s up?

A: I hear Titanic in 3D is on at Shaoyang Theater this evening. B: Really? I’m looking forward to watching it. A: Would you like to go with me? B: Yes, 67 . What time will it start? A: At 7:00. Let’s go together. B: Great. 68 ?

A: At the gate of the theater. B: 69 . See you then. A: 70 .

【答案】 66. Yes, I am. 67.I’d like/love to 68.Where shall we meet 69. All right/ OK 70. See you 【2013福建福州】II.用恰当的词语填空,完成对话。每空一词。(每小题1分,共5分) W: Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?

M: Yes. There is 101 on Zhongshan Road. It's between the parking lot and the supermarket. W: How 102 is it from here?

M: About thirty minutes' walk. You can 103 the No. 14 bus there. W: Thank you. By the way, 104 the bus stop? M: It's at the end of this street. You can't 105 it. W: Thanks for your help. M: You're welcome. 【答案】

101.one 102.far 103. take 104. where’s 105. miss

【2013山东菏泽】阅读下面对话,从方框中选择五个最适当的句子完成对话(其中有2个选项是多余的)。 Li Yang: Good morning. Mathew.

Mathew: Good morning, Li Yang. (56) Li Yang: There's still smog (雾霾) today. We'll have to go to school with face masks(口罩).

Mathew:(57) According to the news, PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution. Li Yang: Yes, and air pollution has done harm to people's health.

Mathew:So the Chinese government and Chinese people must take action to fight it. Li Yang: (58) Mathew:Since PM2.5 is mainly caused by vehicles(机动车)and factories,cars with large emissions(排放)should not be allowed and factories should be closely watched

Li Yang: (59) We hope that more and more people will join us in making the blue skies return for good.




豆芽网—taoti.beijing518.com A. I hope so, too. B. Can you give any advice? C. I don't think so. D. What a pity! E. I agree. F. What's the weather like today? G. That's OK. 请将选项的代号填入下面对应的横线上:

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 【答案】56-60 FDBEA

【2013浙江舟山、嘉兴】B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 freedom meet cool encourage wrong

Tom; Hi, Dad, do you have time for a chat? I have 66 some problems. Dad: Oh, Tom, what’s 67? Tom; Dad, you and mum are always around me. I don’t have my own time and 68 Dad: Are we?

Tom: Yes. I always have to obey you, but I’m able to decide my own business now. Dad: Oh, I didn’t realize that we hardly 69 you to make your own decision in the past. Tom: Dad, I have grown up. Please don’t treat me like a child. Dad: I’m sorry. Well try to change ourselves. Tom: That’s 70. Dad: Son, remember, we are always open for a chat.

【答案】:66. met 67. wrong 68. freedom 69. encouraged 70. cool 【2013贵州安顺】D. 根据所给汉语提示完成对话。 A: Hey, where are you going?

B: I don’t know. I just walk because I’m unhappy. A: Oh? 16 ?(怎么了)

B: I have no money and my parents don’t give me any to buy my favorite things, either. A: Then would you like 17 (找一分兼职工作)? I can’t help you.

B: 18 (我已和他们谈过了)but they don’t agree with me. So can you tell me 19 ? (我能怎么办)

A: You can talk about your problems with your relations(亲戚). 20 .(让他们和你的父母谈) B:Good idea. Thank you! A: You’re welcome.

【答案】16.What’s wrong/ What’s the matter(with you)?/ What’s up? 17. to look for a part-time job? 18. I (have) talked (about it) with them.

19. what I can do/ what to do/ how to do it/ how I can do it 20. Let them talk with/ to your parents

16. 【解析】联系上下文并结合汉语提示“怎么了?”,此处可用句型灵活。所以正确答案为What’s wrong/ What’s the matter(with you)?/ What’s up?。

17. 【解析】根据汉语提示“找一份兼职工作”为look for a part-time job,而would like后要接动词不定式。所以正确答案为to look for a part-time job?。

18. 【解析】根据汉语提示“我已和他们谈过了”使用短语talk with sb.,根据实际情况,既可用一般过去时,也可用现




在完成时。所以正确答案为I (have) talked (about it) with them.。

19. 【解析】此处可以用宾语从句what I can do或how I can do it,但要注意“从句部分用陈述句语序”的原则,也可以用由疑问词构成的不定式短语what to do或how to do it。所以正确答案为what I can do/ what to do/ how to do it/ how I can do it。

20. 【解析】此句将let …sb. do sth.和talk with/ to sb.两个短语结合使用,所以正确答案为Let them talk with/ to your parents。

第三节补全对话。根据上下文的意思,把下列对话补充完整.(共5个小题,每小题1分) 【2013湖南株洲】A: Good afternoon. B: Good afternoon.

A: Welcome to the English Comer. 71. ____________________? B: I am from Grade Nine.

A: How long have you been learning English? B: 72__________________.

A: Why do you come to the English Corner? B: 73.______________.

A: What advice can you give to the English Comer? B: 74._____________.

A: Great. You speak good English. B: 75. _____________. 【主旨大意】

本文是属于填句子的补全对话题型,是补全对话中难度最大的题型。主要是采访的形式询问B同学来自几年级、学英语的时间、为何来英语角以及来此提和建议的简短对话。做题的关键之处就是根据语境及上下文的联系作答。本题属于开放性的主观对话试题,答案不唯一,考查学生的实际语言运用能力。 【答案】

71. Which grade are you from?/ Where are you from? 【解析】由答语I am from Grade Nine. 可知上句询问你来自几年级或你来自哪里?

72. I have been leaning English for three years/for a long time. 【解析】上句问“你一直学英语多久了?”是现在完成进行时,问与回答时态要一致,重在回答出时间。

73. Because my English is weak, I want to practice speaking English./ Because I want to improve my English.【解析】情理推断题。根据常识去英语角的目的就是提高英语。

74. Everyone in the English Corner should read English after school/The members of the English Corner should talk with English./We should invite an foreign teacher to teach us.

We should do more practice when we are in the English corner. 【解析】根据上句关于英语角的建议,可以是学英语方面的问题或经验介绍,答案不唯一。

75. Thank you. 【解析】当对方夸你时,答语是Thank you。

【2013 湖南衡阳】根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。(共5小题,计10分)

A: Do you know the earthquake in China not long ago?

B: (71) ___________.But I only know a little about the earthquake.




A: Many people died and got hurt in the earthquake. B: (72) ______________.Where did it happen? A: It happened in Ya’an, Sichuan Province. B: (73)_____________?

A: It happened on April 20th, 2013. B: (74)_____________?

A: We should try our best to help them. B: (75)_______________.

【答案】71 .Yes,I do. 72. I’m sorry to hear that. 73. When did it happen? 74. What should we do? 75. Sure./I think so./I agree with you.


(Sally is talking with her friend Bill on the phone.)B-Bill S-Sally B: Hello, this is Bill.

S: Hello, this is Sally. The summer vacation is coming. (80)________________? B: I haven’t decided yet. How about you?

S: I am going to London. I have dreamed of visiting that place for a long time. B: (81)_______________________________?

S: Because there are many places interest there, such as the Big Ben, London Eye, the Olympic Stadium and so on. B: That’s great. (82)_________________________? S: My parents. Would you like to go with us?

B: (83)__________________________? I have planed to be a volunteer to help the people in Ya’an. S: (84)__________________. Good luck to you! B: Thanks.


80. What are you going to do/Where are you going? 81. Why are you going there? 82. Who are you going with? 83. No, I can’t./Sorry, I can’t. 84. That’s a good idea.

【2013湖北咸宁】八、补全对话 (每小题2分,共8分) Assistant: Can I help you?

Jane: (78) ______________________________.

Assistant: May I know who it is for? Maybe I can give you some help.

Jane: For myself. You know, I have a two-month holiday. I want to be in KFC as a part-time worker. Assistant: I see. (79) ______________________________? Jane: Um…I prefer light blue.

Assistant: There’re many styles of suits. (80) ______________________________? Jane: It’s soft and smooth. I really like it. Can I try it on now?




Assistant: Of course. It’s suitable for you to wear uniforms at work. Jane: Thanks so much. (81) ______________________________? Assistant: It is made of cotton. It’s cheap and nice. Jane: Great! I think I will take it. 【答案】

78. I am looking for a suit./ I want to buy a suit./I need a suit. 79. What color do you need/want/prefer/like?

80. What do you think of this one?/How do you like this one?/What/How about this one? 81. What’s it made of ?

【2013黑龙江绥化】B) Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences. D—doctor T—Tom

D: Good morning. Tom. 51____________________________________________? T: I don’t feel very well.

D: Have you taken your temperature?

T: 52____________________________________________. My temperature is a little higher. D: 53____________________________________________? T: Ever since last night.

D: Open your mouth and say“Ah…”. You have a cold. T: Is it serious?

D: 54 _________________. Take the medicine three times a day, and you’ll be all right soon. T: 55____________________________________________. 【答案】

51.What’s wrong (with you)?/ What’s the matter (with you)?/ What’s the problem (with you)?/ What’s the trouble(with you)?/ What’s your trouble? 52. Yes, I have.

53. How long have you been like this?

54. There’s nothing serious. / It’s nothing serious. /Nothing serious. 55. Thanks (a lot). /Many thanks. / Thank you (very much). 评分说明:其它符合语堍的正确答案,也可给分。 【2013贵州安顺】B. 根据对话内容排序。

66. 67. 68. 69. 70. A: My mother has taught me since I was four years old. B: What do you want to be when you grow up?

C: Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the Violin Competition. Who taught you? D: Thanks for your answer. E: I want to be a violinist.

【答案】66. C 67. A 68. B 69. E 70. D

66. 【解析】选C。此句是记者在采访时说的第一句话,先表示祝贺,再说明情况,然后提出问题。所以选择答案C。 67. 【解析】选A。结合前句提问“谁教你?”此句回答“my mother”。所以选择答案A。




68. 【解析】选B。接下来,记者提出第二个问题“当你长大了想要做什么?”。所以选择答案B。 69. 【解析】选E。回答前句对理想职业的询问,“I want to be a violinist.”,所以选择答案E。 70. 【解析】选D。最后记者结束访问,说了一句“Thanks for your answer.”,所以选择答案D。

【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences. M: Tina, Jenny’s birthday is coming.

W: Really? (51) ?

M: It’s on Saturday, June 29th. I want to give her a gift, but I don’t know what I can buy for her. (52) ? W: OK. What does she like doing? M: She likes listening to music. W: Why not get her a CD player?

M: That’s too expensive. (53) . W: What about an album of popular songs? M: That’s a great idea! Thanks, Tina. (At a supermarket.) W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, please. (54) . W: Well, how do you like this one? It sells well these days.

M: I think it’s wonderful. (55) ? W: $15.

M: I’ll take it. Here is the money. 补全对话B(填句子型) 【主旨大意】

这段对话是关于咨询朋友Tina给Jenny购买什么生日礼物以及和售货员之间的对话,对话涉及: (1)何时是Jenny的生日(2)请求对方出主意 (3)询问价格等典型的日常交际用语。 51. When is her birthday? / When is it? / What's the date (of her birthday)?

52. Can you give me some advice? /Do you have some (any) good ideas? /What should I do? /Can you help me? 53. I can't afford it. /I'm afraid I cannot buy it. / I don't have enough money.

54. I want to buy an album of popular songs. / I'd like an album of popular songs. / I'm looking for an album of popular songs. 55. How much is it? /What's the price of it? /How much does it cost?

【2013河南】根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Tony! What are you doing here? B: Hi, Judy! I'm reading about travelling.

A: About travelling? 76. _____________________?

B: Yes, I'm planning to travel during my summer vacation. Summer is the perfect time for fun and I'd like to stay cool in the hot weather.

A: That'll be fun! 77. _________ ___________?

B: Not yet. I'm looking for a place I've never been to. Any suggestions?

A: 78. . It's quite cool there in summer. I'm sure you will like that place because there are many fun




activities. And the food there is also special.

B: 79.______________ _______. Thanks for your suggestion. What's your plan for the summer vacation? A: I will stay at home. 80. ________ __________. But please tell me about your vacation after you come back. B: No problem. 【答案】

76. Are you planning (for) your/the summer vacation Are you planning/Do you plan to travel/go travel(l)ing Do you have any plans for the summer vacation

77. Have you decided/made up your mind/found out where to go/visit Have you decided on the place 78. I think you can go to...

I suggest (that) you go toll suggest your going to... My suggestion is that you go to... You may/can go to...

79. That's a good/great idea/That's great/ good It sounds/Sounds good/great (Then) 1 will go to... I'll think about it

80. I'll help my father with his business/… I'll help my mother with the housework/... I'll do my homework/... 【2013陕西】 (B) A: Nick, are you busy now?

B: No. 81_________________________

A: I need your help. I’m planning for tomorrow’s Chinese class, Can we talk about it? B: You mean the activity of “Spring in my eyes”? A: Yes. What are you going to do

B: Er… 82_____________________________________ A: I don’t know.84 ______________________________________

B: Let me see, You like drawing. I think you can draw a picture about spring.

A: 85_________________________________________________. I’ll do that tomorrow. 【答案】

81. What’s the matter/ What’s up/ Why/ Why are you asking?

82. I’ll sing a song/I am going to sing a song/I can sing a song/ I’d like to sing a song/ I want to sing a song. 83. What (How) about you/ What are you going to do/ What will you do?

84. Can(Could/ Would) you give me some advice/Can(could/ Would) you give me some advice to me/ Do you have any advice(any suggestions/ any good ideas)/ Any advice/ Any suggestions/ Any good ideas?

85. That sounds great (good/like a good idea)/ That’s a good idea/ Sounds great (good/like a good idea)/ Good idea. 【2013黑龙江哈尔滨】(B) 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A: How are you , Jane?




B: Fine, 79 . And you?

A: Very well. I’ve head that a foreign teacher is helping the people in Ya’an. 80 don’t we do something for others? B: That’s a good idea. Do you have any plans for it?

A: I’m going to give my old clothes to the children in the countryside together 81 my father. Would you like to join us? B: 82 love to. When shall we go there?

A: I have time on 83 Friday and Saturday. How about you?

B: I’m busy on Friday but 84 on Saturday morning. Shall we start at 10 o’clock? A: Sorry, I’m afraid not. Let’s 85 it 10:30 on Saturday. B: That would be fine. Shall we meet at the school gate? A: All right.

79.______ 80.______ 81._____ 82._____ 83.______ 84.______ 85._______ 79. thanks【解析】有问句How are you, Jane?可知答语为Fine, thanks.。 80. Why【解析】Why don’t we…?相当于Why not…? 意为“为什么不……?” 81. with【解析】with sb.“和某人在一起”。

82. I’d 【解析】由问句Would you like to join us?可知答语为I’d love to.。 83. both 【解析】both …and…表示“两者都”。

84. free 【解析】由前面的busy和but可知此处表示星期六上午有空,故填free。 85. make【解析】make it为固定用法,用于约定时间。

【2013广西南宁】 请根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整与正确,并将答案填在答题卡相应的横钱上。每空一词。

A: Why is there never a bus when you want one, Sam?

B: Good question, Liza. There aren’t enough buses on this route(线路). A: Sometimes I feel81writing a letter to the newspaper. B: Good idea. You should say that we82more subway lines, too. A: Yeah. There should be more public transport. B: And fewer 83 ! The traffic is so heavy. A: Sam, is that 84 bus coming? B: Yes, it is. But, look! There are so many people! A: Oh, no! Let's 85 a taxi together, or we'll be late. 【答案】81.like 82.need 83.taxis 84.a 85.take 【2013山东临沂】八、补全对话(共5小题,计10分)


Rita and Lisa are at home. Rita is surfing the Internet and Lisa is reading a book.

Rita: Hi, Lisa. 86. ? Lisa: Yes, of course, I really want some cheap film tickets. There is a new film in the theater

now.87. ? Rita: Forty yuan for one ticket.

Lisa: Are you kidding me? Usually one ticket is about 100 yuan.

Rita: Yeah, it’s the usual price. But, here, on this group-buying website, it’s much cheaper. Lisa: Let me see!(Comes to the computer)Yes, it’s true!




Rita: Now, many of my friends buy film tickets on this website.

Lisa: Just now you said“group-buying”,88. ? Rita: It is“B2T”—Business to Team. In B2T, we can bulk discounts(大幅优惠). Lisa: So we can save a lot of money! It is really a good idea to go group-buying.

Rita: That’s all right, 89, ?We’d better hurry, for the tickets will sell out very soon. Lisa: I want four tickets!90. ? Rita: You’re welcome.

【答案】 86. Do you want (to buy) some (cheap) film tickets? 87. How much is one (a) ticket? How much is it? 88. What is it? / What is “group-buying”? 89. How many tickets do you want?

90. Thank you (very much)./ Thanks a lot. / Thanks.



A: What are you going to do next weekend? B: I have no __46__. A: Would you like to do something with me? B: Sure. What are you going to do? A: How __47__ going boating on Saturday? B: That sounds good. Where are we going to meet?

A: At my house. My father has a car. He can __48__ us to the lake. B: What time shall we leave?

A: At 5:30 in the morning. Boating is good at that time. B: So early? Can we make __49__ a little later? A: Well, no __50__,What about 6:00?

B: OK. I'll get to your house at 5:50. See you tomorrow. 【答案】

46. idea 47. about 48. take 49. it 50. problem


根据对话内容,在每个标有题号的空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整,合乎情景。 A: Hi, Tony. I didn't see you last Sunday. Did you go on the school trip? B: 11. ______________________________. I stayed at home. A: Oh, really? 12.___________________________? B: Because I had a lot of things to do.

A:13. ______________________________ ?

B: I cleaned my room and did my homework. Then I watched TV . A: Not much fun, I think.

B :Well, it wasn't very bad. I played basketball that afternoon . Was the school trip interesting? A:14.______________________________. We went to the park and the zoo. We had a very good time .




B:15.______________________________? A: We came back at about 5:30 in the afternoon.

【主旨大意】Tony因为有许多事情要做,包括打扫房间、做家庭作业、看电视,所以呆在家里,没有去进行学校旅行,对话内容还提到了学校旅行的情况,包括学校旅行很有趣,去了公园和动物园,玩得很高兴,返回的时间。 【答案】11. No .(或 No , I didn't) 12. Why? (Why did you stay at home?)

13. What did you do? 14. Yes. (Yes, it was.) 15.What time (When) did you come back?

【2013 湖北黄冈】第二节补全对话(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分) 根据语境,用恰当的语言完成对话。 A: Hi, Peter. 87 ? B: Hi, Mike. I’m waiting for a bus. A: 88 ?

B: I’m going to the bookstore. I want to buy some books. Would you like to go with me? A: I’d like to. 89 ? B: Books on science. By the way, ten days ago our country succeeded in sending up Shenzhou Ⅹ , do you know? A: Yes. It shows our country is becoming stronger and stronger. I’m proud of it.

B: 90 .So as students, we are supposed to study hard to do something for our country. A: That’s true. Oh, here comes the bus. B: OK. 91 . 参考答案:

87. What are you doing here? /Why are you here? 88. Where are you going?

89. What (kinds of) books do you want to buy? What (kinds of) books do you like? 90. So am I 91. Let’s go

【2013湖南长沙】第一节完成对话 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(共5小题,计10分) A: Hello, Betty. What did you do last summer vacation? B: I visited my uncle. A: 66 ?

B: He lives in Dalian, a beautiful city. A: 67 ?

B: I stayed there for a week, 68 ? A: No, I haven't. But I'm going to spend a holiday there.

B: You'd better go to Dalian in summer, so you can enjoy swimming in the sea. A: 69 . I will go there this summer vacation. B: 70 ?

A: By plane.

【答案】 66. Where does your uncle / he live

67. How long did you stay there / in Dalian 68. Have you ever been there / in Dalian




69. Good idea / A good / wonderful idea 70. How are you going there / to Dalian

【2013广西贺州】B. 根据对话内容与上下文,在空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整。每空一次。 A: Hello, Paul. Glad to see you again. 76 did you go last week? B: I went to visit London 77 my parents. A: 78 was your trip?

B: It was exciting and fantastic. We’ll never 79 it. A: Did you take a train to London? B: No, we went there 80 plane. A: Where did you visit?

B: We visited some 81 of interest, such as Big Ben, London Bridge and Buckingham Palace. A: Wow, that sounds wonderful. What 82 did you do?

B: You won’t believe it, we met an 83 , Jackie Chan! And we 84 some photos with him. A: That’s great! Can you show 85 the photos tomorrow? B: Of course. B) 填词型对话

76. Where 【解析】句意:上周你去______了?根据下文I went to visit London...可知问的是地点,故填where, 首字母要大写。

77. with 【解析】句意:我_____父母去参观伦敦了。My parents表示人的短语,故填with表示“与父母一起去”的。 78. How 【解析】句意:你的旅行_____? 根据下文it was exciting and fantastic,可知问是方式,故填How,位于句首,首字母必须大写。

79.forget 【解析】句意:我们永远不会______它。It指代trip, 前面的赞美提示后句表达难以忘记它,故定位forget,will是情态动词,故填原形。

80.by【解析】句意:我们________飞机去那儿的。本句已经有了谓语动词went, 故所缺的是方式状语,plane属交通工具,故填介词by, 不需变化形式。

81.places【解析】句意:我们参观了一些有趣的_____, 例如大本钟、伦敦桥和白金汉宫。根据后面的地名可知填places, 要用复数形式,因为前面有some; 另外注意积累固定短语:places of interest有趣的地方;风景胜地。

82.else 【解析】句意:你们还做了_______什么吗?结合语境,可知除了上面的事情外,你们还做别的什么事了吗? 故填else, else常和疑问词连用,引导特殊疑问句。

83.actor【解析】句意:说起来你不会相信,我们还遇见了一位_______, 成龙!本题的Jackie Chan这个名字同学们要熟悉,是成龙的英文名字,那么前面的an也可帮助大家,故填actor,用单数形式。

84.took【解析】句意:而且我们还和他一起___________照了。拍照:take photos, 本句所缺的是谓语动词,联系上文,故填take的过去式took。

85.me【解析】句意:明天你能把照片带给____看吗?说话的双方只有Paul和“我”,故填me, show sb. sth.给某人看某物。 【2013湖南益阳】B) 完成对话

通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容。 A: Hi, Lin Yang! How was your vacation? B: It was pretty good.

A: 71 ?




B: I went to Dalian.

A: 72 . B: I went there with my pen pal.

A: Your pen pal ? 73 ? B: He comes from Beijing. A: 74 ? B: He is tall and thin. He is a boy with a big head. A: 75 ?

B: Because we both like the sea. A: I hope I can go there some day. 71. Where did you go? 72. Who did you go there with? 73. Where does he come from? 74. What does he look like? 75. Why is he your pen pal ?


【2013湖南娄底】A)完成对话(共5小题,计10分) 通读下列对话,然后拫据上下文补全对话内容。

There will be a sports meeting in the school next week. Tony wants to take part in it, but he doesn’t have a sports T-shirt. So he decides to buy one. S= Shop assistant T= Tony S: Good morning. 61 T: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a sports T-shirt. S: 62 T: My favorite color is white. S: How about this one? T: Oh, it’s very nice. 63 S: 180 yuan.

T: It’s too expensive. I can’t pay for it. Do you have a cheaper one? S: Yes. This one is only 100 yuan.

T: Well, this one looks very good, and the price is OK. 64 S: Here you are. T: 65 【答案】

61. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?

62. What’s your favorite color?/ What color do you like best? /What color is your favorite? 63. How much is it?/ How much is this one? 64. I’ll take it.

65. Thank you./ Thanks (a lot).






